This chapter presents the conclusions of the research findings and some suggestions intended for the teachers and lecturers, the students and other researchers. This thesis adds to the few studies so far conducted in the area of lexical errors of foreign language learners in general and the errors of Sanata Dharma University students of English in particular. It provides empirical data that collocation is very problematic for the second language learners.

A. Conclusions

This study finally arrived at some conclusions. Performing the task of writing, the researcher found it was obvious that the students made errors in collocation. The result showed that collocations constituted an area of difficulty in learning English as a foreign language. From the findings, it was obvious that the students of Sanata Dharma University commited errors when producing collocation in English, especially in lexical combination. A total of 101 errors on grammatical collocation and lexical collocation were found. The grammatical collocations amounted to 44. There were 57 lexical collocations, most of which were Verb + Noun and Noun + Verb combinations. The result of other findings showed that wrong word form was on the first rank. Errors in word form mostly occurred in the students’ writings because the students did not know the nature of the word that they used especially the class of word. On the second place was contextual error. It was followed by long combination in the third place. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Respond ing to the researcher’s attempt to figure out the causes underlying the students’ making collocational errors, the researcher concluded that there were three possible factors which might cause the students’ errors. The main causes of collocational errors were the interferene of mother tongue, in this case Bahasa Indonesia . Besides, the collocational errors were also caused by the overgeneralization of the students in combining the words because they just had partial knowledge about the English words itself intralingual. The last cause was the context of learning. Errors indicate that the students depend on interlingual and intralingual strategies to facilitate learning. Such strategies help in case of perceived linguistic similarities and lead to problems in case of differences. Most of the incorrect lexical collocations found in this study were due to interlingual transfer from Indonesian. Most of the students employed the interlingual transfer strategy whereby they replaced the Indonesian words with English ones. As a result, some collocations were produced correctly due either to positive interlingual transfer or direct acquisition from the language input.

B. Suggestions