Template Sistem Informasi Geografis Penentuan Lokasi Hydrant Berbasis Web Dengan Metode Simple Additive Weighting di Wilayah Kota Medan

} public function combo_box name { ? select name=?php echo name; ? class=selectedfield option value=0.000.00option option value=0.200.20option option value=0.400.40option option value=0.600.60option option value=0.800.80option option value=1.001.00option select ?php } } ?

2. Template

Indeks ?php Quick, clean clear defined __GISSAW__ or die Get out of here ; ? div id=container div id=header ?php this-set_header header.jpg ; ? div div id=page-container div id=pipe ?php this-set_logo usu.png ; ? div id=web-app-title?php echo this- config-web_app_title; ?div div id=web-author?php echo Oleh : . this-config-web_author; ?div div div id=page div id=left-nav div id=mainmenu ?php this-load_page mainmenu ; ? div div div id=right-nav div id=dynamic-page-title?php echo this-page_title; ?div div id=dynamic-page-loaded?php this-load_page; ?div div div id=clearnbsp;div Universitas Sumatera Utara div div div id=copyright ?php echo this-config-web_copyright; ? div div Main menu ?php Quick, clean clear defined __GISSAW__ or die Get out of here ; ? ul li id=titleMAIN MENUli lia href=?php echo base_url; ? title=HomeHomeali lia href=?php echo base_url . hydrant.php; ? title=Fire Hydrant Kota MedanFire Hydrant Kota Medanali ul Home ?php Quick, clean clear defined __GISSAW__ or die Get out of here ; ? div id=welcome Selamat datang di b ?php echo this-config- web_app_title; ?. b Sistem ini berguna untuk menentukan lokasi hydrant yang tepat di Kota Medan berdasarkan kriteria lokasi seperti Topografi, Penggunaan Lahan, Gegologi, Hidrologi, dan Aksebilitas. Output dari sistem ini adalah nilai preverensi lokasi yang dihitung dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting SAW. Kecamatan kota Medan yang memiliki nilai preverensi tertinggi merupakan lokasi yang terpilih sebagai lokasi hydrant yang tepat yang akan ditampilkan dihighlight pada peta kota Medan.pnbsp;p Pengguna dapat menggunakan sistem ini dengan mengikuti prosedur berikut: ul li Universitas Sumatera Utara Pilih Menu bFire Hydrant Kota Medan.b li li Input nilai bBobot Kriteria Weightb dan bMatrix Keputusan X rsubijsub, b kemudian tekan tombol bproses.b li li Nilai preverensi setiap alternatif lokasi akan ditampilkan, yang selanjutnya dapat divisualisasikan dalam bentuk peta dengan mengklik link bTampilkan Peta.b li ul div img src=?php echo base_url . imagesmedan.gif; ? title=Peta Kota Medan align=right WIDTH=300 Hydrant ?php Quick, clean clear defined __GISSAW__ or die Get out of here ; ? form action=hydrant.php?do=process method=post div id=step LANGKAH 1: Tentukan Bobot dan Matrix Keputusan X div fieldset legendBobot Kriterialegend table width=50 class=table-weight tr th width=283 scope=rowTopografi Csub1subth td width=27:td td width=283?php HTML::combo_box C1 ; ?td tr tr th scope=rowPenggunaan Lahan Csub2sub th td:td td?php HTML::combo_box C2 ; ?td tr tr th scope=rowGeologi Csub3sub th td:td td?php HTML::combo_box C3 ; ?td tr tr Universitas Sumatera Utara th scope=rowHidrologi Csub4sub th td:td td?php HTML::combo_box C4 ; ?td tr tr th scope=rowAksebilitas Csub5sub th td:td td?php HTML::combo_box C5 ; ?td tr table fieldset fieldset legendMatrix Keputusan Xlegend table width=100 class=table-matrix tr td width=35 scope=col style=background- color:E5E5E5;strongdiv align=centeriRsubijsubidivstrongtd th width=15 scope=coldiv align=centerTopografibrCsub1subdivth th width=15 scope=coldiv align=centerPenggunaan brLahan Csub2subdivth th width=15 scope=coldiv align=centerGeologibrCsub3subdivth th width=15 scope=coldiv align=centerHidrologibrCsub4subdivth th width=15 scope=coldiv align=centerAksebilitasbrCsub5subdivth tr tr th scope=row?php echo this-config- alternative[0]; ?th tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A11 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A12 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A13 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A14 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A15 ; ?divtd tr tr th scope=row?php echo this-config- alternative[1]; ?th tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A21 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A22 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A23 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A24 ; ?divtd Universitas Sumatera Utara tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A25 ; ?divtd tr tr th scope=row?php echo this-config- alternative[2]; ?th tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A31 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A32 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A33 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A34 ; ?divtd tddiv align=center?php HTML::combo_box A35 ; ?divtd tr table fieldset fieldset legendAksilegend ?php echo HTML::button reset, Reset ; echo HTML::button submit, Proses ; ? fieldset form Finally ?php Quick, clean clear defined __GISSAW__ or die Get out of here ; function bgcolor val { echoval == _SESSION[winner_value] ? style=background-color:FFE1FF : ; } ? form action=hydrant.php?do=process method=post div id=step LANGKAH 2: Tampilkan Peta div fieldset legendMatrik Ternormalisasi Rlegend table width=3 border=1 class=table-matrix-r cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 tr tdnbsp;td tdnbsp;td td style=border-left:solid 2px 000000; border-top:solid 2px 000000;nbsp;td td colspan=5 rowspan=3 Universitas Sumatera Utara table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=table-element ?php for i = 1; i = _SESSION[row]; i++ { for j = 1; j = _SESSION[column]; j++ { ? td?php echo _SESSION[i . i][j . j]; ?td ?php } echo trtr; } ? table td td style=border-top:solid 2px 000000; border- right:solid 2px 000000;nbsp;td tr tr tdRtd td=td td style=border-left:solid 2px 000000;nbsp;td td style=border-right:solid 2px 000000;nbsp;td tr tr tdnbsp;td tdnbsp;td td style=border-left:solid 2px 000000; border-bottom:solid 2px 000000;nbsp;td td style=border-right:solid 2px 000000; border-bottom:solid 2px 000000;nbsp;td tr table fieldset fieldset legendPreferensi Setiap Alternatif Vi - Ailegend table width=100 class=table-preferensi tr ?php bgcolor _SESSION[V0] ; ? th width=26 scope=row ?php bgcolor _SESSION[V0] ; ??php echo this-config- alternative[0]; ?th td width=1:td td width=73?php echo _SESSION[L0] . b . _SESSION[V0] . b; ?td tr tr ?php bgcolor _SESSION[V1] ; ? th scope=row ?php bgcolor _SESSION[V1] ; ??php echo this-config-alternative[1]; ?th td:td Universitas Sumatera Utara td?php echo _SESSION[L1] . b . _SESSION[V1] . b; ?td tr tr ?php bgcolor _SESSION[V2] ; ? th scope=row ?php bgcolor _SESSION[V2] ; ??php echo this-config-alternative[2]; ?th td:td td?php echo _SESSION[L2] . b . _SESSION[V2] . b; ?td tr table fieldset fieldset legendLokasi Terbaik The Winnerlegend ?php if _SESSION[winner_value] = 0 { ? div id=thebest?php echo _SESSION[winner_label]; ? ?php echo _SESSION[winner_value]; ? ?php echo HTML::button button, Tampilkan Peta , finally.php; ? div ?php } else { ? Tidak ada output ?php } ? fieldset form Map ?php Quick, clean clear defined __GISSAW__ or die Get out of here ; session_start; if _SESSION[winner_label] == this-config- alternative[0] this-winner = mapalta; elseif _SESSION[winner_label] == this-config- alternative[1] this-winner = mapaltb; else this-winner = mapaltc; ? iframe name=peta src=http:localhostcgi- binmapserv.exe?map=C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\gissaw\?php echo this-winner; ?.mapmode=browse?php echo this-winner . .map; ? width=100 height=1000 frameborder=0 scrolling=noiframe Style Universitas Sumatera Utara body { font-family:MS Trebuchet; font-size:14px; background-color:666666;} body, html, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, br { margin:0px; padding:0px } clear { clear:both; } container {} header { background-color:000000; text-align:center;} page-container { margin:0 auto; width:85; border:solid 1px 666666; background-color:FFFFFF; height:1200px; } pipe { padding:15px; border-bottom:solid 4px CCCCCC; background-color:f3f3f3; } web-app-title{ font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; color:666666; text-align:center; } web-author { text-align:right; text-align:center; font- size:14px; color:000000; font-weight:bold; } page { padding:0px;} left-nav { border:solid 1px cccccc; float:left; width:23; padding:10px; background-color:f3f3f3; height:1000px; } mainmenu ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; list-style:none; } mainmenu ul title, dynamic-page-title { border- bottom:solid 1px cccccc; padding-bottom:10px; color:FF0000; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; text- transform:uppercase; } mainmenu ul li { border-bottom:solid 1px cccccc;} mainmenu ul li a { display:block; padding:10px; font- size:15px; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:333333; } mainmenu ul li a:hover{ background-color:E4E4E4; color:000000;} right-nav { float:left; width:72; padding:10px; } dynamic-page-loaded { margin-top:10px; } copyright { text-align:center; padding:10px; color:FFFFFF; font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; background-color:333333; } BEGIN FOR CONTENT STYLE welcome { float:left; width:50; text-align:justify; line- height:22px; } welcome ul li { margin-bottom:10px; } Hydrant step { font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px;} fieldset { padding:20px; margin-bottom:50px;} fieldset legend { font-size:15px; font-weight:bold; color:FF3300; } .button { padding:10px; font-weight:bold; cursor:pointer; background-color:f3f3f3; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; -moz- border-widget:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; box-shadow:1px 1px 5px cccccc; font-family:MS Trebuchet; font- size:14px;} .selectedfield { padding:5px; font-weight:bold; } Universitas Sumatera Utara .table-weight{ border-collapse:collapse; border:solid 1px CCCCCC;} .table-weight th { text-align:left; padding-left:15px; border:solid 0px CCCCCC; } .table-weight td { text-align:center; padding:10px; border:solid 0px CCCCCC; } .table-weight tr { text-align:center; padding:10px; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; } .table-matrix{ border-collapse:collapse; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; } .table-matrix th { text-align:left; padding:10px; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; background-color: f3f3f3;} .table-matrix td { text-align:center; padding:10px; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; } .table-matrix-r{ border-collapse:collapse; font-size:20px; font-weight:bold; border:solid 0px red; } .table-matrix-r th { text-align:left; padding:3px; background-color: f3f3f3; border:solid 0px green; } .table-matrix-r td { text-align:center; padding:3px; border:solid 0px blue; } .table-element { } .table-element td{ padding:13px;} .table-preferensi{ border-collapse:collapse; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; } .table-preferensi th { text-align:left; padding-left:10px; border:solid 0px CCCCCC; background-color: f3f3f3; } .table-preferensi td { text-align:left; padding:10px 5px 10px 5px; border:solid 0px CCCCCC; } .table-preferensi tr { text-align:left; padding:10px 5px 10px 5px; border:solid 1px CCCCCC; } thebest { font-weight:bold; font-size:25px; color:009900;}

3. User interface