II - 106 termination of employment relationship because of a certain thing that results in the coming of an end of the rights and obligations of the worker labourer and the entrepreneur. 2 6 . A child is every person who is under 18 eighteen years old. 2 7 . Day is a period of time between 6am to 6pm. 2 8 . One 1 day is a period of time of 24 twenty four hours. 2 9 . A week is a period of 7 seven days. 3 0 . A wage is the right of the worker labourer that is received and expressed in the form of money as remuneration from the entrepreneur or the employer to workers labourer, whose amount is determined and paid according to a work agreement, consensus, or laws and regulations, including allowances for the worker labourer and their family for a job and or service that has been performed or will be performed. 3 1 . Workers labourers’ welfare is a fulfillment of physical and spiritual needs andor necessities [of the worker] either within or outside of employment relationships that may directly or indirectly enhance work productivity in a working environment that is safe and healthy. 3 2 . Labour inspection is the activity of controlling and enforcing the implementation of laws and regulations in the field of manpower. 3 3 . Minister is the minister responsible for manpower affairs.


OBJECTIVES A RT ICLE 2 Manpower development shall have the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as its statutory basis. A RTICLE 2 The National Development shall be carried out in the framework of the whole, undivided development of Indonesian as a huma n b eing. T herefore, ma npower development shall be carried out with the a im to develop I ndonesia n a nd the I ndonesia n society a s a whole into a prosperous, just, and well-off society in which material and spiritual benefits are evenly shared. II - 107 A RT ICLE 3 Manpower development shall be carried out based on the basic principle of integration through functional, cross- sector, central, and provincialmunicipal coordination. A RT ICLE 4 Manpower development aims at: a. Empowering and making efficient use of manpower optimally and humanely; b. Creating equal opportunity and providing manpower supply of manpower that suits the need of national and provincial municipal developments; c. Providing protection to manpower for the realization of welfare; and d. Improving the welfare of manpower and their family. A RTICLE 3 T he funda menta l principle of manpower development basically accords with the fundamental principle of national development, in pa rticula r with the fundamental principle of democracy of the Pancasila and the fundamental principles of socia l justice a nd eq uity. Ma npower development has many dimensions and interconnectivity with many stakeholders such as the government, the entrepreneur and the worker labourer. T herefore, manpower development shall be carried out in an integrated manner and in the form of a mutually supportive cooperation. A RTICLE 4 Point a The empowerment and the effective employment of ma npower a nd the development of their potentials shall go hand in hand as an integrated activity aimed at providing as many job opportunities as possible to Indonesian manpower. T hrough the empowerment and their employment potential development, Indonesian manpower shall be able to participate optimally in the national development but with keeping on upholding their values as human beings. Point b All efforts must be made to ensure equal distribution of job opportunities throughout all the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as a unified job markets by providing equal opportunities to all Indonesian manpower to find job that is in line with their talents, interest and capabilities. All efforts must also be made to ensure equal distribution of job placement in order to fulfill the needs in all sectors and regions. Point c Sufficiently clear Point d Sufficiently clear II - 108