An Analysis On Content Validity Of The Summative Test At The Second Year Student Of SMPN 86 Cilandak, Jakarta




A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ training in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in

English Language Education

By: Citra Dewi NIM. 104014000288











A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ training in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in

English Language Education By:

Citra Dewi NIM. 104014000288

Approved by: Advisor

Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. NIP. 150 299 480








A skripsi entitled “An Analysis On Content Validity Of The Summative Test At The Second Year Student Of SMPN 86 Cilandak, Jakarta”was examined at the examination session of faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ training State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on Tuesday, 16thJune 2009. This skripsi has fulfilled a requirement for Sarjana Degree (S-1) at the English Department.

Jakarta, 16thJune 2009

Examination Committee

CHAIRMAN : Drs. Syauki, M.Pd. (____________________)

NIP. 196412 12 1991031022

SECRETARY : Neneng Sunengsih, S. Pd. (____________________) NIP. 150 293 236

AXAMINERS: 1. Drs.Mas’ud Mada, M.A (____________________) NIP. 150 012 951

2. Dr. H. Atiq Susilo, M.A (____________________) NIP. 194911 22 1978031001

Acknowledge by:

Dean of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ training Faculty

Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, M.A. NIP. 1957 1005 1987031003




In the name of Allah; the beneficent, the merciful. All praise be to Allah lord of the worlds who has bestowed upon the

writer in completing this study. Peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad saw, his families, his companions, and his


This “Skripsi” is presented to English Department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ training of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of S.Pd (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education.

In this occasion, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Mr. Farkhan as the advisor who has guided her in writing this skripsi, then her beloved husband (Maqbullah Zain, S,S.), parents (Anta Wijaya and Hj. Hamidah), and brothers (Rikmawanto and Ganjar F.) who always give her support, motivation and moral encouragement to finish her study.

She would also give thanks to:

1. All lectures in English Department who have taught and educated her during study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. The Headmaster, the teachers, and all staffs of SMPN 86 Cilandak, Jakarta. 3. The headmaster, the teachers, and all staffs of SDI Raudhah BSD that have

given her support to finish her study.

4. All her friends of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta that can’t mention them one by one.

Thanks for everything, May Allah bless them all, Amin.

Jakarta, June 2009



Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Citra Dewi

NIM : 104014000288

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahsa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : An Analysis Of Content Validity Toward The Summative Test At The Second Year Student Of Smpn 86 Cilandak, Jakarta.

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Mengetahui: Yang Menerangkan:

Dosen Pembimbing Mahasiswa Ybs.

Dr. H. M. Farkhan, M.Pd. Citra Dewi









A. Background of Study... 1

B. Limitation of the Problem... 3

C. Statement of the Problem... 3

D. Purpose of the Study... 3

E. Method of the Study ... 4

F. Organization of the Study ... 4


A. Test ... 6

a. Definition of Test ... 6

b. Types of Test... 7

c. Types of the Test Items... 10

d. Characteristic of a Good Test... 13

B. Validity ... 14

C. Content Validity ... 15


1. Place and Time ... 18

2. Technique of Data Collecting ... 18

3. Technique of Data analysis... 18

B. Research Findings ... 19

1. Description of Data ... 19

2. Analysis of Data ... 22



A. Conclussion... 47

B. Suggestion... 48





TABLE I. Indicators of Reading... 17

TABLE II. Themes of Odd Semester ... 17

TABLE III. The Conformity between the Summative Test's Items and Indicators... 19

TABLE IV. The Conformity between the Summative Test's Items and Themes ... 20

TABLE V. The Inconformity between the Summative Test's Items and Curriculum ... 21

TABLE VI. The Items that Conform to the Curriculum... 22

TABLE VII. The Items that do not conform to the Curriculum ... 33



A. Background of Study

English is the foreign language in Indonesia. It has an important role in any sphere of activities especially in the term of education. The government of Indonesia and the private institution are struggling to enhance teaching and learning process of English.

Education is an important aspect in teaching and learning process. Generally, there are some aspects which can not be separated each other. They are the teachers, the students, the materials, the methods and the mediums of teaching and learning. The teachers usually make the lesson plan to give the materials to their students before teaching and learning activity. They also use the method to conduct it and they decide some mediums to know the result of their teaching and learning activities. One of the mediums is evaluation.

According to Kenneth D. Hopkins, “evaluation is the process of education depends extensively on assessment and measurement and on a related procedure.”1While Gronlund said in his book that: “Evaluation is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information to determine the extent to which pupils are achieving instructional objectives.”2 Therefore evaluation is not the only way to judge whether something or someone is good or bad, but it also focuses on how to use the data as a means for future direction of classroom practice such as to develop the teaching and learning activities.

In the effort of evaluation about teaching and learning process, teachers need an instrument to assess the students’ performance. The writer considers that the test is one of the instruments of evaluation.


Kenneth D. Hopkins,Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation,8th ed., (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1998), p. 6.


Gronlund, N.E., Measurement and Evaluation in Teaching, 5th ed., (New York: Macmillan Publishing co., Inc., 1985) P.5.



Test is an important instrument not only does it allow teachers to keep track of the progress of their students, but it also enables them to measure their own successes and failures in the classroom and let the teachers know when lesson plan must be modified to meet the students’ unforeseen problems.3

The teacher can not only measure their students' abilities by test, but also evaluate the method or the program used in the teaching and learning progress. So the teacher should have an accurate data and instrument to get the good quality test, because the characteristic of the test would influence the result of teaching and learning process. If the test was valid, reliable, and practice; it could be a good test. But usually some of the teachers didn't consider it.

In the school program, usually there are formative test and summative test. Formative test is intended to monitor learning progress during the instruction and to provide continuous feedback to both pupil and teacher concerning learning successes and failures. Summative test is intended to show the standard which the students have now reached in relation to other students at the same stage. The main purpose of it is grading or the certification of the pupil achievement.4 Both of them would influence the success of teaching and learning activity, so the good test should be learned as well as possible.

It is generally found that sometimes the test items are not coherence with the materials that have studied or with the curriculum. So, the test can not be representative of the instruction content. In other word, the test has a poor content validity. Consequently, the test which is designed to measure the students' proficiency is not appropriate.

Based on the reality above, the writer would like to analyze the content validity of summative test. It is conducted to know the relevance of the test items with the syllabus. She gives the title of this Study; "An Analysis on


Rebecca M. Valette and Edward David A. Foreign languages and English as Second Language,(USA: HB. Javanovich, 1977), p. 111


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of Student Achievement,(Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1988), p. 7-9.


Content Validity of the Summative Test at the Second Year Student of SMPN 86 Cilandak, Jakarta".

B. Limitation of the Problem

According to Suharsimi Arikunto, “Ada Empat cara yang digunakan untuk menilai kualitas soal yaitu dengan meneliti soal yang sudah disusun untuk mengetahui kejelasan perintah atau bahasa, dengan mengadakan analisis soal, dengan mengadakan checking validitas, dan dengan checking reliabilita”. (There are four ways used to see the quality of test, they are; by checking the test items that have been arranged to know the clarity of construction or language, by doing item analysis, by checking validity, and by checking reliability).5

Based on the statement above, the writer would like to see the quality of the test by checking the validity of the test items. She would like to analyze the content validity of English summative test of the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak. So she limits the problem on the content validity of the summative test and on indicators of reading.

