By talking and asking in the target language, the students would tend to answer the teacher’s questions in the target language. In some occasion, the students were confused with the questions. In this case, the use of optional questions from the teacher helped the students say what they wanted. The students also seemed confused when they heard new instruction for the first time without given any demonstration. Silence meant that the students did not know what they had to do with the instruction. However, the students could perform the instruction after the teacher had demonstrated it even just once demonstration. In the Natural Method, the students were not forced to repeat the vocabulary which the teacher taught. However, the students would decide when and what to talk. Sometimes, the students initiatively repeated what the teacher said. Some vocabulary that was usually uttered by the teacher might be the first vocabulary acquired by the students instead of the vocabulary intended to be taught. There were many words that were frequently uttered by the teacher. It made the students got used to hear the words and memorize them. Therefore, the students acquired the frequent words firstly that the vocabulary intended to be taught. However, the use of the target language as the medium to communicate would automatically utter much vocabulary both the vocabulary intended to be taught and the frequent words to communicate. Hence, the use of the target language as the medium to communicate would automatically repeat the vocabulary taught in the previous meetings.

C. Recommendation

The writer proposes some recommendations that can be considered by the teacher and the other researchers since it was proven that the Natural Method was effective to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. 1. To English teacher for kindergarten students The teacher needs to be brave to take the risk using the target language as the medium to communicate in the classroom. It seems normal when the students need to adapt themselves with the new language. The students would be confused when they hear the language for the first time. Therefore, the teacher should not speak in the target language in a long sentence instead the teacher should speak efficiently and avoid redundancy. The students would be accustomed to interacting with the target language. However, the teacher needs to be more creative how to make the students understand what the teacher says and what the teacher wants. Demonstrations and realia would help much. 2. To other researchers This study was limited on the scope of study, place, and available time. As stated earlier, the study would give a portrait how natural method applied in kindergarten. It is recommended that other researchers do further research on the implementation of natural method in different places, different level, in longer time and more material to be taught. The writer also recommends the other researchers to consider theories about the similarities of first and secondforeign language learning.