The Fantastic Imagination Of Jess And Leslie In Terabithia In Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge To Terabithia”



A. The Biography of Katherine Paterson

Katherine Paterson (born October 31, 1932) is an American author best known for children’s novels. For four different books published 1975 to 1980, she won two Newberry Medals and two National Book Awards. She is one of three people to win the two major international awards: for “Lasting Contribution to Children’s Literature”, she won the biennial Hans Christian Andersen Award for Writing in 1998. For her career contribution to “Children’s and Young Adult Literature in the Broadest Sense”, she won the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award from the Swedish Arts Council in 2006, the biggest prize in children’s literature. In 2013, Paterson won the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal from the American Library Association.


Early Life

She was born Katherine Womeldorf i to Christian Missionaries George and Mary Womeldorf. Her father was a principal at Sutton 690, a school for girls, and traveled throughout China as part of his missionary duties. The Womeldorf family lived in a Chinese neighborhood and immersed themselves in Chinese culture. When Katherine was five years old, the family was forced to leave China during the family moved t to China to live i again, this time t

Paterson's first language was Chinese, and she initially experienced difficulty reading and writing English. She overcame these challenges and, in 1954, graduate degree in English from spent a year teaching at a rural elementary school in going to graduate school. She received a Master's degree from the she studied Bible and Christian education. Paterson had hoped to be a missionary i Japanese friend pushed her to go t a missionary and Christian education assistant. While in Japan,


Paterson studied both Japanese and Chine much of her subsequent career in the curriculum for fifth and sixth grade parochial students.

In 1966, she wrote the novel Who Am I ?. While continuing to write, she was unable to get any of her novels published. After being persuaded, Paterson took an adult education course i during which her first novel was published. Her first children's novel,

fairy tale, it is based on Paterson's studies in Japa

Terabithia was highly controversial due to some of the difficult themes. Bridge to Terabithia is among the most popular books she has written. Some of her other books also feature difficult themes such as the death of a loved one. Katherine Paterson is currently vice-president of the organization that advocates for literacy, literature, and libraries. Paterson lives in the First Presbyterian Church. They have seven grandchildren.

On April 28, 2005, Paterson dedicated a tree in memory of


does school visits but chooses to stick to schools that are close to her Vermont home. She is currently promoting her work and just put out a

new book entitle

book after seeing a photograph of 35 children taken on the steps of the Old Socialist Labor Hall in Barre captioned, "Children of Lawrence Massachusetts,

written a play version of the story

Potter Society i

In January 2010, Paterson repla of Congress two-year position created to raise national awareness of the importance of lifelong literacy and education.

In January 2013, Paterson received the biennial recognizes a living author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have made "a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children".

Writing style

In Paterson's novels, her youthful protagonists face crises by which they learn to triumph through self-sacrifice. Paterson, unlike


many other authors of young adult novels, tackles themes often considered to be adult, such as death and jealousy. Although her characters face dire situations, Paterson writes with compassion and empathy. Amidst her writing of misery and strife, Paterson interlaces her writing with wry wit and understated humor. After facing tumultuous events, her characters prevail in triumph and redeem themselves and their ambitions. Paterson's protagonists are usually orphaned or estranged children with only a few friends who must face difficult situations largely on their own. Paterson's plots may reflect her own childhood in which she felt estranged and lonely.

Bridge to Terabithia has been adapted into film twice, the was Paterson's son dedication page of the novel.

Another of her novels, The Great Gilly Hopkins has been optioned by Arcady Bay Entertainment, and an upcoming 2011 fantasy-novel release The Flint Heart has been optioned by Bedrock Films.


B. The Summary of the Novel

Jess Aarons is an eleven-year-old boy living in a rural area of the South who loves to run. He dreams of being the fastest boy in the fifth grade when school starts up in the fall, feeling that this will for once give him a chance to stand in the spotlight among his five sisters, and might win him the attention of his preoccupied father. Jess is quite insecure in his identity. He loves to paint and draw, but he knows very well that this labels him a "sissy" in the eyes of most of the world, particularly his father. In addition, his family is stretched so tight by poverty that he has little chance to really explore his own identity during this crucial period of adolescence. He has therefore built up the importance of winning in his mind, feeling that here, at least, is something that he is good at which won't win him an undesired label of "sissy" or "girl" in the eyes of his father or schoolmates, and which will allow him to shine in his own right. He practices each morning, always dreaming of his upcoming victory. However, when the races come around at recess, a new girl, Leslie Burke, who just moved next door to Jess, boldly crosses to the boys' side of the playground and beats everyone.

A rather unpromising beginning, but Jess and Leslie become fast friends. They build a secret fantasyland across the creek in the woods, called Terabithia, where they play all the time. There they


forget the rest of the world, such as the kids at school or Jess's less-than-satisfactory family. The time they spend in Terabithia, in fact, seems to strengthen them for these trials of everyday life: it is there that they map out a plan of revenge on the school bully when she steals May Belle's Twinkies, and it is there that they discuss Jess's feelings of insecurity when Leslie begins to draw closer to her father. Leslie also introduces Jess to the world of imagination and creativity, telling him the stories of such classics of literatura. All this also strengthens Jess's artistic talent and ability, as Leslie supports his ambition and, through the stories she tells, provides him with great subject matter. But much of the time they play wonderful games of their own invention—defeating intruders on Terabithian territory, praying to the Spirits of the Grove to end a long spell of rain, and numerous other fantasies.

