
The researcher notes, analyzes and evaluates the result of observation sheet and evaluation sheet as reflection and make improvisation for the next cycle.



Improving and revising lesson plan, material,

and the weaknesses and going the cycle II. Cycle II


The researcher looking for the syllabus prepares the lesson plan, material, and prrepares the


The researcher devided the students into groups, introduce the material, asked the students

experience, then asked the students to chose a theme related to expressions of love, invited the students to share their experience with their friends, asked the students to arranged a


The teacher collaborator observing the students’ action, respond, attitude and weaknesses during teaching learning process, and observing the researcher’s activities.


The researcher notes, analyzes and evaluates the result of the observation sheet and evaluation sheet as reflection.



Research Report

Figure 2: Implementation of the Action to Increase the Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill by Using Theme Based Model

Based on the figure before, it was conducted in two cycles and in each cycle consisted in two meetings. The time allocation in each meeting was 2x40 minutes. The researcher arranged each meeting as follows:

Cycle I:

1. The First Meeting

a. Planning

1) The researcher prepared the syllabus.

2) The researcher arranged the lesson plan.

3) The researcher prepared the speaking materials.

4) The researcher prepared the observation paper of the students’ activity.

5) The researcher prepared the observation papers of the researchers’ activities.

b. Action

1) The researcher prepared the material to the students.

2) The students were divided into groups.

3) The researcher introduced the material about expression of love.

4) The researcher asked the students experience about expression of love.

5) The researcher asked the students to choose a theme related to expression of love.

6) The researcher asked the students to share their experience about expressions of love with their friends related to the theme.

7) The researcher asked the students make a conversation by using expressions of love based on the theme.

8) The students in group were invited to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by them.

9) The researcher and the students took the conclusion together about the use of expressions of love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students.

10) The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and


c. Observation

1) The researcher observed the students’ activities during the teaching – learning process.

2) The researcher observed the students’ attitude during the teaching – learning process.

d. Reflection

1) The researcher noted the observation result.

2) The researcher analyzed the observation result.

3) The researcher evaluated the observation result.

4) The researcher evaluated field notes and plan what should be improved in the next meeting in order that the students got success in learning the

material that they had studied.

2. The Second Meeting

a. Planning

1) The researcher arranged the lesson plan.

2) The researcher prepared the speaking materials.

3) The researcher prepared the observation paper of the students’ activity.

4) The researcher prepared the observation papers of the researchers’ activities.

b. Action

1) The researcher prepared the material to the students.

2) The students were divided into groups.

3) The researcher introduced the material about expression of love.

4) The researcher asked the students experience about expression of love.

5) The researcher asked the students to choose a theme related to expression of love.

6) The researcher asked the students to share their experience about expressions of love with their friends related to the theme.

7) The researcher asked the students make a conversation by using expressions of love based on the theme.

8) The students in group were invited to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by


9) The researcher and the students took the conclusion together about the use of expressions of love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students.

10) The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

c. Observation

1) The researcher observed the students’ activities during the teaching – learning process.

2) The researcher observed the students’ attitude during the teaching – learning process.

d. Reflection

1) The researcher noted the observation result.

2) The researcher analyzed the observation result.

3) The researcher evaluated the observation result.

4) The researcher evaluated field notes and plan what should be improved in the next meeting in order that the students got success in learning the material that they had studied.

In implementing the procedure of Theme Based Model in Cycle I, the result of the students’ ability in speaking skill was unsuccessful. Most of the students could not pass of Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) 65, average of students’ score was

57.48. Therefore the researcher decided to continue in Cycle II.

Cycle II:

1. The First Meeting

a. Planning

1) The researcher prepared the syllabus.

2) The researcher arranged the lesson plan.

3) The researcher prepared the speaking materials.

4) The researcher prepared the observation paper of the students’ activity.

5) The researcher prepared the observation papers of the researchers’ activities.

b. Action

1) The researcher prepared the material to the students.

2) The students were divided into groups.

3) The researcher introduced the material about expression of love.

4) The researcher asked the students experience about expression of love.

5) The researcher asked the students to choose a theme related to expression of love.

6) The researcher asked the students to share their experience about expressions of love with their friends related to the theme.

7) The researcher asked the students make a conversation by using expressions of love based on the theme.

8) The students in group were invited to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by them.

9) The researcher and the students took the conclusion together about the use of expressions of love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students.

10) The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

c. Observation

1) The researcher observed the students’ activities during the teaching – learning process.

2) The researcher observed the students’ attitude during the teaching – learning process.

d. Reflection

1) The researcher noted the observation result.

2) The researcher analyzed the observation result.

3) The researcher evaluated the observation result.

4) The researcher evaluated field notes and plan what should be improved in the next meeting in order that the students got success in learning the material that they had studied.

2. The Second Meeting

a. Planning

1) The researcher arranged the lesson plan.

2) The researcher prepared the speaking materials.

3) The researcher prepared the observation paper of the students’ activity.

