Background Ecuador On-the-Ground Results

sold, tomatoes 700 pounds, 30 sold, peppers 700 pepper, 20 sold, and 220 watermelons 120. The latter amount he used to build his house. It can be seen that with a fairly small plot of land, one can grow significant amounts of produce for consumption and sale. This gardening inspired a similar effort by the partners in Nuevo Milenio, which decided to use part of their land 3000 m2 to establish a Demonstration and Experimental Garden and Nursery for Organic Agriculture. Slightly more than half of this plot is being used for the nursery component. The nursery will have the capacity to produce 4000 fruit seedlings, 4000 timber crop seedlings, 1000 ornamental plans and 1000 medicinal plants and herbs. An elevated tank will also be installed to provide water and a small 6 x 12 meters multiple-use room is being constructed from local materials. The rest of the land will be used for a garden based on ecologically friendly practices such as solids and liquids and intensive permaculture systems. Part of the strategy to preserve local biodiversity and local traditions is the component of the garden that will produce medicinal plants and herbs for local use and sale. Members of the Chamanga Technical high school EcoClub are continuing their gardening efforts and will dedicate part of their school garden to medicinal plants. Establish low impact eco-tourism enterprises as an income generator and to promote improved conservation ethics among local residents EcoCostas is collaborating with the Committee for Tourism Development of Mompiche DCTM, founded in 2004, which is the only group in the community with legal recognition. Mompiche is a coastal, fishing town rapidly becoming a tourist destination for Ecuadorian and international tourists, in part due to its reputation as an unspoiled surfing beach. The President of CDTM and owner of the Dolphin Cabanas is collaborating with EcoCostas on tourism initiatives. This group has about 20 members, mainly owners and operators of hotels and restaurants, and some owners of small boats used for fishing or tourist activities. Among initiatives undertaken by the group is the idea of promoting the preservation of the rustic local style of construction through a zoning initiative and the conservation of existing vegetation and animals in the interest of maintaining the attractiveness of the area. Tourist trails: EcoCostas has prepared a report, “Preliminary identification of nature trails with potential for the implementation of tours near Mompiche town, Muisne Canton, Esmeraldas Province”. This report identifies two types of trails with potential: a terrestrial walking trail and an aquatic trail. The terrestrial trail extends along the Mompiche road. During early morning hours, one can easily observe howler monkeys and various birds including Chestnut Mandibled Toucans Ramphastos swainsonii, Pale Mandibled Aracaria Toucans Pteroglossus erythropygiu, woodpeckers, seabirds and others. Half-way along the road, there is an excellent spot to overlook the coastal valley and beach. A small resting area, possibly serving refreshments, is planned here. The aquatic trail begins at the Mompiche beaches and ends at the entrance of the beach town of Bolivar. One can enter the mangrove areas located inland of Bolivar through a canal. One can then continue by the canal and exit through the town of Portete, which lies between Mompiche and Bolivar, thus returning to the Mompiche beach. The cost of this tour would vary between US 40 and 60 depending on whether fishing or snorkeling is included and would last one to three hours. On this aquatic trail, one could also observe resting areas for frigate birds, the Portete Promontory, a rock cliff area with the appearance of natural stairs, mangrove areas, the quaint town of Bolivar and a coconut plantain that is 2 km long. Two other trails are possibilities. The first consists of crossing by boat to Jupiter Island, a barrier island especially desirable for those interested in swimming and bird watching. The second trail would go through Cantil Island, located in front of the town of Daule, and is situated within the estuary where it is possible to observe dolphins during the rising tide. 29