However, Jess and Leslie's friendship, though centered in Terabithia, is not limited to Terabithia. They see each other at school, where they take a good deal of ribbing for their cross-gender friendship, but by now that sort of teasing has lost the power to hurt Jess, and Leslie has never been particularly bothered by what others think. At home, they celebrate holidays together, such as Christmas, when Jess gives Leslie a puppy and she gives him an expensive art set to develop his artistic talent, and Easter, when Leslie goes to church for the first time with Jess. Leslie is impressed by the beauty of the


story of Christ. Jess and his little sister May Belle, cowed by negative and unforgiving religious training, are convinced that nonbelievers such as Leslie are doomed to hell, and find the whole experience disturbing. Nevertheless, Jess and Leslie remain the best of friends, and Jess finds a purpose in his life through Leslie's company that he's never had before.

One day the music teacher at school, Miss Edmunds, whom Jess has long had a crush on, invites him to spend a day with her touring the art galleries in Washington. This trip does much to expand his mind and make him feel as if he is special, a feeling he has previously only had in Leslie's company. Jess has a perfect day, but when he gets home he is told that Leslie drowned in the creek that morning trying to swing into Terabithia on the rope that they used for that purpose. Jess is completely devastated and goes through the stages of grief—denial, anger, fear, and sorrow—all incredibly painful to suffer and, indeed, to read about. Initially, he does not see how he is to go on initially. Leslie has raised him to new heights as the king of Terabithia, and now he feels that without her, he has no choice but to revert to the old Jess, plagued by fear and insecurity. However, eventually he realizes that he can only keep Leslie's memory, and his own newfound sense of self, alive by continuing the fantasy of Terabithia. He brings his little sister May Belle there and makes her its new queen, assuring that a part of Leslie will live on as well.



Gray, Martin 1985. A Dictionary of Literary Terms. Hong Kong : Longman York Press.

Kennedy, X. J. 1956. An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. London : Harper Collins Publisher.

Paterson, Katherine. 1977. Bridge to Terabithia. New York : Harper Trophy. V. Roberts, Edgar and Henry E. Jacobs. 1987. Literature : An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New York : Prentice-Hall Inc.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1977. Theory of Literature. New York : A Harvest Books.

Wellek, Rene and Austin Warren. 1989. Teori Kesusastraan. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia.



3.1 Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia World

The most fantastic experinces by Jess and Lestie in Terabithia world were: (a) swinging to Terabithia with a rope, (b) building a castle to stay in Terabithia, (c) finding Terabithia’s creatures, (d) battling the wicked creatures in Terabithia, and (e) Jess became the King of Terabithia.

The first imaginative experience by Jess and Lestie was to swing to “Terabithia” with a rope and it was started when they spent the shiny day of autumn after school by running from a bus stop to a small river near the forest, then Leslie tried to swing on the old rope hung on a tree near the river. Leslie began to imagine and invited Jess to try swinging on the rope. When Jess was swinging, he bent his body back as feeling a bit freedom, she looked at the bright colorful sky. When she went to swing with the rope, she also flew like lazy-big-white cloud, stepped back and forth over the blue sky. It can be seen from quotation below :

“They took turns swinging across the gully on the rope. It was a glorious autumn day, and if you looked up as you swung, it gave you the feeling of floating. Jess leaned back and drank in the rich, clear color of the sky. He was drifting, drifting like a fat white lazy cloud back and forth across the blue.” (Paterson, 1977:49)


Leslie said that they needed only a place for themselves, far away from the real world and known only by both of them, a confidential place like a secret country where they became the rulers of the country. It can be seen from quotation below :

“We need a place,” she said, “just for us. It would be so secret that we would never tell anyone in the whole world about it.” Jess came swinging back and dragged his feet to stop. She lowered her voice almost to a whisper. “It might be a whole secret country,” she continued, “and you and I would be the rulers of it.” (Paterson, 1977:49)

The second imaginative experience of Jess and Leslie was when they decided to across the river by swinging on the rope and went to a forest beside the river. In the forest, they decided to build “a castle” located near the river which they acrossed brightly, Jess disliked the dark place in the forest because it made her like in the depth of water. It can be seen from quoted conversation between Jess and Leslie as follows:

There were parts of woods that Jess did not like, Dark places where it was almost like being underwater, but he didn’t say so. “I know” –she was getting excited- “it could be a magic country like Narnia, and the only way you can get in is by swinging across on this enchanted rope.” Her eyes were bright. She grabbed the rope. “Come on,” she said. Let’s find a place to build our castle stronghold.” (Paterson, 1977:50)


Leslie gave name their secret place “Terabithia”. It was one of another imagination from a child who gave name for the new-visiting place. Leslie got inspiration to give the name “Terabithia” from a fairy tale Narnia and invited Jess imagined by borrowing her books about country Narnia. “Leslie named their secret land “Terabithia,” and she loaned Jess all of her books about Narnia, so he would know how things went in a magic kingdom. (Paterson, 1977:51)

