The Relationship between Literature and Psychology

9 and psychological or bodily changes. Mental process includes thought, feeling, emotion, motivation, perception, dreams and beliefs. Psychology deals with the personality, emotion adjustment, and abnormality. Psychology also study subjects as development, learning, the psychological bases of behavioral, sensation, perception, mental processes, intelligence and creativity, motivation and social influences on behavior. Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that psychology is the scientific study of behavior including thought, feeling and anything a person experiences. The word behavior should be interpreted as any human process or activity that can be objectively observed or measured.

2.3 The Relationship between Literature and Psychology

Literary study which uses psychology as an approach is a study to search and find the same concept of perception of psychological aspect in the characterization of the characters in the literary work with certain theory of psychology. Psychology can be applied in analyzing literary work, since human’s psyche has potential power of all knowledge and arts. Thereby literature and psychology are really inseparable. Psychology explains underlying reason character’s behavior, elaborates the relationship between the conflict and psychological condition of characters and evaluates their behavior and motive in doing something. 10 The development of psychology theory has been much influenced by Sigmun Frued and Carl Gustaf Jung’s thought and idea. Even though, there are emerged numerous theories of contemporary psychology which developed their theory. As Felman’s statement cited by Green: 1996 that we normally tent to see psychoanalysis as the active practice performed upon the passive text. The other psychoanalytic theory in literary work according to Homey as written in “Theory of Literature” by Wellek and Warren 1997: 91, states that sometimes the novelist can teach us more over about human nature and psychologist with all of his imagination stated in words. Thus, he adds, it is intelligible that psychoanalysis is relevant to be used in appraising literary work. Thereby, it is obvious that psychoanalytic keeps relevant to be used in analyzing literary works. Methodological relationship of literature and psychology enables any methods within psychology to be applied in analyzing of literary work which can give feedback toward development of psychology. Therefore, literary work can be analyzed through psychological approach because it emphasizes on the vast realm of conscious human experience. The literary work contains the elements that represent the perfect story. In its elements there are some characters that build the story. According to the explanation above, the writer finds the correlation between the theories and the topic of the study. The topic is the aspects of love, 11 ii is psychoanalysis study. So, psychology has a deeply correlation to literature. It helps us to get a deeply analysis and understanding to literary works.

2.4 The Definition of Emotion