Research Implementation Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery through Suggestopedia (An Action Research of Eighth Grade at SMP Negery 4 Widodaren, Ngawi in Academic Year 2010 2011)

commit to user 44 The second category deals with the classroom situation: 1 the students make a noise in teaching and learning process of English class; 2 the students tended to be passive learners; 3 the students were not willing to speak English during teaching learning process; 4 the students paid little attention toward their teacher’s explanation during teaching learning process; and 5 the students were lazy to do homework From the interview, observation and students’ score, could be concluded that 1 the students’ vocabulary achievement were low, 2 the students were passive in teaching learning process, 3 students were low in motivation to learn English vocabulary. From the teachers’ side, the teacher still used the monotonous technique. To overcome the problems above, the writer decided to bring new method using suggestopedia in improving English vocabulary mastery and in improving their motivation during teaching learning process

B. Research Implementation

The implementation of the teaching of improving vocabulary mastery using suggestopedia in classroom action research consists of two cycles. Every cycle is divided into three meetings and each meeting consisting of 80 minutes. The first cycle was conducted on November 23 th, 2010; November 24 th, 2010; November 23 th, 2010.The second cycle was conducted on December 3 th , 2010; December 4 th , 2010; December 6 th , 2010. commit to user 45 The cycles of this research consist of series of steps. Those steps are identifying the problem, planning the action, implementing the action, observing or monitoring the action, evaluating the result of the observation, and revising the plan. Each step of the cycle could be explained as follows.

1. CYCLE 1

a. Identifying the Problem

Before making the planning of the action in this cycle, the researcher identified the problems. From the identification, the researcher found some problems as follows. The students’ achievement of vocabulary mastery was low. It could be seen from their English vocabulary scores. The Most of the scores were still low, and it was still under the standard score of KKM English score. It was caused by the students’ assumption about English. They considered that English was a difficult subject and they have no motivation to learn it. Besides, the students had difficulties to pronounce and memorize the words. Besides from the student, the problem appeared from the teacher. The teacher still used teacher- centered approach. It is a kind of approach which the teacher has important rules and does not allow the students to be active in teaching learning process.

b. Planning the Action

There were many problems found in identification process. To overcome the problems, the researchers prefer to use suggestopedia method in teaching English commit to user 46 vocabulary. The researcher believed that suggestopedia could improve the students’ English vocabulary mastery and changed their assumption that English was difficult subject. Before implementing the action, the writer gave the students a pre-test and also post-test in the end of the action. That test was aimed to know the improvement of students’ English vocabulary mastery. In planning the action, the researcher prepared the research instruments, such as the materials which supported the action, like observation sheet and camera. The researcher also prepared the lesson plans that covered of three terms, those are opening, main activity, and closing. The time allotment for every meeting is 80 minutes. The researcher prepared the material from some references, book and internet. In the first cycle the researcher planed to have three meetings. The topic of the first cycle was a great story

