Preliminary Study Classroom Observation and Classroom Video-recording Teachers Interview

Nadya Nitiswari, 2012 The Role of L1 in EFL Classroom : Perspectives of Senior High School Teachers and Students A Case Study at Two High Schools in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 33 Teacher B was graduated from English Education Department of a state university in Bandung. She has been teaching English for 20 years, but it was her 15 year-teaching in school 2. She has participated some workshops and seminars to improve her knowledge in teaching English.

3.3 Data Collection Method

This part elaborates how the data obtained in the study. The descriptions are presented below:

3.3.1 Preliminary Study

Two pilot studies were conducted prior to the real study. Both of pilot study was conducted in a second grade of senior high school in Cilegon. In these schools, the data needed in this study were significantly found during learning activities.

3.3.2 Classroom Observation and Classroom Video-recording

Classroom observation was the first data collection techniques used in this study. A video recorder was used to collect a natural data and as clear as possible. According to Van Lier 1988, recording was not only functions as a means for description and analysis in a research, but also as an estrangement device which is needed to look at the phenomena with detachment. The Nadya Nitiswari, 2012 The Role of L1 in EFL Classroom : Perspectives of Senior High School Teachers and Students A Case Study at Two High Schools in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 34 observations and recordings were conducted six times for each class from Jan 12 th until Feb 13 th 2011. The field notes were also utilized to support the data gathered from audio recordings during the observation. The notes were used to assist in coding the data and to provide the researcher with information, which are not included in video recorder. In addition, the transcriptions of the classroom observation in this study are provided in Appendix A.

3.3.3 Teachers Interview

The second data collection techniques used in this study were an interview with all participating teachers in this study. The interview data in this study were used to obtain the teachers perspectivess of the use of L1 in the EFL classroom . This enabled the researcher to verify the teachers’ use of L1 in the classroom. In this study, two English teachers from two different public schools in Cimahi were interviewed to obtain information about their perspectives in the use of Bahasa Indonesia in EFL classroom. Those teachers were selected purposively. In addition, this interview was conducted after the process of the video recording had been completed to obtain more comprehensive data on their perspectives regarding with the use of L1 in EFL classroom. The question items of the interviews were originally designed by Al- Shidhani 2009 in his research questionnaire and developed by the Nadya Nitiswari, 2012 The Role of L1 in EFL Classroom : Perspectives of Senior High School Teachers and Students A Case Study at Two High Schools in Cimahi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | 35 researcher to obtain more detailed information about a pers on’s thoughts. The interview questions cover the teacher background information, their opinions on a number of statements about the use of the L1 in the EFL classroom, and the final part focused on the teachers’ use of L in the classroom. In addition, the interview questions which were used in this study and the transcriptions of the interview is provided in Appendix B.

3.3.4 Students Questionnaire