

Rohani Situmeang ID. Number. 4123322014

Bilingual Physics Education Study Program


Submitted to Acquire Eligible Sarjana Pendidikan


MEDAN 2016




Rohani Situmeang was born in Jakarta on May 25Th 1994. Father’s name is M. Situmeang and Mother’s name is R. Pasaribu, and she is the frist of five in family. In 2000, the author entered SD 175743 Pangaloan Impres and graduated in 2006. In 2006, the author continued his education in SMP N 1 Sipoholon and graduated in 2009. In 2009, the author continued his education to SMA N 1 Sipoholon and graduated 2012. In 2012, the author was accepted in Physical Education Studies Program in Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science in State University of Medan.






The purpose of this research was to know the effect of inquiry model on metacognitive ability of students’ on topic static fluid for class XI SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016. This research is a experiment quasi. The population in this research were all odd semesterclass of XI SMA N 2 Balige which consists of 7 class. This research sample was taken two class of class of XI-2 (experiment class) and class of XI-3 (control class). The results were obtained average value pretest metacognitive ability of experiment class is 44 with a deviation standard of 16.92 and the control class 43 with a deviation standard of 15.47. Based on tail two test (pretest) tcount = 0.84 and ttable = 1.997 so the beginning of the second class of sameability. While the average valuepostest of ability metacognitive experiment class was 82.74 with a deviation standard of 9.9 and the control class 76.74 with a deviationstandard of 11.76. Based on tail one test (posttest) obtained tcount = 2.999 and ttable = 1.669 so tcount> ttable so Ha is accepted. So can be concluded metacognitive ability of students taught with inquiry model higher than use conventional method in SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016 .



The author says the great praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for all the graces and blessings that provide health and wisdom to the author that this study can be completed properly in accordance with the planned time. This thesis entitled “The Effect of Inquiry Model on Metacognitive Ability of Students’ on Topic Static Fluid for class XI SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016”.This thesis was prepared to obtain a Bachelor's degree of Physics Education (Sarjana Pendidikan Fisika), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in State University of Medan.

On this occasion the author likes to thank Dr.DerlinaM.Si as Thesis Advisor who has provided guidance and suggestions to the author since the beginning of the study until the completion of this thesis. Thanks also to Prof.Drs.Motlan Sirait, M.Sc,Ph.D, Drs. Rahmatsyah, M.Si , Alkhafi Mass Siregar, M.Si who have provided many advices and suggestions in completing this thesis. Thanks also to Dr. Ridwan Abd. Sani, M.Si as the Academic Supervisor. Thanks also for all Mr. and Mrs. lecturers and staff employees of Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science in State University of Medan.State University of Medan who have encourage the writer during the studying process.Appreciation were also presented to the headmaster of SMA N 2 Balige, Aldon Samosir S.Pd,M.Si, and Physics teacher Parlindungan Sihombing M.Si and all teachers there, who had helped the author during the implementation of this research. Especially, author also would say thanks to my great lovely father M. Situmeang, my great lovely mother R.Pasaribu, my great sisters and brother Polmer Situmeang, Mika Situmeang, Sarah Situmeang and Eirene Situmeang, and all my family. And thanks to all Bilingual Physics Education grade 2012, especially for my best friend Dwira Nababan who give motivations and advices to the author. Thanks for Kost 137 Cerdas Gemilang, especially for Mega Sidabutar S.Pd and Patris Silalahi S.Pd.



The author has endeavored as much as possible in completing this thesis, but the author is aware there are many mistakes either in terms of content or grammar, then the author welcome for any suggestions and constructive criticism from readers for this thesis perfectly. The author hopes the contents of this paper would be useful in enriching the repertoire of knowledge.