c. Implementing the Action

1 The first meeting November 23 th , 2010 a Opening The first meeting was conducted on November 23 th , 2010. The lesson begins at 08.20 am. The researcher as the teacher greets the students. The researcher said “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb”. She also asked the students condition by saying “How are you today?”. The students answered the question by saying “I am fine”. Then researcher checked the students’ attendance. There was a student which absent that day. commit to user 47 The teacher started the lesson by playing the music instrumental to make the condition of the students relaxed. Then the teacher told the student about “Malin Kundang” story in Indonesian. After the story was over, the teacher asked the students guessed the kind of the story by saying “anybody knows what kind of the story?”, There are many opinions of the students. Some students said “Descriptive text” and another said “narrative text”. Finally, the researcher said that was kind of narrative text. After that the researcher said “Today we will learn more vocabulary from narrative text” b Main activity First, the researcher gave the students copy of the narrative text. It was Cinderella story. In this meeting the researcher would read the Cinderella story. The researcher would read the story while did an action and practiced the activities that described by the text. Such as when the story said “…she ran toward the door as quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass slipper was left behind…” the researcher as a reader and also as an actor of the story, the researcher run and left the shoes which she use behind. The researcher tried to inspire the story. The activities aimed to make the students easier to understand the story and always remember the vocabulary which was used on the text. Second, the researcher read the text phrase by phrase and lets the students repeated. The researcher read slowly. The activity aimed to identify the mistake of the pronunciation of the students. When the students could commit to user 48 pronounce the words correctly, the reading will be continued, but when some of the students could not pronounce the words correctly, the researcher drilled the students about the word until they could pronounce correctly. Third, the researcher asked the students to read the story same as did by the researcher in front of the class. The students were very enthusiastic about the activity. When the teacher asked “Who wants to be a volunteer to read the story in front of the class?”, one of the students raised his hand and said “ Saya mau menjadi sukarelawan untuk membaca didepan kelas I want to be volunteer to read the text in front of the class.” Then the researcher lets the boy who raised his hand to do the action. c Closing The time will be over in 5 minutes later. Before closed the class, the teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not. When the teacher found that the students had understood the lesson, she closed the class by said wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 2 The second meeting November, 24 th 2010 a Opening The second meeting was conducted on November, 24 th 2010. The lesson began at 07.00 am. The researcher opened the lesson by saying good morning student and how are you?. Then the researcher checked the students’ attendance. After that the researchers played music instrumental same as a commit to user 49 meeting before. Then the researcher reminded and checked the students understanding about the previous material b Main activity The researcher checked how far the students understanding the material of the day before. The researcher wrote some words and then asked the students pronounced the words. Still using the text before, the researcher continued the lesson. The researcher asked the students found the difficult words and then discussed the meaning and how to pronounce the word together. The teacher drilled the word until the students could pronounce the words correctly. The second activity, the researcher divided the class into eight groups. Each groups consisting of four until five students. The researcher asked each group to make dialogue that related to the Cinderella story. Each groups work to make dialogue seriously. After that the teacher asked the groups to practice the dialogue in front of the class. There are various topics that they used. One of the groups wrote a dialogue between the prince and Cinderella. The group presented the dialogue in front of the class. c Closing Having finished conducting the second meeting, the researcher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not. The researcher said “So far, any question”. The students answered “No”. When the researcher found that the students had understood the lesson, she closed the class by said goodbye. commit to user 50 3 The third meeting November 30 th , 2010 a Opening The third meeting was conducted on November 30 th , 2010. The lesson began at 08.20 am. As usual, the researcher greeted the students by saying “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb”. The students answered “Wa’alaikumsalam Wr.Wb”. Then the teacher checked students’ attendance. There were 2 students which absent that day. After checked the students’ attendance, the researcher played the music instrumental to make the students relaxed. The researcher played the different music instrument in that day. The music bit slowly which make the students really relax and fresh. Then the researcher reminded and checked the students understanding about the previous material b Main activity Firstly, the researcher distributed a paper that consisting of an exercise that related with the text before. The exercise was about the grammar and the meaning relation, which covered synonym and antonym The researcher gave an instruction to the students. The researcher said “Now, do the exercise on the paper. You can do the exercise in group”. The researcher gave 30 minutes to the students to do the exercise. After 30 minutes the researcher stopped the students’ activity. The researcher checked what the students had done one by one. From the exercise items, most of the students got difficulties in grammar. They could not use the appropriate words in sentence. It could be seen from the item in part E. it was about completing the commit to user 51 missing words of the paragraph. To overcome the problem, the researcher gave more exercise which related to the grammar. c Closing The time will be over in 5 minutes later. Before close the class, the teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not. When the teacher found that the students had understood the lesson, she closed the class by said “Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb”. 4 The fourth meeting May 22 nd , 2010 In the fourth meeting there was a post-test 1. The post-test was aimed to know the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of the post-test showed that the student’s mean score increased from 5.84 in the pre-test to 6.65 in the post-test

d. Observing and Monitoring the Action

The observation aimed to know the effects of the implementation of suggestopedia in improving students’ English vocabulary mastery. From the observation of learning process which done by the teacher and the researcher in the first cycle, it was shown that the use of music instrumental while learning process could make the students relaxed and motivated the students in learning English, especially in learning English vocabulary. It could be seen from their attitude in learning process. The class could be controlled although sometimes the students made noise. The students were very serious and commit to user 52 paid attention during the lesson. The students were active and they asked the researcher when they did not understand about the lesson was given. Different with the condition when the researcher doing pre-research which they made noise during the lesson. The improvement of English vocabulary mastery can be seen from the score of pre-test and post-test 1 below, Table 1.The mean score of the pre-test and post-test 1 Kind of test Pre-test 1 Post-test 1 5. 84 7.07

