Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


G. Research Procedure

First, the researcher decided the subject for the study and concluded the problem formulation. Second, the researcher made a proposal consisted of chapter I to III of the study and reported the proposal to the supervisor to be evaluated. After the proposal was accepted, the researcher designed a set of questionnaire to be answered the research questions. The set of questionnaire itself has four main parts and consist of 19 statements. Then, the researcher asked the permission of conducting the study to the Chairperson of study program, the Chairperson of the faculty, and the Headmaster of SMA N 7 Yogyakarta. 12 ESL Randall’s Cyber Listening Lab. Metode pembelajaran ini memiliki bobot yang lebih berat daripada metode konvensional 13 Saya merasa waktu bermain saya berkurang 14 Beban tugas ini membuat saya melalaikan tugas saya yang lain 15 Altman 1985 Affective component: whether students like or dislike, are happy or sad about the object Saya lebih menikmati metode pembelajaran online Student’s suggestion 16 Altman 1985 The situation which influences someone to perceive may be the combination between someone’s past experience with his or her expectation Menurut saya metode menggunakan web ini metode yang tepat untuk digunakan sebagai metode pembelajaran listening bahasa Inggris 17 Sebaiknya metode ini dikombinasikan dengan metode lain 18 Sebaiknya beban tugas siswa melalui penggunaan web ini dikurangi 19 Sebaiknya guru berperan lebih aktif daripada sekedar memberi tugas independen seperti ini 22 Having all the permission needed, the researcher conducted the interviews with the English teacher and three students of XII IA 5 of SMA N 7 Yogyakarta. These interviews were needed as the basic information of the study conducted as well to answer the first problem of this study. The questionnaires were distributed to 30 students of class XII. After gathering the questionnaire results, the researcher classified the data into some categories. The researcher then analyzed the result of the questionnaire and continued to calculate the percentage of each response. After all the process above, the researcher took some conclusions as the answers of the problem formulations in this research.