




Pertiwi, Yoshiko Bunga. Reg. No 8146112045. Language Styles in the Online Advertisements on Instagram. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2017.

This study was aimed at discovering (1) the types of language styles used in the online advertisements (2) the way how the messages of online advertisements were conveyed and (3) the reason why language styles were used in online advertisements on Instagram. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were the advertisements on Instagram which were taken from three local cosmetic’s brands namely Wardah, Pixy and La tulipe. Totally, there were 30 cosmetic’s advertisements to be analyzed from those three cosmetic brands. The data were analyzed by using interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The results of this study were: (1) The types of language styles in cosmetic’s online advertisements found on Instagram were hard sell, soft sell, demonstration, the straightforward and the problem solution style. (2) The ways of conveying the messages were rational and emotional ways found in online cosmetic’s advertisements on Instagram. (3) The reason why language styles were used in online advertisements can be described as (a) hard sell style is to induce a rational thinking of the customers and to emphasize a sales orientation in advertising its products (b) soft sell style is to emphasize and to induce an affective (feeling) reaction from the customers (c) the straightforward style is to provide basic information about the brand without employing feelings or special tricks (d) demonstration style is to show the actual working of the product (e) problem solution style in advertisements is to present an everyday situation where a person is faced with a consumption problem that occurs in daily life.



Pertiwi, Yoshiko Bunga. Reg. No 8146112045. Language Styles in the Online Advertisements on Instagram. A Thesis. English Applied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2017.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan (1) tipe-tipe dari gaya bahasa yang terdapat pada iklan online, (2) cara bagaimana pesan-pesan di iklan online disampaikan dan (3) alasan mengapa gaya bahasa digunakan pada iklan online. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data dari penelitian ini adalah iklan-iklan di Instagram yang diambil dari tiga label kosmetik lokal yaitu Wardah, Pixy dan La tulipe. Total, ada 30 iklan yang dianalisis dari tiga label kosmetik lokal. Analisis data menggunakan interactive model oleh Miles and Huberman. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) tipe-tipe dari gaya bahasa yang ditemukan pada iklan kosmetik online di instagram adalah gaya bahasa hard sell, soft sell, demonstration, the straightforward dan the problem solution. (2) Cara penyampaian pesan iklan kosmetik di Instagram yang ditemukan adalah dengan cara rational dan emotional. (3) alasan mengapa gaya bahasa digunakan di iklan online dapat dideskripsikan sebagai berikut (a) hard sell digunakan untuk mempengaruhi pikiran pembeli dengan cara rasional dan penekanan untuk penjualan produk (b) soft sell digunakan untuk menekankan dan mempengaruhi sikap atau pemikiran si pembeli (c) the straightforward digunakan untuk memberikan informasi dasar sebuah produk tanpa mempengaruhi pemikiran atau adanya trik khusus pada pembeli (d) demonstration digunakan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana tahapan sebuah produk itu digunakan oleh si pembeli (e) the problem solution digunakan dengan menampilkan solusi yang tepat untuk masalah yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang dihubungkan dengan produk yang dijual.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim,

Praises be to Allah SWT for His Great Blessing, Health and Luck that

have been continuously poured to the writer in the process of completing her

studies and this piece of academic writing. Praises are also addressed to our

Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today. In the

process of completing this thesis, the writer has to confess her profound

thankfulness for the generous guidance and assistance which has been rendered to

her by many people. It would be impossible to list all names but on this very

special opportunity the writer would like to express her gratitude to the following


First of all, the writer deepest appreciation and gratitude is dedicated to

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd as her first adviser for the guidance, comments,

criticisms, suggestions and special notes for the improvement of the thesis from

the very beginning up to the end of this thesis.

Next, her deepest appreciation is addressed to Dr. I Wayan Dirgeyasa T,

M.Hum, her second adviser for his available time spent for consultation, guidance,

comments, encouragement, special notes for improvement of the thesis, and full

support in shaping this thesis to be better.

She would like to take this special occasion to express her gratitude to Dr.

Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum. as the Head and



administrative assistance and administrative requirements during the process of

conducting this study and completing this thesis.

Sincere gratitude also to her reviewers and examiners, Prof. Amrin

Saragih, Ph.D, M.A, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd. and Dr. Siti Aisyah

Ginting, M.Pd, for their valuable inputs to be included in this thesis. She would

like to express her gratitude to all lecturers who have given the valuable

knowledge and the excellent performance in delivering the lectures during her

study at the English Applied Linguistics Study.

