Approach of the Study Method of the Study


B. Approach of the Study

The writer develops this study by applying the Psychological approach. Rohrberber and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature , state that “the psychological approach is an approach that is used to explain human motivation, personality, and behavior pattern written in literary object 1971: 12. A psychological approach outlines a psychology theory in order to help readers in understanding the literary works. In analyzing the character of Savannah the writer uses the psychological approach through the interpretations are needed in order to get deep understandings the psychological condition of the character. Here the psychological approach becomes the important element. By using psychological approach the writer tries to analyze and search the inner point of view of the major character. Since this thesis deals with the major character’s motivation it is valuable in search the motivation using psychological approach. This approach lets the readers to examine the character’s psychological aspect in the literary works.

C. Method of the Study

In order to fulfill this study, the writer used a library research method. It means that the data were collected from many books and from the internet as well, which have some valuable information to support the study. The writer divided the sources as the primary and the secondary data. The primary data source is taken f rom Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. The secondary data are taken from other 18 sources and books of literature, which are related to primary data that support the analysis. They are books and internet to get the information. It means that the study is based on books and some sources from the internet. The writer took the data from the Dear John by Nicholas Sparks. There were four steps of data collecting which the writer took in conducting the study. The first was reading the novel for several times to get more understanding that were going to be analyzed. The second was reading some related references to observe the related theory, data and information. The third was collecting some data of important parts and making notes from the references as the sources to examine the topic. The writer obtained the information from the library and the internet. The fourth was coming to the part of analysis using all theories are in order to answer the problems stated in the problem formulation. By applying all those steps the writer can answer this study. 19