4) The researcher prepared the observation papers of the researchers’ activities.

b. Action

1) The researcher prepared the material to the students.

2) The students were divided into groups.

3) The researcher introduced the material about expression of love.

4) The researcher askeed the students experience about expression of love.

5) The researcher asked the students to choose a theme related to expression love.

6) The researcher asked the students to share their experience about expressions of love with their friends related to the theme.

7) The researcher asked the students make a conversation by using expressions of love based on the theme.

8) The students in group were invited to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by them.

9) The researcher and the students took the conclusion together about the use of expressions of love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students.

10) The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and


c. Observation

1) The researcher observed the students’ activities during the teaching – learning process.

2) The researcher observed the students’ attitude during the teaching – learning process.

d. Reflection

1) The researcher noted the observation result.

2) The researcher analyzed the observation result.

3) The researcher evaluated the observation result.

4) The researcher evaluated field notes and plan what should be improved in the next meeting in order that the students got success in learning the

material that they had studied.

E. The Instruments to Collecting the Data There were two kinds of the data in this research to be collected, namely

qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data was the data that refers to the students and researcher activities, behavior and attitudes in the class during teaching learning process. The data was obtained from the researcher and students activities in the classroom. Meanwhile, quantitative data was the data that refers to increasing the students’ ability in speaking skill by using Theme Based Model. The data was obtained from the students’ ability in speaking skill.

In collecting the data in this research the researcher used the research instrument namely:

1. Observation sheet The Observation sheet consisted of the activities that the researcher and the students done during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The function of doing this observation was to observe all things that happened during the implementation of the action and to know how the response of the students and as guidelines for the teacher in made the reflection improve the way to teach.

2. Oral Test The oral test was used to know the students’ ability in studying. The oral test was

done by the students at the beginning and at the end of the cycle to measure their ability in speaking and to know the students’ weakness or mistakes after the researcher applied the Theme Based Model. Kinds of oral test that used were interview and conversation. Interview was conducted in the beginning and conversation conducted in the end.

3. Handy cam This instrument was used to record the video clips and took photos about the researcher’s activities and the students’ actions during the teaching-learning activities. Clearly, this instrument was useful for the researcher to record the students’ speaking when evaluated them in oral test.

4. Filed notes It was a piece of blank paper used by the teacher-collaborator to know the weakness, strength and improvement during the teaching-learning process in the social events.

F. The Techniques of Analyzing Data In this research, the researcher analyzed the data of the students. In analyzed the

data, the researcher analyzed qualitative and quantitative.

1. Analyzing the Qualitative data Qualitative data is the data that refers to the students and researcher activities,

behavior and attitudes in the class during teaching learning process. The data was obtained from the researcher and students activities in the classroom. To analyze the qualitative data the researcher was done in three steps as follows:

a. Reduction data. Reduction of data is evaluating and classifying the data based on information and must be organized according to the statements of this research.

b. Explanation data. Explanation of data is all the data that have been organized by the researcher

must be classified to get the meaning.

c. Conclusion data. Conclusion is after the explanation of the data made, the researcher took some conclusion about the data in statement of formula form.

To gain the percentage of the students’ and researcher’s activities related to the qualitative data obtained from the observation paper, the researcher analyzed by used a formula below adapted from Tuckman (1975: 287) in Nugiyantoro as below:

PD(%) =

TA × 100

Which: PD

: Percentage degree

F : Frequency of the researcher’s and students’ activities have been already done TA

: Whole activities of the researcher and the students

100 : Constant and maximal number of percentage

Then it is classified as Nurgiyantoro (2001:399) says, to the following scale (%).

1) For the researcher’s activities 0% - 39%

: the degree of teaching level is fail. 40% - 59% : the degree of teaching level is less. 60% - 74% : the degree of teaching level is enough. 75% - 84% : the degree of teaching level is good. 85% - 100% : the degree of teaching level is very good.

2) For the students’ activities 0% - 39%

: the degree of the students’ activities level is fail.

40% - 59% : the degree of the students’ activities level is less. 60% - 74% : the degree of the students’ activities level is enough. 75% - 84% : the degree of the students’ activities level is good. 85% - 100% : the degree of the students’ activities level is very good.

2. Analyzing the Quantitative data Quantitative data is the data taken from the evaluation result which is conducted

by the researcher. To gain the average of the students’ ability related to quantitative data obtained from the oral test, the researcher analyzed the quantitative data by using a formula as written by the researcher (See Chapter II, Part d, pages 15-18). The steps are:

a. Scoring the students’ speaking record by considering the proficiency description to the weighting table of interview scoring (Chapter II, Part h, pages 15 by Hughes 1989). After considering the proficiency description to the weighting table of interview scoring, finally the researcher calculates the total score of the students (See Chapter II, Part h, page 15). The table as below:



b. Classifying the students’ ability degree by finding the percentage for each students and total of students by using a formula below adapted from Hughes (1989: 113) as below:

Score: Accent + Grammar + Vocabulary + Fluency + Comprehension Obtained score

Value =

X 100

Maximum score


Ranting Score

93 – 99 *) Sign ( + ) shows the middle position between two degrees.