Next, her greatest and sincere gratitude should also go to her beloved

parents Zulkifli and Murniati, who have patiently given moral support, their never

ending love and pray. Special and sincerest gratitude are addressed to her

motivator, someone, for his amazing support and motivation for the writer to

finish this thesis soon.

She also would like to express her thankfulness for her beloved friends on

LTBI B-2 and B-1 UNIMED 2014 who can not be mentioned one by one for their

love, support and help to finish this thesis. She offers her regards and thanks to

Bang Farid, who has helped her in providing the academic administration.

Medan, February 2017 The writer,

Yoshiko Bunga Pertiwi




ABSTRACT ... ... i





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problems of the Study ... 9

1.3 Objectives of the Study ... 9

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 10

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 10

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Theoretical Framework ... 12

2.1.1 Language Style and Language Style in Advertisement ... 12

2.1.2 Advertisement ... 17

2.1.3 Language of Advertisement ... 18 Rational and Emotional Content of Advertising ... 21 The Reasons of Using Language Styles in Advertisement ... 24 Types of Advertising Media ... 26 Online Advertisement ... 28 AIDA Strategies in Advertisement ... 30 Kinds of Online Advertising... 32

2.1.4 Social Media ... 34

2.1.5 Instagram ... 35


vi Wardah Cosmetic ... 37 Pixy Cosmetic ... 37 La Tulipe Cosmetic ... 38

2.2 Relevant Studies ... 40

2.3 Conceptual Framework ... 42

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Method ... 46

3.2 The Source of Data and Data ... 46

3.3 Techniques of Collecting Data... 47

3.4 The Instrument of Data Collection ... 48

3.5 The Trustworthiness of the Study ... 48

3.6 Techniques of Analyzing Data... 51


4.2.1 Language Styles Used in Cosmetic Advertisements on Instagram ... 54 Hard Sell Style ... 57 Soft Sell Style ... 58 Straightforward Style ... 59 The Demonstration Style ... 60 The Problem Solution Style ... 60 Hard Sell and Demonstration Style ... 61 Hard Sell and Soft Sell Style ... 62 Hard Sell and Problem Solution Style ... 63

4.2.2 Conveying the Messages of Cosmetic Advertisements on Instagram ... 64 Rational or Informational Message ... 66 Emotional Message ... 68 Rational and Emotional Message ... 70

4.2.3 The Reason of Using Language Styles in Advertisements ... 72

4.3 Findings ... 74



5.1 Conclusions ... 81 5.2 Suggestions ... 82




Pages Table 4.1 The Coding of Online Cosmetic Advertisement on Instagram ... 54 Table 4.2 The Percentage of Language Styles Used in Cosmetic

Advertisements on Instagram ... 56 Table 4.3 The Coding of How the Messages are Conveyed ... 64 Table 4.4 The Percentage of How the Messages are Conveyed ... 65





1.1The Background of the Study

Since language is a significant part of social life, it is important for each

person to understand the variation of languages and its styles to avoid getting

misunderstanding among them in a society. Concerning this fact, language style is

needed because it is an integral part of society which interaction cannot go ahead

if one does not speak in the right style. Language style is fundamental part of

social aspect to manipulate and control others, it also a tool for persuading and

influencing people to do something. The term 'style' is used in linguistics to

describe the choices which language makes available to a user, above and beyond

the choices necessary for the simple expression of a meaning (Fabb, 2015). He

also conveys that language style choices are designed to have effects on the reader

or listener, which are generally understood as: communicating meanings which go

beyond the linguistically determined meanings, communicating attitude (as in

persuasive effects of style), and expressing or communicating emotion.

In addition, Chaika (1982) stated that language style refers to the selection

forms to convey social or artistic effects. Style tells how, whether the interaction

is formally or informally. It may also tell us how to interpret a message, tell

listener how to take what is being said whether seriously, ironically, humorously,

dubiously, or in some other ways. Style uses all the resources of language which

includes tone of voice, different way of pronouncing sounds, even choice of



words and grammar. Meanwhile, Giles and Powesland, (1975); Giles and

Sincalair, (1979) in Thomas and Wareing (1999), state that people may use

different style in the way they talk depends on the situation and context they are

talking in. This account is based on the premises that people are mainly seeking to

show solidarity and approval there, dealing with others. Further, Thomas and

Wareing (1999) state that there are some ways of using language style in

communication. People possess themselves in relation to other with the way they

talk in different kinds of interaction. People do not always talk exactly in the same

way all the time: they do not always use the same grammatical forms.

