The Emphatic Styles Found in Advertisements.

Tugas Akhir ini ditulis untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat kelulusan
program sarjana di Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Kristen
Dalam Tugas Akhir ini penulis menganalisis penggunaan emphatic styles
dalam text yang digunakan dalam iklan. Emphatic styles adalah salah satu elemen
yang membuat iklan lebih menarik untuk dibaca. Selain itu, penggunaan emphatic
styles dalam periklanan membuat tujuan dan pesan yang terkandung dalam iklan
tersebut lebih jelas. Di dalam periklanan, pesan yang ingin disampaikan haruslah
dibuat semenarik mungkin sehingga para pembaca akan merasa tergerak untuk
mencoba produk tersebut.
Dalam Tugas Akhir ini, saya menggunakan pendekatan lingustik yaitu,
stylistics yang membahas tentang bentuk-bentuk penulisan. Ada perpaduan antara
beberapa jenis emphatic styles. Jenis- jenis emphatic styles yang terdapat dalam
iklan adalah graphology yang terdiri dari bold, capital, italic, coloring,
punctuation mark, spelling, paragraphing dan symbolism. Phonology yang
terdapat pada repetition, rhyme, alliteration, assonance. Syntax dalam parralelism
dan juga morphology yang membahas derivation. Jenis emphatic styles yang
banyak digunakan dalam data Tugas Akhir saya adalah graphology. Semua jenis


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emphatic styles membahas bentuk bentuk penulisan dalam iklan yang dapat
membuat iklan lebih menarik untuk dibaca.
Emphatic styles menekankan pada teks yang berada dalam iklan. Emphatic
styles membuat iklan lebih hidup dan lebih menarik sehingga para pembaca tidak
bosan. Hal yang terpenting adalah pembuat iklan berusaha membuat iklan tersebut
mudah diingat oleh para pembaca.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... iii

Background of the study ...........................................................................1
Statement of the Problem..........................................................................4
Purpose of the Study .................................................................................4
Methods of Research.................................................................................4
Organization of the Thesis ........................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .....................................5
CHAPTER FOUR: CONCLUSION ..................................................................23
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................27
Table of Data .........................................................................................31
Advertisements ......................................................................................32


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Background of the Study
We know that advertisements can be found anywhere and anytime. That is why

advertisements are so familiar and have become part of our lives. “Advertising may be

described as persuasive media communication concerning market item which are
designed to respond to and help marketing goal” (Gilson and Berkman 30).
Advertisements have become so numerous these days. We can see the increase of the
product that uses advertisements to promote their product not only in the electronic
In all media advertisements, advertisers must be as creative as they can to make
their advertisements more attractive and persuasive. In advertisements, advertisers try to
deliver information about the products. Therefore, clear information is needed to make
the readers know what the product is. “Advertising copywriters like journalists have to
present their message briefly, and in an eye-catching way” (Aitchison 146). That is why,
the texts in the advertisements should reveal attractive, brief, and also clear messages so
the readers understand the message they want to deliver.


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In electronic media, advertisements do not only appear between shows, but also

interrupt the shows at intervals. This strategy is intended to capture the attention of the
audience, make the viewers and the hearers focus on the advertisement, so that they will
not want to change the channel. Hopefully, they will watch the advertisements while
waiting for the next show. For catching the attention of the target market, many
advertisements feature songs or melodies. These strategies may therefore be said to
have taken place in the advertisement element.
According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) an advertisement is
“any paid form of non personal presentation of ideas, goods or services by an identified
sponsor” (Gilson and Berkman 11). Usually advertisement use non personal
characteristic. Non personal has the meaning that the messages in advertisements are
not delivered by face-to-face contacts but by media entertainments (Wydiatama 20).
Media such as television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, the Internet, and etc
are used to deliver the messages of advertisements.
Advertisements are grouped into the following categories: printed media like
newspapers and magazine; broadcast media, such as radio, television; direct media like
brochures and out- of- home media, such as billboards and posters. The principle of
communication in advertisements is that “the advertisers write the message into a text
and the text is read by the readers” (Goddard 23). Since an advertisement is meant to
attract people so that they want to buy or use the product, an advertisement text needs to
be persuasive and attractive. An advertiser uses texts to reveal the message of the

product that will be captured by the readers. The texts in advertisements give some
information about a certain product.

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I have chosen to write about emphatic styles found in advertisements in printed
media as the topic of my thesis. The reason for choosing this topic is that I have found a
great number of emphatic styles in printed advertisements. There are a lot of styles of
writing in combining words in order to attract readers. The significance of my topic is to
give some knowledge about emphatic styles for the readers and to give information
about how to make attractive and persuasive advertisements for the copy writers.
In my thesis, I would like to analyze slogans in printed advertisements because
the slogans are one of the elements of the advertisements. More specifically, I will focus
on the style of writing of the slogans. “ The advertising slogan is always short. It helps to
make the ad more impressive and memorable” (XUE Hangrong 206). The slogans are
not the only part of an advertisement that is important, but also the picture, layout and
the symbols and also the colors that represent the product in the printed advertisements.
“Symbolic representation can be a powerful source of meaning in the texts. Such ideas

of symbolism are illustrated by, for example picture of heart to represent love or the
symbol of the dive to represent peace” (Goddard 81-82).
In discussing this topic, I will use Stylistics that consists of four areas there are
Graphology, Phonology, Syntax and Morphology.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.What emphatic styles are used in printed advertisements?
2.What are the purposes of the emphatic styles in the printed advertisements?