Medan, May 2016 Author,













1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 3

1.3 Problem Limitation 3

1.4 Problem Formulation 4

1.5 Research Objective 4 1.6 Research Benefit 4 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW

2.1 Theoretical Framework 5

2.1.1 Defenition of learning 5

2.1.2 Learning purpose 6

2.1.3 Learning Theory 6

2.1.4Conventional Learning 9

2.2 Inquiry Learning Model 10

2.2.1 Defenition of Learning Inquiry Model 10

2.2.2 Process of Inquiry Model 11

2.2.3 Characteristic of Inquiry Model 12

2.2.4Learning Outcomes 13

2.2.5 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Inquiry Model 14 2.2.6. Implementation of Learning Inquiry Model 15

2.3 Metacognitive 16

2.3.1 Defenition of Metacognitive 16



2.3.3 Student Learning Environment 19

2.3.4 Social Systems and Principles of Social Reactions 20

2.4 Learning Matter 21

2.4.1 Static Fluid 21

2.4.2 Hydrostatic Pressure 24 2.4.3 AtmosphericPressure 25 2.4.4 Density 26 2.4.5 Pressure Gauge 27 2.4.6 Pascal’s Law 28 2.4.7 Archimedes Law 29

2.4.8 Surface Tension of Liquids 31

2.4.9 Capillarity 32 Capillarity on water 33 Capillarity on mercury water 34 2.4.10 Angle Contact 34 2.4.11 Viscosity 35 2.4.12 Terminal Velocity 36

2.5 Hypothesis 38 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Place and Time 39 3.2 Population and sample 39 3.2.1 Population research 39

3.2.2 Samples 39

3.3 Variable of Research 39

3.4 Type and Design of Research 39

3.4.1 Type of Research 39

3.4.2 Design of Research 40

3.5 Procedure of Research 40

3.6 Instrument of Research 41

3.6.1 Validaty Test 42 Content Validaty 42 Empirical Validaty 42 Reliability Test 42 Level of Difficulty 43 Test Different Power 43

3.7 Teqhnique of Data Analysis 44 3.7.1 The average value and standard deviations 44

3.7.2 Normality Test 45

3.7.3 Homogenity Test 46



4.1 Description of Research Results 50

4.1.1 Data of Value Metacognitive in Pretest 50 4.1.2 Data of Value Metacognitive in Post test 51

4.2 Requirements Test Data Analysis 51

4.2.1 The Average Value and Deviation Standard 51 4.2.2 Normality Test in Pretest 52 4.2.3 Normality Test in Post-test 52 4.2.4 Homogeneity Test in Pretest 52

4.2.5 Homogeneity Test in Post test 53

4.2.6 Hypothesis Test in Pretest 53

4.2.7 Hypothesis Test in Post-test 54

4.3 The Enhancement Metacognitive Ability ofStudents 54

4.4 Discussion 55


5.1 Conclusion 59

5.2 Suggestion 59




Table 2.1 Syntax for inquiry model 13

Table 3.1 Design of Research 40

Table 3.2 Spesification of Test in Metacognitive Ability 41

Table 4.1 Data Pretest for Metacognitive Ability 50

Table 4.2 Data Post-test for Metacognitive Ability 51

Table 4.3 The Average Value and Deviation Standard 51

Table 4.4 Normality Test in Pretest 52

Table 4.5 Normality Test in Post-test 52

Table 4.6 Homogeneity Test in Data Pretest 52

Table 4.7 Homogeneity Test in Data Post-test 53

Table 4.8 Hypothesis Test for Pretest 53

Table 4.9 Hypothesis Test for Post-test 54

Table 4.10 The Average Value of Pretest and Post-test on Metacognitive Ability 54

Table 4.11 The Percentage N-gain metacognitive Ability Based on The Concept of Both Class 55

Table 4.12 Gain scores Based on Metacognitive Ability in Aspects on Both Class 55



Figure 2.1 The Concept of Metacognitive 18

Figure 2.2 Relationship to four functional terms 20

Figure 2.3 Hydrostatic pressure 22

Figure 2.4 Fluid on cylindrical 23

Figure 2.5 Pressure in All Directions 24

Figure 2.6 The pressure at the bottom 25

Figure 2.7 Pressure Measurement 25

Figure 2.8 Graph of density CO2 - pressure in seawater 27

Figure 2.9 Hydraulic Jack 28

Figure 2.10 Floating Object 30

Figure 2.11 Drifting Object 30

Figure 2.12 Sinking Object 31

Figure 2.13 The Molecule Fluid in Surface Tension 31




Appendix 1 Pretest Problem 63

Appendix 2 Post-test Problem 65

Appendix 3 Grating of Research Instument 66

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan For Experiment Class I 72

