A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in
Partial Fulfillment of the Registration for the Degree of
Magister Humaniora


Registration Number: 8106111049



Sianipar, Elvi Grace Septidar. RegistrationNumber : 8106111049. The
Development of Morpheme Acquisition Among the Children of 18-42
Months. Thesis: English Applied Linguistic Program, Postgraduate School,
State University of Medan 2016.

This research deals with the development of morpheme acquisition among the
children of 18-42 months old in Sunday school children. The objectives of the
research were to find out morphemes are acquired by the children 18-42 months
old and how the children develop the acquisition of morpheme. This research
conducted by the qualitative research. The data were obtained by the observation
by recorded the utterances of the children by the conversation with the mother.
The data collected were analyzed by interactive models of Miles and Huberman
and Saldana. The location of the research was at Jl. Hangtuah No. 2 Medan. The
subject of the research were 8 children of 18-42 months old. The result of the
study are children at the age 18-23 months old acquired free morpheme with
incomplete pronunciation, at the age 24-30 months acquired free morpheme with
complete pronunciation, at the age 31-36 months
bound morpheme with
incomplete pronunciation, at the age 37-42 months children acquired Bound

morpheme with complete pronunciation.



Sianipar, Elvi Grace Septidar. RegistrationNumber : 8106111049.The
Development of Morpheme Acquisition Among the Children of 18-42
Months. Thesis: English Applied Linguistic Program, Postgraduate School,
State University of Medan 2016.

Kajian ini berkaitan dengan perkembangan pemerolehan morfem pada anak-anak
usia 18-42 bulan.Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui morfem yang
diperoleh oleh anak-anak di usia 18-42 bulan dan bagaimana anak-anak tersebut
mengembangkan morfem yang diperoleh. Kajian ini menggunakan desain
penelitian kualitatif. Data didapatkan melalui obeservasi dengan merekam ujaran
yang diucapkan oleh anak melalui percakapan antara ibu dan anak. Data yang
sudah dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan
Huberman dan Saldana. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Jl. Hangtuah No. 2 Medan.
Subjek Penelitian adalah 8 anak usia 18-42 Bulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah

bahwa anak-anak di usia 18-23 bulan menguasai morfem bebas dengan pelafalan
yang tidak lengkap, anak-anak di usia 24-30 bulan menguasai morfem bebas
dengan pelafalan yang lengkap, anak-anak di usia 31-36 bulan menguasai morfem
terikat dengan pelafalan yang tidak lengkap, anak-anak di usia 37-42 bulan
menguasai morfem terikat dengan pelafalan yang lengkap.


The writer’s endless gratitude is primary expressed to Jesus Christ for his
amazing grace from the beginning until the end of my master’s program. He has
been faithful to me through every pain, every tear, every struggle and hardship. “I
can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”- Philippians 4: 13
The writer would like to express her deep and sincere attitude of advisers,
Prof. Dr Berlin Sibarani,M.Pd and Prof.Dr.Sri Minda Murni, M.S. Their
knowledge and logical way of thinking have been a great value for the writer. The
understanding, encouraging, and personal guidance have provided the writer good
basis during her study and completion of this thesis.
Her sincere thanks also to all examiners, Prof. Dr. Busmin gurning, M.Pd,
Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing,M.Pd and Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting M.Pd for their

advice,supervision, and crusial contribution in the improvement of the result of
this thesis.
The writer gratitude also goes to Dr.Rahmad Husein, M.Ed as the head of
Linguistic Program, Dr.Anni Holila Pulungan,M.Hum as the secretary of
Linguistic Program and Farid Ma’ruf as the assistant of Linguistic Program who
has helped her patiently finishing this thesis.
Then, the writer would like express her utmost gratitude to her parents
D.Sianipar and S.Br. Hutajulu,S.Th who have been her constant supporter. Thank
you for non-stop prayer, Mom and Dad. She is also blessed to have such lovely
and caring the one and only brother Yohanes Frans Imbalo Sianipar, you are the
reason why my feet could stand firm through every raging storm.
Finally, the writer would like to thank everybody who whose important to
the successful realization of this thesis. This thesis is far from perfect, but it is
expected that it will be useful not only for the researcher, but also for the readers.
for this research, contractive thoughtful suggestion and critics are welcome.
Medan, 27th February 2017
The writer,

