Submitted to the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts,
State University of Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


Registration Number 2103321047



Except where appropriately acknowledged, this thesis is my own work,
has been expressed in my own words and has not previously been submitted for
assessment. I understand that this thesis may be screened electronically or
otherwise for plagiarism.

Medan, December 2014

Tri Novandhy Silaen
NIM. 2103321047

Silaen, Tri Novandhy. 2103321047. The Effect of Numbered Heads Together
Technique on Students’ Achievement in Reading Descriptive Text. A Thesis:
English Department. Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of
Medan. 2014.
This study deals with the effect of Numbered Heads Together Technique on
students’ achievement in reading descriptive text. The population of the study was
the 2014/2015 academic year first semester grade X students of SMA Swasta
Yayasan Perguruan Indonesia Membangun Medan. The samples were two classes,
namely X IPS 1 and X IPS 2, with the total was 60 students selected by applying

random sampling. The sample was divided into two groups. Experimental group
(X IPS 2) was taught by applying Numbered Heads Together Technique while the
control group (X IPS 1) was taught without applying Numbered Heads Together
Technique. The data of this research were taken from the students’ score of
reading descriptive text test. The calculation showed that the coefficient of the test
was 0.65, it showed that the test was reliable and the reliability was substantial.
There were two data used in this research. They were pre-test and post-test. The
data were analyzed by using t-test formula to show the effect of applying
Numbered Heads Together Technique on students’ achievement in reading
descriptive text. After analyzing the data, the finding indicates that t-observed was
higher than t-table (5.50 > 2.00) at the level of significance 0.05 with the degree
of freedom (df) 58. It means that applying Numbered Heads Together Technique
has significantly affected on the students’ achievement in reading descriptive text.
It implies that Numbered Heads Together Technique is a significant technique for
teaching reading descriptive text.

Keywords : Numbered Heads Together Technique, Reading Descriptive Text



First of all the writer would like to thank Jesus Christ, the Almighty God.
Because of His great love and blessing, the writer could finally complete this
thesis as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S-1) at the
English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
During the process of writing, the writer realizes that he can not
accomplish without God blessings and supports from many people, therefore the
writer would like to express his sincere gratitude to:
1. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of
2. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and
Arts, State University of Medan.
3. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra.
Meisuri, MA., the Secretary of English Department, and Dra.
Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education Program,
Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.
4. Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed., his Thesis Supervisor, for his patience and
suggestions in guiding the writer to finish this thesis.
5. Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., his Academic Supervisor, for her guidance.

6. His father, Ir. Ramses Silaen, for the spirit that he gives, and mother,
Dra. Gartima Sitanggang, M.Si., for her love and care. The writer’s
special gratitude also goes to his dearest brothers, Agam Christofel


Silaen, S.TP., Septhian Ruben Silaen, S.Psi., and Putra Permata
7. The Headmaster of SMA Swasta Yayasan Perguruan Indonesia
Membangun Medan, Drs. Antoni Simbolon, for his permission and
opportunities in allowing the writer to do observation and to collect data.
The writer expresses his special thanks to Mam Nura Afriani, S.S., the
English teacher, for her cooperation during the research.
8. Ruth Ika Simanungkalit, S.Pd., for her love and support.
9. His classmates Saddam, Windha, Yohana, Picha, Dahlia, Putri Harahap,









Sisingamangaraja’ PPLT SMKN 2 Balige Tahun 2013, Inggrid
Simanungkalit,S.Pd. for her help, and all people that can not be mentioned
one by one for their care, support, prayer and love.