Appendix 5 Lesson Plan For Experiment Class II 76

Appendix 6 Lesson Plan For Control Class III 80

Appendix 7 Lesson Plan For Control Class II 83

Appendix 8 Student Worksheet I 86

Appendix 9 Student Worksheet II 89

Appendix 10 Student Worksheet III 91

Appendix 11 Student Worksheet IV 95

Appendix 12 Validaty Test 99

Appendix 13 Level of Difficulty 101

Appendix 14 Test of Different Power 103

Appendix 15 Reliability Test 105

Appendix 16 Calculation Validaty Test 107

Appendix 17 Calculation of Reliability Test 109

Appendix 18 Calculation of Difficulty Level Test 111

Appendix 19 Calculation of Different Power Test 112

Appendix 20 The Research Data on Experiment Class 113

Appendix 21 The Research Data on Control Class 115

Appendix 22 Normality Test 117

Appendix 23 Calculation on Homogenity Test 121

Appendix 24 Hypothesis Test 124

Appendix 25 The Value Table R-Product 127

Appendix 26 The Table Vast Areas Under on Normal Curve 0 to Z 130

Appendix 27 Value List on Distribution 131

Appendix 28 Lilifors Test 132


Education is the process of educating or teaching. The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with the thoughts of other men. The study done is a good and right will speed up development of potential students, in contrast a study carried out by amateurish and unsuitable will make difficult improving the relate to the potential. The fields given since level of elementary school up to high that is the natural sciences.

The natural sciences with regard to how to find out about nature systematically, so that science is not just a collection of knowledge mastery in the form of facts, concepts or principles but alsois a process of discovery.Science education is expected to bea vehicle for students to learn about themselves and the environment, as well asprospects for further development in applying it in lifedaily. The learning process emphasizes providing experience direct to develop competencies in order to explore and understand about scientific nature. Science education is directed to inquire and doso it can help learners to gain understanding more about the nature around.

The nature of science includes four main elements that is attitude, process, products, and application. The attitude iscuriosity about objects, natural phenomena and living beings. The process was the solution to problem procedures through the scientific method, scientific method,includes preparation of hypotheses, designing experiments or trials, evaluation, measurement, and conclusion. The application of scientific methods andmethods and conceptsof science in everyday life.

Learning physics can actually understand if students are given direct experience. The provision of direct experience is intended to futher develop



students competence. Therefore, learning must to be presented as attractive as possible so that students are interested to be involved directly in the learning process. The goal of learning physics is mastery of the concept. Students involvement in the learning process gives good impact to be able to understand the concepts. Thus, it is necessary to develop to level of mastery of concepts students in learning process.

Learning process the arranged on a number of component or element related and interaction with another. The interaction between teacher and students in learning process teaching have a role important for aim relalize. However there are fact happened in teacher using conventional method is the learning method direction on, where only teacher give all information and students all information absorb giving in teacher. This method also repress in individualistic learning, are individual learning without interaction with another, until the happen asymmetry between students, the students have ability low and more left behind with learning. The besides students difficulty finding in the learning matter only can be saving without working for finished. This thing because learning outcomes students law, That for teacher must able class manage with well and the alternative finding in process learning teach, use tired learning purpose by means selection and applying learning model in matter delivery.