1. Proficiency Description Score 1 The students are able to rich their needs and the rule in speaking.

2. Proficiency Description Score 2 The students are able to rich their needs by routed and have limited.

3. Proficiency Description Score 3 The students can use the language by the grammatically and it has important

role in daily activities.

4. Proficiency Description Score 4 The students can use the language in fluently.

5. Proficiency Description Score 5 The students are able to speak like foreigner and can speak in good



Then, it can be interpreted into some categories, as follows: 85%-100% =

Very good

Very weak

Then, the researcher consulted to the Minimum Competence Criterion (MCC) to consult the value of the students. The Minimum Competence Criterion of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu was 65 score. In Cycle I, the researher found the students’ ability in speaking was not achieved the MCC, it proved by the average of the students’ value was 57.48. If the students’ value was under 65 (≤MCC), the researcher continued to did the research in Cycle II. In Cycle II the researcher found the students’ ability in speaking was increase and achieve the MCC, it proved by the average of the students’ value was 75.56. If the students’ value was more than 65 score (≥MCC), the researcher stop to did the research.


A. Research Findings

1. Research Setting The setting of the research was SMP Negeri 2 Lotu that is located on Maziaya village, Lotu. This school had some rooms, such as: the headmaster’s room, teacher’s room, classrooms, library, canteen and a large yard as a place of ceremony. The school consisted of one headmaster, a vice-headmaster, some teacher included with civil servant and some office clerk.

The total number of the teachers were 16 persons and two of them were English teachers. The school consisted of 6 classes, the seventh grade consisted of

2 classes, the eighth grade consisted of 2 classes, and the ninth grade consisted of

2 classes and the total students for all grades were 140 persons. Every year this school always accepted new students to studied in this school. This school always got positive remarks from the people because of its very potential contribution with the children around the place where the school exists. This school holds the teaching-learning process in the morning at 07.15 am – 13.05 pm. All the members of the school were cooperative with the resercher.

The subject of the research was VII-A (seventh class students which was consisted of 25 students). They were 12 girls and 13 boys. The researcher did this research by the agreement of the headmaster of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu. In done the research, there were some procedures, they were; (a) planning, (b) Acting, (c) observing and (d) reflecting. During the implementation of this research, the

researcher was helped by the English teacher of SMP Negeri 2 lotu. The teacher was as the observer of the students’ and the researcher’s activities in order tha the activities could run well and got the valid result.

2. Explanation of Each Cycle in Increasing the Students’ Ability in Speaking Skill by Using Theme Based Model

In doing this research, the researcher took 2 cycles which consisted of a meeting in each cycle.

a. Cycle I In doing Cycle I, the researcher took 2 meetings with allocation 2x40

minutes. The process of the research in Cycle I as follows:

1) The First Meeting The first meeting was held on Friday, 22 nd April 2016.

a) Planning In doing the first meeting, the researcher prepared somethings, such as: lesson plan, material, field notes and the observation sheets.

b) Acting After planning, the researcher conducted the action in the classroom. Meeting I Cycle I, was held on 22 nd April 2016. The teaching-learning process

consisted of pre-teaching, whilst-teaching, and post teaching. The researcher entered the class with the teacher-collaborator. After greeted the students, the researcher introduced his self for the students and then checked the students’

present list. After checked the students’ presented list the students were divided into groups after the students were divided into groups the researcher introduced the material about expression of love to the students by using some example, after explain about the expression of love the researcher continued by asking the students experience about exspression of love.

Furthermore, after the researcher asked the students experience about exspression of love, the researcher asked the students to chose a theme related to expression of love. the researcher continued by asking the students to make a conversation by using expression of love based on the theme. After each group finished their discussion by making a conversation, the researcher asked the students in each group to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by them. While the students in other groups listened carefully when their friend practiced.

Finally, the researcher asked the students whether they understood and got a difficult things during teaching-learning process. And then the researcher and the students make the conclusion together about the using of expression love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students. The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. After clarified the conclusion and improved the sudents mistake, the researcher closed the class and greeted the students.

c) Observation In this research, the analysis of the observation sheets was to know the

researcher and the students’ activities during the teaching-learning process especially during conducted the research in the first meeting of Cycle I that was observed by the eacher collaborator.

Reffering to the result of the researchers’ and students’ activities during conducted the teaching-learning process in the first meeting in Cycle I, Some weaknesses of the students’ and researcher’s were found during the teaching- learning process in this meeting, as follows. 

Only a few students who were able to answer the researcher’s question. 

Some of the students were not able to work together with their friends in the group in got the information about the materials based on the theme.

 The researcher was not asked the students to got the information about the material based on the theme that has been chosed by them.

 The researcher was not asked the students to shared and compared the information with their friends in group about kinds of the expression that used based on the theme provided by them.

