



(Classroom action research) By

Epa Liana

The research was conducted based on the problem faced by the fourth grade student of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung. Most students in class IV A of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung still could not achieve the curriculum target because of their low mastery of vocabulary. Their low mastery of vocabulary is caused by inappropriateness of teaching technique used by the teacher. The researcher conducted this research to find out if Montessori can be used to improve students’ vocabulary mastery and to improve the teacher’s teaching performance in teaching vocabulary.

This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, implementation, observation and interpretation, analysis and reflection. The indicators of the research covered learning product and learning process, the researcher used vocabulary test and observation sheets for students’ activities and teacher’s teaching performance as the instruments for collecting data.

The result of the research shows that, during the cycle 1, higher than 40% students were active during the teaching learning process. Relating to the teacher’s performance, the total score the teacher’s performance was 1043 and the average was 74,5 her performance was categorized good performance but the indication of students vocabulary test could not be achieved the indicator. There were 12 students (40%) who got score higher than 60. In cycle 2, the total number of students actively involved in teaching learning process improved in the second cycle. There were 86% students participated in each activity during the teaching learning process. There were 28 students who did well. Next, 1129 score for teacher’s performance and 80,64, her performance improved to be very good category. There were 24 students who got score higher than 60.

Referring to the finding of the research, it indicates that by using Montessori is applicable to improve the students’ activities, the teacher’s performance in teaching vocabulary and also students’ vocabulary mastery.




This chapter discusses about background of the problems, formulation of the problems, objective of the research, uses of the research, scope, and definition of terms.

A. Background of the Problem

Teachers play an important role in fester the intellectual and social development of children during their formative years. The education that teachers impart plays a key in determining the future prospects of their students. Whether in preschools or high school or in private schools, teachers provide tools and environment for their students’ to develop in to responsible adults.

Teachers act as facilitators or coaches, using classroom presentations or individual instruction to help students learn and apply concept in subject such as science, mathematics, or English. They plan evaluate, and assign lessons: prepare, administer, and grade test: listen to oral presentation and maintain classroom discipline. Teachers observe and evaluate students, performance and potential and increasingly are asked to use new assessment. For example, teachers may examine a portfolio of student’s artwork or writing in order to judge the students’ over progress or teaching learning progress with game. According to Clark and Clark (1977) in Fauziati (2002: 171), “elementary school students are who still likes playing.” So, the teachers are expected to be imaginative and creative in developing their teaching technique to make the English lesson more interesting. They then can provide


additional assistance in areas in which students’ need help. Teachers also grade papers, prepare report cards, and meet parents and school staff to discuss student’s academic process or personal problems.

Many teachers’ use a “hand-on” approach that uses “props” or “manipulative” to helps children understand abstract concepts, solve problems, and develop critical thought process. For example, they teach the concepts of numbers or of addition and subtraction by playing board games. As the children get older, teachers use more sophisticated materials, such as science apparatus, cameras, or computers. They also encourage collaboration in solving problems by having students work in groups to discuss and save problems together. To be prepared for success later in life, students must be able to interact with others, adapt to new technology, and think through problems logically.

The language used to talk to young children is universal, talking about “here and now”. It means that the first vocabulary which should be mastered by the young children is from the object around them and which is real (now). Young children cannot imagine abstract things or last event. While adults talk about the objects, children are interested in their names, their properties, and relation between objects.

Most elementary school teachers instruct one class of children in several subjects.

In some schools, two or more teachers work as a team and are jointly responsible for a group of students in at least one subject. But, in the other schools, a teacher may teach one special subject- usually music, art, reading, science, arithmetic, or physical education to a number of classes. A small but growing number of teachers instruct multilevel classrooms, with students at several different learning levels. Playing is an interesting phenomenon to the teacher’s attention. Learners are challenged to know more about it. One of the reasons is because they


know that teaching learning process through playing makes the students easier to get and to improve their knowledge, especially vocabulary.

The teacher should have system, organize and plan the lessons, use familiar situation and familiar activities so the children have on amazing ability to absorb language through play and other activities which they find enjoyable. Students of course could not improve their vocabulary unless they are interested in words. The teacher must be creative and imaginative to make the students interested in learning the English lesson by choosing a teaching technique which is suitable for the students.

In recent years, site-based management, which allows teachers and parents to participate actively in management increasingly involved in making decisions regarding the budget, personnel, textbooks, curriculum design, and teaching methods. The teaching method in the children is different from teaching adults. According to Haskew and Mc. Lendon (1968) in Sutopo (2000: 9) “teaching in action toincrease the adds that potential learners will learn.” Children are easily getting bored when they are learning something, especially for IV A students in SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung.

Basically, teaching English in SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat is the same as the other Elementary School; it is relevant with curriculum KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan).

SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung is one of the schools which use active learning method. It is located on Imam Bonjol street Gedung Air Bandar Lampung. Here, there are two English teachers in this school. Besides, it is one of State Elementary Schools in Bandar Lampung and English is the main subject in this school. Because of the important of mastering vocabulary in learning English, some teachers in this school put emphasizes of English subject in first semester on teaching vocabulary. In each meeting the teacher drills the students with 10-20 vocabulary and does evaluation “TKBB”


(Tes Kemampuan Belajar Bulanan) in once month. Besides, SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung used active learning method which is the materials for example are: (1) Teaching writing using drawing and sticking methods, (2) Teaching speaking using drama, (3) Teaching reading using incomplete short story, (4) Teaching listening using song, and the last (5) Teaching vocabulary using playing games “quick skill” and “I am a ….” (It’s name of games). For example: “I am a banana” (aku adalah pisang). In this game the students practice to take a banana, after that they must eat it with the other friends.