The based observation result and interview with teacher physics Class XI SMA N 2 Balige the resulting daily test refer that the students ability in finishing physics learning low, students can not potential optimum which property students for making learning with well and students mixed scare for thinking finded physics concept. Low learning outcomes in school that effect by factor, as the ability low learning students, metacognitive low ability of student’s and less attention students in study. However in this thing the most dominant causing The achievement low students in physics learning class XI SMA N 2 Balige, where learning model using by teacher is conventional method (speech, exercise, and give task) monotonous inclined, boring, and limited in learning delivery in the same direction is method (speech, exercise, and give task) until the students


difficult for understanding learning matter. The problem superintend in above, after prospering in physics learning making a innovation. The reparing needed in learning process in order to process learning teach carried with well and increase resulted. Teaching repairing is teaching changed conventional with applying inquiry model. The overbalance from learning model inquiry is the potential increasing students intellectual, can compose and developing self concept in students, helping in use memory and transfer on situation new study process and the students avoiding from study manner with memorize. The used inquiry model is the manner for help students understanding physics concept until have thinking ability. Based on the description above, researchers interested in conducting research in the physics department with the title “The Effect of Inquiry Model

on Metacognitive Ability of Students’ on Topic Static Fluid for Class XI

SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016.” 1.2.Problem Identifications

From the explanation above, can be identified the scope of the problem, namely : 1. The students are involved rarely to think find the concept of physics in

everyday life.

2. The using of a less varied learning model, as well as the still low level of undestanding of the concepts and metacognitive ability of students. 3. Low of student’s achievement in physics.

1.3.Problem Limination

The researchers will problem limination examined. The problemlimination in the study were:

1. Research conducted in two class namely class of control and class of experiment that implement inquiry learning.

2. The matter of physics which reviewed at thisresearch is static fluid which includes concepts is hydrostatic pressure, archimedes law and surface tension.



1.4. Problem Formulation

The based on the above problems, the formulation of the problem in this research is:

1. How the student’s metacognitive with inquiry model? 2. How the student’s metacognive with conventional learning?

3. What there effect inquiry model onmetacognitive ability of students? 1.5.Research Objectives

1. To know there is an influence of inquiry model on metacognitive abilityof students on topic fluid static in Class XI Semester II SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016.

2. To determine the differences between metacognitive ability of students on the subject matter fluid static using inqury model and conventional learning in Class XI Semester II SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016.

3. To know increase students metacognitive in Class XI Semester II SMA N 2 Balige with using inquiry model.

1.6.Research Benefit

The expected benefits of this research are as follows:

1. Can add insight, knowledge and ability to author the model of learning can be applied in schools, especially the inquiry learning model.

2. As an input and reference to the particular school teachers of physics in using the inquiry learning model as one that is effective and efficient way in improving metacognitive ability of students.

3. For consideration or input for the other researchers and others doing similar research.




The based on the research result, calculation and the testing hypothesis so can be concluded that:

1. Metacognitive ability of students using the inquiry model of static fluid matter in class XI SMA N 2 Balige has an average of 82.74.

2. Metacognitive ability of students using conventional methods on a static fluid matter in class XI SMA N 2 Balige has an average of 76.74.

3. There are the effect of inquiry model on metacognitive ability of students with average value 44,00.

5.2. Suggestion

Accrording to the result and conclusion in this research have some suggestion:

1. For researchers who will conduct the same study, suggested researching accompanied by a teacher of physics that research results more objective and teachers can apply the methods of learning in later life.

2. For schools, so as to vary the use of learning strategies appropriate material that will be delivered to students.

3. For the next researcher should make better planning on organizing group, should the number of students in each group of 2-3 people just enough so that all active in doing practical.



Abdi, A. (2014). The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Students Academic Achievement in Science Course. Journal of Educational Research 14(2):37-41.

Armstrong, S. (2013). Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ Science Literacy Skills and Confidence. Journal for the Scholarship of teaching and Learning 3:4-10.

Arends, R. L. (2009). Learning to teach.5th Ed. Boston.McGraw-Hill.

Arikunto, S. (2009).Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (EdisiRevisi).Jakarta: BumiAksara.

Baskoro, S. (2015).Keefektivan Integrasi Sintaks Inkuiri Terbimbing dan STAD untuk Memperkecil Kesenjangan Keterampilan Metakognisi Siswa Akademik Atas dan Bawah. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 3:2-5.