The third imaginative experience of Jess and Leslie was when Jess and Leslie found creatures in Terabithia like within their imagination, “Terabithian”, The Giant Troll. Leslie found the Giant Troll based on their imagination about their schoolmate, Janice Avery, this seventh grader which had obesity liked to disturb his unpleasant friends, mainly his junior graders, like Jess, Leslie, and May Belle. Firstly, Jess unpurposely found footprint of the Giant Troll, then Leslie said they needed a hunter Troll to find the creatures. Then they brought Leslie’s dog, Prince Terrien to help them finding the Giant Troll by sniffing his footprint around Terabithia. Finally, their investigation ended, firstly they found a heap of leaves slowly changed into a giant looked like their friend, Janice Avery, and certainly the thing happened only in their imagination. Then Leslie gave name the creature the Giant Troll. Their imaginative adventures still continued to interact with the Giant Troll which firstly guessed as wicked creature, apparently he was kind and a bit timid.


The fourth fantastic imaginative experience by Jess and Leslie was when they imagined to battle with wicked creature in Terabithia. One day, they went to Terabithia after one month not to visit Terabithia together, and also brought Leslie’s dog, Prince Terrien, they went back to Terabithia and imagined to battle with wicked creature in Terabithia. See this quoted conversation between Jess and Leslie as follows:

“We must have courage, my king. It may indeed be so. “They swung silently across the creek bed. On the farther bank, Leslie picked up two sticks. “Thy sword, sire,” she whispered. Jess nodded. They hunched down and crept coward the stronghold like police detectives on TV. “Hey, queen! Watch Out! Behind you!” (Paterson, 1977:90)

Then they also continued to imagine battling the wicked creature in Terabithia until they won it in the ending. Imagination experienced by these both children was very fantastic, even though they were still young but they dared to battle with imaginative wicked creature in the world “Terabithia” and finally they won and “Terabithia” was conducive anymore. It can be seen from quotation below :

“They have sounded the retreat!” the brave queen cried. “Yey!” “Drive them out utterly, so they may never return and prey upon our people” he said. “Out you go! Out! Out!” All the way to the creek bed, they forced the enemy back, sweating under their winter jackets. “At last. Terabithia is free once more” Leslie nodded. (Paterson,1977:91)


Furthermore, the fifth fantastic imaginative experience in Terabithia was Leslie inaugurated Jess as the King of Terabithia. It can be seen from quotation below :

Leslie’s eyes were sparkling. “Arise” –she barely swallowed a giggle-“arise, king of Terabithia, and let us proceed into our kingdom.” The king of Terabithia snuffled and wiped his face on the back of his hand. “I will arise,” he replied with dignity, “when thou removes this fool dog off my gut.” Jess nooded. (Paterson, 1977:115)

From the fifth fantastic imaginative experiences in Terabithia by Jess and Leslie above can be concluded that “Terabithia” was not only an ordinary place, because when Jess and Leslie began their imagination, “Terabithia” would change into a full magic place as if it would come true, such as swinging to Terabithia with a rope, building a castle to stay in Terabithia, finding a Terabithian creature, battling a wicked creature in Terabithia, and Jess became a King of Terabithia.

3.2 The Effect of Terabithia for Jess and Leslie

Jess and Leslie realized that Terabithia was not ordinary place, but they could also find many moral lessons to break their fear and appreciating friendship. It can be seen from quotation below :

Leslie took a deep breath. “This is not an ordinary place,” she whispered. “Even the rulers of Terabithia come into it only at


times of greatest sorrow or of greatest joy. We must strive to keep it sacred. It would not do to disturb the Spirits. He nodded, and without speaking, they went back to the creek bank where they shared together a solemn meal of crackers and dried fruit. (Paterson, 1977:60)

“Terabithia” had given significant effects for Jess and Leslie to motivate them facing their daily life through the story that they experienced, they are : (1) Jess got inspiration to write a poem, (2) Jess and Leslie felt higher, stronger, and confident-self when they came to “Terabithia”, (3) the biggest effect for Jess was she could build a bridge to “Terabithia” as a symbol of the return of Jess’s spirit after Leslie’s death.

The first effect of “Terabithia” was Jess got inspiration to begin her poem writing. One day Leslie challenged Jess to describe “Terabithia” into beautiful words in her poem. At the time Jess could not write a poem, but when she was on one of the tree in “Terabithia” she got inspiration to write poem as she saw a shadow from the castle they built as if everything was able to do. It can be seen from quotation below :

“You should draw a picture of Terabithia for us to hang in the castle,” Leslie said. “I can’t,” Jess said. How could he explain it in a way Leslie would understand. “I just can’t get the poetry of the trees,” he said. She nodded. “Don’t worry,” she said. “You will someday.” He believed her because there in the shadowy light of the stronghold everything seemed possible. (Paterson, 1977:52)


Furthermore, The second effect of “Terabithia” with Jess and Leslie was Jess and Leslie felt higher, stronger, and self-confident when they came to “Terabithia”. Whenever they came to “Terabithia” from started swinging on the rope until stepped on the castle, they would feel greater magic powers which made them higher, stronger personality, and more confident. It happened whenever they came to “Terabithia”. It can be seen from quotation below :