From the discussion above, the researcher is interested in carrying out a research dealing with mastery of vocabulary. The students’ mastery of vocabulary will encourage them to have good language skills. Therefore, in this research, the writer as the teacher brings forward the way of teaching English vocabulary using Montessori Method.

By using this method which has been practiced in two years, the students’ capability in (speaking, writing, listening, reading, and especially vocabulary) increases. In here, we know about knowing word. According to Marely, word is:

“The process of learning anew word that in here the teacher and students can define word, know about the common mistake that made when defining words, and the teacher and students candefine words effectively.”

Based on simple observation in SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung, the researcher found four problems in mastering English vocabulary. The first, the students’ capability of the understanding meaning is bad. In understanding meaning of word the students is not only to recognize a particular word, but also to produce it on their own. In order to gain the confidence to use a word, students must have knowledge of how to use it within constraints of grammar, appropriateness, and meaning. This comes through repeated exposure to the word and careful attention. Besides that, is based on the definitions of giving


the meaning of the word. Some words have more than one meaning. The different meanings are listed in order to know how they are most commonly used, such as wall and ceiling. It can be proved, when the teacher pointed the ‘wall’ picture, some students mentioned ‘ceiling’. On the contrary, when the teacher pointed ‘ceiling’ picture, they mentioned ‘wall’.

Nation (1990) in Read (2000: 26) stated that knowing a word covers some components, they are: form, position, function, and meaning. Form consists of spoken and written form, position consist of grammatical pattern and collocation, function consist of frequency, and appropriateness of the word, and meaning consist of concept and association of the word. Secondly, the students’ pronunciation is still poor. In here the pronunciation guide tells us how the word should sound when spoken. Point out this dictionary has pronunciation keys that help the students’ to read the phonetic spellings. Also point out that the Word Wizard Dictionary allows the students’ to hear the pronunciation, as well as reading the phonetic are spelling. But, the problem in SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung, is the students’ is still poor. It can be seen when they pronounce the word ‘banana’ and ‘broccoli’, they pronounce those words as /banana/ and /brokoli/ that exactly should be pronounced /b?‘na:n?/ and /’brak?li/. The researcher thinks that their pronunciation is influenced by their mother tongue and the spelling of the word.

Thirdly, their spelling is also poor. It can be seen when they write the word ‘bag’, ‘book’, and chili. The students write the words as ‘bek’, ‘buk’, and ‘silli’ it may be caused their spelling is influenced by the pronunciation of the word. In fact, the pronunciation and spelling in English words are different.

Finally, how to use in the sentences. In here traditional models of teaching vocabulary that focus on giving lists of words to students on Monday and testing their knowledge on Friday are not effective. Even if students score acceptably on the test, the majority of the words from


those lists do not become part of their reading, writing, or speaking lives. Instead, they are quickly forgotten after the quiz.

A few simple changes can increase the quantity and quality of vocabulary that students learn. By creating word-rich environments through our vocabulary use and the inclusion of games, teachers establish their classrooms as word laboratories that encourage students to try out and play with new and unfamiliar words. When we then focus on words that would be naturally useful in discussing class material, we set the stage for students to have repeated, integrated, meaningful opportunities to use the words, which leads to greater student learning. Finally, taking smaller portions of time on a more regular basis to introduce, study, and assess words leads to an increased knowledge of words.

Therefore, researcher wants to find the reasons why the students’ vocabulary mastery is low, the students are not enthusiast to follow vocabulary class. Basically, that is an irony because actually language learning depends on vocabulary. Vocabulary provides an aural input that serves as the source for language acquisition and enables learners. They can help the students develop a set of vocabulary situation. Vocabulary could be done interactively. By using instructional Montessori method, the students got better understanding, because the students’ comprehension of a spoken text improve quite better with teachers gestures or would be more better, if it is helped with the use of any supporting method. For example: by using instructional method like Montessori Method.

Montessori Method is instructional media as the physical surrounding the learners can help the study. Montessori Method is a kind teaching learning methods which is used in pre-school and in Elementary School (Gagne (1970) in Sadiman (1996:6).


This method is a kind of teaching learning method which emphasizes learning at the same time of pay. According to Shodek (1991) in Putramanadewa (1995: 102) states:

“playing is an interesting phenomenon to know more about it. One of the reasons is because theyknow that teaching learning process through playing makes the students easier to get and to improve their knowledge, especially teaching vocabulary as interesting and joyfulatmosphere in learning activities.”

In applying this method, the researcher uses repetition to teach vocabulary. In Fauziati (2005: 34) stated that repetition, the students repeat an utterance aloud as soon as she has heard it. So, after the students listen to the native speaker and look up the vocabulary which is pronounced by the native speaker, the teacher asks them to imitate and repeat it.

From the problem above the researcher tries to give a solution for the teacher to implement one of the teaching methods. There is a method of teaching learning which is interesting and can improve students’ ability and liveliness, namely Montessori Method. It is learning and playing.

Classroom action research is a continual process of search of a formal organization for devising solution for the everyday difficulties of classroom life (Mc Niff, 1995). It means that action research is used to solve the problem in daily classroom activities in order to make teaching learning process effective. In this sense, action research is seen as way of characterizing a lose set of activities that are designed to improve to quality of education: it is essentially eclectic way into a self-reflective program aimed at such educational improvement. And the second prospective attempts to identify the criteria of these activities: to formulate system that will account for the improvement that is an anticipated outcome of the self-reflective program. So, the term action research is a term used to describe methods and techniques.


In line with the explanation above the researcher choose classroom action research as the way to solve the problems faced during teaching learning process and in this case, teaching vocabulary needs an effective method in order that the students can enrich and improve their vocabulary easily. Based on the assumption above the researcher was applied Montessori Method as a media in teaching Vocabulary. Thus, the researcher was conducted a research entitled “Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Montessori Method at IV A class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjungkarang Barat, Bandar Lampung in 2011/2012 Academic Year”.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the research, the researcher formulated the problem as follow the:

1. Can Montessori Method be used to improve students’ vocabulary achievement at IV a class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat?