Besides, there were also some strength of the researcher’s and students’ after applying Theme Based Model in the first meeting, such as below: 

Some of the students were participated and motivated to speak. 

Some of the students were able to conveyed their ideas within conversation.

d) Reflection In the first meeting, based on the result of the observation sheets that was

expained in the previous part, the researcher did some improvements in the next meeting, such as: 

The researcher asked the students to got the information about the material based on the theme that has been chosed by them.

 The researcher asked the students to shared and compared the information with their friends in group about kinds of the expression that used based on the theme provided by them.

 The researcher asked and motivated the students to work together with their friends in the group, in getting the information about the materials based on the theme.

 The researcher asked and involved the students to make a conclusion for the the materials.

 The researcher modified the procedures to applied in the classroom for the next meeting

2) The Second Meeting The second meeting was held on Tuesday, 26 rd April 2016. It needed

2x40 minutes.

a) Planning In doing the second meeting, the researcher prepared manythings, such

as: lesson plan, material, recorded (camera), field notes and two picies of the observation sheets.

b) Acting The researcher was accompanied by the teacher-collaborator to entered the class. The researcher greeted and motivated the students. Furthermore, the researcher reviewed the last material and explained the mistakes that must be avoided in speaking especially in expressing of love. Then, the researchers divided the students into groups and continued their last discussion about expression of love. Each the student in group has different reason ability and the researcher had to make sure that work properly. The researcher asked each the students in group to practice their conversation in turn before they presented it in front of the classroom.

At last, the researcher invited each group to come in front of the classroom as other groups listen carefully. In the meantime, the researcher recorded the whole teaching-learning process in the class with his recorder. Then, the researcher and the students discussed the material and make a conclusion.

c) Observation Reffering to the result of the researchers’ and students’ activities during

conducted the teaching-learning process in the second meeting in Cycle I, the researcher got the data about the students who had done and undone the activities:

- Done activities : 7 persons of 25 students. - Undone activities

: 18 persons of 25 students

Some weaknesses of the students’ and researcher’s were found during the teaching-learning process in this meeting, as follows. 

Some of the students were not able to work together with their friends in the group, in got the information about the materials based on the theme.

 Some of the students in groups were not able to the express their idea by using Theme Based Model

 The students did not done the test seriously.

Besides, there were also some strength of the researcher’s and students’ after applying Theme Based Model in the second meeting, such as below: 

Some of the students were participated and motivated to speak. 

The students showed good response when the researcher gave instruction to them.

 The researcher found that the students were active then previous meeting. Based on the researcher’s activities, the result of the researcher’s

observation sheet in the second meeting in Cycle I was as on the next page:


- Done activities

: 10 of 11 activities

- Undone activities

: 1 of 11 activities

d) Reflection At last, the researcher evaluated the result of the observation in teaching- learning process to determine the students’ ability in speaking by used Theme Based Model. The result of the students’ evaluation was classified by researcher according to Hughes (1941: 111-113) (See Chapter II, Page: 14). To make it clear, can be showed in table and graphic as on the next page:



Mcc Score Ranting Meeting Frequency Percentage Clasification (%)

The result of the students’ ability in Cycle I before can be viewed in the graphic as below.

Graphic 1 The Students’ Ability in Speaking in Cycle I

Students Absent

Based on the data from the table and graphic above explained that the students’ ability in speaking skill during implementing Theme Based Model in Cycle I was fail. Some of the students did not pass the MCC stated at school, it was 65. None of the students could be classified in the every ranting level. There were five students could be classified in “Ranting 2” level. There were twelve students in “Ranting 2+” level. There were seven students in “Ranting 3” level and there was one students absent at the time and the total number of the students were 25. The average of the students’ value was 57.48. This result showed that some of the students were still unable to speak in English.

That’s why the reseacher decided to continued the research in Cycle II. It had been stated in Chapter III, whenever the students’ ability in speaking skill was unsuccessful, the researcher continued to the next cycle. The researcher made some improvements to be implemented in the next cycle such as the researcher prepared the lesson plan, the reseacher explained the definition of expression of love to the students briefly, found the new examples of expression of love that interests the students. The researcher gave more motivation to the students in learning English. The researcher explained the procedures of implementing Theme Based Model clearly.

b. Cycle II In doing Cycle II, the researcher took 2 meetings with allocation 2x40 minutes. The process of the research in Cycle II as on the next page:

1) The First Meeting The first meeting was held on Tuesday, 03 rd May 2016. It needed 2x40


a) Re-planning In doing the first meeting, the researcher prepared somethings, such as: lesson plan, material, field notes and two picies of the observation sheets and media.

b) Acting The researcher was accompanied by the teacher-collaborator to entered the class. The researcher greeted the students and then checked the students’ present list. Furthermore, the researcher reviewed the last material and explained the mistakes that must be avoided in speaking especially in expressing love. Then, the researcher told the activities that would be done in the research.

