Type of fuel wood produced

36  Figure 17 Employing others in fuelwood production business Table 8 Number of assistants engaged by fuelwood producers  Region Mean Std. Deviation  Volta 5 2.95  Central 6 5.25  Western 3 2.07  Eastern 3 2.30  There are some producer associations in producing area particularly in Volta, Central, Western and Eastern Regions. However, over 80 of producers interviewed do not belong to any association.  Figure 18 Membership of fuelwood producer association

4.2.3 Type of fuel wood produced

37 Two forms of fuelwood are produced for sale. It is either smaller diameter whole or split pieces tied in bundles or larger diameter cylindrical chunks often referred to as blocks Plate 3. Overall, approximately 60 of fuelwood producers supply bundles particularly in Volta 91, Greater Accra 67 and Central 79 Regions. Over 50 of the producers in the wet evergreen and moist semi-deciduous forests of the Western 52 and Eastern 63 regions produce both blocks and bundles Figure 18. Split bundles-Eastern Bundles-Greater Accra Bundles-Volta Blocks-Western Plate 3 Typesforms of fuelwood produced-assembled at production site for haulage 91 67 79 42 37 56 9 25 15 52 63 41 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Volta Region Greater Accra Region Central Region Western Region Eastern All Regions F u el w o o d p ro d u cers Region Type of fuelwood produced Block Bundles Both block and bundles Figure 19 Proportion of producers supplying the different fuelwood types 38 Producers commonly supply fuelwood directly to clients from the areas of production. Direct supplies to fish smokers is common in all regions 60, ranging from 65 in Volta to 85 in the Greater Accra Region. However, producers in the Eastern Region in 70 of the cases sell directly to transporters who act as middlemen delivering to traders or fish smokers in fishing communities Figure 19. Thirty-five to 83 of producers indicated demand for fuelwood supplies may be high throughout the year particularly for those in the Greater Accra Region Figure 20. On the contrary, 17 - 64 of producers from Greater Accra to Western Regions indicated that demand was rather seasonal and contingent upon availability of fish throughout the year. It is high during periods of abundance in fish catch during the major season and declines in the lean season. 20 40 60 80 100 Volta Greater Accra Central Western Eastern All Regions Fuelwood Producers Re gion Producer clientele Food Vendors Wholesalers Transporters Fish Smokers Figure 20 Clients producers supply with fuelwood 39 Figure 21 Producers perception of the status of demand for fuelwood throughout the year

4.2.4 Management of the fuelwood resource base