Develop Decisions as First Class Objects in an Information Model Develop a design pattern relating events and decisions

38 Co For ObjectFeature Fusion, registries can be used to support use of unstructured information. The unstructured item is placed in the repository and the added information is held in the registry along with a link to the original data. The OGC CSW ebRIM standard can be used in this later case Figure 13 – Registries for Fusion Source: Galdos

8.5 Recommendations

8.5.1 Develop Decisions as First Class Objects in an Information Model

Decisions should be modeled as first class object in an information model. Such an information model would allow development of software for better sharing and processing of decisions in a distributed services environment. A UML model showing a Decision Object would show attributed, relations and subclasses that describe the information associated with an object: attributes of the situation, e.g., location, alternatives courses of action, decision selection scheme, e.g., decision trees. Defining a decision as an object allows for association between decisions. Decisions would link to structured and unstructured data with some unstructured data useful directly in the decision. The model should support linking to events that trigger consideration of a decision and support traceability of post-decision. The UML model should be built with and in the context of existing UML information models. pyright © 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium Copyright © 2010 Open Geospatial Consortium 39

8.5.2 Develop a design pattern relating events and decisions

Develop a design pattern that triggers consideration of decision alternatives upon occurrence of an event: “if you see this event, then consider these decisions”. When a registered event occurs a set of possible decision templates would be presented to a person. Decisions would be based on Complex Events. Show use of the eventdecision pattern with several use cases. Connect the pattern to the OGC Event Architecture and consider other eventing models. Link the pattern to the Decision Object modeling in the previous recommendation. Continued harmonization of location in Emergency Management Standards in particular OASIS standards EDXL and GML is recommended. EDXL provides a rich set of standards for Emergency Management decision-making. These standards include information about location. Carl Reed of OGC has been working with the OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee towards harmonization of the OASIS and OGC standards. Of particular importance is the continued work on the OASIS GML profile or “EDXL Where”. Also relevant is coordination on NIEM and UCORE.

8.5.3 Standardize methods for Information Sharing between clients.