In this chapter, the researcher provides background information and rationale of the
study. This chapter is subdivided into six sections. Those are research background, research
problem, problem limitation, research objective, research benefits, and definition of key terms.
Each of them is explained in the following sections.
1.1 Research Background
Sociolinguistic is a study of the relationship between language and society. It explains
why we speak differently in different social context, and it is concerned with identifying the
social functions of language and the way it is use to convey social meaning (Holmes 2013 :22).
The development of language is influenced by the society itself, so they create many
kinds of language variation. Register is one of them. Registers are sets of language items
associated with discrete occupational or social groups. Surgeons, airline pilots, bank managers,
sales clerks, jazz fans, and pimps employ different registers (Wardhaugh 2006:52). Register is
used by certain community to make their communication easier, to show their identity and to
make efficient interaction each other in their community.
Some groups of people use register in their daily activity because it is related to a sector
and profession. For example, police have specific terms that differentiate from specific terms
used by soldier. If register is used in public area which has many kinds of community, it will
cause misunderstanding or confusing except certain terms that have been known by the public.
One of the groups that use register is referee of Perbasi (Persatuan Bola Basket Seluruh

Indonesia) Jombang because they use registers in their profession related to basketball and many

registers are used by referee based on the situation in a basketball game. The registers of
basketball referee are made based on FIBA (Fédération Internationale de Basket-ball Amateur ).
Therefore, not many people know about their register if they do not belong to referee of Perbasi.
It also makes their communication easier, to show their identity and to making efficient
interaction each other in their community.
Generally, people have specific reasons that make them used register. Registers are used in
order to make their communication become practical, efficient, and understandable. Referee in
Perbasi Jombang uses register to shorten their interaction and give information more easily with
There are some studies related to the existence of register. In 2011, Anggraini studied the
register used by FOCUS in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. FOCUS is one organization
in University of Muhammadiyah Malang which focuses on photography activities. In her study,
she found that there were 50 registers used by FOCUS community of University of
Muhammadiyah Malang. Then in 2005, Heriyanti had conducted similar study about register
used by CIBBM at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The result showed that there were 49
registers and categorized as type of register that incorporated standard American English.
The researcher chooses this topic because the researcher was inspired from Sri Heriyanti
who conducted a study entitled analysis register used by CIBBM which is related to basketball in

Celtic book. The researcher want to give more detail about register related to basketball and
enrich the knowledge of register in sociolinguistic phenomena. In addition, the researcher
expects that the result of this study give clarification and as the useful material, information also
additional knowledge for: researcher himself, lectures, English department students, and next

According to these phenomena, it is considered that the register of basketball referee in
Perbasi Jombang is worth to be analyzed.

1.2 Research Problems
Based on the background of the study, the researcher would like to formulate the problems
as follows:
1. What are registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang?
2. What are the types of registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang?
3. What are the meanings of registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang?

1.3 Problem Limitation
In this study, the researcher analyzed the registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang.
The researcher wanted to limit his study on register used by referee in Perbasi Jombang, the
meaning of registers, and also type of register that used by referee in Perbasi Jombang.

Moreover, registers are analyzed by using interview to referees of basketball in Perbasi Jombang
and also using books from Fiba because the register of basketball referee is based on Fiba.
1.4 Research Objectives
Based on the statement problems, the purposes of study are stated as follows:
1. To find out the registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang.
2. To find out the type of registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang.
3. To find out the meaning of registers used by referee in Perbasi Jombang.
1.5 Research Benefits

It is hoped that this study will give some benefits as follows:
1. Theoretically
This study gives additional information also new point of view about sociolinguistic, also
how to analyze registers, especially for registers that researcher can found in certain community.
2. Practically
After reading this study, this study can help the readers and researcher himself to get a better
understanding about registers that can be found from certain community. Moreover, the
researcher expects that this study can educate other students in using language. The result of this
study is expected to give clarification and as the useful material, information also additional
knowledge for: researcher himself, teachers, students, and other researchers.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms
Definitions of key terms are given to clarify technical terms used by the researcher. The
terms are explained as follows:

Register is the style of language, grammar and words used for particular situation. It
also makes communication easier, to show their identity and to make efficient
interaction each other in their community. (Cambridge dictionary third edition)

Referee is a person who is in charge of sport or game and make certain that the rules
are followed in the game. In this study, referee means the referee of basketball
game. (Cambridge dictionary third edition)

Perbasi Jombang is Indonesia basketball organization in Jombang.



Ario Pamungkas



This thesis written by Ario Pamungkas was approved on November 12, 2015.


Advisor II

Advisor I

Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum.


Santi Prastiyowati, M.Pd.

This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang
and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve
Sarjana Degree in English Education
on November 12, 2015

Approved by:
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Dr. Poncojari Wahyono, M.Kes.



1. Erlyna Abidasari,M.A.,M.Ed.

1. ……………………………………….

2. Drs. Soeparto, M.Pd.

2. ……………………………………….

3. Santi Prastiyowati, M.Pd.

3. ……………………………………….

4. Dra. Thathit Manon Andini,

4. ……………………………………….




The undersigned:

: Ario Pamungkas

Student ID Number

: 201110100311180

Program of Study

: English Department


: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

I declared that the work presented in this thesis was carried out by myself and
did not incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a
degree or diploma in any university. To the best of my knowledge this thesis did not
contain any materials previously published or written by other persons except where
references were made in text.

Malang, November 12, 2015

Ario Pamungkas


“Everything negative, pressure, challenges are opportunity for me to rise
– Kobe Bryant”

I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents:
My father “Budi Ismawan” and my mother “Tri Yulia Ningsih” who had become a
great parent and fight against ignorance, poverty and arrogance.



