Site and Participants of the Study Research Design and Methods

Dimas Pujianto, 2013 A process-genre based approach to teaching writing report text to senior high school students a case study Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section is intended to elaborate aspects related to research methodology that is used in the study. Site and participants of the study, research design and methods, data collection, and data analysis techniques are explained. The clarification of related terms and concluding remark are also informed.

3.1 Site and Participants of the Study

The research was conducted in one state of senior high school in Bandung. The reason of choosing the school was that the school is accessible since the teaching practicum was conducted at the school in the previous academic year, thus, the school characteristics as well as the teacher’s had already been known. Consequently, the feasibility of the study was supported Emilia, 2008, p. 39. Since the observation focused on the learning process through process-genre based approach and students’ writing practice and products, then one class of XI Science consisting of 39 students was chosen as the participants of the research, which was class XI Science 3. Three students representing three categories of achievements were selected, as a result from the discussion between the researcher and the teacher, to be analyzed the writing products. The class was also recommended by the teacher since the students were considered active and highly motivated compared to other classes. The class was also considered supportive for the study.

3.2 Research Design and Methods

Related to the nature of the study, aims, and research questions, this research used descriptive research design, employing the characteristics of single case study research. The purpose of using single case study in this research was to Dimas Pujianto, 2013 A process-genre based approach to teaching writing report text to senior high school students a case study Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | explore whether the implementation of process-genre based approach contributes to students’ writing ability of Report text. Thus, in the present study, the case was represented as a teaching approach consisting of steps to form sequential activities given to the students Creswell, 2012, p. 465, see also Merriam, 1988, p. 13 to certain practice writing. In other words, in the present study, a single-case study was conducted while an “intervention” took place at the same time as the researcher implemented something “to the subject re. Students being investigated” and gained an in-depth results of what happened Nunan, 1992, p. 82. Then, the study also sought the explanation of students’ responses towards process-genre based approach to writing Report text towards their writing ability of Report text. The result of the study, also, would not be attempted to be generalized beyond the case Stake, 1995. The researcher acted as both teacher and observer participant observation role in order to avoid suspect self-reported data, to guide the identification of the data to be more focused, and to lessen reporting biases Bernard, 2006. This research can be said as an experimental research since a treatment was given to achieve the object of the study but the difference was the study did not attempt to “set up experimental and control groups” as in experimental research design Nunan, 1992, p. 82.

3.3 Data Collection Technique