Conflict between the Aborigines and the Chief Protector of Aboriginal,

„But ohh, they‟re not going to call me names, not going to insult me,‟ said Carrie and Bertha p.117-118. The quotation above explains about friends of Alice, Carrie and Bertha, who are angry because a man mocks them as a cloud rain. They are called that because of the color of their skins, black. Carrie and Bertha try to approach the man but then Jessie forbids them. Then the conflict arises between Jessie who wants Carrie and Bertha to be patient and Carrie and Bertha who do not agree and they do not like being treated like what the man do. Jessie insists not to approach the man so they will not get into trouble and just accept the situation, meanwhile Carrie and Bertha want to teach the man some manner. In the end, the man runs away from them.Here is one of the racial discrimination toward the Aborigines, which the police or the law will directly blame the Aborigines for what happen if there is a problem between Aborigines and white people.

B. Racial discrimination Reflected through the Conflicts.

As what has stated in first chapter of the study, this study aims to reveal racial discrimination toward the Aborigines by the white people. In addition, in the previous subchapter of this analysis, the conflicts of the novel have been discussed. The conflicts of the novel have a significant role in revealing racial discrimination. In the novel, Alice deals with some problems. Most of them are the problems of racial discrimination toward the Aborigines by white people. In this study, the writer tries to examine the essence of the conflict and then relates them to racial discrimination. To achieve the goal of the study, the writer uses socio-cultural historical approach. According to William Harmon and Hugh Holman, in their book, A Handbook to Literature , “Historical criticism is criticism that approaches work in terms of social, cultural, and historical context in which it was produced” 2009:245. Based on John K. Roth in International Encyclopedia of Ethics, the following discussion is divided into two subchapter, legal discrimination and institutional discrimination. Legal discrimination is an “unequal treatment that sustained by law”, whereas institutional discrimination is unequal treatment to a person or some groups that is noted in social custom 1995:231-231.

1. Legal discrimination.

There are some conflicts that reveal racial discrimination toward the Aborigines. This subchapter discusses legal discrimination that happens to the Aborigines. The conflicts that reveal racial discrimination especially legal discrimination are between Alice with a worker man, Mr. Neville, anda man who own a hotel.

a. Conflict between Alice and a white male worker.

The racial discrimination that is revealed through the conflict is legal discrimination. That is because the discrimination is based on the law on 19 th century which proh ibits the Aborigines‟ movement.