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A RT ICLE 5 Any manpower shall have the same opportunity to get a job without discrimination. A RT ICLE 6 Every worker labourer has the right to receive equal treatment without discrimination from their employer.


INFORMATION A RT ICLE 7 1 For the sake of manpower development, the government shall establish manpower policy and develop manpower planning. 2 Manpower planning shall include: a. Macro manpower planning; and b. Micro manpower planning. 3 In formulating policies, strategies, and implementation of sustainable manpower development program, the government must use the manpower planning as mentioned under subsection 1 as guidelines. A RTICLE 5 Every person who is available for a job shall have the same right and opportunity to find a decent job and to earn a decent living without being discriminated against on grounds of sex, ethnicity, race, religion, political orientation, in accordance with the person’s interest and capability, including the provision of equal treatment to the disabled. A RTICLE 6 Entrepreneurs are under an obligation to give the worker labourer equal rights and responsibilities without discrimination based on sex, ethnicity, race, religion, skin color, and political orientation. A RTICLE 7 Subsection 1 Manpower planning that is formulated and established by the government shall be implemented through sector-based, regional a nd na tiona l ma npower pla nning approaches. Subsection 2 Point a Macro manpower planning is a process of systematically formulating manpower planning, which makes effective, productive and optimal use of workforce in order to support economic or social developments at national, regional or sector-based level. In this way as many as possible job opportunities can be made available while job productivity and workers labourers’ welfare can also be increased. Point b Micro manpower planning is a process of systematically formulating manpower planning within an agency – either a government agency or a private agency – in order to enhance the effective, productive and II - 109 A RT ICLE 8 1 Manpower planning shall be developed on the basis of manpower information, which, among others, includes information concerning: a. Population and manpower; b. Employment opportunity; c. Job training including job competence; d. Workers’ productivity; e. Industrial relations; f. Working environment condition; g. Wages system and workers’ welfare; and h. Social security for the employed. 2 T he manpower information as mentioned under subsection 1 shall be obtained from all related parties, including from government and private agencies. 3 Provisions concerning procedures for acquiring manpower information as well as procedures for the formulation and implementation of manpower planning as mentioned under subsection 1 shall be regulated with a Government Regulation.