December 2014

The Writer,

Tri Novandhy Silaen
NIM. 2103321047


ABSTRACT ................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................... vii
LIST OF APPENDIXES ........................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ........................................................... 1
A. The Background of the Study .......................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study ................................................ 4
C. The Scope of the Study .................................................... 4

D. The Objective of the Study .............................................. 5
E. The Significance of the Study .......................................... 5
CHAPTER II : REVIEW OF LITERATURE ........................................ 6
A. Theoritical Framework ..................................................... 6
1. Reading ...................................................................... 6
2. Reading Comprehension ............................................ 7
3. The Purpose of Reading ............................................ 10
4. Level of Reading Comprehension .............................. 12
5. Students’ Achievement .............................................. 13
6. Kinds of Text (Genre) ................................................ 14
7. Descriptive Text ......................................................... 15
8. Cooperative Learning Strategy .................................. 16
9. Numbered Heads Together Technique ...................... 17
10. Conventional Technique ........................................... 20
B. Conceptual Framework .................................................... 21
C. Hypothesis ........................................................................ 24
CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH ........................... 25
A. Research Design ............................................................... 25
B. Population and Sample..................................................... 25
1. Population .................................................................. 25

2. Sample ........................................................................ 25
C. Instruments for Collecting Data ....................................... 26
D. Technique for Collecting Data ......................................... 27
E. Scoring System ................................................................ 27
F. The Research Procedure ................................................... 29
1. Pre-Test ...................................................................... 29
2. Treatment ................................................................... 29
3. Post-Test..................................................................... 30
G. Validity and Reliability of Test ........................................ 31
1. Validity of the Test..................................................... 31
2. Reliability of the Test ................................................. 31


H. The Technique for Analyzing Data .................................. 32
I. Statistical Hypothesis ....................................................... 33
CHAPTER IV : THE DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS ......................... 34
A. The Data ........................................................................... 34
B. Data Analysis .................................................................. 36
1. The Reliability of The Test ........................................ 36

2. Data Analysis ............................................................. 37
C. Testing Hypothesis ........................................................... 38
D. Research Findings ............................................................ 39
A. Conclusions ..................................................................... 40
B. Suggestions ..................................................................... 40
REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 42
APPENDIXES ............................................................................................. 44


Table 2.1. Example of Descriptive Text ........................................................ 16
Table 3.1. Research Design ............................................................................ 25
Table 3.2. Attitude Scoring Rubric ................................................................ 26
Table 3.3. Skill Scoring Rubric ...................................................................... 26
Table 3.4. Teaching Procedure in Experimental Group ................................. 29
Table 3.5. Teaching Procedure in Control Group .......................................... 30
Table 4.1. The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental Group ........ 34

Table 4.2. The Scores of Pre-test and Post-test in Control Group ................. 35
Table 4.3. The Result of T-Test ..................................................................... 39


Figure 2.1.

The Relation between Reading Comprehension,
Descriptive Text and Numbered Heads Together
Technique ............................................................................... 23


Appendix A : The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Experimental
Group .................................................................................
Appendix B : The Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control Group .....

Appendix C : The Calculation of Pre-Test and Post-Test of
Experimental Group ..........................................................
Appendix D : The Calculation of Pre-Test and Post-Test of Control
Group ..................................................................................
Appendix E : The Calculation of T-Test ..................................................
Appendix F : The Critical Value of T ......................................................
Appendix G : The Reliability of The Test ................................................
Appendix H : Skill Observation Score of Experimental Group ................
Appendix I : Skill Observation Score of Control Group .........................
Appendix J : Attitude Observation Score of Experimental Group ..........
Appendix K : Attitude Observation Score of Control Group ...................
Appendix L : Pre-Test and Post Test Items ..............................................
Appendix M : Answer Key for Pre-Test and Post-Test Items ...................
Appendix N : Lesson Plans .......................................................................




A. The Background of the Study
Reading is one of the skills in language proficiency which is taught
formally in Indonesia from elementary school up to the university level. Many
researchers note that reading is the most important language skill for academic
achievements beside speaking, listening, and writing. Brown (2004:185) stated
that reading is arguably the most essential skill for success in all educational
contexts. Moreover, in the era of globalization, students need to intensify their
reading activities in order to get as much shared information as possible. By doing
that, the students will be able to cover the news and knowledge all over the world
to support their lives.
Reading comprehension has also been included in National Exam (Ujian
Nasional). It means that reading needs to be mastered by the students to pass the
National Examination. In fact, many students failed in National Examination.
They can not comprehend the text well because the text is very long and there are
many difficult words. Finally, the students got bored and the result was not good.
Based on the writer’s observation in SMA Swasta Yayasan Perguruan
Indonesia Membangun Medan, by interviewing some students and the teacher, it
is concluded that the students still had insufficient skills in reading and got many
difficulties in comprehending a text. The lack of students’ reading comprehension
can be caused by some reasons. First, the learning process is conducted in teacher-


