Framework of Analysis First Advisor as Third Examiner, Dr. Dwi Rukmini, M. Pd

3 Situational Irony It shows the discrepency which occurs between appearance and reality, or between expectation and fulfillment, or between what is and what would seem appropiate.

2.3 Framework of Analysis

Occasionally, readers read short story not only want to entertain themselves. They also want to analyze and observe it in depth. They find out writer’s characteristics through his writing style. Therefore, I conduct the style analysis in O. Henry’s short stories to show one of his characteristic. I used theory of style to analyze it. The theory is stated by Freeborn 1996:5. He states that “Style is the manner of expression characteristic of particular writer hence of an orator, or of literary group or period; a writer’s mode of expression considered in regard to clearness, effectiveness, beauty and the like. “ The objects of analysis are three short stories of O. Henry entitled Furnished Room and the Cop and the Anthem . The analysis of this study starts from reading the short stories to find the main data. After finding the main data, I classify prominent data based on the criteria stated by Winterowd 1969: 13 in his book Structure Language and Style. He states that “there are three components of style analysis. They are sentence structure, diction, and figure of speech.” Then, each of them extends in some parts. First, the sentence structure divided in four types that are simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence, and the compound complex sentence. Second, the diction divided in simple and complex diction. Third, figures of speech that I emphasize in this analysis are personification, metaphor, and irony. The next phase is calculating the data in simple table. The table shows the frequency of components. Therefore, the dominant data will be known and it will interpret descriptively based on Perrine in Story and Structure 1987: 3. He states that “ interpretative literature like short story is written to broaden and deepen and sharpen our awareness of life. It takes us, through imagination, deeper into the real world: it enables us to understand our troubles.” The last phase in this study is drawing conclusion based on the analysis. Then, I present the diagram of study below. The Diagram of Study Reading short story Finding the data Classifying the data based on Winterowd 1969:13 and calculating in simple table Interpreting Drawing conclusion 24 CHAPTER III METHOD OF INVESTIGATION In this chapter I present the approach that is used to analyze the twisted ending in O. Henry’short story. It also consists of the object of study, the unit of analysis and the data analysis.

3.1 Approach