After that, the researcher divided the students into groups and re-explain about expression of love by giving some examples. And the researcher told that they used the same Model in this meeting, it was Theme Based Model in learning speaking later. The steps of doing it for the first, the researcher devided the students into groups. Then, introduces the material about expression of love to the students by using some example.

Furthermore, the researcher asked the students to chose a theme related to expression of love. When the students got the theme related to the experience of love, the researcher asked the students in group to shared their experience about expression of love with their friends in group that related to the theme.

Then, after the students shared their experience with their friends in group, the researcher continued by asking the students to make a conversation use expression of love based on the theme. After each group finished their discussion and make the conversation, The researcher asked each the students in group to practice their conversation in turn before they presented it in front of the classroom.

At last, the researcher invited each group to presented in front of the classroom to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by them. While the students in other groups listened carefully when their friend practice. Finally, the researcher asked the students whether they understood and got a difficult things during teaching- learning process. And then the researcher and the students make the conclusion together about the using of expression love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students. The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. After clarifies the conclusion and improved the sudents mistake, the researcher closed the class and greeted the students.

c) Observing In this research, the analysis of the observation sheets was to know the researcher and the students’ activities during the teaching-learning process

especially during conducted the research in the first meeting of Cycle II that was observed by the eacher collaborator.

Reffering to the result of the researchers’ and students’ activities during conducted the teaching-learning process in the first meeting in Cycle II, Some weaknesses of the students’ and researcher’s were found during the teaching- learning process in this meeting, as follows.

Based on the result of the observation sheets, the researcher got some weaknesses such as: 

The researcher did not ask the students experience about expression of love.

 Some of the students were not concentrate.

However, the researcher also found some advantages in the first meeting during teaching-learning, as follows : 

Some of the students showed their ability in teaching-learning process. 

The students were enthusiasm to do the activity. 

Some of the students were able to express their idea by speaking correctly.

 Some of the students were able to speak correctly. 

The researcher had a good prepration in teaching learning process.

d) Reflecting In reflecting, the researcher increased the students’ weaknesses by giving them some improvements, such as:

 The researcher asked the students to practice about how to express themselves.

 The researcher motivated the students to prepare themselves for the next meeting.

The researcher asked the students to drill themselves to speak.

The researcher modified the procedures in the next meeting

2) The Second Meeting The second meeting was held on Friday, 13 rd May 2016. It needed 2x40


a) Re-planning In doing the first meeting, the researcher prepared somethings, such as:

lesson plan, material, recorded (camera), field notes and two picies of the observation sheets and media.

b) Acting The researcher was accompanied by the teacher-collaborator to entered the class. The researcher greeted the students and then checked the students’ presented list.

Furthermore, the researcher reviewed the last material and explained the mistakes that must be avoided in speaking especially in expressing of love. After that, the researchers divided the students into groups and continued by asking the students experience about exspression of love.

Then, the researcher asked the students chose a theme related to expression of love. When the students got the theme related to the experience of love, the researcher asked the students in group to shared their experience about expression of love with their friends in group that related to the theme.

Futhermore, the researcher continued by asking the students to make a conversation used the expression of love based on the theme. And before the students’ presented their conversation, the researcher asked them to practice their conversation in turn before they presented it in front of the classroom.

At last, the researcher invited each group to come in front of the classroom to practice, and to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that had been made by them. While the students in other groups listened carefully when their friend practice. And in the meantime, the researcher recorded the whole teaching-learning process in the class with his recorder.

Finally, the researcher asked the students whether they understood and got a difficult things during teaching-learning process. And then the researcher and the students make the conclusion together about expression of love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the students. The researcher improved the student’s mistake by considering their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension and the researcher closed the class and greeted the students.

c) Observation Reffering to the result of the researchers’ and students’ activities during

conducted the teaching-learning process in the second meeting in Cycle II, The researcher got the data about the students who had done and undone the activities:

- Done activities : 23 persons of 25 students. - Undone activities

: 2 persons of 25 students

Some weaknesses of the students’ and researcher’s were found during the teaching-learning process in this meeting were some students still feel shy in conveying their difficulty in learning material. Even though, some strength was found in this meeting of Cycle II, as on the next page:

 Some of the students were able to convey their ideas through speaking. 

Some of the students felt confident to speak and express their ideas in expression of love.

 Some of the students were able to speak correctly. 

Most of the students got the high score.

Based on the researcher’s activities, the result of the researcher’s observation sheet in the second meeting in Cycle II was as below: - Done activies

: 11 of 11 activities

- Undone activities : 0 of 11 activities

In the second meeting of Cycle II, nearly all of the students had done the activities during the teaching-learning process and based on the result of the researcher’s activities it showed that all the activities had been applied well by the researcher. This fact showed that good preparation had been done by the researcher in the teaching-learning process and gave good influence to the students’ ability in mastering speaking skill.

d) Reflection At last, the researcher evaluated the result of the observation in teaching- learning process to determine the students’ ability in speaking by using Theme Based Model. The result of the students’ test was classified by the researcher according to Hughes (1941: 111-113) (See Chapter II, Page: 14).