C. Statement of the Problem

The statement of problem in this study is as follow:“Does the Summative Test at the Second Year Students of SMPN 86 Cilandak has Content Validity?"

D. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to describe whether a summative test of the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak has content validity. And the result of this study is expected to give a description for the readers about an analysis of content validity toward the summative test. It also can be used as an input for the readers; especially for the English teachers, the headmasters,


Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto,Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan,Ed. Revisi, ( Jakarta:Bumi Aksara, 2005), 205-206.



and all people who are involved and responsible in developing quality of education. In other word, it is useful for all people to know the characteristics of a good test and for the researchers as the basis for conducting further research.

E. Method of Study

Research methodology is the way to understand the object of the scientific main research.6There are to patterns of research methodology, they are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research is concerned with rich and detailed description, understanding and insight rather than measurement.7 It involves a researcher describing kinds of characteristic of people and events without comparing events in terms of measurements or amounts.

While Quantitative research focuses attention on measurement and amounts of the characteristics displayed by the people and events that researcher studies.8 It involves collecting data from relatively large sample; the data collected are usually presented as numbers, often in tables, on graphs and on charts.9

Based on the description above, the writer would like to use quantitative method in her research that she collects the data from analyzing the test items with the curriculum.

F. Organization of the Study

This paper is systematically divided into four chapters:

Chapter one is introduction. It consists of background of the study, limitation of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, Significance of the study, and organization of the paper.


Koentjaraningrat,Metode-metode Penelitian Masyarakat,(Jakarta, Gramedia, 1989), cet ke-9, p. 7-8.


Yvonne McGivern,the Practice of Market and Social Research,(Great Britain, Prentice Hall, 2003), P. 34.


R. Mrray Thomas,Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods in Theses and Dissertations,(U.S.A., Corwin Press Inc., 2003), P.1.


Yvonne McGivern,the Practice of Market and…,(Great Britain, Prentice Hall, 2003), P. 33.


Chapter two is theoretical framework. This chapter discusses about the test involving definition of the test, types of the test, types of the test item, functions of the test and characteristic of a good test, validity, and content validity.

Chapter three is research methodology and finding. This chapter divided into to part; Research methodology involving place and time of the research, technique of data collecting, and technique of data analysis. Research finding involves the description of data and the interpretation of data.

Chapter four is the last chapter, which consists of conclusion and suggestion.




A. The test

1. The Definition of Test

Test is an important instrument not only does it allow teachers to keep track of the progress of their students, but it also enables them to measure their own successes and failures in the classroom and let the teachers know when lesson plan must be modified to meet the students’ unforeseen problems.10 Therefore, test is useful for determining the successes and the failure of teachers and students in teaching and learning progress.

Generally the test serves to motivate the learner and to give unity to the portions of the material being studied at different times. It should be device to prove the skills and abilities, and if the instruction has been good, all well motivated and normally intelligent students ought to be able to show their excellence on the test. Penny Ur said that "Tests are used as a means to motivate students to learn or review specific material".11

Test is a device in education and the process to get the information of students' achievement in order to achieve the learning objective. To understand more about the test, there are many definitions about the test from the experts.

According to Robert L. Linn & Norman E. Gronlund, "a test is a particular type of assessment that typically consists of a set of questions administered during a fixed period of time under reasonably comparable conditions for all students.12


Rebecca M. Valette and Edward David A.Foreign languages and English as Second Language,(USA: HB. Javanovich, 1977), p. 111


Penny Ur, a Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (Great Britain: Cambridge University Press, 1996), P. 34.


Robert L. Linn & Norman E. Gronlund,Measurement and Assessment in Teaching,


J.B. Heaton said that, Test may be constructed primarily as devices to reinforce learning and to motivate the student or primarily as a means of assessing the student's performance in the language.13

While Fred G. & John A. Upshur said: "A test is, first of all, about something. That is, it is about intelligence, or European history, or second language proficiency. In educational terms, tests have subject matter or

content. Second, a test is a task or a set of tasks that elicits observable behavior from the test taker. The test may consist of only one task, such as writing a composition, or a set of tasks, such as in a lengthy multiple-choice examination in which each question can be thought of as a separate task. Different test tasks represent different methods of eliciting performance so that, taken together, tests are not a single method of collecting information. Third, tests yield scores that represent attributes or characteristics of individual. In order to be meaningful, test scores must have a frame of reference. Test scores along with the frame of reference used to interpret them is referred to as measurement. Thus, tests are a form ofmeasurement".14

Based on the definitions above, the writer can conclude that the test is particular type of assessment to reinforce learning and to motivate students by giving a task or a set of tasks.

Through the test, the teacher cannot only measure and motivate the students’ abilitybut also improve the lesson in teaching learning process. In order to make a proper decision, the teacher needs accurate data and to gain data, so a good instrument is needed.

2. The Types of Test

According to Wilmar Tinambunan, There are two types of test used in determining a person abilities, they are:


J. B. Heaton,Writing English language Test,New edition, (U.S.A.: Longman Inc. new York, 1975), p.5.


Fred Genesee & John A. Upshur,Classroom- Based Evaluation in Second Language Education,(U.S.A.: Cambridge, 1996), p. 141.



a. Aptitude test

Aptitude test is primarily designed to predict success in some future learning activity.15 In other word, aptitude test may be called predictive test. By predict term, it can be recognized that these test is to establish how well and how quickly a person is likely to success in learning.

A language aptitude test (prognostic test) is designed to measure the student's probable performance in a foreign language which he or she has not started to learn: i.e. it assesses aptitude for learning a language. Language learning aptitude is a complex matter, consisting of such factors; as intelligence, age, motivation, memory, phonological sensitivity and sensitivity to grammatical patterning.16 In this case, aptitude test can give specific information and prediction to face the complexities in future language learning success.

b. Achievement test

Achievement test is designed to indicate degree of success in some past learning activity.17 This test usually gives at the end of the school year or at the end of the course. It may be written and administered by ministries of education, official examining boards or by members of teaching institutions.

In language learning, achievement test conducted to establish how successful students or the courses themselves have been in achieving the objectives.

Several achievement tests are standardized: they are pre-tested, each item is analyzed and revised where necessary, norms are established and comparisons made between performances of different students and different schools. A good achievement test should reflect


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of Student Achievement,(Jakarta: Depdiknas, 1988), p. 7.


J. B. Heaton,Writing English…, p. 173.



the particular approach to learning and teaching that has previously been adopted.18

According to Arthur Hughes, there are two kinds of achievement tests: Final tests and progress achievement tests.19

1) Final achievement test

Final achievement testis intended to measure students’skill after they have finished all subject mater. It is usually administered at the end of a course of study. By looking at the final achievement tests result, the teachers will get information how well their students have reached instructional objectives determined in particular term or period.20 While the test that is usually used for the tests administered at the end of a course or unit of instruction is a summative test.

According to Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan, summative test is intended to show the standard which the students have now reached in relation to other students at the same stage. The main purpose of it is grading or the certification of the pupil achievement. Summative test is generally conducted after all of material units have studied. It is very useful to know how far the curricular purposes have been achieved by the students.21 So, it means that the summative test can conclude as the kind of the final achievement.