“Terabithia was their secret, which was a good thing, for how could Jess have ever explained it to an outsider? Just walking down the hill toward the woods made something warm and liquid steal through his body. The closer he came to the dry creek bed and the crab apple tree rope the more he could feel the beating of his heart. He grabbed the end of the rope and swung out toward the other bank with a kind of wild exhilaration and landed gently on his feet, taller and stronger and wiser in that mysterious land.” (Paterson, 2006:59)

The third effect of “Terabithia” was the biggest effect for Jess. Jess built a bridge to Terabithia as a symbol of the return of Jess’s spirit after Leslie’s death.

Terabithia did not only influence as Jess and Leslie played together, even after Leslie’s death because she was sunk in the river where they usually played, Terabithia also influenced for Jess. The stories which happened to them in Terabithia made Jess realized that he might not be sad after Leslie’s death. Jess also kept her spirit by building a bridge to Terabithia and brought her sister, May Belle, to Terabithia for the first


time by crossing her bridge. Furthermore, Jess introduced Terabithia to May Belle and said that Terabithia had a new queen namely her sister, May Belle. It can be seen from quotation below :

“Shh, Look” he said. “Where ?” Maybelle said. “Can’t you see ‘um?” he whispered. “All the Terabithians standing on tiptoe to see you.” “Me?” she said. “Shh, yes. There’s rumor going around that the beautiful girl arriving today might be the beautiful girl arriving today might be the queen they’ve been waiting for.” (Paterson, 1977:163)

From the three effects of Terabithia by Jess and Leslie above, it is concluded that the experiences that they had in Terabithia gave the positive effects to Jess and Leslie, not only when they were in Terabithia, but also when they did their daily life, like braver and more confident personality. Even after the death of their friend, Leslie, Terabithia still gave good influence to Jess and her sister, May Belle, to keep imagining it. By returning of Jess’s new spirit to continue his imagination in Terabithia even without Leslie proved that Terabithia gave big influences to everyone who came in.



In this novel, Katherine Paterson as the writer showed that imaginative experiences described in this novel gave positive effects to Jess and Leslie to face their fear within themselves and to encaourage spirit, power, and self-confident to face the real world.

After analyzing this novel with five fantastic imaginations in Terabithia experienced by Jess and Leslie and three effects of Terabithia for Jess and Leslie, it can prove that fantastic imaginations in Terabithia experienced by Jess and Leslie in novel “Bridge to Terabithia” showed that Terabithia was not an ordinary place, because it had magic power to reach imaginations of people who visited the world Terabithia. Furthermore, Terabithia could give good effects for Jess and Leslie, even anyone who involved.

4.2 Suggestion

Novel is one of literary works. Therefore, before reading a novel, we had better understand about literature first. Novel has six important elements , such as plot, character, theme, point of view, and figure of speech to form a story connected each another. These elements are very important to learn, so the reader can understand about the story in the novel and the important point in the novel. Therefore, the writer hopes the readers especially Diploma 3 English students can understand the elements


well. .“Bridge to Terabithia” is the best reading. Novel, which has won many awards like Jhon Newberry Medal Awards, told about a story of two children had the most fantastic imaginative experiences in a place called as “Terabithia”

This novel showed that we can imagine freely, because from imagination we can dream and dream can come true with any effort, work hard, and self confident. This novel also educates about appreciating friendship and family, facing fear bravely, and taking the moral message from the conflict in the life to be stronger personality than ever.



2.1 Novel

Novel is a fictional long prose. According to Edgar V.Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1987:49) novel was borrowed from French and Italian to describe these works and to distinguish them from medieval and classical romances as something that was new. In their books, they also said that there are four fiction aspects, fictional works consist of common elements, they are character, plot, structure, and theme. Nowadays, along with poetry and drama, the novel forms the third in the trio of major genres. The category is as wide as ‘poetry’: novels are long prose fictions, including every kind of plot (tragic,comic), all styles and manners of dealing with their material (from the satiric to the rhapsodic) and showing a capacity to cover every imaginable subject matter from all points of view. It ranges from the popular thriller to the most esoteric literary artifice. Its capacity to absorb other literary styles, its freedom to develop in any direction and its flexibilities have made the novel the major modern literary form. This all-encompassing quality makes accurate or helpful definition impossible. A novel is a fictional long prose that there are has four aspects, fictional novel works consist of common elements, they are character, plot, structure, and theme.


2.2 Theme

Theme is the main point or idea that a writer of an essay asserts and illustrates. Theme, according to Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1987:53) in fiction, ideas takes the form of an underlying theme or central idea, which helps to tie the work together. An integrated theme needs a main idea, which is stated in existence of the idea in the plot of story. Basically, a writer of literary works will begin a main idea, which is served in the plot of story. In the main idea can be inserted by some additional supporting ideas, and finally all the ideas are connected into an integrated literary work. The process of determining and describing the themes or ideas in stories is probably never completed; there is always another theme that we may discuss. Theme is the abstract subject of work; its central idea or ideas, which may or may not be explicit or obvious.