2. How can the implementation of Montessori Method improve the teaching learning process at the IV a class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat?

C.Objectives of the Research

In relation to the formulation of the problems above, the objectives of the classroom action research are:

1. To improve students’ vocabulary achievement at class IV a class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat.

2. To find out the implementation of Montessori Method improves the teaching learning process at IV a class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air .


D. Uses of the Research

The uses of the research are:

1. Theoretically, this research can be used to clarify the previous theories of Montessori Method.

2. Practically, this research can be useful for English teachers to implement Montessori Method to improve their students’ vocabulary mastery.

E. Scope of the Research

In general this classroom action research is intended to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery. The research was conducted in the fourth grade of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat with one class as subject of the research. The class is IV A which consists of 30 students. The reason why the researcher uses this class because it is the class that their vocabulary is still low.

The focus of the research is teaching learning within the Montessori Method. The researcher was conducted research “on going” process by practice about meaning, pronouncing, spelling and how to use in sentence of vocabulary. The research is limited only in particular themes of food and drink taken from the KTSP English curriculum of elementary School.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Vocabulary is the basic element of language in form of words in which it makes a language meaningful.

2.Teaching of vocabulary assume that vocabulary expansion will happen through the practice of other language skills, which has been proved not enough to ensure vocabulary expansion.


3. The Characteristic of young learner state that the language is used by young children to talk about “here and now”. Adult talk about the object for children interest in the name them, describe their properties, and talk relation between object.

4. The Montessori Method is method of teaching which uses media as the physical surrounding the learners can help the study. The method itself aims to duplicate this experimental observation of children to bring about, sustain and support their true natural way of being.




This chapter discusses about the concept of language teaching, concept of vocabulary, concept of teaching vocabulary, concept of learning vocabulary, concept of visual aids, concept of Montessori Method, implementation of teaching vocabulary through Montessori Method, advantages and disadvantages of Montessori Method.

A. Concept of Language Teaching

Basically, language teaching is the process of transferring knowledge of language, including listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this process teacher presents the materials to the students. Here, the teacher acts as a facilitator, model and guide in the classroom interaction.

Because language is a tool of communication, everybody needs to know how to speak and how to study language. In giving and taking information to or from others, of course people interact by using language.

In learning language, the learners need to pay attention to the vocabulary of the language which is learned. In mastering the four skills of language, vocabulary is one important part that must be learned in order the learners can make an interaction with other. So, there is close relationship between learners’ vocabulary and the four skills in mastering language. But it does not mean that the great number of vocabulary will assure the learner success in his or her study, but lack of vocabulary certainly will in delay his or her progress in studying language.


Teaching English can be modified to any situation. In this case, classroom activity depends on situation. It will be insufficient if in the process of teaching and learning is carried out through speaking and writing only. The teacher may not realize his or her failure in teaching without covering the four skills of language and the components. Fortunately, now days there are various creative techniques and approaches in transferring language skills to the students.

Terry (1980) says that individuals’ may be completed by an aid. This means that an aid can help either the teacher or the students in developing their skills. So far, the writer want to use games as a media in teaching vocabulary by using games, actually is not new one, but the frequencies of using it, is still low. Therefore the writer applies the games in this classroom action research.

B. Concept of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one important part of the three components of language. Those components are vocabulary, grammar, and phonology. We do not find the difficulty in making communication with other people, either in taking or giving information, we need to master a language. In mastering that language we need to know the large sum of its vocabulary. Webster (1998: 1124) says that vocabulary is a sum or stock of words used in language by class, individual, or field of knowledge. It is similar to Atter statement (1977: 365). He states that vocabulary is a list of words with their meaning, or stock of words used by people, person, or group. Those ideas are supported by Hornby (1984: 959) he states that vocabulary is a total number of words with role of combining them to make a sentence. River said that it would be impossible to learn a language without vocabulary learning language means learn its vocabulary its means that vocabulary is the most important things in language. A language will be meaningful because of its use of vocabulary. Meanwhile, Fries (1959:38) states that


vocabulary is the essential area of language learning. It has meaning that learning a language of course is learning its vocabulary too, because vocabulary is one component of language that cannot be separated in learning the language. Therefore students who are rich in vocabulary are easier to learn language than the poor ones. Its refers that by mastering a great number of vocabularies students will learn foreign language easily. In other words, to master a foreign language we have to master the vocabulary first.

Furthermore, Wilkins (1972:3) says that without grammar little things can be conveyed but without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Obviously confirms that one express his idea and opinion to the other without thinking of grammar. Anyone cannot express his idea and opinions to other without having vocabulary. So, the writer assumes that vocabulary plays important role in a language.

Based on the explanation above, it is clear that teaching and learning vocabulary of a language is important, because by mastering a great number of vocabularies the learner will progress their ability in mastering language. According to writer it hoped by mastering a great number of vocabularies will be easier for the language learners to learn the foreign language and use it for their communication.

Based on Fries (1974:4), vocabulary is clarified into four types:

1. Content words represent the name of subject or things that is nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverb.

2. Function words are those words which are used as a means of expressing relation of grammar structure, such as conjunction, article, and auxiliaries.

3. Substitution words, those which represent the individual things or specific action as substitutes for whole form classes of words, that is, identify.


4. Distributed words, those are distributed in use according to grammatical mater as the presence or absence of a negative.

This research is focused more on the content word because content word consists of words that can be associated into, and other types of words cannot be well associated as they have limited words.

