Definition of Media The Functions of Media Kinds of Media

instructional mode may help to provide the learning opportunities required with available resources.

C. Media

1. Definition of Media

The term media is devided from the Latin word ‘medium” which means ‘between”. It refers so anything that carries information between a source and a receiver. When media are used to carry messages with an instructional intent, they are considered as international. 23 Based on the definition above implies that the function of media to carry information from the source teacher and a receiver students and they are used to make communication between the teacher and the students run well and the materials explained are easier to understand, so media is all aids which may be used by the teachers and learners to attain certain education.

2. The Functions of Media

According to Davies, the fuctions of the media are as follows: a. Aids to instruction Media serves to help the teachers to manage instruction more efficiently. Media assist teachers to communicate more effectively and take over the operating role of instruction from teachers. b. Aids to learning Media serves to help students learn more efficiently. Media promote understanding, assist in the transfer of training, and assist in assessment. Media can be used in assessing mastery performance. 24 23 Heinich, Instructional Media and The New Technology of Instructional, New York: Mc Millan Publishing Company, 1985. 24 Davies, Ivor K, instructional Techniques, New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1980, p. 193. Brown states that the functions of media are: a. to save time, b. to stimulate interest, c. to encourage students’ participation, d. to provide a review, e. to help students learn communicate ideas visually, f. to provide medium for individual or group reports, and g. to make a classroom dynamic, relevant, and attractive. 25

3. Kinds of Media

In general, three kinds of instructional media. They are audio, visual and audio visual media. Audio media are media that can be listened to, while visual media are media that can be seen. The instructional media that can be seen and listen are audio visual media. Based on the Oxford learner’s Dictionary, visual media are “pictures, films, video, maps, etc.used as teaching aids”. They can be also defined as things that can be seen which are used as teaching and learning visuals. Finochiaro mentions some examples of the media for each type. The visual media may include blackboard, textbook, real object, picture, file, chart, pocket chart, flash card, woed card, flannel or felt board, magnetic board, opaque projector, and transparency, kodachrome slide, filmstrip and miscellaneous materials. The other suggestion of visual media presentation is suggested by Lubis, states the function of visual media can be used for motivation and they can also stimulate interest in a language teaching program. 26 Futhermore, Lubis mention some functions of visual media, they are: 1 Support understanding when the students are listening, 2 Put across the meaning of vocabulary, 25 Brown, James Lewis, Richard B. harcleroad, Fred F. Audio Visual Instruction, New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1983 26 Yusnaneni Lubis, Developing Communicative Profeciency in English as a Foreign Language, Jakarta: Bina Rupa Aksara, 1974, p.56 3 Prompt and support reading, 4 Provide a topic or visual focus to prompt speaking or writing, 5 Provide a visual link between first language and second language, 6 Provide support and motivation for early reading and writing English, 7 Provide ways arround communication barries. 27

D. Issue of KUMON in English Teaching and learning