Blankey.(2013). The Influence of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Teaching on 11th Grade High Archieveres and Focusing on Metacognition. Journal International Education2:4-8.

Haribhai, T. S. (2012). Complex Relation Between Metacognition and Cognition. Paripex Indian Journal of Research1:44-45.

Hewitt, G. (2006). Conceptual Physics Tenth Edition. USA: Pearson Addison Wesley.

Joyce ,B.(2011). Model of Teaching. Eighth Edition.CelebanTimur.

Kamaya, S. (2006).Fisika untuk SMA Kelas XI Semester 2. Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama.

Kanginan, M. (2013).Fisika untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI. Erlangga. Jakarta. Kodir, A. (2004). Stratrgi Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.

Kung, R. (2017). Metacofntive Activity in Physics Student Laboratory is Increased Metacogntive Necessarily Better. Journal of Education 2:41-56. Kurnawati, R. (2014).The Effect of Peer Instruction Integrated Guided Inquiry Learning on concepts Acquisition and Critical Thinking of Students. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 12:1-7.

Kristian, D. (2015).The Contribution of Students’s Metacognitive Skills and Scientific Attitude Towards Their Academic Achievements in Biology Learning Implementing Thinking. Jurnal Pendidikan Malang 2:24-30.


Lai, E. (20111). Metacognition, Self-Regulated Learning. Early Childshood. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika1:5-18.

Simanjuntak, M. (2012).Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Problem Solving untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Metakognisi dan Pemahaman Konsep Mahasiswa Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 8:15-21. Silitonga, M.(2011). Statistik.Universitas Negeri Medan.

Novalina, E. (2012). Pengaruh Lesson Study Menggunakan Model Inquiry Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Siswa Kelas X SMA N 1 Tanggerang. Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika 1:3-6.

Nurhanisaf, S. (2014). The Development of Problem-Based Psyhomotoric and Additictive Substance Kits to Improve The Students Metacognition. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan1:1-11.

Rumahorbo, R. (2012). Effect of Inquiry Model on Students’ Learning Outcomes

in Topic of Dynamic Electricity in Grade X SMA N 2 Balige L.Y. 2012/2013.Skripsi FMIPA Unimed Medan.

Sarwi, R. (2012). Implementasi Model Eksperimen Open Inquiry untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Fisika. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 8:41-50.

Seraphin, K. (2011).Metacognition as Means to Increase The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Science Education. Journal Online of Science Education International 23:336-382.

Suciati, D. (2013). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Search, Solve, Create dan Shere dengan Strategi Metakognitif Terhadap Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Masalah dan Berpikir Kritis Fisika. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains 1:4-7.

Sukardi, M. (2012).Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Tindakan Kelas. Yogyakarta: PT BumiAksara.

Sutikono, M. (2013).Belajar dan Pembelajaran Upaya Kreatif dalam Mewujudkan Pembelajaran Yang Berhasil. Lombok.

Trianto, S. (2010).Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Progresif. Penerbit Kencana. Jakarta.

Triwiyono, D. (2012). Program Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis. Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Cenderawasih. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 7:80-83.

Vajoczki, S. (2011). Inquiry Learning: Level, Discipline, Class Size, What Matter?.Georgia: Georgia Southem University.



Wachidah, R. (2015). Penerapan Mind Mapping untukMeningkatkan Keterampilan Metakognitif Siswa Pada Materi Alat Optik Kelas X SMA N 1 Krembung. Jurnal Pendidikan Inovasi Fisika 4:2-5.

Widyaningtyas, A. (2003). Peran Lingkungan Belajar dan Kesiapan Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA N 1 Pati. Jurnal Pendidikan Inovasi Fisika 1:1-13.

Zion. (2014).The Effect of Metacognitive Instruction Embedded Within an Asynchronous Learning Network on Scientific Inquiry Skills. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 2: 15-20.