2.3 Plot

Plot is the plan or groundwork for a story, with the actions resulting from believable and authentic human responses to a conflict, it is causation, conflict, response, opposition, and interaction that make a plot out of series of actions. According to Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1987:88), stories are made up mostly of actions or incidents that follow each other sequentially. Finding a sequential or narrative order, however, is only the first step forward the more important consideration- plot, or the controls governing the development of the actions. In a


well-done story, all the actions or incidents, speeches thoughts, and observations are linked together to make up an entirety, sometimes called an organic unity. The essence of this unity is the development and resolution of a conflict-or conflicts-in which the protagonist, or central character, is engaged. The pattern in which the protagonist meets and resolves the conflict is called plot, which has been compared to the story’s map, scheme, or blueprint. The plot is based on the interactions of causes and effects they develop sequentially or chronologically. That is, the story’s actions follow one another in time as the protagonist meets and tries to overcome the forces of opposition.

2.4 Character

The character is natural facsimile from the human with all the good and bad traits of being human. The characters in a story are the characters involved from the beginning until the ending part of the story. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1995:51) says that a story is usually concerned with a major problem that a character must face. This may involve interaction with another character in a difficult situation, or with an idea or general circumstances that force actions. The character may win, lose, or tie. He or she can learn and be the better for the experience or may miss the point and be unchanged. In their book, they also said that the character is an extended verbal representation of a human being, the inner self that determines thought, speech, and behavior.


2.5 Structure

The structure is an arrangement and placement of words in a work. According to Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1987:53), structure refers to the way a plot is assembled. Chronologically, all stories are similar because they all move from beginning to end in accord with the time it takes for causes to produce effects. But authors choose many different ways to develop their plots. While some stories are told in chronological orders, others may get pieced together through out-of-sequence and widely separated episodes, speeches, remembrances, dreams, nightmares, periods of delirium, fragments of letter, overheard conversations, and the like. In dealing with structure, therefore, we deal with the arrangement and development of individual stories. Usually we study an entire story, but we may also direct our attention toward a smaller aspect of arrangement.

2.6 Intrinsic Approach

Basically an approach consist of two types. They are the instrinsic approach and the extrinsic approach. The intrinsic approach was originally written by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in their book “Theory of Literature”. Rene Wellek introduced his instrinsic approach, which essentially is a study of literary work based on analyzing the internal elements that build that work. According to Wellek (1956:332) The natural on sensible starting point for work in literary scholarship is the


interpretation and analysis of the works of literary themselves. After all, only the works themselves justify all our interest in the life of an author, in his social environment, and the whole process of literature. Wellek’s opinion is that the study of literature naturally needs to be started from the analysis of the literary work itself because then it would enable us to identify he many aspects that built that work. Wellek further explained by introducing elements that from the foundation of a literary work, plot, setting, theme, character, point of view, and style. By analyzing these elements, a student could comprehend the work by figuring out how the story flows, where the story is set, how the characters act and think. Although so many of elements of novel, the writer just pick three of that all. Three elements discussed are plot, setting and theme. Three of element enough describe clear detail about a short happy moment of Charlie’s life. Element of plot, setting and theme summarized at describe about character in the same time. Intrinsic approach takes part from the literary work itself. Intrinsic approach emphasizes the analysis inter text by describing the elements of the prose that explained before. Intrinsic approach applied by the writer in order to show the elements of the novel. Parts of elements of the prose are characters, plot, setting, theme, and point of view. This research uses those elements of prose because those elements are related. Wellek and Warren (1956: 139) in their book “Theory of Literature” said that intrinsic approach are being introduced based on a survey of the wider range of forms in modern literature. They also stated


that the main part of intrinsic approach is based on the text of literary works itself by doing an interpretation and analysis of it (1956:139). While definition of extrinsic approach which was originally written by Rene Wellek and Austin Warren in their book “Theory of Literature” too. Rene Wellek introduced his extrinsic approach such as biography, psychology, social milieu, ideas, and other arts. This is opposed elements intrinsic to a study work, which explored in section. They write that research into extrinsic elements often results in an attempt to establish some casuality between the extrinsic elements and a study of work. Wellek and warren describe three views of a biographical approach, of which only one the biographical aspects relating to the production of a work. They reject the views that works accurately reflect the author’s life or that the author’s life must be understood in order to understand a particular work. According to Wellek and Warren, works may indeed reflect the authors experiences, but they must also reflect an author’s hopes and dreams, or literary tradition and convention and not a document for biography.


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study

Nowadays, many childrens are playing without using their imagination, especially chidrens in the city. They are only playing with “instant game” which can use without imagination, such as games in computer or online games. Very different with old generation, like childrens at year seventy’s generation should use their imagination to create and playing a game because there was no technology to create a game at that time. For example, childrens at year seventy’s generation play with their imagination to build a house.

Similarly to the story in “Bridge to Terabithia” novel by Katherine Paterson, there are two student in fifth grade, Jess and Leslie whose playing in a secret fantasyland across the creek in the woods, called Terabithia where they play all the time with their imagination.