While Norman E. Gronlund said, summative evaluation typically comes at the end of a course (or unit) of instruction. It is designed to determine the extent to which the instructional objectives have been achieved and is used primarily for assigning course grades or for certifying pupil mastery of the intended


J. B. Heaton,Writing English…,p. 172.


Arthur Hughes,Testing for Language Teachers, (Great Britain: Cambridge, 1989) p. 10


Arthur Hughes,Testing for… p. 10




learning outcomes. The main purpose of summative evaluation is grading.22 Therefore, the students are usually more serious to reach good value in this test, especially if the test conducted in the end of the year. As the teachers usually do not continuo the bad grade students to the next stage if the students do not get the value standard in grading.

2) Progress Achievement Test

Progress achievement test is administered regularly during a study to find out how well students have mastered the subject matter, which has just been taught.23 It can be understood that the test which is intended to show progress achievement test is formative test. Formative test is intended to monitor learning progress during the instruction and to provide continuous feedback to both pupil and teacher concerning learning successes and failures.24

Generally, Formative test can gives the information to the teachers about their students' ability in comprehending the materials have been studied. And it can be the medium of the teacher to correct and complete teaching and learning program. Formative test is oriented on the process of teaching and learning. It is usually conducted in the end of teaching and learning program to know the success degree in teaching and learning process.

3. The Types of Test Item

The type of test is divided into two general types: subjective and objective.

a. Subjective Test

Subjective test is the test that gives students freedom in relating their own word to answer the questions. The subjective tests that are usually used in the classroom are essay, short answer/completion. 22

Norman E. Gronlund ,Measurement and Evaluation…, p.18


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…, p. 8



1) Essay

The essay item is the most complex of supply type item. It demands that the students compose a response, often extensive to a question for which no single response or pattern of response can be cited as correct to the exclusive of all answer.25

Example of instruction:

“Explain the differences between subjective test and objective test!”

2) Short answer item/completion item

The short answer item and completion item are both supply-type test items which can be answered by a word, phrase, number or symbol.26

Example of short answer item instruction:

“A question which can be answered with a word or short phrase is called….”

Example of completion item instruction:

"There are two season in Indonesia, they are…, and….” b. Objective Test

Objective test are frequently criticized on the grounds that they are simpler to answer than subjective tests. Items in an objective test, however, can be made just as easy or as difficult as the test constructor wishes.27While L. R. Gay said, objective tests are sometimes critized on the basis that they are appropriate for measuring knowledge-level outcome only.28 There are three kinds of objective test, they are:


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…,p. 86.


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…, p. 61.


J. B. Heaton,Writing English…, p.26..


L. R. Gay,Educational Evaluation and Measurement, Competencies for Analysis and application,second edition, (Republic of Singapore: Merrill, 1991), p. 228.



1) True–false item

A true false item consists of a declarative statement and the student responds ‘true’ if it conforms to accepted truth, or ‘false’if it is essentially in correct. True false are also referred to as alternative-response items, and variations of the item ask the students to react with yes-no, right-wrong, correct-incorrect, fact or option, agree or disagree.

The advantage of true-false item is that the students are able to respond to more true-false items in a given time period than another selection type item.29


“(T) (F) All sentences consist of subject and verb.” 2) Matching item

The matching test item consists of two parallel columns with each word, number or symbol in one column being matched to a word, sentence or phrases in the other column.

Matching items are useful in measuring students’ ability to make associations, discern relationships, and make interpretations or measure knowledge of a series of facts.30


“The…trains the players in the field a. Coach The…catches fishesin the sea b. Doctor The…examines the patient c. Fisherman” 3) Multiple choice item

The multiple choices item consists of a premise and a set of alternatives. The premise, known as the stem, is presented as a question or incomplete statement which the student answers or


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…, p. 70.



completes by selecting one of several alternatives.31The stem may take the following forms:32

(a). An incomplete statement

He accused me of …lies.

A. Speaking B. Saying C. Telling D. Talking

(b). A complete statement

Everything we wanted wasto hand.

A. Under control C. We cared for. B. Within reach D. Being prepared

(c). A question

According to the writer, what did Tom Immediately do? A. He ran home. C. He began to shout.

B. He met Bob. D. He phoned the police.

Usually either four or five alternatives (also called options or choices) are available. Only one is correct or best response, and the others are referred to as distractors. The function of the distractors is to distract those students who are uncertain of the answer.33

4. The Characteristics of a Good Test

The most essential characteristic of the good test can be classified under the headings of validity, reliability, and usability.34 All good tests possess three qualities are: validity, reliability, and practicality.35

a. Validity

Validity is the extent to which the information you collect actually reflects the characteristic or attribute you want to know about. As, Norman E.G. said that: Validity refers to the extent to which the


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…,p. 74.


J. B. Heaton,Writing English…, p. 30.


Drs. Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…, p. 74.


Norman E. Gronlund,Measurement…,p. 65


David P. Harris,Testing English as a Second Language(McGraw-Hill book company, no year), p. 13



results of an evaluation procedure serve the particular uses for which they are intended.36

b. Reliability

Reliability refers to the consistency of measurement, how consistent test scores or other evaluation results are from one measurement to another. Reliability can be classified by nothing the following general points as follow:

1) Reliability refers to the results obtained with an evaluation instrument and not to the instrument it itself.

2) A closely related point is that an estimate of reliability always refers to a particular type of consistency.

3) Reliability is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for validity.

4) Reliability is primarily statistical in nature.37 c. Practicality

A third characteristic of a good test is practicality or usability. In selecting tests and other evaluation instruments, practical considerations cannot be neglected. Tests are usually administered and interpreted by teachers with only a minimum amount of training in measurement. The time available for testing is almost always limited and is in constant competition with other important activities for its allotted time in the school schedule.38

B. Validity

According to Wilmar Tinambunan, Validity refers to the extent to which the results of an evaluation procedure serve the particular uses for which they are intended if the results are to be used to describe pupil achievement. Thus, the validity of a test is the extent to which the test


Norman E. Gronlund,Measurement and Evaluation..., p. 65


Norman E. Gronlund,Measurement and Evaluation…, p. 93–95.



measures what is intended to measure.39Therefore

,a test is said to be valid if it measures accurately what it is intended to measure.40 There are three basic aspects of validity:

1. Content validity

Content validity is the extent the items on a test are representative of the domain or universe that they are supposed to represent.

2. Criterion - related validity

Criterion - related validity is the extent scores on a test can be used to infer an individual's likely standing on some other test or variable called a criterion.

3. Construct validity

Construct validity is the extent a test measure the trait, attribute, or mental process it should measure, and whether description of persons in terms of such constructs can follow using the scores from that test.41

C. Content Validity

In order to investigate content validity, testers must decide whether the test is a representative sample of the content the test as designed to measure.42 While the sample of materials or the subject-matter content that used in the test are based on the curriculum. So, the way to know the content validity is by looking the objective of the curriculum and the material of the test. As Drs. Suharsini Arikanto said that: Sebuah test dikatakan memiliki validitas isi apabila mengukur tujuan khusus tertentu yang sejajar dengan materi/ isi pelajaran yang diberikan, dan materi itu tertera dalam kurikulum( a test can be said has content validity if it is measures the objective instructional accordance to the materials given and that is contained in curriculum).43 In


Wilmar Tinambunan,Evaluation of…,p. 11.


