Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements
for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan

Oleh :
Registration Number :2113121017


Harahap, DiahKhoirunnisa. NIM : 2113121017. The Effect of Numbered Heads
Together on Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text.A Thesis. Faculty of
Languages and Art (FBS), UNIMED (State University of Medan), 2015

This study aims at discovering the effect of applying Numbered Heads Together on
Students Achievement in Writing Procedure Text. It was conducted by using
experimental research design. The population was the students at the XI grade of SMA
Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan. And the sample of the research was two classes divided into
two groups, experimental and control group which were chosen by using cluster and
random sampling. The grade XI IIS3 was as the experimental group was taught by using
Numbered Heads Together, and the XI IIS4 was as the control group was taught by
Demonstration Method. The instrument used to collect the data by asking the students to
write procedure text. based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that using
Numbered Heads Together effect students; achievement in writing procedure text (tcalculated > t-table, p=0.05). The using Numbered Heads Together made the students
write procedure text correctly then by using Demonstration Method. The calculation of
t-test is 3.840> 2.048 with df 28 and the level of significance 0.05. It means that the
using Numbered Heads Together has an effect on writing procedure text.
Keywords : Numbered Heads Together, Students’ Achievement, Procedure Text



First, the writer would like to express thanks to Allah SWT, the Almighty God

for Blessing, health, protection, knowledge and opportunity that at last she is able to
complete this thesis entitled “The Effect of Numbered Heads Together on Students’
Achievement in Writing Procedure Text” as one of the requirement for the degree of
Sarjana Pendidikan (S1) at English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State
University of Medan.
This thesis could have not been accomplished without the guidance, helping,
suggestion, advice, support, motivation and encouragement from people, for which the
writer would like to express her grateful which directed to :

Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd, the Rector of State University of Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum, the Dean of Language and Arts Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd, the Head of English Department.

Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd, M.Hum, the Head of English Education Study

Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd, and Dr. Siti Aisah Ginting, M.Pd, the
Thesis Consultant

Drs. Elia Masa Gintings, M.Hum,

Her Academic Consultant and her

Reviewers, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, M.Pd and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar,

All Lecturer who have taught her in English Department.

Eis Sri Wahyuningsih, M.Pd for the help during the administration along the
process of writing this thesis.

Drs. Mulyadi, M.Pd. the Head Master of SMA Negeri 1 PercutSei Tuan.

Roland Silalahi, S.Pd and JF Pasaribu, S.Pd the English Teacher in SMA
Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan.

Muhammad Yusuf Harahap and Rubiyem, her beloved parents, Melisa
Khoyyiroh Harahap her beloved sister, Andika Gustiawan Harahap,


Amd. Kompand M.Rizky Harahap her beloved brothers, and Kiky Putriadi,
Amd.Komp her sister in law for their internal material and moral support, care,
prayers, guidance, advices, and love during the writer’s life.

Alm. H.M. Yacoob Harahapand Legimun Pranotoher beloved Grand Fathers,
Hj. Siti Halummah Daulay and Tuminem her beloved Grand Mothers.

Widya, Nashroh, Intan, Indah, Vika, Fitri, Indri, Nina, Dini, Yani, Risma,
Junpita, Putri, Putra, Laura, Raideni, Helena, Nomita, Rostina, Thiwi, Ade,
Christanti, Christiani, Arni, Connie, Aisyah, Sulwana, kakMastora,
KakMastiana, Faisal, Nelaand all member of Dik Regular C 2011 her friends

during the last four years.

DewiKhairani, S.Pd her close friend since in Senior High School for the
support and prayed.

Ary, Yudhi, kakTari, Isma, Danty, Swarman, Hasbi, Icha, Tyas, Mila, Via,
and all manegerof HMJ-BSI FBS UNIMED year 2012-2013.

All members of PPLT SMP Negeri 1 Pantai Cermin 2014.