The writer has chosen the Fantastic Imagination words because of Jesss and Leslies imagination which very fantastic, they are: (a) swinging to Terabithia with a rope, (b) building a castle to stay in Terabithia, (c) finding Terabithia’s creatures, (d) battling the wicked creatures in Terabithia, and (e) Jess became the King of Terabithia.

That fantastic imagination experienced by Jess and Leslie in a autumn, late 1970s in Lark Creek, a rural area in the South. Unfortunately, in the late summer, Leslie was dead because drowned in the creek by swing into Terabithia on the rope that they used usually. Jess is completely


devastated and goes through the stages of grief, denial, anger, fear, and sorrow. Then, Jess build a bridge by his own self to Terabithia that he will presented to his little sister, May Belle. After that bridge which made by piles of wood and twigs was finished, he brings May Belle there and invite her to imaginating and makes her become new queen of Terabithia, assuring that a part of Leslie will live on as well. That was exciting story that make the author excited to analyze this novel.

Prose, according to Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1987:1705) is imaginative prose narratives (short stories and novels) that focus on one or a few characters who undergo a change or development as they interact with other characters and deal with their problems.

Prose, according to Martin Gray (1985:166) is any language that is not made patterned by regularity of some kind of metre. Prose is capable of infinite variety, from the most exquisite and exact description, to the interrupted inarticulacy of everyday speech, from the lush emotive passion of a syrupy love story to the clear directness of a scientific report. Martin Gray (1985:140) says that Novel is a long prose fiction almost always concentrating on a character and incident, and usually containing a plot.

Novel, according to X.J Kennedy in his book An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama (1956:7) says that there are six aspects of novel, they are: plot (the development and organization of stories), character (the people in novel), setting (the background of place and time),


theme (the meaning and message in novel), point of view (the position or stance of the narrator), and stytle (the words that tell the story).

The writer uses “intrinsic approaches” by Wellek and Warren (1956:24) which is take all the informations from the text, the steps are: (a) Reading the text carefully, (b) Sequencing informations of : plot, character, background, theme and actions, (c) Summarizing from that informations.

The writer use “library research” method, there is collecting the informations from books in library and searching the informations from internet by collecting, sequencing and summarizing the data.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the analysis, the problem of the study may be recognized as follows :

• How Jess and Leslie have the fantastic imagination in Terabithia world ?

• Why Terabithia be affected to Jess and Leslie ?

1.3 Scope of the Study

In this novel, the writer finds that the imagination of Jess and Leslie are very fantastic and interesting to be analyzed. In this paper, the writer just limits to analyze the process of how Jess and Leslie have the


fantastic imagination in Terabithia and why Terabithia be affected to Jess and Leslie.

1.4 Purpose of the Study

In writing this paper, the purpose of this study is as in the following :

• To find out the process of Jess and Leslie have the fantastic imagination in Terabithia

• To find out whats the effect of Terabithia for Jess and Leslie

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this paper is to enrich the understanding on literary works and it can improve the students to more interest in studying and enrich about literature and also increased the habit for reading among the young people.

1.6 Method of the Study

The writer uses the work of the library method, which is the first stage is reading the whole story in this novel to understand the story. The second stage is to sort the data that has been collected. The final stage is to analyze such data by connecting it with the story of the novel. The writer also uses intrinsic approach which is the approach taken the data from the text itself.


1.7 Reason for Choosing the Topic

The writer has chosen Katherine Paterson’s novel Bridge to Terabithia as the subject of this paper because the writer interested in Jess’s and Leslie’s imagination in Terabithia which is very fantastic. In this novel we get the moral messages, about family, friendship, and face the fear become the courage.



This work paper entitled The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”. The writer was interested to discuss about experiences of fantastic imagination by Jess and Leslie in “Terabithia” world. This paper discuss about fantastic imaginations in “Terabithia” experienced by Jess and Leslie, they are swinging to Terabithia with a rope, playing with their imagination in “Terabithia”, interacting with Terabithia’s creatures and good effects of experiences in “Terabithia” for Jess and Leslie such as become have more courage and confident. Within this work paper, the writer uses library research and intrinsic approach. All data is collected, analyzed, concluded to support this work paper. The writer hopes the readers can understand with elements of the novel, especially know the experiences of fantastic imagination by Jess and Leslie, and the effects of “Terabithia” for Jess and Leslie.



Kertas karya ini berjudul The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in

Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”. Penulis tertarik membahas tentang pengalaman imajinasi fantastis yang dialami Jess dan Leslie di dunia “Terabithia”. Karya tulis ini membahas tentang pengalaman imajinasi yang fantastis pada dua orang anak yaitu Jess dan Leslie di dunia “Terabithia” dimulai dari masuk ke “Terabithia” dengan berayun di sebuah tali, berimajinasi di

“Terabithia”, berinteraksi dengan makhluk imajinasi di “Terabithia” dan pengaruh baik yang didapat Jess dan Leslie dari pengalaman-pengalaman di “Terabithia” seperti menjadi lebih berani dan percaya diri. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode perpustakaan dan pendekatan secara intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti dengan unsur-unsur dalam novel khususnya tentang pengalaman-pengalaman imajinasi yang fantastis yang dialami Jess dan Leslie, serta pengaruh “Terabithia” terhadap Jess dan Leslie.