Percentage Mcc






(%) I II

Unsuccesful 33 – 42

20 80.00 Successfull 83 – 92


The result can be viewed in the graphic below:

Graphic 2

The Students’ Ability in Speaking in Cycle II

Students Absent

The data from the table and graphic before explained that the students were able to speak well, especially in expression of love through Theme Based Model. The students could pass the MCC, as stated at the school 65. There were twenty students in “Ranting 3+” level. There were three students in “Ranting 4” level, and two students were absent at the time. The total number of the students were 25 persons. The average of the students value was 75.56. This result showed that the students were successful to apply Theme Based Model in speaking skill.


Frequency No

Undone Absent

I 9 (36.4 %)

II 10 (40.0 %)

I 22 (88.0 %)

2 II T

II 23 (92.00 %)



Frequency No



No Cycle





1 I 2+



2 II 2+

20 80.00 Successfull

Based on the data before, the researcher concluded that the students were able to speak well through Theme Based Model. In Cycle II, the students become more active, capable and cooperative in the teaching and learning process. Moreover, the average of their mark was 75.56. It showed that the students were successful because their average mark was higher than the MCC that was 65 point.

B. Research Findings Discussion

1. The Common Response of the Problem In this research, the problem was “how does Theme Based Model increase the students’ ability in speaking skill?” The common response was Theme Based Model increases the students’ ability in speaking skill. The researcher did the research in two cycles. In Cycle I, the average of the students’ ability in speaking skill was low. Moreover, the researcher took a students’ mark in speaking skill through Theme Based Model was 57.48. And in Cycle II, the average of the students’ mark was 75.56. Based on the average of the students’ ability in each cycle, the researcher found the development conclusion that Theme Based Model could increase the students’ ability in speaking skill.

2. The Analysis and Interpretation of the Research Findings

a. Cycle I In second meeting of cycle I, the researcher has evaluate and found the result of the students ability and the students activities. The result of the students evaluation showed that the students were still unable to speak in English, their

ability still not increase, they were still unable to achive the MCC of syllabus in SMP Negeri Lotu. It proved by the average of the students’ value was 57.48. And it caused by some weakness, such as; some of the students were not able to work together with their friends in the group in got the information about the materials based on the theme, some of the students in groups were not able to the express their idea by using Theme Based Model.

Because the result of the students ability and activities in Cycle I was still poor. So that, the researcher continued to perform the research in Cycle II by implementing Theme Based Model.

b. Cycle II In second meeting of cycle II, the researcher has evaluate and found the result of the students ability and activities. The result of the students evaluation was different, it showed that the students ability was increase, the students were able to speak in English and achive the MCC of syllabus in SMP Negeri 2 Lotu it proved by the average of the students’ value in second meeting of cycle II was

75.56. It caused by some factors, such as; the researcher did some reflection by asked the students to practice about how to express themselves, motivated the students to prepare themselves for the each meeting, asked the students to drill themselves to speak, and modified the procedures. Thereby with some factors above the students ability was increase and achive the MCC of syllabus in SMP Negeri 2 Lotu and some problems identification was solving.

3. The Research Findings versus the Latest Related Research Theme Based Model had been ever searched by Surgiyanto (2011)

searched about the effect of using Theme Based Model in writing skill at the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya. The aim of the study is to find out whether model of Theme Based can help students to increase their writing skill. The researcher applied Theme Based Model when teaching narrative text in teaching learning process. In this process the writer explored students’ mind by asking the students to chosed the theme based on the Material.

While in the research, the researcher found out the increasing of using Theme Based Model on student’s ability in speaking skill at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu in 2015/2016. The researcher applied this model when teaching speaking skill especially in expression of love. The researcher used classroom action research. Regarding the explanation of both researchers above, it has been differentiated by purpose of each other.

In his research, the model of Theme Based can help the students to increase their writing skill, and also their general language skill, when teaching writing especially narrative text. The result that has been effect to the students, but in the research, the researcher applied Theme Based Model in speaking skill at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu in 2015/2016.

4. The Research Findings versus Theory According Karges-Bone (2001: 28) Theme Based Model is a great model to increase and gesture the students’ participation and jazz up instruction in

speaking. The theory above was proved by the findings of this research, it showed that the students’ ability in speaking skill at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu in 2015/2016 was increased through Theme Based Model. But, the findings of this research was contrast with Crawford (1989:41) theory. After applied this theory the result of the research was not proven.

5. Research Findings Implication From the research result finding, the research gives implication to the students to build and develop their ability in mastering vocabulary, there are significant effects, as on the next page; a)

Theme Based Model helped and created the students’ motivation in speaking skill to share their ideas, opinions, and feelings in daily activities.

b) Theme Based Model was a appropiate model in teaching-learning process.

c) Theme Based Model gave the effect to the students to express their ideas, opinions, and feelings in daily activities in speaking skill especially in expression of love.

