Class Observation Making The Lesson Plan Teaching and Learning Process

commit to user The missions of SD N II Bulusari are: S emangat mengembangkan ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan YME E fektivitas pembelajaran untuk menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas M enanamkan budi pekerti yang luhur A ktif, kreatif secara luas sesuai perkembangan teknologi R amah pembelajaran untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan

B. The Activity During The Job Training in SD N II Bulusari

1. Class Observation

In order to get adequate data, the writer observes the condition and situation of teaching and learning process in the 4 th grade students of SD N II Bulusari. The writer did class observation from December until February. The 4 th grade of SD N II Bulusari has 15 students that consist of 11 boys and 4 girls. There are 12 desks, a teacher table, and a bookcase to keep utensils of teaching such as chalks, books, course books, etc. This class also has a clock, cleaning tools, picture, and handicrafts. The location of this class is in the middle of the 3 rd grade and the 5 th grade. When the writer was doing observation, the writer was asked by the teacher to help the students if they had any difficulties in doing tasks. commit to user

2. Making The Lesson Plan

Before giving the material, the teacher made prepare it first. It is used to guide the teacher in giving the material. The Lesson plan helped me to focus on topic so that it made the students have qualified activities.

3. Teaching and Learning Process

There are four important aspects in teaching and learning English activity. a. The students The lesson is given as an additional lesson in order to make the students familiar with the English lesson and they can communicate in English well. b. The teacher In teaching and learning activities, the role of the teacher is very important. The teacher is responsible to handle the students and the situation. c. The resource book In the English class, the English text book is important because both teacher and the students will get difficulties in teaching and learning English if there is no book. d. The Time The writer taught English to the 4 th grade of SD N II Bulusari on Tuesday. One hour meeting is about 35 minutes. This grade has two hour meeting every week so that it takes about 70 minutes a week. commit to user

4. English Facilities