Zohar, A. (2013). A Review of Research on Metacognition in Science Education:Current and Future Directions. Studies in Science Education. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 49:121-169.


difficult for understanding learning matter. The problem superintend in above, after prospering in physics learning making a innovation. The reparing needed in learning process in order to process learning teach carried with well and increase resulted. Teaching repairing is teaching changed conventional with applying inquiry model. The overbalance from learning model inquiry is the potential increasing students intellectual, can compose and developing self concept in students, helping in use memory and transfer on situation new study process and the students avoiding from study manner with memorize. The used inquiry model is the manner for help students understanding physics concept until have thinking ability. Based on the description above, researchers interested in conducting research in the physics department with the title “The Effect of Inquiry Model on Metacognitive Ability of Students’ on Topic Static Fluid for Class XI SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016.”

1.2.Problem Identifications

From the explanation above, can be identified the scope of the problem, namely : 1. The students are involved rarely to think find the concept of physics in

everyday life.

2. The using of a less varied learning model, as well as the still low level of undestanding of the concepts and metacognitive ability of students. 3. Low of student’s achievement in physics.

1.3.Problem Limination

The researchers will problem limination examined. The problemlimination in the study were:

1. Research conducted in two class namely class of control and class of experiment that implement inquiry learning.

2. The matter of physics which reviewed at thisresearch is static fluid which includes concepts is hydrostatic pressure, archimedes law and surface tension.



1.4. Problem Formulation

The based on the above problems, the formulation of the problem in this research is:

1. How the student’s metacognitive with inquiry model? 2. How the student’s metacognive with conventional learning?

3. What there effect inquiry model onmetacognitive ability of students? 1.5.Research Objectives

1. To know there is an influence of inquiry model on metacognitive abilityof students on topic fluid static in Class XI Semester II SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016.

2. To determine the differences between metacognitive ability of students on the subject matter fluid static using inqury model and conventional learning in Class XI Semester II SMA N 2 Balige Academic Year 2015/2016.

3. To know increase students metacognitive in Class XI Semester II SMA N 2 Balige with using inquiry model.

1.6.Research Benefit

The expected benefits of this research are as follows:

1. Can add insight, knowledge and ability to author the model of learning can be applied in schools, especially the inquiry learning model.

2. As an input and reference to the particular school teachers of physics in using the inquiry learning model as one that is effective and efficient way in improving metacognitive ability of students.

3. For consideration or input for the other researchers and others doing similar research.




The based on the research result, calculation and the testing hypothesis so can be concluded that:

1. Metacognitive ability of students using the inquiry model of static fluid matter in class XI SMA N 2 Balige has an average of 82.74.

2. Metacognitive ability of students using conventional methods on a static fluid matter in class XI SMA N 2 Balige has an average of 76.74.

3. There are the effect of inquiry model on metacognitive ability of students with average value 44,00.

5.2. Suggestion

Accrording to the result and conclusion in this research have some suggestion:

1. For researchers who will conduct the same study, suggested researching accompanied by a teacher of physics that research results more objective and teachers can apply the methods of learning in later life.

2. For schools, so as to vary the use of learning strategies appropriate material that will be delivered to students.

3. For the next researcher should make better planning on organizing group, should the number of students in each group of 2-3 people just enough so that all active in doing practical.



Abdi, A. (2014). The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Method on Students Academic Achievement in Science Course. Journal of Educational Research 14(2):37-41.

Armstrong, S. (2013). Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning on Students’ Science Literacy Skills and Confidence. Journal for the Scholarship of teaching and Learning 3:4-10.

Arends, R. L. (2009). Learning to teach.5th Ed. Boston.McGraw-Hill.

Arikunto, S. (2009).Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan (EdisiRevisi).Jakarta: BumiAksara.

Baskoro, S. (2015).Keefektivan Integrasi Sintaks Inkuiri Terbimbing dan STAD untuk Memperkecil Kesenjangan Keterampilan Metakognisi Siswa Akademik Atas dan Bawah. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 3:2-5.

Blankey.(2013). The Influence of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Teaching on 11th Grade High Archieveres and Focusing on Metacognition. Journal International Education2:4-8.

