Duties After Practice Bibliography Competence Student task Material Bibliography Competence Duties Prior to Practicum Theory

MEETING TO II Know Your Ingredients Hazardous Chemicals Faculty Study Program : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Chemical Education Courses Code : Practical Organic Chemistry II Number of credits : 1 credits Semester and Time : 4 and 2 x 50 x minute

A. Competency Standards

After completing this subject students master the materialchemicals are dangerous in laboraorium organic chemistry.

B. Duties Prior to Practicum

1. Name five examples of flammablechemicals 2. What are two examples of chemicals that are toxic

C. Learning Materials

In the organic chemistry laboratory available hazardous chemicals,the use of hazardous chemicals should be avoided. But if in the experiment used the material so the process must be done in thecupboard acid. From the observation of each practicum waspraktikan less attention to the risks arising from use of thesechemicals. This is due to a lack of knowledge and understanding of the nature and types of chemicals that exist in the laboratory. The nature and types of chemicals can be known from the legislationon packaging and of hazardous materials, which determine the hazardous chemicals hazardous chemicals, for example: 1. Corrosive: products of these chemicals affect the bodys tissues and eye damage 2. Explosive: This product chemicals canexplode by heat andsparks., Shock or friction. 3. Oxidizing: the product of these chemicals can cause a fire, thesematerials generate heat when in contact with other organicmaterials. 4. Flammable: products of these chemicals have a flash point loweasily react with water or air to produce flammable gases, such asthe hydrogen from metal hydride 5. Harmful: products of these chemicals are irritants can cause burns to the skin and disrupt the respiratory system.

D. Duties After Practice

1. Name five types of chemicals are flammable 4 2. What are the three chemicals that is explosive

E. Bibliography

1. Bansal Rajak, 1989, Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry, 18-20, Willey Estern Limited : New York 2. Johnson EL dan Stevenson R, 1977, Basic Liquid Chromatography, 17-19, Arian Associates Inc : California. 3. Michael P Doyle, William S Mungal, 1980, Experimental Organic Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons Inc : NewYork MEETING TO III PRE TEST GENERAL 5 Faculty Study Program : Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Chemical Courses Code : Practical Organic Chemistry II Number of credits : 1 credits Semester and Time : 4 and 2 x 50 x minute

A. Competence

Practicum can do with good organic chemistry II

B. Student task

Working on the pre test questions

C. Material

Laboratorium materials are available on hand outs from an experiment I exsperiment VI.

D. Bibliography

1. Bansal Rajak, 1989, Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry, 18-20, Willey Estern Limited : New York 2. Johnson EL dan Stevenson R, 1977, Basic Liquid Chromatography, 17-19, Arian Associates Inc : California. 3. Michael P Doyle, William S Mungal, 1980, Experimental Organic Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons Inc : NewYork MEETING TO IV EXPERIMENT I IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 6

A. Competence

1. Identify alkane compounds, alkyl halides, alcohols, phenols,aldehydes and ketones. . 2. Having the ability to identify some organic compounds.

B. Duties Prior to Practicum

1. Studying the physical and chemical properties of chemicals used in the reaction identifikaksi. 2. Studying the reactions of molecules and mechanisms of reactions that occur in the identification of organic compounds.

