Basing social welfare and protection reform on evidence


Research Objectives The rapid assessment of the Child Social Welfare Program PKSA has been commissioned to provide the Ministry of Social Affairs MoSA and UNICEF with information on the performance of the program and with recommendations for its future implementation. According to the TOR the study has to meet the following objectives: 1. To assess whether the current model of PKSA program delivery is effective and efficient with regard to achieving relevant and sustainable child protection outcomes and impact and plays an appropriate role in in the Indonesian social welfare and child protection system. 2. To develop recommendations to strengthen PKSA effectiveness and efficiency by improving – where necessary – PKSA procedures like targeting, verification, delivery of transfers, linking beneficiaries to basic social services, determining and monitoring of conditionalities, implementation of the exit strategy and providing follow-up to exiting beneficiaries in the broader context of strengthening the Indonesian child protection system, and aligned with the establishment of integrated social welfare services in three pilot provinces. 3. To revise PKSA guidelines in line with the recommendation given. The results related to the first two objectives are documented in this report. Recommendations for revising the PKSA guidelines are given in a separate report. 7 Rapid Assessment of the Child Social Welfare Program PKSA Figure 1. Map of Fieldwork Research Tools and Data Collection The data required to produce the outputs listed above have been collected through desk reviews and through fieldwork in three provinces. The desk review covered publications on social protection and child protection in Indonesia with focus on PKSA and other social cash transfer programs see references. It also covered all available evaluations, policy documents, guidelines, statistics, and budget documents. Case records compiled by social workers, child growth monitoring cards, student attendance reports, and social worker’s reports were randomly selected and reviewed. The fieldwork was conducted in 3 consecutive weeks of October and November 2014 by a research team that consisted of a team leader from Team Consult and three researchers from Universitas Padjadjaran. Fieldwork covered 6 districts: East Jakarta and West Jakarta DKI Jakarta Province, Kota Surakarta and Kota Magelang Central Java Province and Kota Makassar and Kabupaten Gowa South Sulawesi Province. These areas were selected in consultation with UNICEF. They include districts, where most sub-programs of PKSA are implemented since 2009 and wherethe Ministry of Social Affairs and UNICEF’s 3 area-based pilot programs of integrated social welfare and social protection interventions for child protection in Indonesia are located. 1. OBJECTIVES AND METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY 8 Rapid Assessment of the Child Social Welfare Program PKSA