3.2 Population and Sample

The research was conducted at SMA UTAMA 2 Bandar Lampung. There were five classes at the second grade or class XI, and the researcher took one class as the sample which was chosen by purposive Sampling. The researcher used purposive Sampling because the researcher selected people based on the particular purpose for the experiment. The class has been chosen from one of the active classes. The researcher chose one of attractive class as a sample because the class was attractive and most of the students were good in speaking. This research was conducted in four weeks, which lasts 80 minutes for each meeting.

3.3 Data Collecting Technique

In collecting the data, the researcher used : a. Pretest The researcher administrated a pretest which took 80 minutes. The purpose of this test was to know how far the students’ ability in mastering speaking skill. In administering the pre-test, the writer provided a topic to the students and let them create some arguments based on the topic provided based on their own knowledge. The test allocated in each group and it would took 5 minutes for each group to tell their arguments to other groups. The writer recorded the students’ arguments in cassette and the topic is general debatable topic like “ smoking in public areas should be forbidden”. The students’ record result of the pre-test was scored by 2 raters, the researcher himself and the English teacher of SMA UTAMA 2 in order to have reliable test results. b. Treatments The treatments that was conducted in four meetings. One treatment is 2 x 45 minutes of each meeting. The researcher presented the topics of debate. The topic was based on the material in first semester of the third year students. Some topics that was presented were :  It is better to marry for love than for money  Money is the most important thing in life.  Living in the city is better than living in the country  Mobile phone should be allowed in the classroom.  Television does children more harm than good.  Childhood is the happiest time in live.  Old tradition prevent progress for the future  It is useless to express the past.  National Examination is unnecessary  Travels is a good education  BBM Price should be increased by the government.  Private vehicle should be reduced. c. Post test The researcher administered the post test which took 80 minutes. The purpose of this test was to know the increase of students’ in speaking ability after the researcher gave the treatments by debate technique. The technique of giving post test was the same with the pre-test because the researcher wanted to know how far the students could develop their arguments would use their own knowledge and their improvement after being given the pre-test.

3.4 Research Procedures

The procedure of the research as followed : 1. Selecting speaking materials. In selecting the speaking materials the researcher used the syllabus of the second year of Senior High School based on school based curriculum or KTSP. The topic chosen told about health. 2. Determining the instruments of the research. The instrument in this research was speaking test and observation sheet. The writer conducted that the speaking test for the pretest and posttest, these tests aimed at gaining the data of students’ speaking ability score before the treatment and after the treatment in performing debate. In achieving the reliability of the pretest and post test of speaking, inter rater reliability would be used in this study. The first rater was the researcher himself and the second rater was the English class teacher. Both of them discussed and shared ideas of speaking criteria in order to obtain the reliable result of the test. Construct validity, in this research the writer focus would use on speaking ability in forms of debate. The topic choose would talk about general debatable like