Arthur Hughes,Testing for…,p. 21.


Anthony J. Nitko,Educational Tests and Measurement, an Introduction,(Harcourt brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1983), p. 413.


James Dean Brown,Testing in language Programs: A comprehensive Guide to English Language Assessment,( Mc Graw Hill, 2005), p. 221.




the term of test, content validity is very important to be learned by everybody especially by the teacher. There are some reasons toward the importance of content validity:

First, the greater a test's content validity, the more likely it is to be an accurate measure of hat it is supposed to measure. A test in which major areas identified in the specification are under-represented-or not represented at all-is unlikely to be accurate.

Second, such a test is likely to have a harmful backwash effect. Areas which are not tested are likely to become areas ignored in teaching and learning. Too often the content of tests is determined by what is easy to test rather than what is important to test.44

If the test given to the student does not have content validity, there will be consequences. The first consequence is that the students can not demonstrate skills that they possess if they are not tested. The second consequence is that irrelevant items are presented that students will likely answer incorrectly only because the content was not taught.45 So these two consequences tent to lower the test scores. As a result, the test score is not an adequate measure of student performance relative to the content covered by instruction.

To see whether the test have content validity, the writer identifies the test items with Indicators and the themes of odd semester that suggested in curriculum. The indicators that used in identifying the test items are indicators of reading, because the question of the test designed for writing test and it commonly measure reading skill.

Based on KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), the indicators of reading and the themes for odd semester are as follow:


Arthur Hughes,Testing for …,p. 21- 22.


William Wiersma & Stephen G. Jurs.,Educational Measurement and Testing,second edition, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1990, p.184.


TABLE I Indicators of Reading

No Indicators of Reading

1 Mengidentifikasi gagasan utama 2 Mengidentifikasi gagasan pendukung 3 Mengidentifikasi informasi rinci 4 Mengidentifikasi informasi factual

5 Mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat.

Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika (interpersonal) di dalam wacana berikut ini:

6 Naratif (orientasi, evaluasi, komplikasi, resolusi, reorientasi)

7 Deskriptif (Identifikasi, deskripsi)

8 Recount (Orientasi kejadian nyata, reorientasi) 9 Anekdot (Abstrak, Orientasi, Krisis, Coda)


Themes of Odd Semester No Themes of Odd Semester

1 Flora & Fauna 2 Friendship

3 Travel




C. Research Methodology 1. Place and Time

The research was held at SMPN 86 Cilandak which is located at jl. Ir. H. Juanda Ciputat, Tanggerang. The research was started on 23th up to 30th April 2008. It was conducted at the Second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak Jakarta Academic Year 2007/2008.

2. Technique of Data Collecting

In collecting the data, the writer uses a working table as her main research instrument. It consists of the points of Junior High School curriculum that used as the basis to identify the items assumed to conform with it summative test items.

There are to instruments used in this research, they are English summative test and English syllabus. English summative test was held on Wednesday, 12thDesember 2007. The writer came to school to ask for English summative test at the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak to be analyzed.

3. Technique of Data analysis

The collected data are quantitatively analyzed. Quantitatively, the data are calculated using simple percentage formulae. It is the formula:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of conformity/ inconformity N = Number of sample

P = F x 100% N


It is used to see how many percent the test covers the instructions of the curriculum. The test items are studied in terms of their conformity to curriculum. Therefore, the writer compares the percentage with this criterion:

76–100 % = Good

56–75 % = Sufficient

40–55 % = Less good

< 40 % = Bad46

D. Research Findings 1. Description of Data

The writer analyzes the test materials whether they conform to the curriculum used. To get the data, she took the questions sheet, and curriculum to be analyzed. The data that the writer used in this study is the English summative test, which is Ulangan Umum Semester 1 "Ganjil" (odd semester) for the second year student of SMPN 86 Cilandak Jakarta academic year 2007 / 2008 M. The total numbers of test items are 50 test items which consist of 50 multiple choice test items. The test was held on Wednesday, 12thDecember 2007 with the given time 120 minutes.

Having investigated the summative test items, the writer is able to describe the data as follows:


The Conformity between the Summative Test's Items and Indicators No Based on The Indicators of



Specification Items Number Total

a.  Mengidentifikasi gagasan

utama -

- Mengidentifikasi gagasan

pendukung -




Mengidentifikasi informasi


- Mengidentifikasi informasi

factual v

6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.


Mengidentifikasi makna kata,

frasa dan kalimat. v 22, 35, 42. 3

b Mengidentifikasi langkah-langkah retorika (interpersonal) di dalam wacana berikut ini:

Naratif (orientasi, evaluasi,

komplikasi, resolusi, reorientasi)

Deskriptif (Identifikasi,


Recount (Orientasi kejadian

nyata, reorientasi)

Anekdot (Abstrak, Orientasi,

Krisis, Coda)


-Total 9 Indicatiors 2 24


The Conformity between the Summative Test's Items and Themes

No Based on The Themes Test

Specification Items Number Total

1 Flora & Fauna v 36, 37, 38, 39. 4

2 Friendship

-3 Travel v 6, 7, 20, 21, 22, 44, 45, 46. 8


Health v 8, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 47,

78, 79, 50. 12


Based on the table above, the writer found that there are 24 test items that conform to the curriculum, so the percentage of it as follow:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of conformity/ inconformity N = Number of sample

P = F x 100% N

P = 24 x 100 % 50

P = 48 %


The Inconformity between the Summative Test's Items and Curriculum No

Based on the Indicators and Themes Items Number Total


1 Mengidentifikasi "the title of the text" 40 1

Total 1


1 Family Life 1 1

2 Daily Activity 2, 3, 4, 5. 4

3 Industry 9, 10. 2

4 Get a Party 11, 12, 13, 27, 30, 31. 6

5 Sport 14, 15. 2

6 Shopping 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25. 7

7 Public Service 26, 28, 29. 3

Total 25

Total inconformity of indicator & themes 26

P = F x 100% N



Based on the table above, the writer found that there are 26 test items that do not conform to the curriculum, so the percentage of it as follow:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency of conformity/ inconformity N = Number of sample

P = F x 100% N

P = 26 x 100 % 50

P = 52 %

2. Analysis of Data

In this section, the writer tries to identify the collected data. First, she discusses the items that conform to curriculum viewed from indicator and theme. Second, she discusses the items that do not conform to the curriculum seen from types of the text and their theme.


The Items that Conform to the Curriculum

Based on previous table, there are 24 items that measure the indicators and the themes as suggested by the curriculum.

No Item The Question


Rita : You look pale. Are you sick? Adel : No, I am not. I am just sad. Rita : What's wrong?

Adel : I lost my bracelet. My mother will be angry with me. P = F x 100%


Rita : Don't worry. I am sure She will understand if you tell her the truth.

Adel is…that is tired. a. Admitting b. Denying c. Refusing d. Accepting


Which of these things does Adel lose?

a. c.

b. d.

These test items conform to the “mengidentifikasi informasi factual” indicator and the “Health” theme, because these questions ask the students to identify the factual information to answer the questions. Number six asks the students to identify Adel’s response about her condition from Rita’s question. Number seven asks the students to identify about the lose things that make Adel looked pail. Therefore, these test items conform to a recommended indicator and theme:“Mengidentifikasi informasi factual”and“Health”.