Februari 2016

The Writer,

Diah Khoirunnisa Harahap
NIM. 2113121017


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. iv
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................... vi
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. vii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................... 1
A. Background of the Study .......................................................... 1
B. Problem of the Study ................................................................. 4
C. Scope of the Study ..................................................................... 4
D. The Objective of the Study ........................................................ 4

E. The Significance of the Study .................................................. 4

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ................................................. 6
A. Theoretical Framework ............................................................. 6
1. Students’ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text .............. 6
2. Writing procedure text .......................................................... 8
3. Cooperative Learning .......................................................... 11
4. Steps of Cooperative Learning ............................................ 15
5. Numbered Head Together (NHT) ........................................ 15
6. Demonstration Method ........................................................ 18
B. Relevant Studies ...................................................................... 21
C. Conceptual Framework............................................................. 22
D. Hypothesis ............................................................................... 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ........................................................ 25
A. Research Design ....................................................................... 25
B. Population and Sample ............................................................ 25
1. Population ............................................................................ 25


2. Sample ................................................................................. 26
C. Instrument of Collecting Data .................................................. 26
D. Procedure of Collecting Data ................................................... 26
1. Pre-Test ................................................................................ 26
2. Treatment ............................................................................ 27
3. Post-Test .............................................................................. 32
E. Scoring of Writing Test ............................................................ 33
F. Validity and Reliability of Test ................................................ 33
1. Validity ................................................................................ 33
2. Reliability............................................................................. 34
G. Technique for Analyzing the Data............................................ 34
H. Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................... 34

CHAPTHER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ........................... 35
A. Data........................................................................................... 35
B. Data Analysis ............................................................................ 36
1. Analyzing the Data Using T-test ......................................... 36
2. Testing Hypothesis .............................................................. 36
C. Discussion................................................................................. 37

CHAPTHER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................... 39
A. Conclusion ................................................................................ 39
B. Suggestion ................................................................................ 39

REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 41


Table 1.1 Students’ Score of Writing Competence Test (XI IIS3) .................... 2
Table 1.2 Students’ Score of Writing Competence Test (XI IIS4) .................... 2
Table 2.1 The Steps in The Lesson Using The Cooperative Learning .............. 15
Table 3.1 Research Design ................................................................................ 25
Table 3.2 Score of Writing Component ............................................................. 33

Appendix A : Assessment in Writing ................................................................ 43
Appendix B : The scores of pre-test and post-test by the students in experimental group
.................................................................................................... 46

Appendix C: The Scores of Pre-Test and Post-Test By The Students in
Control Group ............................................................................. 47
Appendix D : Calculation of Students’ Score in Experimental Group ............ 48
Appendix E : Calculation of Students’ Score in Control Group ...................... 50
Appendix F : The Calculation of T-Table and T-Observed ............................. 51
Appendix G: Critical Value of t Distribution ................................................... 53
Appendix H : The statistical Analysis for Reliability ....................................... 55



A. Background of Study
English is being an international language that learned by everyone in this era.
As an international language, English is learned by students from elementary school to
university level. In learning English there are any four skills that must be mastered by
student such as reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Writing is one of the four
language skills that plays a very important role in second language learning. Harmer
(2004 : 79 ) states that writing as a skills by far the most important reason for teaching
writing, of course, that is a basic language skills , just as important as speaking,
listening, and reading.
Based on the observation that was conducted in SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan,
writers found that students are reluctant to study writing. They think that writing is
difficult. They want to write something but they don’t know what to write, because they
feel so confused. They think that it’s difficult to write what’s in their mind.
Furthermore, they are not confidence with their writing. They said that writing is a
complicated lesson. They thought that their writing is so bad because the lack of
vocabulary and grammar. Moreover, they said that they don’t understand well about the
rhetorical structure of text. In addition, based on the observation done, the researcher
found that there are a numbers of students that can’t pass the Minimum Mastery Criteria
(MMC). That the Minimum Mastery Criteria (MMC) in SMA Negeri 1PercutSei Tuan
is 70. The following is the score of students competence in writing by applying
Demonstration Method.



