Research Design Data Collection Data Analysis


3.1 Research Design

The primary data of this thesis is a literary journalistic work by John Hersey, Hiroshima. This book was first published in 1946 and remains in prints until today. The secondary data of this research conducted through library research. For library research, it concerns on finding appropriate yet supporting reading sources and getting reading resources by internet surfing. This is necessary because literary journalism can still be categorized as a new field of studies and develops dynamically. Therefore, the internet surfing is to find more recent resources or information which may not be available in library or book form. In the making of this thesis, the analysis is categorized as qualitative descriptive methodology. It is qualitative descriptive because the result of this thesis is the form of words, not numbers as in quantitative, and this thesis is intended to describe the impact of narrative to literary journalism as seen through John Hersey’s Hiroshima. A research is also called qualitative when the question format is open- ended and the data format is textual. Stokes 2003: xi explains that this method is commonly used in cultural studies research, and many of them, like narrative analysis and genre analysis, had been developed for literature studies.

3.2 Data Collection

The data is collected by carefully reading on John Hersey’s Hiroshima first, then finding other appropriate datas from other objects of reading to broaden the knowledge about the topic. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.3 Data Analysis

To support the main goal of this thesis, that is to describe and understand the impact of narrative to literary journalism, there are two major steps to be accomplished. First, this thesis shows reader the elements of narrative and novel in Hersey’s Hiroshima through careful reading and selection. This is to prove that Hiroshima, as one of literary journalism works, really adopts literary writing style in its content because of the using of those elements in it. After that, this thesis describes its impact to literary journalism as seen through John Hersey’s Hiroshima by analyzing it based on the collected resources. Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV THE IMPACT OF NARRATIVE TO LITERARY JOURNALISM AS SEEN THROUGH JOHN HERSEY’S HIROSHIMA

4.1 Narrative in John Hersey’s Hiroshima