REG. NO 102202045






It has been proved by Supervisor,

NIP. 19490423197412 2 001

Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M. Hum

Submitted to Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for DIPLOMA (D-III) in English

Approved by

Head of Diploma III English Study Program,

NIP. 19521126198112 1 001

Dr. Matius C. A. Sembiring, M. A.

Approved by the Diploma III English Study Program

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the D-III Examination of the Diploma-III Examination of the Diploma III English Study Program, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

The examination is held on July 2013

Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera


NIP. 19511013197603 1 001 Dr. Syahron Lubis, M. A.

Board of Examiners Signature

1. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A. (Head of ESP)

2. Dra. Redita Lubis, Dip. Appl. Ling., M.Hum. (Supervisior) 3. Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si. (Reader)



I am, TRIA ANINDI LUBIS declare that I am the sole author of this paper.

Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed : ...……….……….




Title of Paper : The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”

Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the discretion of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Studies USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed : ….……….. Date : 2013



This work paper entitled The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”. The writer was interested to discuss about experiences of fantastic imagination by Jess and Leslie in “Terabithia” world. This paper discuss about fantastic imaginations in “Terabithia” experienced by Jess and Leslie, they are swinging to Terabithia with a rope, playing with their imagination in “Terabithia”, interacting with Terabithia’s creatures and good effects of experiences in “Terabithia” for Jess and Leslie such as become have more courage and confident. Within this work paper, the writer uses library research and intrinsic approach. All data is collected, analyzed, concluded to support this work paper. The writer hopes the readers can understand with elements of the novel, especially know the experiences of fantastic imagination by Jess and Leslie, and the effects of “Terabithia” for Jess and Leslie.



Kertas karya ini berjudul The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in

Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”. Penulis tertarik membahas tentang pengalaman imajinasi fantastis yang dialami Jess dan Leslie di dunia “Terabithia”. Karya tulis ini membahas tentang pengalaman imajinasi yang fantastis pada dua orang anak yaitu Jess dan Leslie di dunia “Terabithia” dimulai dari masuk ke “Terabithia” dengan berayun di sebuah tali, berimajinasi di

“Terabithia”, berinteraksi dengan makhluk imajinasi di “Terabithia” dan pengaruh baik yang didapat Jess dan Leslie dari pengalaman-pengalaman di “Terabithia” seperti menjadi lebih berani dan percaya diri. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode perpustakaan dan pendekatan secara intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti dengan unsur-unsur dalam novel khususnya tentang pengalaman-pengalaman imajinasi yang fantastis yang dialami Jess dan Leslie, serta pengaruh “Terabithia” terhadap Jess dan Leslie.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almightly God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certrificate from English Department Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies Dr.Syahron Lubis M.A and the Head of English Department Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

Furthermore, I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Dra. Redita Lubis, Dipl.App.Ling., M.Hum for her time, advice, and guidance to correct this paper during the process of writing, and I would like to thank to my reader Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si

for the valuable time in giving correction and constructive critics in completing this paper.

Then, I would like to express my deep gratitude, love and appreciation to both of my parents H. Zaidi and Hj. Khazleini who grow me up, guide and take care of me, I present this paper for you. Thank you to my lovely siblings, my sister Poppy Siszanifa, my brother Khairul Fikri and my little brother Filza Rezki.


Furthermore, to my best friends in Senior High School, thanks for all of your supports and all of the sweet and crazy moments in our unforgettable school, Pipin Maharani (Empin), Erna Soenardi

(Ermewek), Tri Yudha Amelia (Yudong), and Sri Muriany Asiah

(Celik) I miss you, guys.

Then, I would like to say thank you to my lovely dorky crazy best friends in Diploma III English study program, CUNERS, Aya Syarifah

(Tajem), Annisa Fatiah (Nicut), Rizki (Pidok), Rima Firgi Yani (Imin),

Abun Fauzi Saragih (Cacang) Thanks for all of your support, I’m gonna miss our crazy moments with you guys, We are never getting old!

And then thanks to Batman Genk for another colorful days,

Mahyar, Andrian Yayan, Angga, Dani, Rahmad, Yojek, Rio, Aprot. And thanks to all of my beloved classmates and my Diploma III English study program’s organization, SOLIDAS.

The last but not least, I would like to thank to my new family in STM Family, brother Bembeng (anak gadis), brother Dimar (Benji), brother Fadli (Menyang), Rudi (adek), Kidok (Ketua), Lilis (Ratu Sunda), Eki (Gembala), brother Kacang and brother Dani, thank you for all of the extremely experiences, thanks for helps me to have more courage and make one of my dreams come true. Let’s make another extremely adventures!


Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper.