No Item The Question


Nana : There is a new mall in the down town. Do you know it? Tita : Yes, I went there last Saturday night.

Nana : Really, what do you think of it?

Tita : Well, I think…, It's really luxurious. I want to go there again.



a. It is remarkable b. It is not so

c. I am not really sure d. It's terrible.

This question asks the students to determine the appropriate sentence to answer Nana’s question. It can be indicated that this question tries to measure the students’ ability in identifying the factual information from someone’s experience by giving the appropriate response. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question conforms to the “Mengidentifikasi informasi factual” indicator and “Travel”theme.

No Item The Question


"Health food nature fiber 84 %

Agar-agar Swallow lily Brand powder contain 84 % fiber is the best choice of nature food fiber, obtained from pure seaweed extract."

What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To give instructions how to cook "agar-agar" b. To describe what 'agar-agar' is.

c. To advertise a kind of product. d. To retell ho to make 'agar-agar'.


The fiber of 'agar-agar swallow lily brand' is from... a. Healthy food

b. 84 5 fiber c. Natural food d. Seaweed extract


The questions above (no 20-21) ask the students to identify factual information from the text. Number twenty asks the students to identify the purpose of the text which tells about “Agar-agar swallow lily brand” food. Number twenty-one asks the students to identify source of the fiber of 'agar-agar swallow lily brand'. So, it can be understood that these questions try to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. These questions are about “Health”. Therefore, these questions conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"...obtained from pure seaweed extract" The underlined word means... a. made

b. Got c. Had d. Took

This question asks the students to identify the meaning of the word. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the word in the sentence. So, it conforms to a recommended indicator; “mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat. This question tells about “Health”theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question conforms to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"Baturaden Tourist Resort"

Located about 10 km in the north of Purokerto, Central java. Baturaden becomes one of the most wanted tourist destination in java. It lies on the slope of mount Slamet, the largest mount in java island. Here e can enjoy the scenic view, fresh air or have shower under seen hot spring water of bamboo pipes. The water is believed to be able to cure skin.



The text is a kind of advertisement of…. a. Tourist hotel

b. Camping ground c. Object of resting d. Place of interest

This question asks the students to determine the form of advertisement text. It can be understood that this question tries to measure the students’ ability in identifying the factual information to determine the appropriate answer from the text. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question conforms to a recommended indicator and theme;"Mengidentifikasi informasi factual”and“Travel”.

No Item The Question


People can enjoy the followings in Baturaden, expect…. a. Fresh air

b. Bamboo trees c. The scenic view d. Hot spring water

This question asks the students to identify the factual information from the text. It asks the students to identify the exception facilities that can enjoy by the people in Baturaden. Therefore, this question conforms to a recommended indicator and theme:“Mengidentifikasi informasi factual”and“Travel”.

No Item The Question


. Which is incorrect statement about Baturaden? a. It has skin disease.

b. It is located in the slope of the mountain. c. It has fresh and clean air.


This question asks the students to identify an incorrect statement about Baturaden from the text. It is indicated that this question tries to measure the students' ability in identifying factual information from the text. Therefore, this question conforms to a recommended indicator and theme: “Mengidentifikasi

informasi factual”and“Travel”.

No Item The Question


"…Thescenicview, fresh air…" The underlined word means….

a. Fascinating b. Horrible c. Shocking d. Terrible

This question asks the students to identify the meaning of the word. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the word in the sentence. So, it conforms to a recommended indicator; “mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat. This question tells about “Travel”theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question conforms to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"Coconut is a common name of the (36)… of a tree of the palm family. People usually call the tree coconut palm. Coconut grows well in tropical countries. They can grow up to 30 m high. They have a single cylindrical trunk. At the top of the trunk, there is a crown of leaves. The leaves are long. (37)…are about 3 to 4.5 m long.

The fruit grows in clusters. In one cluster, there are about 10-20 coconut. Thefruit is oval and about 30 cm long. It has a thick (38)…and a hard shell. Inside the shell there is hit oily (39)…. Inside the shell there is



also sweet fluid." a. Flower

b. Seed c. Fruit d. Trunk


a. It b.They c. Its d. Theirs


a. Skin b. Crust c. Layer d. Husk


a. Meat b. Food c. Substance d. Material

These questions (no 36-39) ask the students to determine the appropriate words into the blank spaces. Number thirty-six asks the students to determine the kind of coconut. Number thirty-seven asks the students to indicate the correct pronoun according to the explanation sentences before the blank space. Number thirty-eight asks the students to determine the thick thing in the coconut fruit beside the hard shell. Number thirty-nine asks the students to determine the appropriate hit oily thing inside of the shell. The answers of the questions need comprehension toward the text and need the factual information from the text. So, it can be understood that these questions try to measure a student’s ability in vocabulary and in identifying factual information from the text. These questions are about “Flora and Fauna”. Therefore, these questions conform to a recommended indicator and theme; “Mengidentifikasi informasi factual” and “Flora and Fauna”.


No Item The Question


Which statement is incorrect about Maggie? a. She is an Australian

b. She has never been to Bali before. c. She plants to visit Yogya.

d. Her favorite sport is rugby.

This question asks the students to identify an incorrect statement about Maggie based on the text. It is indicated that this question tries to measure the students' ability in identifying factual information from the text. Therefore, this question conforms to a recommended indicator and theme: “Mengidentifikasi

informasi factual”and“Travel”.

No Item The Question


. "…She will havevacationin Yogya…" The underlined means….

a. Leisure b. Spare time c. Holiday d. Work days

This question asks the students to identify the meaning of the word. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the word in the sentence. So, it conforms to a recommended indicator; “mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat. This question tells about “Travel”theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question conforms to a recommended curriculum.



No Item The Question


What is the purpose of the text above? a. To retell Maggie's visit to Bali.

b. To give instruction how to visit Yogya.

c. To describe the writer's friendship ith an Australian. d. To persuade the readers to visit Yogya.

The question asks the students to identify the purpose of the text. So, it can be understood that this question tries to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. This question is about “Travel”. Therefore, these questions conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"Yesterday I woke up early because I couldn't sleep well. I got toothache. My left cheek was swollen. The tooth was very (44)…I couldn't stand it. I told my mom. She took me to the dentist. I as afraid but I had no choice. It was very painful. Hen my turn came, I entered the dentist's room slowly. Fortunately the dentist was very kind. She asked me to open my mouth. "…You have a small cavity. Don't worry. I will give you some (45)…and antibiotic tablets. Take the medicine three times a day. Then, come back after three days when your toothache (46)…I will fill it. It won't hurt a bit." said thedentist. I nodded and leave the room. I met my mom and we went home." 44. ….

a. Big b. Painful c. Weird d. Dangerous



a. Drug c. Medicine b. Powder d. Painkiller



46. ….

a. Damage c. Examine b. Relieve d. Prevent

The questions above (no 44 - 46) ask the students to determine the appropriate words into the blank spaces. Number forty-four asks the students to determine the form of the tooth. Number forty-five asks the students to determine something beside antibiotic tablets. Number forty-six asks the students to determine the appropriate word into the blank space about toothache. The answers of the questions need comprehension toward the text and need the factual information from the text. So, it can be understood that these questions try to measure a student’s ability in vocabulary and in identifying factual information from the text. These questions are about “Health”. Therefore, these questions conform to a recommended indicator and theme; “Mengidentifikasi informasi factual”and“Health”.