Concept of Noun

Noun is head word of grammatical structure of sentence. Noun refers to all things either concrete or abstract those are available in our environment. Webster (1988:928) define as any class of word naming or denoting a person, thing, place, action, quality, etc.

Noun has some functions, they are :

1. As subject, e.g. The house on the corner belongs to my uncle.

2. As direct object, e.g. My husband sells expensive Chinnese antiques.

3. As indirect object, e.g. My uncle sold that rich couple some expensive antiques 4. As object of preposition, e.g. The price of those antiques is very high.

5. As complement of subject, e.g. My uncle is the richest man in town. 6. As complement of object, e.g. I consider my uncle a very fortunate man. Types of Noun :

1. Countable Noun, e.g. There are three carsin the park. 2. Uncountable Noun, e.g. The sea is full of sand.

Concept of Verb

Verb is the part of speech (or word class) that describes an action or occurrence or indicates a state of being. For example: I’m teaching English in the class.

There are two main classes of verbs: (1) the large open class of lexical verbs (also known as main verbs or full verbs--that is, verbs that are not dependent on other verbs) ; Regular verbs


just to end in the last verbs it is using suffix ed. Example in a sentence “a baby cried long the night”.

e.g ;

Verb I Verb II Verb III

bake cry dance decide hope help study stop stay bake cried danced decided hoped helped studied stopped stayed baked cried danced decided hoped helped studied stopped stayed

Irregular Verb to classify these verbs according to form or verb. e.g

Verb I Verb II Verb III

awake burn do eat find forget go have/has ring take awoke burnt did ate found forgot went had rang took awoke burnt done eaten found forgotten gone had rung taken

And (2) the small closed class of auxiliary verbs.

e.g ; can-may-must-should

My father can speak French perfectly. You may come to my house.

You must go now, because I want to go bed. You should study hard.


The two subtypes of auxiliaries are the primary auxiliaries, which can also act as lexical verbs, and the modal auxiliaries. The focus of this study is the full verbs in which verbs that aren't dependent on other verbs.

Concept of Adjective

Adjective is the part of speech that modifies a noun or other substantive by limiting, qualifying, e.g. comfortable, bigger, best, etc. Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as white in the phrase a white house.

e.g ;

A white house is bigger than the yellow house.

Garuda restaurant is more comfortable than Gazebo restaurant. John is bigger than Michael.

Concept of Adverb

Adverb is the part of speech that is used for describing or limiting an adjective, a verb, another adverb or an entire sentence.

In English, adverbs are frequently formed by adding "-ly" to the end of an adjective; in Spanish, they are frequently formed by adding - mente to the feminine form of adjectives. However, there are many adverbs in both languages that do not fit this pattern. In Spanish it is more common than in English for adjectives to function as adverbs.

e.g ;

Read the text carefully. Turn this book quickly. She walks slowly.

Relating to the vocabulary types, the researcher focused on content word because content word consists of words that are familiar to the students and easy to be understood by them.


Referring to the above statement, the researcher assumes that vocabulary is very essential part in learning a language. By mastering the vocabulary, we can understand what someone says or communicate to others. And we can express our ideas easily.

C. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary

Traditionally, the teaching of vocabulary above elementary levels (Junior High School until University) was mostly incidental, limited to presenting new items as they appeared in reading in reading or sometimes listening texts. This indirect teaching of vocabulary assumes that vocabulary expansion will happen through the practice of other language skills, which has been proved not enough to ensure vocabulary expansion.

Allen and Valette (1977:149) state that in all language teaching, vocabulary constitutes an important factor, so that in teaching vocabulary, the students should be taken in to account and the technique use must be considered, too. A language consists of vocabulary. In addition, vocabulary makes up the language. So, it is clear that the students should have a large number of vocabularies in learning foreign language like English. Without mastering vocabulary in large number, of course, the students will have some difficulties in understanding what the other people says to her/him in English. That is why the teacher should be able to teach vocabulary or word as much as possible to the students by using certain technique of course. Nation (1974:18) says that we teach a word, we must teach three things: 1. We must teach the shape or form of the word;

2. We must teach the meaning of the word;


Furthermore, Lewis (1973) argues that vocabulary should be at the center of language teaching. In addition, in increasing the student’s vocabulary, there are four criteria in selecting vocabulary to be taught to the student, they are

a. Frequency of occurrence

Vocabulary should not only be chosen from a high frequency of occurrence but also from low frequency of occurrence. It means that the teacher should not teach the vocabulary, which often appear, but also vocabulary, which rarely appear.

b. Simplicity

Vocabulary should be appropriate with the students’ level of capability. The vocabulary considered difficult for the students should be avoided.

c. Relevancy

Vocabulary prepared by the teacher should be relevant to the daily life phenomenon, because the students will be interested in learning.

d. Quantity

It should be avoided presenting a large number of vocabularies, because it will make the students confused. The process of mastering vocabulary will be successful if it is done step by step. Moreover, vocabularies learned in small number will stay longer in the student’s mind.

D. Concept of Learning Vocabulary

The essential area of language is the lexicon of vocabulary of the language (Finnochirro, 1964:68). That means vocabulary must be learned absolutely when one learns language, if it is not, he learns no language at all. The purpose of learning vocabulary is to make the students understand the meaning of the words. The students are not only trying to memorize but also to use the word in any sentence in different situation.