6. The Analysis of Research Findings Limitation In the research, the researcher had chosen the research location as possible and gotten the result of the research. Because that the researcher had some limitations that the research findings, as follows:


a) The researcher found that a few of students could be taught in a long time during the teaching learning process.

b) The researcher only focused on expression of love had been taught to the students.

c) The experience of the researcher was less.


A. Conclusions Based on the data analysis, the researcher takes some conclusions as follows:

1. The students’ achievement in Cycle I, shows that the activities had been done by the researcher were 10 activities of 11 activities that had been reduce from the procedure in the first meeting in cycle I and the students had been done the activities were 18 persons of 25 students, there were 5 students got level of “Ranting 2” with score 43-52, 12 students got level of “Ranting 2+” with score 53-62, 7 students got level “Ranting 3” with score 63-72 and 1 students was absent at the time and the total number of the students were 25 persons. While the average of the students’ mark was 57.48. It showed that the researcher should be continued to the next cycle, namely; Cycle II.

2. In Cycle II, It showed that the researcher had been done the activities were 11 activities of 11 activities that had been reduce from the

procedure in the first meeting in cycle II and in this meeting, there were not weaknesses. And the students that had done the activities was 23 persons of 25 students. There were 20 students got level of ranting 3+ with score 73-82, 3 students got level of ranting 4 with score 83-92 and 2 students were absent at the time and the total number of the students were

25 persons. While the average of the students’ mark was 75.56. If we

compare the result of the students in each cycle, it will show that in Cycle

II the students’ achievement is better than Cycle I.

Based on the result above, it could be concluded that Theme Based Model was able to increases the students’ ability in speaking skill at the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu.

B. Suggestions There are some suggestions from the researcher after doing the research such as:

1. The English teachers of SMP Negeri 2 Lotu are expected to apply Theme Based Model to increase the students’ ability in speaking. Because, this model activate, motivated and participated the students to express and convey their ideas in speaking especially in expression of love.

2. Before teaching the speaking material, the English teacher has to prepare himself/herself well. In order that the students would be easier to comprehend the teacher explanations.

3. The English teacher has to gave reinforcement and motivation to the students in learning speaking in order that they have desire to comprehend their material and they were brave to convey their ideas and opinion.

4. The researchers suggest the next researcher to search other theories which had not been proven in this research especially in applying Theme Based


Model to increase the students’ ability in speaking skill especially in expression of love and will use this thesis as a reference and comparison to conducting the other researches.


Brown, H.D, 1986, Teaching by Principles: an interactive approach to Language Pedagogy, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents.

Brinton, Snow, and Wesche, Language, Culture and Curriculum - Content Based Instruction and Content Language Intergrated Learning 2016. Routlage Taylor & Francis Group.

Chaney, A.L, 1998, Teaching Oral Communication in Grades K – Boston: Allyn and Bacon, (Online), (http://unr. Edu/homepage/hayriyak, Accessed on Mei 03, 2010).

Crowther, 1995, Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom, University of Minnesota, USA.

Davies, Stephen, 2003, The Internet TESL Journal-Content Based Instruction, Vol.IX No.2, Miyazaki-Japan.

Harmer, J., 1991, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Harlow, UK: Longman.

Hughes, Arthur, 1941, Testing for Language Teachers , Cambridge University Press.

Karges-Bone, Linda, 2001, How to Teach Speaking with Content Based Instruction (online)

Mohammed Rhalmi, Journal of Language and Learning Vol. 2 No. 1 2009.

Canbridge University.

Nunan, D., & Carter, R. (Eds).). (2001), The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nunan, David, 2003, Practical English Language Testing the McGraw-Hill Companies, New York.

Nurgiantoro, 1987, Penelitian dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Dan Sastra, BPFE, Jogyakarta.

Richards & Rodgers, Applied Linguistics, Volume 37, Number 1, 2016. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRES

Richards, J, C., 1985, Conversational Competence Activities, RELC Journal.

Rivers, M., 1970, Teaching Foreign-Language Skill, Toppan Printing Co., (Singapore) PTE LTD.

Silabus, KTSP, 2006, Silabus KTSP SMP Negeri 2 Lotu, Lotu.

Urdang, L, 1969, The Random House Dictionary, USA.




Appendix 2a 77


Education Unit

: SMP Negeri 2 Lotu


: English


: VII (Seventh)/II

Time Allocation

: 2x 40 Minutes

A. Standard Competency :

Speaking The students are able to speak in functional oral text and short conversation.

B. Basic Competency : The students are able to convey the meaning in short functional oral text by using oral language in accurate figure, fluent, and accept with environtment.

C. Indicator

- To express and conveying the meaning in short functional oral text in some expressions such as exspession love by using oral language in accurate figure, accent, grammar vocabulary, fluency and comprehension, and accept with environtment

D. Goal

- The students are able to express their ideas, opinions, feelings and loving in daily activities, with certain expressions such as, I love you, I miss you.