C. Theory

The structure of an organic compound can be identified using a chemical reaction that occurs in organic compounds. Organic reactions that occur depend on the functional group of organic compounds. Because of the changes that occur due to the ongoing reaction that determined by type of group function. Therefore, identification of organic compounds to test each compound has a particular characteristic. This means any organic compound can be identified using specific chemical reagents. Some examples of reactions of organic compounds identified were: 1. Identification of Compounds alkenes a. Reagent bromine in carbon tetra chloride. Reagent bromine in carbon tetra chloride Br2CCl4 red brown, his reaction to alkenes are addition reactions. Bromine heterolisis split into Br + and Br-alkene π electrons then strike Br + ions form a cyclic bromonium. Ion is attacked by nukleoofil Br-form colorless reaction products are compounds 1,2 - dibromo alkene. Molecular reaction is as follows: C C + Br 2 CCl 4 suhu kamar C C Br Br coklat merah alkena bromin dibromo alkena tidak berwarna Mechanism reaction : Br 2 + heterolisis Br B r Br Br 7 H H H H Br C C Br H H C C H H C C Br H H H H + Br H H H H C C Br Br Br H H H H C C Br Br H H H H C C a a b b 1,2- dibromo etana b. Potassium Permanganate reagent in alkaline Oxidation reactions of alkenes using KMnO4 in alkaline oxidant that berwrna identification because purple is the reaction after the reaction, occurring divalent alcohol products, as a colorless solution. Molecular reaction is as 8 C C Alkena usually colorless room temperature 3 2 MnO4 - + 4 H2O + Permanganate purple + 2 MnO2 + 2 OH - C C OH OH 3 Visinal diol glicol colorless Manganese dioxide brown solid 2. Identification of Alkyl halide compounds Compounds alkyl halide or halogen senywa has the formula RX with R = alkyl or aryl and X is halogen F, Cl, Br and I. If R = alkyl is an alkyl halide alifatis and if R = aryl phenyl is an alkyl halide aromatic. Alkyl halide compound functional group is - X - F, - Cl, - Br, - I. Functional groups using reagents can diidenntifikasi perag nitrate. Idetifikasi reaction is for example are: R X + AgNO 3 AgX + R NO 3 l l l s If the halogen X is Cl in the compounds R - X will happen a white precipitate, if X = Br will happen yellowish white precipitate, and if X = I will place a yellow precipitate. 3. Identification of Compounds Alcohol Alcohol has the formula R-OH when R = alkyl alcohol is alifatis and if R = aryl is an aromatic alcohol. Alcohol alifatis can be identified using chromic acid reagent. Primary alcohols with chromic acid will occur aldehydes and ketones secondary alcohol will occur. . While the aromatic alcohol can be identified using 5 FeCl3 reagent. 4. Identification of Compounds Aldehydes Aldehyde has the formula R - COH can be identified using Fehling reagent, Benedicts reagent and reagent Tollen.s. Fehling and Benedicts reagent with aldehyde compounds at the end of the reaction will occur Cu 2 O precipitate the red brick. While reagents Tollen.s at the end of the silver mirror reaction will occur. Fehling reagent Fehling differentiated into A which consists of a solution of CuSO 4 and. NaOH, while Fehling B solution consisting of sodium potassium tartrate together with Benedicts reagent Fehling reagent Benedict used 9 the difference in citric acid instead of potassium sodium tartrate solution. Aldehyde reaction with Fehling reagent as follows: CuSO 4 + NaOH CuOH 2 + Na 2SO 4 2 CuO H 2 O + + CuO C OH OH C C O O Na H H C O O K C C C O O Na H H C O O K O O Cu + H 2 O KNa tartrat komplek tembaga KNa tartrat + C C C O O Na H H C O O K O O Cu + H 2 O R C O H R C O OH + Cu 2 O C OH OH C C O O Na H H C O O K + aldehid KNa t artrat asam karboksilat endapan merah bata Reagents Tollen, s is a solution of silver diamine which can be made from a solution of AgNO3 added a solution of NH4OH. Aldehydes with the reagent Tollen, s will form a silver mirror: The reaction is as follows: 10 + 2 Ag + 3 OH R C O R C H O O + 2 Ag + 2 H 2O aldehid ion asetat cermin perak 5. Identification of Compounds Ketones Ketone has the formula R - CO - R can be identified using the reagent 2,4 - dinitro fenilhidrazin. The reaction was positive if a yellow precipitate of compound terbenntuk osazon + keton 2,4 - dinitro fenilhidrazin R 1 R 2 C NH 2 NH NO 2 NO 2 R 1 R 2 C O N NH NO 2 NO 2 + H 2 O endapan kuning 6. Identification of Phenol Compounds Phenol compounds are aromatic alcohol compounds, can be identified using FeCl3 Ragen 5 will occur komnplek compounds that bermerah, blue green or purple. For the phenol class of compounds of natural materials usually memnerikan violet color. O OH + FeCl 3 Fe 6 3 fenol warna violet 6 + 3 HCl + 3 H

D. Tools and Materials.