centered , which means the teacher only explains the material without involving
the students actively.
The second reason is the teacher used only conventional technique in
teaching. The teacher did not develop their teaching ability by using variety of
strategies or techniques and oriented to the students’ textbook only to teach
reading in the class. The teacher only asked the students to read the textbook and
to answer the provided questions related to the text. The activity does not provide
the students to discuss and share ideas with their friends in group during the
learning process.
This condition also happened while the students are reading descriptive
texts. Knapp and Watkins (2005:97) state that descriptive text enables the
categorisation or classification of an almost infinite range of experiences,
observations and interactions into a system that orders them for immediate and
future reference, and allows us to know them either objectively or subjectively,
depending on the learning area or intent of the writer. This genre is learned in
senior high school because it is very important for the students to be able to
describe things, person or places in details. By using the conventional technique in
teaching descriptive text, the teacher did not develop the students logical thinking
about the generic structures of descriptive text, because during the learning
process the teacher only asked the students to read, find the meaning of difficult
words in their dictionaries and answer the questions of the text.
There are many strategies or techniques in teaching reading
comprehension that can be used to overcome the problem. Numbered Heads


Together Technique is one of the techniques that can be applied to overcome the
Numbered Heads Together Technique is proposed by Spencer Kagan.
Kagan (2009:101) stated that in Numbered Heads Together, each student must
write their best answer on their own and shows it to their teammates before they
put their heads together to tutor and coach each other. This strategy is beneficial
for reviewing and integrating subject matter. Students with special needs such as
need more time to understand the text, often get benefit when this strategy is
applied, because there will be other students which are ready to help them
understand the answer and find the solution. In other side, the students will feel
free to to give their ideas, feelings and thought without any authorities from
others. This activity will stimulate the students to be more active and get
motivation to read better specially in reading descriptive text.
In conducting Numbered Heads Togehther technique, the teacher divides
the students in to a group of 4-6 students. Then, the teacher gives the texts that the
students have to read. After a direct instruction of the material has been given, of
course, the group supports each member and provides opportunities for practice,
rehearsal, and discussion of content material before they are called to present or
answer the questions. This is a good technique that can motivate the students and
promote higher-level of thinking.
The strength of of Numbered Heads Together Technique was proven by
Nuruddin et al. (2013) who conducted a research in reading comprehension by
using this technique. The research found that this technique has positive effects to


the students. The students who were taught by using Number Heads Together
Technique got higher scores than students who were taught by using QAR and
Conventional Technique. The same result of applying Numbered Heads Together
Technique is also found by Satria et al. (2013) in their research which found that
the use of Numbered Heads Together Technique improved the students’
achievement in reading comprehension. Another research was conducted by Evi
Ramini (2013) who found that the students’ achievement in writing was improved
after being taught by using Numbered Heads Together Technique.
Based on the explanation above, it is important to study about “ The
Effect of Numbered Heads Together Technique on Students’ Achievement in
Reading Descriptive Text ”.

B. The Problem of the Study
In relation to the background of the study, the problem of the study is
formulated as follows : “ Does Numbered Heads Together Technique affect the
students’ achievement in reading descriptive text? ”

C. The Scope of the Study
There are many genres of text that can be used in this research. However,
the scope of the study is limited on the descriptive text. Thus, the study will
investigate the effect of Numbered Heads Together Technique on students’
achievement in reading descriptive text.


D. The Objective of the Study
The objective of the study is to find out the effect of Numbered Heads
Together Technique on students’ achievement in reading descriptive text.

E. The Significance of the Study
The findings of the study are expected to be useful :
Theoritically for :

Other researchers to use the data as reference for further research related
to the use of Numbered Heads Together Technique.
Practically for :


English teachers to use Numbered Heads Together Technique to improve
the students achievement in reading descriptive text.


Students to improve their ability in reading descriptive text by applying
Numbered Heads Together Technique.


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