Description of Strategy LITERATURE REVIEW

spacious rooms and adds high-class decorations and furnishings and color TV. It also offers one more bars or lounges. A four-star hotel is much comfortable, larger and provides excellent cuisine, room, service, and other amenities. A five-star hotel offers most luxurious premises, widest range of guest services, as well as swimming pool and sport and exercise facilities definitionhotel Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that a hotel must be a building that provides lodging, meals and other services to the traveling public on a commercial basis.

C. Description of Strategy

Strategy is a term that refers to a complex web of thoughts, ideas, insights, experiences, goals, expertise, memories, perception, and expectations that provides general guidance for specific actions in pursuit of particular ends www.answer.comstrategy . Michael porter in 1996 Harvard Business Review article argues that competitive strategy is about being different. It means that someone deliberately select a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value. Porter argues that strategy is about competitive position, about differentiating yourself in the eyes of the customer, about adding value through a mix of activities different from those used by the competitors. Kepner-Tregoe in top management strategy, define strategy as the framework which guides those choices that determine the nature and direction of an organization www.thefreedictionary.comstrategy . Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines strategy as a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal, most often winning. Strategy is differentiated from tactics or immediate actions with resources at hand by its nature of being extensively premeditated, and often practically rehearsed. Strategies are used to make the problem easier to understand and solve www.wikipedia.orgwikistrategy Henry Mintzberg, in his 1994 book “The rise and fall on strategic planning “, points out that people use strategy in several different ways, the most common being these four: 1. Strategy is a plan, a how, a means of getting from here to here 2. Strategy is a pattern in actions over time; for example, a company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a high end strategy. 3. Strategy is position; that is it reflects decisions to offer particular products or services in particular markets. 4. Strategy is perspective, that is vision and direction Kenneth Andrew in his book “The Concept of Corporate Strategy” presents the definition of strategy is a decision in a company that determines and reveals its objectives, purposes, or goals, produces the principal policies and plans for achieving those goals, and defines the range of business the company is to pursue, the kind of economic and human organization it is or intend to be, and the nature of economic and non economic contribution it intends to make to its shareholders, employees, customers, and communities. Quinn noted that an effective business strategy should include three elements. There are: 1. A clear and decisive statement of the primary goals or objectives to be achieved. 2. An analysis of the main policies guiding or limiting the company’s actions 3. A description of the major programs that will be used to accomplish the goals with the limits http:www.att.netstrategy-definition.htm In addition, it is important that strategies include only a few main concepts or thrusts in order to maintain their focus. They should also be related to other strategies. Strategies should attempt to build a strong yet flexible position for the company so that it may achieve its goals whatever the reaction of the external force.