Medan, 2013

The writer,

Reg. No. 102202045 Tria Anindi Lubis










1.1Background of Study 1

1.2Problem of Study 3

1.3Scope of Study 3

1.4Purpose of Study 4

1.5The Significance of Study 4

1.6Method of Study 4

1.7 Reason for Choosing the Topic 5


2.1Novel 6

2.2Theme 7

2.3Plot 7

2.4Character 8

2.5Structure 9

2.6 Intrinsic Approach 9


3.1 Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia World...12 3.2 The Effect of Terabithia for Jess and Leslie 16


4.1 Conclusion 20

4.2 Suggestion 20



A.Biography of Emily Giffin 23



This work paper entitled The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”. The writer was interested to discuss about experiences of fantastic imagination by Jess and Leslie in “Terabithia” world. This paper discuss about fantastic imaginations in “Terabithia” experienced by Jess and Leslie, they are swinging to Terabithia with a rope, playing with their imagination in “Terabithia”, interacting with Terabithia’s creatures and good effects of experiences in “Terabithia” for Jess and Leslie such as become have more courage and confident. Within this work paper, the writer uses library research and intrinsic approach. All data is collected, analyzed, concluded to support this work paper. The writer hopes the readers can understand with elements of the novel, especially know the experiences of fantastic imagination by Jess and Leslie, and the effects of “Terabithia” for Jess and Leslie.



Kertas karya ini berjudul The Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in

Terabithia in Katherine Paterson’s Novel “Bridge to Terabithia”. Penulis tertarik membahas tentang pengalaman imajinasi fantastis yang dialami Jess dan Leslie di dunia “Terabithia”. Karya tulis ini membahas tentang pengalaman imajinasi yang fantastis pada dua orang anak yaitu Jess dan Leslie di dunia “Terabithia” dimulai dari masuk ke “Terabithia” dengan berayun di sebuah tali, berimajinasi di

“Terabithia”, berinteraksi dengan makhluk imajinasi di “Terabithia” dan pengaruh baik yang didapat Jess dan Leslie dari pengalaman-pengalaman di “Terabithia” seperti menjadi lebih berani dan percaya diri. Dalam penulisan kertas karya ini, penulis menggunakan metode perpustakaan dan pendekatan secara intrinsik. Semua data yang ada dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan disimpulkan untuk mendukung kertas karya ini. Penulis berharap para pembaca dapat mengerti dengan unsur-unsur dalam novel khususnya tentang pengalaman-pengalaman imajinasi yang fantastis yang dialami Jess dan Leslie, serta pengaruh “Terabithia” terhadap Jess dan Leslie.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almightly God, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength and ease to accomplish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III certrificate from English Department Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara.

In this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude to the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies Dr.Syahron Lubis M.A and the Head of English Department Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A.

Furthermore, I would like to express my special gratitude to my supervisor Dra. Redita Lubis, Dipl.App.Ling., M.Hum for her time, advice, and guidance to correct this paper during the process of writing, and I would like to thank to my reader Dra. Nur Cahaya Bangun, M.Si for the valuable time in giving correction and constructive critics in completing this paper.

Then, I would like to express my deep gratitude, love and appreciation to both of my parents H. Zaidi and Hj. Khazleini who grow me up, guide and take care of me, I present this paper for you. Thank you to my lovely siblings, my sister Poppy Siszanifa, my brother Khairul


Furthermore, to my best friends in Senior High School, thanks for all of your supports and all of the sweet and crazy moments in our unforgettable school, Pipin Maharani (Empin), Erna Soenardi (Ermewek), Tri Yudha Amelia (Yudong), and Sri Muriany Asiah (Celik) I miss you, guys.

Then, I would like to say thank you to my lovely dorky crazy best friends in Diploma III English study program, CUNERS, Aya Syarifah (Tajem), Annisa Fatiah (Nicut), Rizki (Pidok), Rima Firgi Yani (Imin), Abun Fauzi Saragih (Cacang) Thanks for all of your support, I’m gonna miss our crazy moments with you guys, We are never getting old!

And then thanks to Batman Genk for another colorful days, Mahyar, Andrian Yayan, Angga, Dani, Rahmad, Yojek, Rio, Aprot. And thanks to all of my beloved classmates and my Diploma III English study program’s organization, SOLIDAS.

The last but not least, I would like to thank to my new family in STM Family, brother Bembeng (anak gadis), brother Dimar (Benji), brother Fadli (Menyang), Rudi (adek), Kidok (Ketua), Lilis (Ratu Sunda), Eki (Gembala), brother Kacang and brother Dani, thank you for all of the extremely experiences, thanks for helps me to have more courage and make one of my dreams come true. Let’s make another extremely adventures!


Finally, I do realize that this paper is still far from being perfect. Therefore, I welcome any constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper.

Medan, 2013

The writer,

Reg. No. 102202045 Tria Anindi Lubis










1.1 Background of Study 1

1.2 Problem of Study 3

1.3 Scope of Study 3

1.4 Purpose of Study 4

1.5 The Significance of Study 4

1.6 Method of Study 4

1.7 Reason for Choosing the Topic 5 2. REVIEW AND RELATED OF LITERATURE

2.1 Novel 6

2.2 Theme 7

2.3 Plot 7

2.4 Character 8

2.5 Structure 9

2.6 Intrinsic Approach 9


3.1 Fantastic Imagination of Jess and Leslie in Terabithia World...12 3.2 The Effect of Terabithia for Jess and Leslie 16


4.1 Conclusion 20

4.2 Suggestion 20



A. Biography of Emily Giffin 23