Introvert Paulo Coelho’s Personal Life as Reflected in the Characters of Veronika

62 People who strive for success rather than personal superiority maintain a sense, of course, but they see daily problems from the view of society’s development rather than from a strictly personal vantage point Feist and Feist 70 - 72. The final goal has great significance because it unifies personality and makes all behavior comprehensible. The role of goal in someone’s life is to provide guidelines for motivation, shaping psychological development and giving it an aim Feist and Feist 70 - 72.

6. Introvert

Paulo was born with a weak body. He almost died when her mother had just given him a birth. Her mother prayed to St Joseph, and suddenly she heard the baby weakly cried. He was comma and had to spend three days in an incubator. When Paulo was a teenager, his body was so thin, frail, and short, that his friends called him Pele - a Rio term used at the time for boys who were always getting beaten up by their classmates. He also suffered from asthma. With this physical weakness, Paulo got difficulty to get along with his friends. He preferred to spend his time reading books Morais 72-90. This characteristic shows that Paulo was an introvert person. He preferred to spend his time alone reading the books rather than hung up with his friends who always made fun of him. There are several actions of Veronika in the novel showing that she is an introvert person. The first is Veronika prefers to live in a convent. She rents a room in a convent because the nuns require the inhabitants to be back to the rooms on time Coelho 44. The inhabitants of the convent rarely spend times together, so she really enjoys her time alone. The second is when Veronika is talking with Zedka in the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 63 garden. Zedka takes her arm as they walk together in the garden. Delicately, Veronika moves her arms from Zedka’s. She feels uncomfortable with physical contact Coelho 39. In the novel, Veronika is also described that she is a kind of person who prefers to avoid conflicts to keep herself safe Coelho 42-43. She always keeps a distance with other people and chooses not to react when someone provoke her to. Eduard is also an introvert person. He cannot communicate himself well to other people. Other young people in his age are interested in talking about cars, latest sneakers, and designer clothes, while Eduard considers those topics as boring 175. Eduard is more comfortable to spend his time alone or with few people who are interested in other topics but cars, sneakers, and designer clothes than doing something else. From the analysis above, it can be concluded that Paulo, Veronika, and Eduard have the same characteristic. They are considered as introvert persons because they enjoy they time with themselves. In this case, both Veronika and Eduard represent Paulo’s introvert character.

7. Cowardice