Register is sets of language item associated with discrete occupational or
social groups. Registers can be called as the language variation that is concerning
with the uses or function. In this study, the researcher investigated register used by
referee in Perbasi Jombang. The researcher wanted to analyze the register include
their meaning and types.
In this study, the researcher employed qualitative research design because it
described the phenomena of register, meaning, and type of registers used by referee in
Perbasi Jombang. The subject of this study was four referees in Perbasi Jombang.
Then, the researcher used interview and document as the instrument of data

The result of this study revealed that there were 38 registers found in this
study. All of them were found out from document and interview. The meaning of
register was taken from the result of interview and document. All registers were
categorized as formal register.

Keywords : Register, Perbasi,Referee

Advisor I


Santi Prastiyowati, M.Pd

Ario Pamungkas



Alhamdulillahirobbil ‘alamin, Praise is merely to the Almighty Allah SWT
for the gracious mercy and tremendous blessing that enables me to accomplish this
thesis entitled: Register used by referee of Perbasi Jombang. This thesis was
presented to achieve Bachelor Degree in English Education, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, University of Muhamadiyah Malang.
I would like to express my special appreciation to my advisors who were
behind the completion of this thesis. The writer appreciated Ms. Santi Prastiyowati,
M.Pd as the first advisor and Dra. Thathit Manon Andini, M.Hum as second advisor
for their valuable encouragement, understanding, guidance, patience, and time in
assisting and complementing this thesis.
The greatest honor and appreciation would be finally dedicated to my beloved
parents, my father Budi Ismawan and my mother Tri Yulia Ningsih and my all
family. It is truly undoubted that loves, cares, spirits, motivation, patience and
willingness to wait for my graduation and timeless prayers during days and nights are
everything for me. I would like to address my appreciation to my informants who
help in complementing this thesis, referees of Perbasi Jombang as the informant in
this study, thank you so much for the information and time.
I would like to express my great appreciation to all of my friends, Atik,
Tongkol, Benu, Ical, Echa, Mondenk, Mak cik, Ulum, Pandu, Fikri, Jhoyo Sastro,
Arizona, and all of my relative who supported and prayed for my success.

Malang, November 12, 2015

The Writer


APPROVAL ……………………………………………………………………. iii
LEGALIZATION ………………………………………………………………. iv
MOTTO AND DEDICATION ………………………………………………... vi
ABSTRACT ……………………………………………………………………. vii
ACKNOWLEDMENTS ……………………………………………………… viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………. ix
1.1 Background of the Study …………………………………………………..1
1.2 Research Problem ………………………………………………………..... 3
1.3 Problem Limitation ……………………………………………………..…. 3
1.4 Research Objective… ………………………………………………………4
1.5 Research Benefit….. ………………………………………………………. 4
1.6 Definition of Key Terms ………………………………………………...… 4
2.1 Sociolinguistic …………………………………………………………….. 6
2.2 Language in Society……………………………………………………….. 7
2.3 Speech Community ……………………………………………………….. 7
2.4 Language Varieties…. …………………………………………………….. 8
2.4.1Dialect ……………………………………………………………….. 9
2.4.2 Style…..................................................................................................9
2.4.3 Colloquial………………………………………………………….....10
2.4.4 Jargon.................................................................................................. 10
2.4.5 Slang….…………………………………………………………...... .11
2.4.6 Register ………………………………………………………………12 Types of Register …......…………………………………….12
2.5 Meaning……….............................................................................................. 14
2.5.1 Type of Meaning……………………………………………………....14


2.3 Research Design ………………………………………………………….... 18
3.2 Research Setting …………………………………………………….……... 19
3.3 Research Object ……………………………………………………...…......19
3.4 Instrument…………………………………………………………………... 19
3.4.1 Document…………………………………………………………...…19
3.4.2 Interview………………………………………………………….…... 20
3.5 Data Collection …………………………………………………………...... 21
3.6 Data Analysis ……………………………………………………………..... 21
4.1 Research Findings …………………………………………………….…..... 23
4.1.1 Registers used by Referee of Perbasi Jombang..……………….…... 23
4.1.2 The Meaning of Registers used by Referee of Perbasi Jombang....... 24
4.1.3 The Type of register used by rferee of Perbasi Jombang…………... 25
4.2 Discussion ……………………………………………………………….......27
5.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................30
5.2 Suggestion ………………………………………………………….….........31
LIST OF TABLES...............................................................................................
1. Table 4.1. Register Used by Referee of Perbasi Jombang……………….25
2. Table of register based on first interview by Artha Mey Kurniawan.........47
3. Table of register based on first interview by Teguh Susanto, S.Pd............49
4. Table of register based on first interview by Muhammad Rizal Arifin......51


5. Table of register based on first interview by Dwima Ersalafatu Arbas......53
6. Table of register based on first interview by Official Basketball Rules......55
LIST OF APPENDICES....................................................................................
1. Interview script of Artha Mey Kurniawan.................................................33
2. Interview script of Teguh Susanto, S.Pd....................................................36
3. Interview script of Muhammad Rizal Arifin..............................................40
4. Interview script of Dwima Ersalafatu Arbas..............................................44
5. Table of register based on first interview by Artha Mey Kurniawan.........47
6. Table of register based on first interview by Teguh Susanto, S.Pd............49
7. Table of register based on first interview by Muhammad Rizal Arifin......51
8. Table of register based on first interview by Dwima Ersalafatu Arbas......53
9. Table of register based on first interview by Official Basketball Rules......55
10. Approval sheet of Perbasi Jombang............................................................56


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