Moreover in fact, the varieties of language styles are also seen in

advertisements. With the development of globalization and industrialization, more

and more goods are produced in the world day by day; as a result, advertisement

plays an important role in selling products. It is an art of language by using

various kinds of language style. Lie (2009) stated that the advertisements have

achieved amazing effects on persuading consumers to buy the products. At the

same time, it has also formed its special style and the language used in the

advertisements is different from other styles. Its function is to “attract attention, arouse interest, stimulate desire, create conviction and get action.” It is a kind of loaded language with persuasive power. Similarly, it is also stated by Lee and

Usunier (2005) that language has a powerful influence over people and their

behavior; this is especially true in the fields of marketing and advertising. The

choice of language to convey specific messages with the intention of influencing



Moriarty(2006) state that language style in advertisement refers to what is said in

an advertisement and the message execution or tactics constitute the manner in

which the brand message is communicated. There are several language styles of

advertisements to formula the message. These include hard sell, soft sell,

straightforward, demonstrations, comparison, problem solution, slice of life, and


Advertising was originally established in print media, such as newspapers

and magazines, and followed onto the television and radio broadcast scene.

However, focus has started to shift away from the traditional print and broadcast

media, and towards the growing online advertising industry. Advertising has

found a whole new medium with which to communicate to customers (Kumar,

2008). The online advertising industry is growing and developing at a rapid rate.

The use of online advertising as an advertising medium is increasing in popularity

at a fast pace. It is projected that the online advertising industry will grow three

times faster than advertising in any other medium. Businesses are recognizing that

by advertising online, their message is communicated in a fast and efficient way,

while not only interacting with customers, but establishing a one-to-one dialogue

(Adams, 2003). Online advertising's potential as a low cost channel for doing

business directly with customers is viewed as a major advantage of advertising

online (Belch & Belch, 2001)

In line to the explanation above, Ganim, Lescault & Wright(2013) agreed

that the amount of internet connections around the world allows us to access



been studying the social media use of Forbes 500 corporations; America’s largest companies listed by Forbes magazine, and noticed an increase in new accounts as

well as in the use of social media channels. Junco, Heibergert, & Loken (2011)

also convey that social media allows companies around the world to reach

customers with their marketing communication more efficiently and with fewer

boundaries. Social media is highly boosted and transformed the interaction of

individuals and organizations who share common interest in music, education,

movies, and friendship, based on social networking. In 2000 social media received

a great boost with the witnessing of many social networking sites springing up. In

2004, there are social media like Facebook, Harvard, Dogster and Mixi evolved.

During 2005, big names like Yahoo, YouTube, cyword, and Black planet all

emerged, at last 2010 the newest is Instagram. Also, Mangold & Faulds (2009)

views social media as having a hybrid role in the promotion mix used to both talk

with the customer and that the customers can communicate with each other. This

second role is unique for social media and something that no other promotion tool

can do.

Shortly, it means that there are relationship among advertisement,

language styles and the advance of online media especially in social media. As the

fact goes broadly, the advertisers attempt to use language style in their

advertisement as attractive as possible. Thus, the use of language style in

advertisements in social media becomes more remarkable to be analyzed. The

new phenomenon recently is the advertisements on Instagram. One of the newest



to capture and share images and videos with followers (Instagram, 2015).

Officially launched in October 2010, Instagram gained 1 million users within its

first month, and the app had 300 million active monthly users by April 2015

(Costill, 2014; Instagram, 2015). Further, Miles (2014) explains that Instagram

provides a platform for creating and sharing the visual aspects of business, acting

as a portal into the mission and ethos of brand. It also allows more of a personal

touch than most other platforms, sharing images as miniature stories from behind

the scenes of business.

There are a lot of products which are available on Instagram, such as

cosmetics, fashions, gadgets, food and beverages, etc. This study will focus on

cosmetic ads, especially local cosmetic’s brands namely Wardah, Pixy and La Tulipe. Those three brands are the famous local cosmetic brands in Indonesia.

