Problem Identification Limitation Problem Statement Research Objectives The Research Significance

commit to user 7 motivation in reading abilities, certain technique and material are needed. In this case, the writer tries to improve students reading skill by using three-phase technique. In addition, the intelligence of students also influences the student’s mastery in English reading ability. The students’ ability in reading is sometimes limited by his mental ability enabling him to carry. The intelligence of the reader will influence the capacity of the reader in comprehending passage. The issue for teachers who wish to honor the diversity of intelligences among their students is how to represent the other intelligences and enable each student to teach their full potential, while not losing sight that their purpose is to teach language.

B. Problem Identification

1. How can the learners of English improve their reading ability? 2. Why is it difficult for the students to learn English? 3. Why do they feel difficult to answer the question of a new reading text? 4. How can three phase technique help the learners improve their reading skill? 5. How can the students with high intelligence get a better achievement in reading than the students with low intelligence?

C. Limitation

This research is intended to know: the effectiveness of Three Phase technique in teaching reading viewed from the intelligence. commit to user 8

D. Problem Statement

1. In general, is three-phase technique more effective than conventional technique for teaching reading at the second semester of the first grade at SMPN 5 Nganjuk academic year 2008-2009? 2 Do the students with high intelligence have better achievement in reading than the students with low intelligence? 3. Is there any interaction between teaching techniques and the students’ intelligence in teaching reading by using three-phase technique?

C. Research Objectives

The objective of the present study is to find out: 1. Whether Three Phase Technique is more effective than conventional technique in teaching reading. 2. The students with high intelligence have better achievement in reading comprehension than the students with low intelligence 3. Whether there is an interaction between teaching techniques and the students’ intelligence in teaching reading by using three-phase technique

D. The Research Significance

1. For teacher The significance of the research is to explore and prove whether the three- phase technique is effective to be applied in teaching reading so that the learners can improve their reading ability as optimally as possible. The result of the study will be used as a consideration to raise teachers’ awareness in commit to user 9 developing and applying the suitable technique in their teaching and learning process. 2. For student The use of three-phase technique in the teaching and learning process will surely attract the students’ attention because they feel that whatever they study in the classroom is actually useful for their daily life. They think that the classroom situation is interesting and the students can imagine themselves in a situation related to the text but beyond their own experience. Besides, the use of three-phase techniques in teaching reading will activate the students to learn. commit to user 10 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A scientific framework needs some theories that support the fundamental thought. In accordance with the topic that will be discussed in the thesis, this chapter will discuss theoretical description underlying the research, rationale, and hypotheses.

A. Reading