e. Reflecting and Evaluating the Result of the Observation

At the end of the first cycle, the teacher and the researcher gave the students a post-test to measure their vocabulary mastery. It was written and oral test. The teacher and the researcher then analyzed the result of the test. It aimed to know the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery after the implementation of the action. From the result of the teacher’s observation of the action, it can be taken some positive results and some weaknesses in the first cycle. They were described as follows: commit to user 53 1 Positive Results a There was a positive change on students’ behavior during the learning process. The students become more serious and paid more attention during the lesson. b The students were interested with the new method used by the researcher in delivering the lesson. They looked happy and motivated with the method. c There was an improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery. It was shown from the result of the first post-test 1 that was 7.07. It was higher than the mean score of the pre-test that was 5.84. 2 Weakness a Almost students were active and paid more attention during the lesson. But there were some still passive. Some students not done the instructions were given by the researcher. b There was an aspect which had not been achieved yet. The students’ pronunciation ability was still low. It was caused by the students’ habit. The students usually pronounced the words incorrectly and did not know how to pronounce the words correctly. The new method which researcher used gave good effect and positive result during learning process. There was improvement of students’ motivation in learning English and there was also an improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery. Besides, there were weaknesses of the action. commit to user 54 To overcome the weaknesses of the first cycle, the researcher thought that it was important to make the next planning. CYCLE 2 a. Revised Plan Based on the result of the first cycle, the use of music instrumental could improve and motivate the student in learning vocabulary. Another hand, the researcher found that the students were still low in pronunciation. In the second cycle, the action would be focused on the improvement of students’ pronunciation by giving some practices. Besides, the action would also determine to improve the students’ behavior during the activities. In the second cycle, the researcher still taught using narrative text. The topic was manufacturing.