Kaya and Ayman (2015) mentioned that the competition among the cosmetic

industry rivals forces them to focus on the customers on using social media as

well. Especially, the technological improvements with smart phones create a

pathway for the cosmetic brands to transfer their business activities on to social

media. Cosmetics industry with 135 billion dollars volume in the global

marketplace is ranked as second after the automobile industry. The cosmetic

industry is a very profitable, innovative, and competitive industry where new

innovation is the key to success for the companies. The cosmetic companies use

various marketing strategies in the market place. However, the use of social media

of companies is similar while using new media to have interactive communication



goods and services with virtual presentation of the photo and video sharing of

company’s products. Briefly, it can be concluded that each cosmetic brands has their own way to advertise their products, what language styles they use to

advertise their products and how they convey the message of their products to the

customers, that’s what the point in this study. Below were the official accounts of

three local cosmetics’ brands on Instagram.



As what have been done by Janoschka (2004), in her research about the

language in online advertising, she described that the language in online

advertising as “written-language based”, for example simplified, abbreviated language, forms of personal user addressing such as questions, imperatives,

personal pronoun and deictic terms. Kataria (2014), her study was an attempt to

examine the advertisements in top social networking sites of India, she adopted

content analysis method to identify the categories and manner of presentation of

those advertisements in social networking site and she found that all

advertisements in social networking were commercials, attractives and using

interactive features. On the other hand, in print advertisements, Lapsanska (2006)

found that the informal style of print advertising language predominates over the

formal style. She found the formal style of writing only in scientific and business

types of magazines. In scientific magazines, there occurred advertisements for a

specific group of people – scientists, doctors, physicists; the vocabulary was technical and incomprehensible for common people.

It can be elaborated that online and print advertising both use informal

language but different in the sentence structure, where online is very fluid which

is shown by neologism, abbreviation, acronym, blends and more imperative, while

print is not. Those studies are also focused on the language used and the sentence

structures in advertisement either print or online ads. However, in this study will

not focus on the language used and the sentence structures of online advertising



messages are conveyed in the advertisement. Look at the ad below from Wardah,

there are two elements/ component of advertising on Instagram: visual and verbal.

The advertisement above was from Wardah cosmetic. The elements of

advertisement on Instagram consist of visual and verbal, where visual shows the

picture of the product while verbally shows the advertising information about the

product. The advertisement above used problem solution style, the product was

presented as solution to the problem. It was seen from the words ‘Ingin tampilan

cerah dan dinamis? Gunakan lipstick bernuansa orange’ where it meant if you wanted your look was brighter and dynamic; you should use orange lipstick as

well. That’s the solution for the woman problem. Also, for the message content,

Wardah conveyed it by using informational content which meant that its content

focused on the consumer’s functional needs. It was seen from some tips that the advertisement given, such as ‘untuk kulit putih gunakan warna orange muda’. It meant that the content provided information about woman need in daily



Shortly, based on the explanation above, related to the new phenomenon

happened in online advertisement recently on Instagram. This study was done

under the title “Language Styles in the Online Advertisements on Instagram”.

1.2The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problems investigated are

formulated as the following.

1. What language styles are used in online cosmetic advertisements

on Instagram?

2. How are the messages of cosmetic advertisements conveyed on


3. Why are the language styles used in the advertisements on

Instagram in the ways they are?

1.3The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of this study are to answer the three research questions, as

formulated above. To be more specific, the objectives of the study are.

1. to find out the language styles used in online cosmetic

advertisements on Instagram.

2. to elaborate how the messages of cosmetic advertisements are

conveyed on Instagram.

3. to explain the reason why the language styles are used in the



1.4The Scope of the Study

This study was limited to the language styles used in online

advertisements on Instagram. The advertisements only focused on the cosmetic

advertisements which were taken from the official account of cosmetic brands on

Instagram. The language observed and analysed was the language styles used in

online advertisement by using Bahasa Indonesia from top three local brand

cosmetics on Instagram, they were Wardah, Pixy and La Tulipe cosmetics.

1.5The Significance of the Study

This research is expected to have both theoretical and practical

significance for the readers.

Theoretically, the findings can enlarge linguistic theory about the language

style specifically in online advertisement. It can be the references for previous

studies about the language style in marketing field especially in online marketing

promotion in social media.