Haribhai, T. S. (2012). Complex Relation Between Metacognition and Cognition. Paripex Indian Journal of Research1:44-45.

Hewitt, G. (2006). Conceptual Physics Tenth Edition. USA: Pearson Addison Wesley.

Joyce ,B.(2011). Model of Teaching. Eighth Edition.CelebanTimur.

Kamaya, S. (2006).Fisika untuk SMA Kelas XI Semester 2. Bandung: Grafindo Media Pratama.

Kanginan, M. (2013).Fisika untuk SMA/MA Kelas XI. Erlangga. Jakarta. Kodir, A. (2004). Stratrgi Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.

Kung, R. (2017). Metacofntive Activity in Physics Student Laboratory is Increased Metacogntive Necessarily Better. Journal of Education 2:41-56. Kurnawati, R. (2014).The Effect of Peer Instruction Integrated Guided Inquiry Learning on concepts Acquisition and Critical Thinking of Students. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 12:1-7.

Kristian, D. (2015).The Contribution of Students’s Metacognitive Skills and Scientific Attitude Towards Their Academic Achievements in Biology Learning Implementing Thinking. Jurnal Pendidikan Malang 2:24-30.


Lai, E. (20111). Metacognition, Self-Regulated Learning. Early Childshood. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika1:5-18.

Simanjuntak, M. (2012).Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Problem Solving untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Metakognisi dan Pemahaman Konsep Mahasiswa Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 8:15-21. Silitonga, M.(2011). Statistik.Universitas Negeri Medan.

Novalina, E. (2012). Pengaruh Lesson Study Menggunakan Model Inquiry Pada Pembelajaran Fisika Siswa Kelas X SMA N 1 Tanggerang. Jurnal Pembelajaran Fisika 1:3-6.

Nurhanisaf, S. (2014). The Development of Problem-Based Psyhomotoric and Additictive Substance Kits to Improve The Students Metacognition. Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan1:1-11.

Rumahorbo, R. (2012). Effect of Inquiry Model on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Topic of Dynamic Electricity in Grade X SMA N 2 Balige L.Y. 2012/2013.Skripsi FMIPA Unimed Medan.

Sarwi, R. (2012). Implementasi Model Eksperimen Open Inquiry untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa Fisika. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 8:41-50.

Seraphin, K. (2011).Metacognition as Means to Increase The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Science Education. Journal Online of Science Education International 23:336-382.

Suciati, D. (2013). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Search, Solve, Create dan Shere dengan Strategi Metakognitif Terhadap Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Masalah dan Berpikir Kritis Fisika. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains 1:4-7.

Sukardi, M. (2012).Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Tindakan Kelas. Yogyakarta: PT BumiAksara.

Sutikono, M. (2013).Belajar dan Pembelajaran Upaya Kreatif dalam Mewujudkan Pembelajaran Yang Berhasil. Lombok.

Trianto, S. (2010).Mendesain Model Pembelajaran Inovatif Progresif. Penerbit Kencana. Jakarta.

Triwiyono, D. (2012). Program Pembelajaran Fisika Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis. Pendidikan Fisika FKIP Universitas Cenderawasih. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 7:80-83.

Vajoczki, S. (2011). Inquiry Learning: Level, Discipline, Class Size, What Matter?.Georgia: Georgia Southem University.



Wachidah, R. (2015). Penerapan Mind Mapping untukMeningkatkan Keterampilan Metakognitif Siswa Pada Materi Alat Optik Kelas X SMA N 1 Krembung. Jurnal Pendidikan Inovasi Fisika 4:2-5.

Widyaningtyas, A. (2003). Peran Lingkungan Belajar dan Kesiapan Belajar Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X SMA N 1 Pati. Jurnal Pendidikan Inovasi Fisika 1:1-13.

Zion. (2014).The Effect of Metacognitive Instruction Embedded Within an Asynchronous Learning Network on Scientific Inquiry Skills. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 2: 15-20.

Zohar, A. (2013). A Review of Research on Metacognition in Science Education:Current and Future Directions. Studies in Science Education. Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika 49:121-169.