Data from Classroom observation Data from Interview

Nadya Nitiswari, 2012 The Role of L1 in EFL Classroom : Perspectives of Senior High School Teachers and Students A Case Study at Two High Schools in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 36 addition, the questionnaire which was used in this study is provided in Appendix C.

3.4 Data Analysis

3.4.1 Data from Classroom observation

Data from observation were used to get factual phenomenon of the teachers’ activities in the classroom dealing with the use of L1 in the EFL classroom. The data from observation result were analyzed based on the amount of the used bahasa Indonesia and the discourse context in EFL classroom. The researcher presents in the class as non-participant observer and the researcher will describe the phenomenon that she investigated descriptively and factually. The amount of Bahasa Indonesia L1 spoken by teachers and students were analyzed by adopting the method of quantifying proposed by Duff and Polio 1990. This method used an utterance as a basic unit. With reference to this method, each coded utterances produced by teacher were then categorized into TL refers to utterances completely in L or with one word or phrase in Bahasa Indonesia; and Mixed refers to utterances completely in Bahasa Indonesia or with one word or phrase in L2, plus utterances with an equal mixture of Bahasa Indonesia and English.

3.4.2 Data from Interview

Nadya Nitiswari, 2012 The Role of L1 in EFL Classroom : Perspectives of Senior High School Teachers and Students A Case Study at Two High Schools in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 37 The data from Interview aimed to answer the second research question; the perspectives of teachers and students in using Bahasa Indonesia in EFL classroom. The data from interview were firstly transcribed. During the transcription stage, teacher’s names were replaced with alias names Kvale, 1996. Secondly, the data that have been transcribed were categorized based on the themes which were related to the research questions. Thirdly, the data from the interview were subsequently presented in condensed body of information. To keep the objectivity of the study in analyzing the data, during the transcribing process the participants name were changed into alias name Kvale, 1996. In the final step, to follow Cohen and Manion, 1994 and Kvale 1996 the transcripts were given back to the participants to make sure that it was exactly what the teachers said and meant.

3.4.3 Data from Questionnaire