Table 1.1. Students’ Scores of Writing Competence Test In Two Semester Year
1st Semester
2nd Semester

< 70
≥ 70
< 70
≥ 70


10.5 %
89.47 %
52.63 %
47.36 %


Source : students’ accumulated score of grade X IIS 3 students at SMA Negeri 1
PercutSei Tuan year 2014-2015
Table. 1.2. Students’ Scores of Writing Competence Test In Two Semester Year
1st Semester
2nd Semester

< 70
≥ 70
< 70
≥ 70


21,21 %
78,78 %
39,39 %
60,60 %


Source : students’ accumulated score of grade X IIS 4 students at SMA Negeri 1
PercutSei Tuan year 2014-2015
Based on the data during interviewing the English teacher at SMA Negeri 1
PercutSei Tuan, there were some problems found when the teacher teach writing. The
students were being passive at the process of teaching and learning. There is no question
and answer not because they have understand the material given. But, because of they
don’t understand about the subject.


The low score of students’ writing not only caused by the way of teaching and
lack of vocabulary and grammar, they also still confused about the structure of the text
and reluctant to ask question to the teacher.
In order to solve the problem, there are so many method, strategy, or technique
that can be apply in teaching writing. But, the writer choose Numbered Heads Together
(NHT) in teaching writing. Numbered head together is a cooperative learning that can
be effective for students in studying writing. As Jolliffe (2007 : 53) states that in
applying NHT, member of group are given number and then the teacher call out a
number when groups are ready to report and that person must be speak for the group.
Groups are not aware which number will be called and therefore has to be sure that
everyone is ready to respond.
It can be predict that in applying Number heads together in teaching writing can
make students easier in studying writing. They will be more understand in their writing.
Because they will have a group discussion where the students can change their idea and
have question and answer with their friends in the group. So, they can study writing
effectively because there will be only four students in each group.
Based on Curriculum 2013, students are designed to work in a group to make
them study cooperatively and respect others’ idea. Kagan (2009:288) says Numbered
Heads Together (NHT) in implementing has social skill such as accepting decisions,
active listening, agreeing, asking for help, asking questions, clarifying idea, criticizing
an idea not a person, and elaborating. It make them have positive interdependence
where every students will help each other to comprehend the subject, especially in
writing. And then the students will have individual accountability where the students
will take a part in their work


B. Problem of Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study can be
formulated in the form of question as follows :
“Is students’ achievement in writing procedure text taught by using numbered
heads together (NHT) is higher than taught by using that demonstration method ? “

C. Scope of Study
This study focuses on students’ achievement in writing procedure text especially
in how to make beverage. The level of students being studied is the second grade of
senior high school in SMAN 1 Percut Sei Tuan.

D. The Objective of The Study
The objective of the study is to find out whether the students’ achievement in
writing procedure text taught by numbered heads together (NHT) is higher than taught
by using that demonstration method.

E. The Significance of Study
The finding of the study are expected to be useful for :
1. The result of this research can be used as a reference for those who want to
conduct a research about writing, especially writing procedure text.
2. Students get more interested in writing class and to improve their writing skills


3. English teachers can improve and apply Number heads together (NHT) as an
alternative for teaching writing especially procedure text
4. another researcher can apply number heads together (NHT) in teaching writing.

A. Conclusion
Based on the result of the data analysis, it was concluded that using
numbered heads together effects students’ ability in writing procedure text. The
use of numbered heads together made the students write procedure text
grammatically than by using demonstration method. It also improved students
creativity by sharing their idea with another group member.
From the result of the data, it can be seen that the highest score in
experimental group was 93 and the lowest score was 73 in post-test. Meanwhile,
the highest score in control group was 80 and the lowest score is 60. So, students
achievement in writing procedure text that taught by numbered together is higher
than taught by demonstration method. In teaching writing, the hypothesis is
possibly used in order to improve the students’ achievement in writing procedure

B. Suggestion
The writer point out some suggestion as following :
1. It is suggested to the English teacher, it is better to applying numbered
heads together because it helps students in understanding the procedure text.
2. It is suggested to the students, numbered heads together demands a
cooperative learning so it is better if they can share ideas in group.


3. It is suggested to the readers to know the importance of using numbered heads together in
improving students’ achievement in writing procedure text.
4. It is suggested to another researcher who intend to use numbered heads together in
teaching learning process; she / he is hoped to the research by using another technique or
method . so it will enrich in improving students’ writing achievement.

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