Practically the findings will be useful for:

1. The advertisers who use social media as marketing promotion to

enlarge the information about the language style used and how to

convey the message content of advertising effectively in online


2. For the readers, it will be useful to add more horizons about the



3. And for the researchers, the findings will be an idea to investigate

further about the language style used in advertisement on

Instagram or another social media with another scopes and




5.1 Conclusions

This study focused on language styles used in online cosmetic

advertisement on Instagram. It was aimed to find out the language styles used in

online cosmetic advertisements; to elaborate how the messages of cosmetic

advertisements are conveyed on Instagram; to explain the reason why the

language styles are used in the advertisement on Instagram. After analyzing the

data, conclusions are drawn as follow.

1. It was found that there were 5 language styles used from three local

cosmetic brands namely Wardah, Pixy and La Tulipe. However there were

some styles came together such as hard sell with soft sell style, hard sell

with demonstration style, hard sell with the problem solution style. In

addition, totally there were eight language styles used from those three

brands. Wardah used hard sell, straightforward, the problem solution and

hard sell with soft sell style. Pixy used hard sell, soft sell, demonstration,

the problem solution and hard sell with soft sell style. While La Tulipe

used hard sell, hard sell with demonstration style, hard sell with soft sell,

hard sell with the problem solution style.

2. The findings showed that there were four language styles which referred to

rational message; they were hard sell, straightforward, the demonstration



cosmetic brands which used rational or informational way; eight

advertisements from Wardah, five advertisements from Pixy and nine

advertisements from La Tulipe. Further, there were four advertisements

used emotional message which referred to soft sell. This message was only

used by Pixy cosmetic. In addition, it was found that hard sell and soft sell

style can be come together in advertisements, not only for influencing

customers rationally but also emotionally. Totally, there were four

advertisements which used both rational and emotional way; Wardah was

two advertisements while Pixy and La Tulipe represented one


3. It was found that Wardah mostly used hard sell style; it meant that Wardah

would like to induce a rational thinking of customers and also to

emphasize a sale orientation in selling its products. On the other hand,

Pixy mostly used soft sell style and the problem solution style; it meant

that Pixy would like to induce an affective reaction and also to emphasize

a social scenario in selling its products to the customers. While La Tulipe

mostly used hard sell style and demonstration style, it meant that La

Tulipe would like to induce a rational thinking of customers, to emphasize

a sale orientation and also to show the actual working of the product

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the conclusions mentioned above, this study offers some



1. To other researchers and students; it is suggested that this study could be

further expanded in the use of language styles to support the next research

deeply by exploring different perspective about language in online

advertisements, such as the language use of online advertisements


2. To the lecturers who are teaching or concerning the field of study relates to

language styles, language and communication; it is suggested to conduct,

elaborate, and perform deep research in the study.

3. To all the readers; it is suggested to use this study as references for

understanding the using of language styles in online advertisement.

4. To the advertisers; it is suggested that the language styles in online

advertisement should be used both rational and emotional message in order to



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cosmetic brands which used rational or informational way; eight advertisements from Wardah, five advertisements from Pixy and nine advertisements from La Tulipe. Further, there were four advertisements used emotional message which referred to soft sell. This message was only used by Pixy cosmetic. In addition, it was found that hard sell and soft sell style can be come together in advertisements, not only for influencing customers rationally but also emotionally. Totally, there were four advertisements which used both rational and emotional way; Wardah was two advertisements while Pixy and La Tulipe represented one advertisement

3. It was found that Wardah mostly used hard sell style; it meant that Wardah would like to induce a rational thinking of customers and also to emphasize a sale orientation in selling its products. On the other hand, Pixy mostly used soft sell style and the problem solution style; it meant that Pixy would like to induce an affective reaction and also to emphasize a social scenario in selling its products to the customers. While La Tulipe mostly used hard sell style and demonstration style, it meant that La Tulipe would like to induce a rational thinking of customers, to emphasize a sale orientation and also to show the actual working of the product

5.2 Suggestions

In line with the conclusions mentioned above, this study offers some suggestions for the readers as provided in the following items.



1. To other researchers and students; it is suggested that this study could be further expanded in the use of language styles to support the next research deeply by exploring different perspective about language in online advertisements, such as the language use of online advertisements pragmatically.

2. To the lecturers who are teaching or concerning the field of study relates to language styles, language and communication; it is suggested to conduct, elaborate, and perform deep research in the study.

3. To all the readers; it is suggested to use this study as references for understanding the using of language styles in online advertisement.

4. To the advertisers; it is suggested that the language styles in online advertisement should be used both rational and emotional message in order to attract the consumers.



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