Sin and Guilt Logology: The Imagination of Hell as Ritual of Cleansing

Peter Suwarno Imagining Hell: A Burkeian Analysis .... Walisongo Walisongo Walisongo Walisongo , Volume 20, Nomor 2, November 2012 464 others: a Thou shalt not save money in a conventional bank bank interest is haram; b thou shalt not participate in Christmas celebrations; and c thou shalt not participate in inter-religious vigil led by non-Muslims. One of the most common arguments against these new rules is that these biblically based rules can eliminate local norms, traditions, and culture. That is why, although these rules have been viewed as an attempt to create order by preventing people from committing sin, they can eliminate local culture and tradition as well as constitute an effort to indentify an increasing number of new sinners. This is true, because the rules are not only to be followed, but also bound to be broken and violated, creating an additional pressure for feeling sinful and guilty.

b. Sin and Guilt

Sin and guilt is a big part of Indonesian discourse, not only because Indonesia is a religious country whereby people tend to express religious views in their communication, but also because the they tend to attribute their suffering to their sins. The religious discourses are the ones constantly preaching the continuous, rampant violation of the order or rules, but this creation of sin and guilt as part of the wrong and ills is also commonly depicted in various political and social discourses in Indonesia, especially when it comes to issues related to poverty, backwardness, insecurity, immorality and various uncertainties. When it comes to societal ills, there are more than enough reasons for Indonesian people to complain about. The majority of the Indonesian people have been suffering for generations. According to World Bank, more than 52 percent of 245 million Indonesians live on less than US2 per day and around 35 million poor people live on less than US0.65 per day. 15 Unemployment is very high; crime and various injustices occur in daily life of the majority of ordinary people. In addition, Indonesia has experienced some of the worse natural disasters in the history of mankind, including tsunami that killed more than 150, 000 people in Aceh, Earthquake that killed ______________ 15 Based on a report by World Bank, as shown ,for example, in: 1hibusinessthe_economy124839.stm or countriesindonesia Imagining Hell: A Burkeian Analysis .... Peter Suwarno Walisongo Walisongo Walisongo Walisongo , Volume 20, Nomor 2, November 2012 465 over 5000 people near Yogyakarta, and hundreds of thousands of people displaced by mud flood in East Java. Not surprisingly, religious speeches focus on these ills and wrongs of the Indonesian society in order to encourage the hopeless Indonesian people to turn to religion which will provide them hope. Despite the hopes that religions can offer, thepeople find many reasons to be disappointed and angry at whatever causes their suffering because of the overwelming narratives of sins and suffrings in the Indonesian media and society.

c. Redemption