Elvi Grace Septidar Sianipar
Registration Number: 8106111049


ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................................. iii
TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... iv
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1
1.1 The Background of the Study ................................................................ 1
1.2 The Problem of the Study ..................................................................... 6
1.3 The Objectives of the Study ................................................................. 6
1.4 The Scope of the Study ......................................................................... 6
1.5 The Significance of the Study ............................................................... 7
CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................................. 8
2.1 Morpheme .............................................................................................. 8
2.1.1 The Nature of Morpheme ............................................................ 8

2.1.2 Types of Morpheme..................................................................... 9
2.1.3 Morpheme in Bahasa Indonesia .................................................. 14
2.2 Language Acquisition ............................................................................ 21
2.2.1 The Nature of Language Acquisition .......................................... 21
2.2.2 The Theories in Language Acquisition ....................................... 22
2.2.3 The Stages of Language Acquisition .......................................... 24
2.3 The Development of Acquisition .......................................................... 28
2.4 Morpheme Acquisition .......................................................................... 31
2.5 Relevant Studies .................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 35
3.1 Research Design .................................................................................... 35
3.2 Subject of The Study ............................................................................. 35
3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ......................................................... 36
3.3.1 Techniques of Data Analysis ........................................................ 36
3.4 Trustworthiness of The Study................................................................ 38


4.1 Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 41

4.1.1 Types of Morpheme Acquired by the Children .......................... 42
4.1.2 Types of Morpheme Acquired by 18-23Months Old .................. 45
4.1.3 Types of Morpheme Acquired by 24-30 Months Old ................. 45
4.1.4 Types of Morpheme Acquired by 31-36 Months Old ................. 47
4.1.5 Types of Morpheme Acquired by 37-42 Months Old ................. 48
4.2 The Development of Morpheme Acquisition ........................................ 52
CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 57
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 57
5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................. 58

REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 59
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................... 62



Appendix A The Recording Of Children Utterances .................................... 62
Appendix B

Word Acquisition Pronunciation .............................................. 87

Appendix C

The Identification and the Categorization of Indonesian
Morphemes ............................................................................... 90

Appendix D Analysis of Word Acquired ...................................................... 154



5.1. Conclusions
Based on the analysis, the conclusions were stated as the following :
1. The theory of Slobin (1985) is contradictive with the fact in these
research. The simplicity of the form of Bahasa Indonesia more
understand by the children of 18-42 months old. By the contradictive
of the theory of Slobin it conclude that Morphemes acquired by 18-23

months old are (115) free morphemes, (12) bound morphemes, (20)
complete pronunciation and (62) incomplete pronunciation; at the age
of 24-30 months old are acquired (118) free morphemes, (7) bound
morphemes, (25) complete pronunciation and (69) incomplete
pronunciation; by the age of 31-36 months old acquired (83) free
morphemes, (32) bound morphemes, (38) complete pronunciation and
(26) incomplete pronunciation; and at the age of 37-42 months old
children acquired (29) free morphemes, (21) bound morphemes, (30)
complete morphemes and (3) incomplete pronunciation morphemes.
2. At the age of 18-23 months old children acquired free morpheme in
incomplete pronunciation; At the age of 24-30 months old children
acquired the limited free morpheme of surrounding words and concrete
one; At the age of 31-36 months old the acquisition of free morpheme
and bound morpheme are still in incomplete and also pronunciation
even though they understood the meaning; At the age of 37-42 months



old the acquisition of free morpheme and bound morpheme are
completely acquired in pronunciation and meaning

5.2 Suggestions
In relation to the conclusion, suggestion are offered as the following :
1. Parents
Parents especially mother is key to improve and maximize the
development of children’s language acquisition. Mothers should spend
thousands of hours in conversation with their children in order to observe
and encourage children to say morphemes, speak and express themselves
well and try to show the correct way, in order to train the children to speak
morphemes well in according to their age level.
2. Teachers in sunday school
Teachers in early education need to be creative and adaptive. It is
important to understand that as the teacher, you could be one of the first
adults has interacted with outside of his/her own family.
3. Other researcher
This research is conducted to give benefit for academic and students who
wants to learn the language acquisition occurred at the age of 18-42
months old, for those not only with the morpheme but also in the other

subject, for example frase,word,sentence, and grammatical morpheme can
make own observation and recording due to this subject.


This study is not perfect result, this is due to the limitations of the
researcher in describing and discussing problems in this study. Thus, it is
necessary to conduct further research on language acquisition of children
at 18-42 months in different subject to obtain more perfect result.


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