No Item The Question


"Last week end I've got a wonderful experience. I and two of my friend, Lukman and Rasyid went to the countryside by bicycle. The three of us left home quite early. We brought our lunch, swimming suit and fishing rod. We put them in our backpack. We chose quite road to go to our destination. The scenery along the way was very remarkable. After one hour cycling, we came to a nice place. It was near a river with some big trees beside it. We parked the bicycles near the trees. We speeded the mat and sat there. A few moments later we decided to swim. The water is clean and fresh. We spent more than an hour to swim and play in the water. At midday, we stopped to have lunch. Soon after that I felt sleepy so I decided to sleep for a moment. Lukman and Rasyid decided to fish. They like fishing very much. In the afternoon, they stopped fishing, they only got a few fish, but they were happy. Then we went home."



Where did the writer and his friends spend their week end? a. In the slope of a mountain.

b. In the middle of the town. c. In the country side. d. At the beach


What was the writer doing while his friends ere fishing? a. Swimming

b. Sleeping c. Cycling d. Eating


What is the purpose of the text above? a. Describe a place.

b. Retell past experience.

c. Persuade the readers to go hiking. d. Entertain the readers with funny story.


"…Wespent more than an hour to swim and play in the water." From the sentence above we know that the activity happens in the…

a. Past b. Future c. Present

d. At the time speaking

These test items (no 47-50) conform to the “mengidentifikasi informasi factual” indicator and the “Travel” theme, because these questions ask the students to identify the factual information to answer the questions. Number forty-seven asks the students to identify where the writer and his friends spend their week end. Number forty-eight asks the students to identify whether the writer was doing while his friends ere fishing. Number forty-nine asks the students to determine the purpose of the text. Number fifty asks the students to identify the time of the activity based on the text. From these explanations, it can be concluded that these test items conform to a recommended curriculum.



The Items that do not Conform to the Curriculum

Based on previous table, there are 26 items that do not conform to the suggested curriculum.

No Item The Question


Kyle : what are you making, mom? Mother a chocolate cake.

Kyle : Can I help you?

Mother : Of course dear. Can you take the mixer in the cabinet over there?

What does Kyle do? a. Accepting a help b. Offering a help c. Asking for permission d. Giving permission

This question asks the students to indicate what Kyle does base on the text. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in finding factual information from the text, so it conforms to the recommended indicator; “mengidentifikasi informasi faktual. But it is a pity, this question tells about

Family Life”that does not conform to the theme in the curriculum. Therefore, it can be concluded that this test item does not conform to the curriculum.

No Item The Question


Bonita : What are you doing this afternoon? Lana : Nothing, what's up?

Bonita : Well. I ant to try the recipe that I found in the magazine. Why don't you come and help me?



What is Lana going to do this afternoon? a. Have a party at Bonita's house b. Help Bonita to try the recipe. c. Prepare her on recipe. d. Do nothing.


Why does Lana agree to help Bonita?

b. Because she likes the recipe very much. b. Because she wants tomorrow the magazine. c. Because she has nothing to do this afternoon. d. Because Bonita is a good cook.

The questions above (no 2-3) ask the students to identify factual information from the text. Number two asks the students to indicate “What is Lana going to do in the afternoon?”, number three asks the students to find out the reason about “Why does Lana agrees to help Bonita?”. The answers needed for these questions are called as factual information. If the questions are seen from the theme, those are about“Daily activity”. So, these questions do not conform to the curriculum, because the theme is not included into the suggested themes in the odd semester.

No Item The Question


Fanny : It's getting late. Your father hasn't come yet to pick you up. Why don't you go home with me?

Bella : Thanks for your offering, but my mother is on the way to pick me up. I've called her.

Fanny : Oh, I see. Bye then. Bella : Bye.


From the dialogue above,we know that Bella is… Fanny's offer to go home with her.

a. Refusing b. Accepting c. Asking d. Denying.


With whom will Bella go home? a. Alone

b. With fanny c. With her mother d. With her father

The questions above (no 4-5) ask the students to identify factual information from the text. Number four asks students to identify Bella’s response from Fanny’s offering. Number five asks the students to identify “Whit whom will Bella go home?”. The answers needed for these questions are called as factual information, so it can be understood that these questions try to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. These questions are about “Daily activity”. Thus, these questions do not conform to the curriculum, because the theme is not included into the suggested themes in the event semester.

No Item The Question


Frieda : Hi! I bring something for you. Alma : do you? What is it?

Frieda : just open it!

Alma : wow a bracelet. How did you get it?

Frieda : I make it myself. Do you think it is beautiful?

Alma : It is. It's really beautiful. You are really good at making handcraft.



Alma is…frieda's bracelet. a. Rejecting c. Thinking b. Admiring d. Refusing


Which of the following statements is correct based on the dialogue above?

a. Frieda is good at making handicraft b. Alma gives Frieda something. c. Alma likes the bracelet from Frieda. d. Frieda doesn't like making handicraft.

These test items (no 9-10) ask the students to identify the factual information from the text. Number nine ask the students to determine Alma’s response to Frieda’s bracelet. Number ten ask the students to determine the correct sentence based on the text. Thus, in these test items, the students should find factual information from the text to answer the question. So, these test items conform to the “Mengidentifikasi informasi factual” indicator. But it is a pity; these questions are about the“Industry”theme. Therefore, these test items do not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


Anisa : tomorrow is my brother's birthday. We are going to celebrate it.

Would you like to come, Ti?

Titi : Of course. Where will the party be held?

Anisa : at 'lezat' restaurant. At 5 p.m. You can ask your brother to come too.

Titi : I don't think he can. He must go the dentist tomorrow afternoon.


Who invites Titi to come to the birthday party tomorrow? a. Anisa

b. Anisa's brother c. Titi's brother d. The dentist


What is Titi's brother going to do tomorrow afternoon? a. Celebrate a birthday party.

b. Come to a birthday party. c. Eat at 'Lezat' restaurant. d. Visit the dentist.


From the dialogue above we know that Titi…Anisa's invitation.

a. Refuses b. Accepts

c. Disagree with d. Declines

The questions above (no 11-13) ask the students to identify the factual information from the text. Number eleven asks the students to identify Who invites Titi to come to the birthday party tomorrow, number twelve asks the students to identify What is Titi's brother going to do tomorrow afternoon, number thirteen asks the students to identify Titi’s response to Anisa’s invitation. These questions actually ask the students to identify the factual information from the text in determining the answers, so these question conform to the “Mengidentifikasi informasi factual” indicator. But if it seen from the theme, it is about“Get a Party”theme, so these questions do not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


Angga :There is a football match in the stadium. Let's watch it. Budi : That's a good idea. Ho ill we go there.

Angga : By bus. What do you think?

Budi : I disagree with you. It will be too long. E’d better go there by motorcycle. It’s faster.



Angga : Okay. I think you are right.

Why does Budi disagree to go to the stadium? a. Because he ants to watch football alone. b. Because it will take long time.

c. Because there is no bus to the stadium. d. Because the bus is long.


What will angga and budi do this afternoon? a. Get on the bus.

b. Buy a motorcycle. c. Think of the bicycle. d. Watch a football match.