Students do not learn a word from one meeting. Research tells us that it takes between 5-16 meetings (or more) to learn an average word. (e.g. Nation, 1990:41) students do not need to learn every word they meet. This is because not all words are equally useful. The words students need to master are the general service vocabulary i.e. those which are found in almost all texts, including technical works. Students who are specializing in one area of study should start by learning their general service vocabulary first, and later go on to learn the specialist vocabulary- usually after 1500 to 2000 general service words have been learned. The process of learning vocabulary needs some possible techniques. Kustarjo (1988:24) proposes five possible of learning vocabulary as follows:

a. Learning vocabulary through creativity

The teacher should allow many choices to the students, as they want to learn. The teacher can be make such techniques which enables the students to be creative in producing vocabulary, such as game, picture, drama, and so on.

b. Learning vocabulary through context clues

The teacher uses a context clue of the surrounding the context for example by giving synonym, antonym, etc.

c. Learning vocabulary through guessing

The teacher can encourage the students to guess first and then consult have a good rationale. The teacher can give example by pronouncing a sentence, then the students guess the word that teacher means.

d. Learning vocabulary through definition

The teacher guides the students to define the meaning of the word and to arrange the word in to correct sentence, for example: a dancer is a person who dances.


f. The teacher includes the four classes of words in the position of occurrence in English sentence patterns. The teacher can give noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.

E. Concept of Visual Aids

Visual aid can be useful to the language teacher by helping her or him create situations which are outside the classroom walls, introduce students to unfamiliar culture aspects, give the reality to what might misunderstand verbally by the students, change situation, quickly and easily in a drill and decoration for the classroom (Kreidler, 1968).

The visual aids are applied to all material used in the classroom or in other teaching situation to facilitate the understanding of the written or spoken word. Those visual aids are more effective when visual aids are correlated with the material curriculum. We can see visual aid will not substitute the textbook or teacher, but the supplement will increase the effectiveness of a teacher in teaching.

Visual aids can be divided into three categories as follows:

1. Plate materials, e.g: picture, flash card, maps, charts, comics, cardboard and figure. 2. Three dimensional, e.g: puppets, dolls, models, diagrams

3. Projected material, e.g: film, filmstrips motion pictures.

It is clear that visual aids consist of things that are figurized on cartoon or in artificial thing, which present the massage on the symbol language to the teachers.

In this case why use visual aids in teaching vocabulary through Montessori Method because children are most interesting if they are study using real thing that can direct can they see or touch.

F. Concept of Montessori Method


experiences of Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori (1870–1952). The Method arose in the process of her experimental observation of young children given freedom in an environment, leading her to believe by 1907 that she had discovered "the child's true normal nature."

Based on her observations, she created an environment prepared with materials designed for their self-directed learning activity. The method itself aims to duplicate this experimental observation of children to bring about, sustain and support their true natural way of being.

Applying this method involves the teacher viewing the child as having an inner natural guide for his/her own optimal self-directed development. The teacher's role of observation sometimes includes experimental interactions with children, commonly referred to as "lessons," to resolve misbehavior or to show how to use the various self-teaching materials that are provided in the environment for the children's free use.

The method is primarily applied with young children (2.5–7), as this was the initial age with which Montessori worked. Her philosophy was based on certain characteristics seen in this age group. The method is also utilized successfully for ages 0-3 and 6-9, 9-12, 12-15 and 15-18, though the majority of children learning through this method around the world are in the 3-6 range.

Although the Montessori name is recognized by many, it is not a trademark, and it is associated with more than one organization. Schools and teacher training programs can differ in their interpretation, intensity, practical application, and philosophy in using this method with children. This article is about Maria Montessori’s research and discoveries and their practical application by adherents and practitioners with children.


or reading. Children in Montessori classes learn at their own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities from hundreds of possibilities. Learning is an exciting process of discovery, leading to concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning. Montessori classes place children in three-year age groups (3-6, 6-9, 9-12, and so on), forming communities in which the older children spontaneously share their knowledge with the younger ones. Montessori represents an entirely different approach to education.

From age 6 to 12, children become conceptual explorers. They develop their powers of abstraction and imagination, and apply their knowledge to discover and expand their worlds further.

G. Implementation of Teaching Vocabulary through Montessori Method

The followings are the steps of teaching vocabulary through Montessori Method that would be done in this research, the students study about food and drink vocabularies.

1. Speak clearly to child do not speak like moppet.

2. Teach students to pronounce, spelling and write thing correctly. 3. Read a story to them.

To reinforce a child’s reading, make sure there are books that he can read easily on his level. There are Scholastic books that indicate the recommended reading level. If a child can read a book, he won’t get frustrated and he’ll get encouraged to learn longer and more complicated words.


Picture stimulates imagination and brings it to discussion.

Use flash cards. You can make picture cards with the name of the item written below. This will help the child become familiar with the letters used in forming the words. Repetition will help the child learn so let the child use and constantly see the picture flash cards. Provide books they can read. Materials play a key role in teaching a child using the Montessori Method.

5. Read and spell the names of food or drink to them. 6. Listen to when they speak to you.

7. Let them pronoun it.

8. Push child to reading and spell it.

9. When learn assorted matter, compare and differentiate (big-small, big, bigger-biggest, and as it). Label the room. Write down the names of the objects around the classroom. This will help the child associate that everyday objects can have many syllables.

H. Advantages and Disadvantages of Montessori Method Advantages 1). Theoretical Advantage

a. The research can be useful to other researcher who wants to conduct a research that is related to the same theme that is vocabulary

b. The research will give clear description on the implementation of teaching vocabulary using Montessori Method in improving students’ vocabulary.

2). Practical Advantage

a. The result of teaching vocabulary using Montessori Method can be reference for English teacher in order to improve students’ vocabulary mastery using Montessori Method.

b. The result of learning using Montessori Method can be useful for the students in improving their vocabulary mastery.


c. The writer will get clear description of the implementation of teaching English using Montessori Method and apply this technique in real teaching.


Learners may find difficulties in expressing what they have seen from the picture, and toys because their vocabulary is still limited. By discussing the picture in group the learners can also discuss the vocabulary that can be used to interprete the picture and toys.




