The Objectives of The Test


1. Placement Test

Tinambunan explains test which is given based on pupils’ competence. 11 In addition, he states that in style to decide at the beginning before the pupils enter the class 12 . Moreover, Gronlund states, “The goal of placement evaluation is to determine the position in the instructional sequence and the mode of instruction that is most likely to benefit the pupil in the most.” 13 It describes the objective of the placement test is to know the style of the direction and the necessity of the pupil most in study. From the definitions above, it implies that the kind of test is given to the students before starting to study of a course, the students need to take the test in order to know how well their ability are. The result of the test is used to place the students at appropriate level with their ability.

2. Diagnostic Test

According to Hugh es, “Diagnostic test is used to identify learner’s strengths and weaknes s.” 14 It means the diagnostic test provides the information about plus and minus of the learners. While Gronlund states, “The test is concerned with the persistence or recurring learning difficulties that are left unresolved by the standard corrective presc ription of formative evaluation.” 15 In other word, he states that the diagnostic test focuses on the weakness on the learning which are measured by the standard evaluation. From the definition above, the writer synthesized that by using this kind of test, the teachers are able to identify difficulties or weaknesses that students face in learning process, so that they are able to formulate a plan to solve the difficulties. 11 Wilmar Tinambunan, Evaluation of Student Achievement, Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direkorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan, p. 7. 12 Ibid. 13 Norman E Gronlund, Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, Fifth edition, New York: McMillan Publising Company, 1981, pp. 11-12. 14 Hughes, op.cit., p, 15 15 Gronlund, op.cit., p, 12 11

3. Achievement Test

According to Arthur Hughes, achievement test is “The test that is related to language courses, their purpose being to establish how successful individual student, group of students, or the courses themselves have been achieving the objectives. 16 It could be concluded that the achievement test is a type of test which is designed to measure students’ mastery related to the objective of the learning process. According to Woolfolk, the measurement of achievement can be divided into two types; formative and summative test. 17 It means that the teacher can measure the achievement of the students by using formative and summative test.

a. Formative Test

According to Baxter, “Formative evaluation is done during a process so that the process can be changed to make it more effective.” 18 It is indicated that formative test is designed to measure an individual’s comprehension in a term. Another definition comes from Arthur Hughes who said that Assessment is formative when the teachers use it to check on the progress of their students, to see how far they have mastered what they should have learned, and then use this information to modify their future teaching plans. 19 It can be indicated that formative test can be used to know the success of an individual to measure the mastery of few chapters. From any statements above, the writer can conclude that formative test is a kind of test which is constructed by teacher to 16 Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers, Second Edition, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 13. 17 Anita E. Woolfolk, Educational Psychology, Englewood Cliffs: Prenctice-Hall, 1990, 4 th Ed., p. 530. 18 Andy Baxter, Evaluating Your Students, London: Richmond Publishing, 1997, p. 32. 19 Hughes, op, cit.,p. 16.

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