The questions above (no 14-15) ask the students to identify factual information from the text. Number fourteen asks students to find out the reason why Budi disagrees to go to the stadium. Number fifteen asks the students to identify what will Angga and Budi do this afternoon. The answers needed for these questions are called as factual information, so it can be understood that these questions try to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. These questions are about “Sport”. Therefore, these questions do not conform to the curriculum, because the theme is not included into the suggested themes in the event semester.

No Item The Question


Myrna : Is your dress new? I haven't seen it before.

Rizka : That's right. My mother bought it for me two days ago. Myrna : It must be expressive.

Rizka : Not really.

Myrna : You look more beautiful with it. Rizka : Thank you.


Why does Rizka look more beautiful? a. She wears a beautiful new dress. b. She has bought a new dress.

c. Her mother went to the market to buy her a new dress. d. Her dress is expensive.

This question asks the students to find out the reason why Rizka looks more beautiful. It is indicated that this question measure the students’ ability in finding factual information from the text, so it conforms to the recommended indicator;“mengidentifikasi informasi faktual.But it is a pity, this question tells about Shopping” that does not conform to the theme in the curriculum. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question does not conform to the curriculum.

No Item The Question


"...You look more beautiful with it..."

From the sentence above we know that Myrna is giving... a. Compliment

b. Disagreement c. Permission d. Agreement

This question asks the students to determining the form of Myrna’s response to Rizka. It is indicated that this question measure the student’s ability in determining the form of the response sentence. This question tells about

Shopping”.So, it is clear that this question does not conform to the curriculum. No Item The Question


Alan : I heard that you become the best basketball player in the competition?



Alan : That's great. Congratulation! Chris : thanks.

Why does Alan congratulate Chris? a. Because he does the right thinks. b. Because he is the best basketball player. c. Because he is his best friend.

d. Because he heard that he is great.

This question asks the students to find out the reason why Alan congratulates Chris. It is indicated that this question measure the students’ ability in finding factual information from the text, so it conforms to the recommended indicator; “mengidentifikasi informasi faktual. But this question tells about

Sport”that does not conform to the theme in the curriculum. Thus, this question does not conform to the curriculum.

No Item The Question


Meta : ...on wining the motor race. Leo : how do you know?

Meta : From the radio. It is cool. Leo : thanks

a. Let me tell you

b. Let me congratulate you c. Allow me to give my sympathy d. Please accept my condolence

This question asks the students to determine the appropriate sentence into the text about giving congratulation. It can be indicated that this question tries to measure the students’ ability in determining the appropriate sentence in giving the congratulation. This question tells about “Sport”. Thus, this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.


No Item The Question


Dear Susan,

Let's go to the bookstore to buy the newest Harry Potter book!.

shall we met at the bus stop near the school at 4.00? From,


What is the purpose of the message above? a. Accepting an offer.

b. Refusing to go somewhere. c. Asking someone's opinion. d. Asking someone to do something.


Where will Intan meet susan? a. at the bookstore. b. At the bus stop. c. Near the school. d. At Intan's house.


What will Intan do at the bookstore? a. Meet Susan.

b. Wait for susan. c. Do indo shopping. d. Buy Harry potter book.

The questions above (no 23-25) ask the students to identify factual information from the text. Number twenty-three asks the students to indicate the purpose of the message. Number twenty-four asks the students to identify where Intan will meet susan as written in the message. Number twenty-five asks the students to identify whether Intan will do at the bookstore. So, it can be understood that these questions try to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. But it is a pity; these questions are about



“Shopping” theme that does not conform to the curriculum. Therefore, these questions do not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question



What does the word 'fasten' in the notice above mean? a. Wear the belt carefully.

b. Tie or join together firmly. c. Put it in the body slowly. d. Place on your chest carefully.

This question asks the students to identify the meaning of the word in the sentence or the notice. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the word in the notice. So, it conforms to the recommended indicator; “mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat. But this question tells about“Public Service” theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


To: Rosita

You're invited

For : a birthday party

Date : December 29th, 2007.

Time : 8. 00 pm.

Place : Jln anggrek, 3 Jakarta.


What is the purpose of the text above? a. To celebrate birthday party. b. To come to new year's party.

c. To ask someone to celebrate a party. d. To invite someone to birthday party.


This question asks the students to identify the purpose of the text. So, this question tries to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. This question is about“Get a Party”. Therefore, this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN" What does the notice above mean?

a. The children must be aay from it. b. The children must keep it.

c. We must put it in a place not easily reached by children. d. We must keep the children carefully.


"FISHING IN THE LAKE PROHIBITED" What does the notice above mean?

a. Visitors may fish in the lake. b. Visitors have to fish in the lake.

c. Visitors are not allowed to fish in the lake. d. Visitors may not get closer to the lake.

The questions above (no 28-29) ask the students to identify the meaning of the sentences or the notices. It is indicated that these questions measure the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the sentence or the notice. So, it conform to the recommended indicator;“mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat.But these questions tell about“Public Service”theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that these questions do not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


To: Melanie

Wishing you joy

When your birthday is here And all of the things

That your heart holds most dear Not only today



Yours truly, Aline

Who celebrates birthday party? a. Aline

b. Melanie

c. Melanie's friend d. Melanie and Aline

This question asks the students to identify who invites Titi to come to the birthday party tomorrow. It is indicated that this question tries to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. This question is about “Get a Party”. Therefore, this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"…wishing youjoy…"

The underlined word is similar to…. a. Grief

b. Sorrow c. Gladness d. Sadness

This question asks the students to identify the meaning of the word. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the word in the sentence. So, it conforms to “mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat indicator. This question tells about “Get a Party” theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.


No Item The Question


Hi, I am Lucy. I am from Indonesia. I live in Jogya. I have a pen pal. Her name is Margaret but I call her Maggie. She is from Australia. We usually contact each other by e-mail. We love to talk about our country. You know that Maggie lies in Canberra. It is the capital city of Australia. She tells me that the city is not too crowded. There are not many industries or offices there. The most interesting place in the city is the Parliament building. It is the office of the Prime Minister. The Weather in Canberra is hot and dry in summer. It is cold in winter but it doesn't snow. She likes to watch rugby with her dad and her brother. Maggie has ever visited Bali. She likes Bali very much. She says Bali is the most beautiful place in the world. I absolutely agree with it. I tell her about Yoqyakarta. There are many places of interest can be visited in Yogya. She is interested to see them so I invite her to visit Yogya next holiday. She agrees to come to Yogya. She will have vacation in Yogya with her family next July.

The text above talks about….

a. Australia c. Visit to Bali

b. Friendship d. Parliament building

This question asks the students to determine the title of text. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in identifying the title of the text, so it does not conform to a recommended curriculum, although it is about“Travel” theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question does not conform to the curriculum.

3. Interpretation of Data

The following table describes reading categories area based on the data of item analysis result. Based on the data of item analysis result; we can see the table as follow:




The Result of the Test Items Analysis

No Summative Test

Items Area Items Number

Total Frequency 1 The question items that conform

to the curriculum

6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.

24 (48 %)

2 The question items that do not conform to the curriculum

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 30, 31, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29.