In this chapter, the researcher discuss: setting of the research, description of the research, research procedure, indicators of the research, and data analyzes.

A. Setting

In this research, the researcher used a classroom action research. It would be done based on the problem faced by the students and the teacher when they were in the class. Based on the problem found by the researcher, the researcher examines the cause of the problem and then found the solution for that problem.

The subject of this classroom action research is class IV A students of SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung that consists of 30 students as target of the research. Based on the researcher’s pre-observation, it was identified that most of the students have low ability in vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from their low average score in vocabulary test which cannot reach the minimum score. Besides, most of students were not active in following the learning activity in English class. Therefore it is necessary for the researcher to implement teaching vocabulary through Montessori Method.

The researcher act as the teacher, she is helped by an observer (one of the English teacher at SD Negeri 8 Gedung Air,Tanjung Karang Barat). The researcher made lesson plan and told the teacher what she was perform in class based on the lesson plan. So, during the research, the researcher observes everything occurs in the classroom, when they were taught in the class.


B. General Description of the Research

Classroom action research is characterized by problems in class and action was done to solve problems. Based on the problem identified by researcher, she found that she needs to examine the problem causes and try to find the problem solution.

C. Research Procedures

In this classroom action research, there were three cycles depending on the result of analysis and reflection in the first cycle. The first cycle was based on the problem of the research. Each cycle consisted of four stages: (1) Planning, (2) Implementation, (3) Observation and interpretation, and (4) Analysis and Reflection ( Arikunto, 2006:16).

The cycles are classified as follow:

Planning actions

Analysis & Reflection

Implementation CYCLE 1


(Sources : Arikunto, 2006:16)

1. Planning

Based on the students’ vocabulary problem in the classroom, the researcher prepared the lesson plan, select material based on handbook, for teaching learning process. The material is noun vocabulary in form of a simple question on the school handbook and 2006 English


Revised of plan Analysis &



Implementation CYCLE 2


curriculum for SD. The researcher also prepared the observation sheets and also picture test for the students in the form of multiple choices questions and true false test item.

2. Implementation

The researcher implemented the material through Montessori Method by using picture in teaching English vocabulary. The teacher taught the material about noun. In teaching, the teacher taught about fruit and noun around the class room. The researcher observed the situation in the class and made some necessary notes.

3. Observation and Interpretation

The researchers observed the activities happen in the classroom in every cycle and wrote the result of the observation in the sheets. The researcher also interpreted the result of the observation. This step was started when teaching learning process occurred.

4. Analysis and Reflection

The researcher analyze everything occurred in the teaching learning process based on the observation sheets. It was done to find out the number of students who actively involve and to find out teacher’s performance in teaching vocabulary after implementing the teaching vocabulary through Montessori Method by using picture and the toys. Then, researcher and observer also analyzed the result of the vocabulary test of the students as the learning product. It will be done to find out the increase after the teacher implement teaching


vocabulary through Montessori in the classroom. In analyzing, the researcher together with the partner done reflection to discover the weakness and strength of the implementation of teaching vocabulary through Montessori Method by using picture and toys text and the extensive type exercise, and also to know the problems faced by both teacher and students during teaching and learning process. By doing so, the researcher and the teacher know what should be repaired for next cycle. If the indicators of the research have not been fulfilled in the first cycle, the researcher together with the teacher planned the next step to made betterment in the next cycle. On the other hand, if the indicators were already achieved the researcher and the teacher did not need to hold the next cycle.

D. Indicators of the Research

To success of this classroom action research, the researcher determined the indicator dealing with the learning process and learning product:

1. Learning Process

While the teaching learning process is occurring, the observer observed students’ learning process, and teacher’s performance based on the observation sheet. The indicator is considering successful if 80% of students actively involved in the learning process during the application of Montessori Method. It is also decided because according to Arikunto (1993:210), if more than 75 % of the students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities, it can be categorized as good level. At the end of process, there is questionnaire to get the students’ perception with observation sheet.


Besides observing the students’ activities, the researcher also observed the teacher’s performance during teaching and learning process. It was expected that teacher’s score for his teaching performance can reach 80. So, if the teacher can get 80 in his teaching performance, it means that he can teach the students well. There were some aspects that would be scored for the teacher’s performance; it involves the activities in teaching and learning process from pre-activity, main activity and post activity. The teacher’s performance in applying text analysis method by using Montessori Method and exercise observed in the main activity.

2. Learning Product

The target of the learning product of vocabulary is determined by the teacher is 65 or more. It would be done because 60 is the minimum standard score or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) stated by the school for English subject. So, if at least 80% of students’ scores can reach 60 or more for the vocabulary test, it means that teaching vocabulary by using Montessori Method and the exercise can increase students’ vocabulary mastery.

To know the learning product, the researcher used vocabulary test to collect the data. There were some steps used to analyze the data got from the test:

a. Giving the vocabulary test to the students. b. Giving the scores of the result of the test.

c. Calculating the number and the percentage of the students who get 60 or more

E. Instruments of the Research

To gain the data, the researcher employed two kinds of instruments. The instruments are observation sheets, and vocabulary tests.


1. Observation Sheets

There are two observation sheets in this research, observation sheet for the students’ activities and teacher’s performance. The two observation sheets are fulfilled by the researcher and the observer. Observation conducted in every cycle during the teaching learning process.

2. Vocabulary Test

The tests are in form of Multiple Choice items test consisted 20 items. The test is administered at the end of every cycle in the learning process.

Tabel 1. Table of Specification (Vocabulary Test) Words Class

/ Aspects of Voc

Test Items Number

Total Percentage Test cycle 1 Test cycle 2

Adjective 1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8., 9.,10.

11.,12.,13.,14.,15., 16.,17.,18.,19.,20.

