Prepositional Phrase Beginning With On Prepositional Phrase Beginning With Out of Prepositional Phrase Beginning With Over Prepositional Phrase Beginning With To Prepositional Phrase Beginning With Up

Position: in adverbial function Initial Position. i. The delight of Mrs. Bennet …………..p. 103 In this sentence of Mrs. Bennet is prepositional phrase which conveys possession. Type: semantic relationships Form: one word preposition Position: in adverbial function Initial Position.

4.1.7 Prepositional Phrase Beginning With On

a. …………., situated on the opposite side of a valley p.106 In this sentence on the opposite of a valley is prepositional phrase which conveys place. Type: physical relationships Form: four - words preposition Position: in adverbial function Mid-Position.

4.1.8 Prepositional Phrase Beginning With Out of

a. ………………Lydia looking out of a dining room upstairs p.158 In this sentence out of the dining room upstairs is prepositional phrase which conveys direction. Type: physical relationship Form: two - words preposition Position: in adverbial function Final Position. Universitas Sumatera Utara

4.1.9 Prepositional Phrase Beginning With Over

a. Charlotte took her sister and friend over the house,………p.70. In this sentence over the house is prepositional phrase which conveys direction. Type: physical relationships Form: one word preposition Position: in adverbial function Mid-Position.

4.1.10 Prepositional Phrase Beginning With To

a. …………….had been obliged to go to town……………….p.43 In this sentence to town is prepositional phrase which conveys direction. Type: physical relationships Form: one word preposition Position: in adverbial function Mid-Position. b. When the ladies returned to the drawing room. p.74 In this sentence to the drawing room is prepositional phrase which conveys direction. Type: physical relationships Form: one word preposition Position: in adverbial function Final Position c. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. p.157 In this sentence to my daughter is prepositional phrase which conveys purpose. Universitas Sumatera Utara Type: semantic relationships Form: one word preposition Position: in adverbial function Final Position.

4.1.11 Prepositional Phrase Beginning With Up

a. ……….it is up to him as a superior p.168 In this sentence up to him is prepositional phrase which conveys direction. Type: physical relationships Form: two words preposition Position: in adverbial function Mid-Position.

4.1.12 Prepositional Phrase Beginning By With