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1.3 Purpose of the Study
Following the statement of the problem, the purposes of this study are:
1.To find emphatic styles in advertisements.
2.To show purposes of the emphatic styles in advertisements.

1.4 Methods of Research
I take the following steps for this study. First I search advertisements in

magazines. Second, I collect the data in the form of printed advertisements taken from
magazines. Third, I select the advertisements which contain emphatic styles. Based on
the kinds of emphatic styles used, in the third step I will classify the advertisements.
Furthermore, it will be analyzed. Finally, I write a research report.


Organization of the Thesis
The thesis consists of four chapters. It is preceded by the Preface and the Table

of Contents. Chapter One is the Introduction, which contains the Background of the
Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Method of Research, and
Organization of the Thesis. In Chapter Two, the theoretical framework of the study is
presented. The data analysis is put forward in Chapter Three. The following chapter,
Chapter Four, states the Conclusion, in which what has been analyzed and discussed in
the previous chapter is concluded. At the end of the thesis there are the Bibliography in
which the sources are listed, and also the Appendices, in which the whole data are

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In this chapter, I would like to present my conclusion based on the
findings. Having analyzed the data, I notice that emphatic styles used in
advertisements have a significant influence to attract the readers’ attention. With
emphatic styles, the texts in the printed advertisements become attention seeking
for the readers. I believe that emphatic styles in advertisements are important to
deliver the message to the customers and persuade the readers to try the products.
Emphatic styles make the message attractive. With emphatic styles, the
advertisements will be effective to get the message across in a short time. The
emphatic styles also underline the high quality of the product in an efficient way,
so the readers will easily know about the excellence of the product. Moreover, the
emphatic styles make the advertisement eye-catching and memorable to the
The texts are shown in the slogan. The slogan in advertisements is usually
short, jingly and written in large letter. It is clear that slogan becomes an
important element for emphatic styles. The variety of words, image and all the
illustrations of the advertisement can influence a consumer’s response. All the
parts in advertisement support the advertisement to promote the product and make
the advertisement more interesting to read.


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From the data that I have analyzed, I found that there are various types of
emphatic styles. The emphatic styles are related to stylistics and they concern four
areas of linguistics. First, graphology, it consists of boldface, italics,
capitalization, spelling, coloring, and symbolism. Secondly, phonology, it
concerns with repetition, alliteration, assonance and rhyme. Syntax is applied in
parallelism. Finally, Morphology is reflected in derivation of suffixes. The most
dominant type of emphatic styles is graphology.
Among seven elements of graphology, the most dominant element is
capitalization and coloring. There are ten data containing the use of capitalization.
The purposes of capitalization in my data are to expose the message in a strong
way to highlight the excellence and to stress the meaning of the products. There
are five data containing the use of coloring. The purpose is to make the
advertisement brighter and colorful and also represent the color of the products.
The use of boldface, italics, unusual spelling and symbolism are not as
much as capitalization and coloring. However, it does not mean that they have
less important purpose. They can also make persuasive advertisements. The
combination of the elements of graphology in advertisements is eye-catching for
the advertisements. I believe that the use of graphology is important, in my
opinion; the purpose of graphology is to catch the attention of the readers.
Phonology is shown in the repetition, rhyme, assonance and also
alliteration. There are three data containing repetition, seven data containing
rhymes, and two data containing alliteration. But I can not find any assonance in
the data that I have analyzed. The most dominant type are rhyme and repetition;
the purpose of rhyme in the advertisements is to create a pleasant sound. So with

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the rhyme, the text or the words in the advertisements become jingly. The second
dominant is repetition; the purpose of repetition in the advertisements, to make the
slogan is pleasure to hear.
Another type of emphatic styles is parallelism. In my data, there are three
data that use parallelism. All the data use the same structure and the effect of the
repetition of parallelism makes the text simple and memorable for the readers.
The advertisers also create an advertisement which contains derivation.
There are two data containing derivation. It does not mean that these types of
emphatic styles are not important. In my data, the advertisers use the suffix –less
and –ness. The repetition of suffix in my data shows the characteristics of the
products. With derivation, the text shows the quality of the product. So, the
purpose of derivation is to make the advantage the product shown in a powerful
I also notice that in my data, almost all the advertisements use at least two
types of emphatic styles. In my data there are eight data that use two types of
emphatic styles, and eleven data that use only one type of emphatic style but
consists of some elements. Considering the findings, I believe that combining the
types of emphatic styles is more appropriate for advertisements. The variety of
emphatic styles can create attractive and persuasive advertisements. For example,
the use of symbolism can make the readers illustrate the product. The boldface
and capitalization also stress the meaning of the product. The colors make the
advertisements eye-catching and noticeable. The advertisements use various types
of emphatic style to make the readers pay more attention to the message of the

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advertisements. Each of advertisements has to be unique and reveals the
excellence of the products in short time.
I understand that the advertisements use emphatic styles to make








advertisements will be more attractive and impressive. The emphatic styles can
easily catch the attention of the readers. All the elements of emphatic styles in the
printed advertisements are used to promote the product and show the excellence
of the products, so that the readers will be attracted.
I personally think that the use of emphatic style makes the readers
attracted about the product and convince them to use the product. The advertisers
have to be creative and expressive when they make the advertisements because
the readers’ attention depends on how the advertisers make the advertisements.
The advertisers must be careful in choosing which element that will be used in the
advertisements, such as pictures, colors, and capitalization and the choice of
words. That is why, the emphatic styles are important to use in the advertisements.

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