10 50% Noun 11.,12.,13.,14.,15.,1


1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7., 8.,9.,10.

10 50%

Total 20 20 20 100%

To scoring the learners’ work, the researcher uses the following formula in scoring tests:

S = x10000


S = score of the test R = Right Answer N = number of item test


In analyzing the data, the researcher classified the data into two categories: the data of the learning product and the data of the learning process. The data of the learning product is the result of the vocabulary test and the data of the learning process is the result of the observation.

The data analysis is done after the data are collected from every cycle. After getting the data the researcher together with the teacher analyzed the data and does reflection based on them. From the analysis and reflection, the researcher knows what should be improving on the next cycle.




Based on the research investigation and its outcome in the fourth chapters, several conclusions are drawn and a number of suggestions are put forward deal with:

A. Conclusion

Based on the finding of the research, the researcher concludes that:

1. The use of Montessori could improve the students’ vocabulary achievement of grade IV SDN 8 Gedung Air Tanjungkarang Barat, Bandar Lampung. It was proved by higher than 70% of the students of grade IVA got score 60 or higher. In Cycle 1, there were 16 students (53.33%) who got score 60 or higher, while in Cycle 2 there were 25 students (83.33%) who got score higher than 65. It means that the target or KKM (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal) has been achieved.

2. By using Montessori, it was found that the students’ activities have increased as Montessori stimulates and attract students’ interest in learning English. There were 86% students participated in each activity during the teaching learning process. There were 28 students who did well. Next, 1129 score for teacher’s performance and 80, 64, her performance improved to be very good category. There were 24 students who got score higher than 60.

The use of Montessori helps the teacher to enrich her teaching performance in the target of the teachers’ teaching performance is 80. And the teacher’s score increases from 62 in Cycle 1 to 82 in Cycle 2. It means that she can teach the students better by implementing Montessori technique.


The followings are suggestion from the writer for model of teaching vocabulary by Montessori Method for elementary students, that there are so many approaching type and method that can be developed by teachers for having a good

and enjoyable class situation to reach out the curriculum target.

1. The teacher is recommended to implement Montessori Method in improving the students’ vocabulary. The story attracts students’ interest. Students with high interest will motivate other students to join every single activity instructed by teacher so that they can improve their vocabulary and also improve their activities in the classroom.

2. Several improvements should be done during the teaching learning, such as the teachers’ performance and class management system. It is suggested that the teacher learn the Montessori.




(Classroom action research)

By Epa Liana 1013067002

Submitted in a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for S-1 Degree


The Language and Arts Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty






Epa Liana was born in Gisting Tanggamus on August 16th, 1984. She is the first daughter of A. Helmi Rais and Rosanah. She is married with one daughter. Her husband is Martin Arizona K.

She graduated from elementary school at SDN 1 Sukabanjar Kotaagung in 1996. She entered MTsN 1 Kotaagung and graduated in 1999. Then, she entered to SMKN Talangpadang and graduated in 2002. She continued her study to D3 English Program at the Academy of Foreign Language Teknokrat Bandar Lampung and graduated in 2005.

In 2010, she continued her study to S1 English Education Study Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Lampung University. She accomplished her PPL as one of the requirements for FKIP students, at SDN 8 Gedung Air Bandar Lampung.




TITLE ... i


APPROVAL ... iii




MOTTO ... vii





I. INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Problem ... 1

B. Formulation of the Problem ... 9

C. Objectives of the Research ... 10

D. Uses of the Research ... 10

E. Scope of the Research ... 10

F. Defination of Terms ... 11

II. FRAME OF THEORIIES A. Concept of Language Teaching ... 12

B. Concept of Vocabulary ... 13

C. Concept of Teaching Vocabulary ... 18

D. Concept of Learning Vocabulary ... 20

E. Concept of Visual Aids ... 22

F. Concept of Montessori Method ... 23

G. Implementation of Teaching Vocabulary through Montessori Method 25 H. Advantages and Disadvantages of Montessori Method ... 26


B. General Description of the Research ... 28


D. Instruments of the Research ... 33

E. Data Analysis ... 34


a. Planning ... 35

b. Implementing ... 36

c. Observing ... 38

d. Reflection ... 42

f. Recommendation of Reparation for Cycle 2 ... 44

2. The Second Cycle ... 44

a. Planning ... 45

b. Implementing ... 45

c. Observing ... 45

d. Reflection ... 49

e. Discussion of the Findings ... 51


B. Suggestions ... 53





1. Lesson Plan 1 for Cycle 1 ... 57

2. Lesson Plan 2 for Cycle 2 ... 60

3. Observation Sheet of Students’ Activities in Cycle 1 ... 65

4. Observation Sheet of Students’ Activities in Cycle 2 ... 67

5. Vocabulary Test for Cycle 1 ... 69

6. Vocabulary Test for Cycle 2 ... 73

7. Surat Izin Penelitian ... 78



Brumfit, Christopher. 1999. Teaching English to Children. London: Longman. Burns. P.C. and Broman, B.L. 1975. The Language Arts in Chilhood Education. Chicago: Rand Mc Nally College Publishing Company.

Clark, Herhert H and Eve Clark. Clark. 1977. Psychology and Language:

Introduction to Psycholinguistic. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Drake, Miriam. Ed. 2003. ”Toys, Games, etc (Realia)” Encyclopedia of Literary and Information Science Vol 31. New York : Marcel Dekker.

Fauziati, Endang. 2002. Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press.

Haycrafft, A. 1987. An Introduction to English Learning and Teaching. Singapore: Ban Mash Press Ptd.Ltd.

