Previous Study Thinking Framework

In sum, the hypothesis towards the study based on theories from some experts elaborated above is Ha. It can be said that there will be significant relationship between students’ learning style and their reading comprehension of narrative text. 26


A. Place and Time of the Research

This research conducted on 24 th May, 2016 and was held at MTs.Izzatul Islam Parung, Bogor which is located at Jl. Inkopda Raya No. 23 Kp. Bulak, Kalisuren, Tajurhalang, Bogor.

B. Population and Sampling

In this research, the writer used population and sampling at once. It was used convenience sampling. The population and the sample of this research was the second grade students of MTs.Izzatul Islam Bogor. It consists of 35 students. C. Method and Design of the Research The method of this study is quantitative method. Then, the data from questionnaire are calculated to know whether there is any significance correlation between students’ learning style and their reading comprehension of narrative text. The writer analyzed questionnaire about the students’ learning styleusing Pearson Product Moment Correlation, through SPSS, to determine the relationship with their reading comprehension of narrative text. Meanwhile, this research is designed as correlational research. The main objective of this research is to discover the relationship between the two intended variables; students’ learning style and their reading comprehension of narrative text. Then, the writer determined students’ learning style as independent variable variable X and students’ reading comprehension of narrative text as dependent variable variable Y. In this case, it can be assumed that studen ts’ learning style in learning English is considered as a factor that influence students’ reading comprehension of narrative text. Finally both variables can be tried to be correlated.

D. Technique of Data Collection

The writer used a non-test and test techniques. Non-test technique was questionnaire and a test of reading comprehension was the test technique. In answering the questionnaire, the students were asked to put cross X or checklist √. To find the students’ learning style, the writer counted the mean score of the styles. The data of students’ reading comprehension was collected by giving them a test. The test consisted of 25 questions. The alternative answer is A, B, C and D. they were asked to choose the best answer of the options. 1. Questionnaire In this research, Perceptual Learning Style Preference Survey by Joy M Reid in Understanding Learning Style in the Second Language Classroom was adapted as the questionnaire. There were four alternatives five items of each learning style indicator. The questionnaire was distributed to the students to get the data of their learning style preference. The questionnaire was based on characteristic of each learning style visual, auditory and kinesthetic. The questionnaire was written in Bahasa to avoid misunderstanding and to ease the students in answering the questions. There are four alternatives based on Lickert Scale type. Likert scale is used to measure attitude, opinion, perception based on the certain object or phenomena.The four points are Strongly Agree SangatSetuju, SS, Agree Setuju, S, Disagree TidakSetuju, TS, and Strongly Disagree SangatTidakSetuju, STS.

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