5 24. 0 7 16.7 2 1.0 7 1.8 1 18. 0 0 5 Alternat ive Fuel Wast e Heat Recovery Power Generation Shifting Coal Consumption from High- Medium CV to Low CV by 2011 Environmental Management System:


20. 5 24. 0

27. 0

17. 7 16.7

15. 2 1.0

0. 7 1.8

2007 2008 2009 2010F 2011F 2012F 2013F

17. 1 18. 0

19. 0 19. 5 Export sal es ▪ Domest ic sal es ▪ Export sal es ▪ Domest ic sal es ▪ 23 23 Det ailed capex schedule US mm Det ailed capex schedule US mm 55 3 0,67 6 4,82 2 6 5 6 37 37 41 5 31 5 68 264 230 27 14 24 66 5 5 6 8 7 7 7 4 40 22 2 4 02 383 102 56 57 9 29 7 3 3 17 30 34 26 9 2 2 10 10 8 5 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Tot al HCMP I CT Mandat or y Power plant s under r ev iew Capac it y ex p. Ot her s Maint enanc e Ef f ic ienc y I mpr ov ement 23 7 25 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 3 18 32 30 8 4 5 Key Items Capex US Mio Capaci t y Expansion 594 Power Plant s 114 De-bot t lenecki ng 106 Human Capit al Mast er Plan ICT 40 Ot hers 101 Mai nt enance 227 Ef f i ciency Improvement 35 Mandat ory 45 Total Capex 1. 262 CAPEX PLANNING PROFILE 2008 – 2014 24 ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS SMGR Corporat e Present at ion Jul y 2010 25 25 Generate revenue  Emissions reduction programs  Carbon credits trading Environment al Management Reduce operating expense  Energy efficiency programs  Technology-driven cost savings Promote company image  Domestic capacity expansion  Investment communities

1. Alternat ive Fuel

The use of al t ernat i ve f uel is t he company’ st rat egy pl an in order t o improve non renewabl e energy ef f iciency as wel l as consume f riendl y environment al energy.

2. Wast e Heat Recovery Power Generation

Ut il ize exhaust wast e gas f rom pre-heat er cool er t o produce el ect ricit y power pl ant .

3. Shifting Coal Consumption from High- Medium CV to Low CV by 2011

4. Environmental Management System:

• Environment Monit oring Program • Environment Management Program • Resources Conser vat ion Program • Communit y Devel opment Program • Environment Monit oring Program • Environment Management Program • Resources Conser vat ion Program • Communit y Devel opment Program 26 FUTURE OF INDONESIA’ S CEMENT INDUSTRY SMGR Corporat e Present at ion Jul y 2010 27 27  Pessimist : 5. 5  Moderate : 6. 5  Optimist : 7. 0 Annual Growth Rates NATIONAL DEMAND IS FORECAST TO RISE TO 142mm TONS BY 2030 Indonesia Cement Market Growth 2010-2030 43 46 49 52 56 59 63 67 72 81 86 92 98 104 111 118 125 133 117 40 76 142 163 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Pessimist Moderate Optimist Indonesia’ s demand growt h will make it t he largest cement producer in Southeast Asia Sour ce: Int er nal Resear ch

2020: 76 mio