Hektoen, Faith H. and Jeanne R. Rinehart, editors. Toys to go : A Guide to the Use of Realia in Public Libraries. Chicago: American Library Association, 1975U.

http://en.from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Accessed on January 19 2008 Kemmis and Taggart. 1991. Action Research: A Short Modern Technology. Victoria: Deakin University Press.

Krashen, Stephen D. 1981. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

Mc. Carthy, Michael. 1990. Vocabulary. Oxford: University Press.

Scott, Ftreberg. 1990. Teaching English to Children. New York: Longman Group Ltd.

Suryani, Ema. 2007. Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Using Out Door Activities in “KB & TK Az-Zahra” Pajang Laweyan Surakarta. Unpublished S,Thesis. UMS.

Universitas Lampung. 2008. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bandar Lampung:

Universitas Lampung.

Yasmin, Yulvika. 2005. The Effectiveness of Using Games in the Teaching of Vocabulary for the Fifth Grade Students of Elementary School. Unpublished




Table Page

1. Table of Specification of Vocabulary Test ... 34

2. Table of Frequency of the Students’ Vocabulary Scores in Cycle 1 ... 39

3. Table of Students Observation Sheet in Cycle 1 ... 40

4. Table of Frequency of the Students’ Vocabulary Scores in Cycle 2 ... 46

5. Table of Students Observation Sheet in Cycle 2 ... 47



“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”.



1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. ………

Examiner : Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. ………

Secretary : Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. ………

2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Hi. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



This Classroom Action Research is dedicated to :

My beloved father and mother.

My beloved husband (Martin Arizona K) and my daughter (Novia Ferlita


My beloved brothers and sister (Edy, Een, Deny, and Kiki).

All my relatives.




Student’s Name : Epa Liana Student’s Number : 1013067002

Department : Language and Arts Education

Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

APPROVED BY : Advisory Committee

Advisor I Advisor II

Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd.

NIP 19570406 198603 1 001 NIP 19550712 198603 1 002

The Chair Person of

The Department of Language and Arts Department

Drs. Imam Rejana, M.Si. NIP 19480421 197803 1 004



Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, praise to Allah SWT for letting me finish this Classroom Action Research entitled “Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Montessori Method at IV a Class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung in 2011/2012 Academic year”. This Classroom Action Research is presented to fulfill one of the requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree of English Education Program at the Department of Language and Art of Teachers Training and Education Faculty the University of Lampung.

The researcher would like to address her deep and sincere gratitude to :

1. Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A., as first advisor who has guided the researcher patiently in writing the paper and given encouragement during the completion of this research. 2. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd., as second advisor, who has given expertise and guidance in

writing this scientific paper.

3. Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph. D., as examiner, for his constructive ideas in improving the content of this script.

4. Drs. Imam Rejana, M. Si., as Chairperson of Language and Arts Education Department. 5. Dr. Bujang Rahman, M. Si., the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty.

6. Dra. Helmayati, as the headmaster of SDN 8 Gedung Air Bandar Lampung.

7. My beloved father and mother, who always give their support and their pray for my success.

8. My beloved husband (Martin Arizona. K) and my daughter (Novia Ferlita.M), thank you for your praying, your laugh and your support.

9. My beloved brothers and sister (Edy, Een, Deny, and Kiky), thank you for your help and your support.

10.Uswatun, Sofiah, Yulia, Aprilianti, Nurjanah, Widi and Siti, thank you for your help.




“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”.

(Albert Einstein)



1. Examination Committee

Chairperson : Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. ………

Examiner : Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph.D. ………

Secretary : Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd. ……… 2. The Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Dr. Hi. Bujang Rahman, M.Si. NIP 19600315 198503 1 003



This Classroom Action Research is dedicated to :

My beloved father and mother.

My beloved husband (Martin Arizona K) and my daughter (Novia Ferlita


My beloved brothers and sister (Edy, Een, Deny, and Kiki).

All my relatives.



Student’s Name : Epa Liana

Student’s Number : 1013067002

Department : Language and Arts Education

Program : English Education

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education

APPROVED BY : Advisory Committee

Advisor I Advisor II

Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd.

NIP 19570406 198603 1 001 NIP 19550712 198603 1 002 The Chair Person of

The Department of Language and Arts Department

Drs. Imam Rejana, M.Si. NIP 19480421 197803 1 004



Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin, praise to Allah SWT for letting me finish this Classroom Action Research entitled “Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Montessori

Method at IV a Class of SD Negeri 8 Gedung air, Tanjung Karang Barat, Bandar Lampung in

2011/2012 Academic year”. This Classroom Action Research is presented to fulfill one of the

requirements in accomplishing the S-1 Degree of English Education Program at the Department of Language and Art of Teachers Training and Education Faculty the University of Lampung.

The researcher would like to address her deep and sincere gratitude to :

1. Prof. Dr. Cucu Sutarsyah, M.A., as first advisor who has guided the researcher patiently in writing the paper and given encouragement during the completion of this research. 2. Drs. Sudirman, M.Pd., as second advisor, who has given expertise and guidance in

writing this scientific paper.

3. Drs. Hery Yufrizal, M.A., Ph. D., as examiner, for his constructive ideas in improving the content of this script.

4. Drs. Imam Rejana, M. Si., as Chairperson of Language and Arts Education Department. 5. Dr. Bujang Rahman, M. Si., the Dean of Teacher Training and Educational Faculty. 6. Dra. Helmayati, as the headmaster of SDN 8 Gedung Air Bandar Lampung.

7. My beloved father and mother, who always give their support and their pray for my success.

8. My beloved husband (Martin Arizona. K) and my daughter (Novia Ferlita.M), thank you for your praying, your laugh and your support.

9. My beloved brothers and sister (Edy, Een, Deny, and Kiky), thank you for your help and your support.

10.Uswatun, Sofiah, Yulia, Aprilianti, Nurjanah, Widi and Siti, thank you for your help.


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