b. Implementing the Action

1 The first meeting December 3 rd , 2010 a Opening The first meeting of second cycle was conducted on December 3 th , 2010. The class started at 08.20. The researcher with the teacher entered to the class and greeted the students by saying “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb”. After that the researcher asked the students’ condition. The researcher said “How are you today students”. Students answered “I am fine”. Before started the lesson the teacher checked the students’ attendance. There were two students commit to user 55 absent that day. Both of them got sick. Before started the lesson, the teacher played music instrumental to make the students relax. The researcher began the lesson by giving the students some questions dealing with the topic which would be discussed. b Main activity First, to check the students’ knowledge about the topic, the researcher wrote the topic in the white board. The topic was manufacturing. The researcher asked the students “What do you know about manufacturing and please mention the words which related to the ‘manufacturing’?”. There was a good respond from the students about the questions. The students explored their knowledge about the word. There were students who mentioned the words which unrelated to the topic, but almost of them mention the words which related to the topic. Second, the researcher asked one of the students distributed copies of narrative text to his friends. The teacher said to the boy who sit on the corner “Could you help me distribute this paper to your friends, please?”. The boy said “Yes of course I would”. The boy distributed the paper to his friends. As the same with the first cycle, the researcher read the text loudly. As the reader and also the actor of the story, the teacher expressed what was described in the story. When the story described happy condition, the researcher looked happy, and when the story described bad mood, the researcher look so sad. commit to user 56 After read the story completely, the teacher would read the story phrase by phrase and some time read sentence by sentence if possible and lets the students repeated. The researcher read the text slowly. The activity aimed to identify the error of the students’ pronunciation. When the students could pronounce the words correctly, the reading will be continued, but when some of the students could not pronounce the words correctly, the researcher drilled the students about the word until they could pronounce correctly. Third, the researcher asked the students read the story like did by the researcher in front of the class. The students were very enthusiastic about the activity.When the researcher asked “Siapa yang mau menjadi suka relawan untuk mebaca didepan? Who wants to be a volunteer to read the story in front of the class?, One of the students rested his hand and said “Saya mau menjadi sukarelawan untuk membaca didepan kelas”I want to be volunteer to read the text in front of the class . Then the researcher lets the girl who raised her hand to do the action. The girl read the story very enthusiastic and could express what was described in the story although she still got lot of mistakes in pronunciation. When the girl pronounced the word incorrectly, the researcher drilled the girl until she could pronounce the word correctly. Not just the girl, but the researcher also drilled other students that sit and gave her attention. The researcher just lets three students to do the action. commit to user 57 d Closing Having finished conducting the second meeting, the researcher asked to the students whether they had difficulty or not. The researcher said “So far, any question”. The students answered “No”. When the researcher found that the students had understood the lesson, she closed the class and said “Goodbye”. 1 The second meeting December 4 th , 2010 a Opening The second meeting of cycle 2 was conducted on December 4 th , 2010. The lesson started at 07.00. The researcher opened the class by greeting and checking the students’ attendance. There was no student absent that day. After that the teacher played the music instrumental. b Main activity Related to the fact of first cycle that the students’ pronunciation was still low, in this Meeting the researcher would try to improve the students’ pronunciation by using dialogue. First, the teacher asked the students made a group. Each groups consisting of two until three students. The students free in choosing the member of his or her group. Most of the students choose his tablemate as their partner. Then the teacher asked each groups to make a dialogue that related to the text was given a day before. The text was about “Manufacture”. The commit to user 58 teacher lets the students listed the words that possible to use. The students was so happy in did the duty. After twenty minutes letter, the teacher asked “Have you finish”. Most of the groups answered “Yes we have”. Then the teacher continued her instruction. She said “Now put down your paper on your table, and then change your dialogue with the group beside of you”. “Have every groups change your dialogue”. Each group said “Yes I we have”. Then the teacher asked each groups understanding the dialogue which they got, after that lets the students to present the dialogue in front of the class. To choose the first presenter, the teacher asked “What date to day”. The students answered “Four”. After the students answered, the teacher said “Who is absent number four”. Almost students said “ Puji”. Then the teacher asked Puji presented her dialogue with her partner in front of the class. There are some mistakes in pronunciation that Puji and Rika as her partner got when presenting the dialogue. The teacher revised their mistake by drilling the words. Besides, the teacher let the other students repeated when she drilled Rika and Puji. The teacher drilled the student until they could pronounce the word correctly. c. Closing The time was up in a few minutes later. Before ended the lesson, the researcher asked to the students whether they had difficulty or not and then. commit to user 59 When the researcher found that the students had understood the lesson, she said goodbye. 5 The third meeting November 30 th , 2010 a Opening The third meeting was conducted on December 6 th , 2010. The lesson began at 08.20 am. As usual, the researcher greeted the students by saying “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb”. The students answered “Wa’alaikumsalam Wr.Wb”. Then the teacher checked students’ attendance. The researcher played the different music instrumental in that day. The music bit slowly which make the students really relax and fresh. Then the researcher reminded and checked the students understanding about the previous material b Main activity Firstly, the researcher distributed a paper that consisting of an exercise that related with the text before. The exercise was about the grammar and the meaning relation, which covered synonym and antonym The researcher gave an instruction to the students. The researcher said “Now, do the exercise on the paper. You can do the exercise in group”. The researcher gave 30 minutes to the students to do the exercise. After 30 minutes the researcher stopped the students’ activity. The researcher checked what the students had done one by one. Most of them could do the exercise. But some of them still got difficulties in choosing the appropriate word in the context. commit to user 60 c Closing The time will be over in 5 minutes later. Before close the class, the teacher asked the students whether they had difficulty or not. When the teacher found that the students had understood the lesson, she closed the class by said “Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb”. 3 The fourth meeting December 6 th , 2010 In the fourth meeting of second cycle, the class would get post-test 2. The goal of the post-test was to measure the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery. The result of the post-test 2 showed that the students’ mean score increased from 6. 65 in post-test 1 increased become 7.80 in post- test 2. c Observing and Monitoring the Action The observation aimed to know the effects of the implementation of suggestopedia in improving students’ English vocabulary mastery. In second cycle the researcher used some techniques in observing the action; they were test score, observation, and interview. From the observation of learning process which done by the teacher and the researcher in the second cycle, it show that the use of music instrument while learning process could make the students relax and motivated the students in learning English, especially in learning English vocabulary. It could be seen from their attitude in learning process. The class was more controlled if compared with commit to user 61 first cycle although some time some students still made noise and busy with their own activity. The students were very serious and more paid attention during the lesson. The students were active and they asked the researcher when they do not understand about the lesson was given by the researcher. They also more active in explored their ideas when the researcher discussed about something. To strengthen the data, the researcher interviewed the students. The interview was done in order to know how far the influence of the action toward the lesson. The observation was done during the teaching and learning process. The data were written in the form of field notes. Some of the students said that they were happy during learning process. They like the method which was used in learning process. They could enjoy the music that played by the researcher during the learning process. The improvement of English vocabulary mastery can be seen from the score of the post-test in cycle 2 Table 2.The mean score of the pre-test and post-test 1 Kind of test Pre-test 2 Post-test 2 6.31 8.04 commit to user 62

d. Reflecting and Evaluating the Result of the Observation

At the end of the cycle 2, the teacher and the researcher gave the students a post-test to measure their vocabulary mastery. It was written and oral test. The teacher and the researcher then analyzed the result of the test. It aimed to know the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery after the implementation of the action. From the result of the teacher’s observation of the action, it can be drown some positive results and some weaknesses in the first cycle. They were described as follows: 1 Positive Results a The students were interested with the new method used by the researcher in delivering the lesson. They looked happy and motivated with the method so they gave more attention to the lesson. b The researcher could manage the class better than in cycle 1. She also could take attention of the students so they just focused on the lesson. c There was improvement of pronunciation. d There was an improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery. It could be show from the result of the post-test 2 that was 8.04. It was higher than the mean score of the pre-test 2 that was 6.31. 2 Weakness In the teaching and learning process, some of the students still made a noise and busy with their activities which could disturb another students. The researcher gave more attention to the troublemaker. commit to user 63

C. Research Findings and Discussion

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