26 (52 %)

Table above shows that the highest frequency of items where the average is (48 %) from 24 items conform to the curriculum. This percentage obviously falls into the level of 40 - 55% which means less good. And only (52 %) from 26 items do not conform to the curriculum.

Finally, based on the item analysis result above, the writer can see that the summative test which administered in the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak does not reach a good validity. It arrives at less good level. Therefore, it can be understood that the test maker does not master in constructing a good test. He/She does not recognize that summative test must be based on the indicators and the themes suggested in the curriculum.


55 A. Conclusion

In analysis the test items, the writer only identifies the test items with the curriculum. And based on the data in the previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude that the conformity and inconformity of English summative test in the odd semester at the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak are as follows: It consists of 24 test items with 48 % conform to the curriculum. And 26 test items with 52 % do not conform to the curriculum.

In this summative test, there are 50 test items. The items that measure the suggested indicator that conform to the curriculum are 24 items. The writer only finds the indicators of reading that concludes in this test items. If it seen from the number of the indicators, there are only 2 indicator measured from 9 indicators of reading. It means 2: 9 x 100 % = 22, 23 %, and it is in the level of < 40 % = bad. So the summative test of the odd semester for the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak do not conform to the indicators suggested in the curriculum.

Beside that, if the summative test is seen from the themes which should be measured that there are four themes suggested in the curriculum, this test covers 3 themes. It means 3:4 x 100 % = 75 % and it is in the level of 56–75 % that means sufficient. So the summative test of the odd semester for the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak do not conform to the themes suggested in the curriculum.

Finally the summative test items of the odd semester for the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak only measure 23 % + 75 % = 98 % : 2 = 49 % which falls into the level 40– 55 % that means less good. Therefore, it can be understood that the summative test do not conform to the curriculum.



B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some suggestions concerning with the item analysis result as follows:

1. The test items should be conformity to the curriculum category used; the items that do not fulfill to the curriculum should be discarded.

2. The items that do not fulfill to the curriculum should be revised, so that they can be used for the next evaluation.

3. The teachers and the principles have to know about constructing good test items.


This question asks the students to identify the purpose of the text. So, this question tries to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. This question is about“Get a Party”. Therefore, this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN" What does the notice above mean?

a. The children must be aay from it. b. The children must keep it.

c. We must put it in a place not easily reached by children. d. We must keep the children carefully.


"FISHING IN THE LAKE PROHIBITED" What does the notice above mean?

a. Visitors may fish in the lake. b. Visitors have to fish in the lake.

c. Visitors are not allowed to fish in the lake. d. Visitors may not get closer to the lake.

The questions above (no 28-29) ask the students to identify the meaning of the sentences or the notices. It is indicated that these questions measure the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the sentence or the notice. So, it conform to the recommended indicator;“mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat.But these questions tell about“Public Service”theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that these questions do not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


To: Melanie

Wishing you joy

When your birthday is here And all of the things

That your heart holds most dear Not only today



Yours truly, Aline Who celebrates birthday party?

a. Aline b. Melanie

c. Melanie's friend d. Melanie and Aline

This question asks the students to identify who invites Titi to come to the birthday party tomorrow. It is indicated that this question tries to measure a student’s ability in identifying factual information from the text. This question is about “Get a Party”. Therefore, this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.

No Item The Question


"…wishing youjoy…"

The underlined word is similar to…. a. Grief

b. Sorrow c. Gladness d. Sadness

This question asks the students to identify the meaning of the word. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in getting the meaning of the word in the sentence. So, it conforms to “mengidentifikasi makna kata, frasa dan kalimat indicator. This question tells about “Get a Party” theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question does not conform to a recommended curriculum.


No Item The Question


Hi, I am Lucy. I am from Indonesia. I live in Jogya. I have a pen pal. Her name is Margaret but I call her Maggie. She is from Australia. We usually contact each other by e-mail. We love to talk about our country. You know that Maggie lies in Canberra. It is the capital city of Australia. She tells me that the city is not too crowded. There are not many industries or offices there. The most interesting place in the city is the Parliament building. It is the office of the Prime Minister. The Weather in Canberra is hot and dry in summer. It is cold in winter but it doesn't snow. She likes to watch rugby with her dad and her brother. Maggie has ever visited Bali. She likes Bali very much. She says Bali is the most beautiful place in the world. I absolutely agree with it. I tell her about Yoqyakarta. There are many places of interest can be visited in Yogya. She is interested to see them so I invite her to visit Yogya next holiday. She agrees to come to Yogya. She will have vacation in Yogya with her family next July.

The text above talks about….

a. Australia c. Visit to Bali

b. Friendship d. Parliament building

This question asks the students to determine the title of text. It is indicated that this question measures the student’s ability in identifying the title of the text, so it does not conform to a recommended curriculum, although it is about“Travel” theme. Therefore, it can be concluded that this question does not conform to the curriculum.

3. Interpretation of Data

The following table describes reading categories area based on the data of item analysis result. Based on the data of item analysis result; we can see the table as follow:




The Result of the Test Items Analysis

No Summative Test

Items Area Items Number

Total Frequency 1 The question items that conform

to the curriculum

6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 22, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.

24 (48 %)

2 The question items that do not conform to the curriculum

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 27, 30, 31, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29.

26 (52 %)

Table above shows that the highest frequency of items where the average is (48 %) from 24 items conform to the curriculum. This percentage obviously falls into the level of 40 - 55% which means less good. And only (52 %) from 26 items do not conform to the curriculum.

Finally, based on the item analysis result above, the writer can see that the summative test which administered in the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak does not reach a good validity. It arrives at less good level. Therefore, it can be understood that the test maker does not master in constructing a good test. He/She does not recognize that summative test must be based on the indicators and the themes suggested in the curriculum.


55 A. Conclusion

In analysis the test items, the writer only identifies the test items with the curriculum. And based on the data in the previous chapter, the writer would like to conclude that the conformity and inconformity of English summative test in the odd semester at the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak are as follows: It consists of 24 test items with 48 % conform to the curriculum. And 26 test items with 52 % do not conform to the curriculum.

In this summative test, there are 50 test items. The items that measure the suggested indicator that conform to the curriculum are 24 items. The writer only finds the indicators of reading that concludes in this test items. If it seen from the number of the indicators, there are only 2 indicator measured from 9 indicators of reading. It means 2: 9 x 100 % = 22, 23 %, and it is in the level of < 40 % = bad. So the summative test of the odd semester for the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak do not conform to the indicators suggested in the curriculum.

Beside that, if the summative test is seen from the themes which should be measured that there are four themes suggested in the curriculum, this test covers 3 themes. It means 3:4 x 100 % = 75 % and it is in the level of 56–75 % that means sufficient. So the summative test of the odd semester for the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak do not conform to the themes suggested in the curriculum.

Finally the summative test items of the odd semester for the second year students of SMPN 86 Cilandak only measure 23 % + 75 % = 98 % : 2 = 49 % which falls into the level 40– 55 % that means less good. Therefore, it can be understood that the summative test do not conform to the curriculum.



B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer would like to give some suggestions concerning with the item analysis result as follows:

1. The test items should be conformity to the curriculum category used; the items that do not fulfill to the curriculum should be discarded.

2. The items that do not fulfill to the curriculum should be revised, so that they can be used for the next evaluation.

3. The teachers and the principles have to know about constructing good test items.