E. Materials

Exspression of love

F. Aspect/Skill


G. Teaching Methods : Content Based Instruction (CBI) especially in Theme Based Model, group discussion.

H. Teaching steps

Meeting I Time


Teaching activity

Allocation Opening (Pre-teaching-learning processes)

a. The researcher greets the students.

10 Minutes

b. The researcher introduces himself for the students.

c. The researcher checks the students’ present list.

a. The researcher prepares the material to the students.

b. The students are divided into groups.

c. The researcher introduces the material about expression of love.

d. The researcher asks the students experience about exspression of love.

e. The researcher asks the students to choose a theme related to expression of love.

f. The researcher asks the students in group to share their experience about expression love with their friends in group that related to the theme which determined by the students.

55 Minutes using expression love based on the theme which determined by them.

2 g. The researcher asks the students to make a conversation by

h. The students in group are invited to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that have been made by them.

i. The researcher and the students take the conclusion together about the using of expression love based on the definition and

example from the conversation that had been performed by the students.

j. The researcher improves the student’s mistake by considerating

their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

Closing (Post teaching-learning process)

a. The researcher asks the students to study at home.

15 Minutes

b. The researcher greets the students to close the teaching learning process.

Meeting II Time


Teaching activity

Allocation Opening (Pre-teaching-learning processes)

1 a. The researcher greets the students.

10 Minutes

b. The researcher checks the students’ present list.

a. The researcher reminds the students about expression of love.

b. The researcher asks the students background knowladge about exspression of love.

c. The researcher reminds the students about the definition of

2 exspression love.

55 Minutes

d. The researcher reminds the students about the examples of exspression love.

e. The researcher gives posttest to the students in group.

f. The researcher records the students’ speaking in posttest.

Closing (Post teaching-learning process)

a. The researcher motivates the students.

3 b. The researcher closes the teaching-learning process

16 Minutes

c. The researcher greets the students to close the teaching learning process.

I. Teaching-Learning Media : Laptop, Board Marker, Whiteboard, Eraser, Textbook, Whiteboard, Manila paper. J. Sources of learning

: Buku Bahasa Inggris Menengah Pertama Kelas VII edisi 4

(Buku sekolah elektronik - BSE).

K. Assesment : Hughes, Arthur, 1941 :111-113 (Adams and Frith 1979:35-8)Testing for language teachers Accent


1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.

2. Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.

3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar and vocabulary.

4. Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding.

5. No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be taken for a native speaker.

6. Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent.”



1. Grammar almost entirely inaccurate phrases.

2. Constant errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.

3. Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.

4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causes misunderstanding.

5. Few errors, with no patterns of failure.

6. No more than two errors during the interview. Vocabulary


1. Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation.

2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc).

3. Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics.

4. Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interests; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions.

5. Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations.

6. Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker.



1. Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible.

2. Speech is very slow and uneven expect for short or routine sentences.

3. Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left uncompleted.

4. Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and groping for words.

5. Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speech and evenness.

6. Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s.



1. Understands too little for the simplest type of conversation.

2. Understands only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic topics; requires constant repetition and rephrasing.

3. Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue, but may require considerable repetition and rephrasing.

4. Understands quite well normal educated speech when engaged in a dialogue, but requires occasional repetition and rephrasing.

5. Understands everything in normal educated conversation expect for very colloquial or low-frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.


6. Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated of an educated native speaker.

Appendix 2b


Education Unit

: SMP Negeri 2 Lotu


: English


: VII (Seventh)/II

Time Allocation

: 2x 40 Minutes

A. Standard Competency :

Speaking The students are able to speak in functional oral text and short conversation.

B. Basic Competency : The students are able to convey the meaning in short functional oral text by using oral language in accurate figure, fluent, and accept with environtment.

C. Indicator

- To express and conveying the meaning in short functional oral text in some expressions such as exspession love by using oral language in accurate figure, accent, grammar vocabulary, fluency and comprehension, and accept with environtment

D. Goal

- The students are able to express their ideas, opinions, feelings and loving in daily activities, with certain

expressions such as, I love you, I miss you.

E. Materials

Exspression of love

F. Aspect/Skill


G. Teaching Methods : Content Based Instruction (CBI) especially in Theme Based Model, group discussion.

H. Teaching steps

Meeting I Time


Teaching activity

Allocation Opening (Pre-teaching-learning processes)

a. The researcher greets the students.

10 Minutes

b. The researcher checks the students’ present list.

a. The researcher prepares the material to the students.

b. The students are divided into groups.

c. The researcher introduces the material about expression of love.

d. The researcher asks the students experience about exspression of love.

e. The researcher asks the students to choose a theme related to expression of love.

f. The researcher asks the students in group to share their experience about expression love with their friends in group that related to the theme which determined by the students.

55 Minutes

g. The researcher asks the students to make a conversation by using expression love based on the theme which determined by


h. The students in group are invited to perform, to model, to express the expressions of love that obtain within conversation that have been made by them.

i. The researcher and the students take the conclusion together about the using of expression love based on the definition and example from the conversation that had been performed by the


j. The researcher improves the student’s mistake by considerating their proficiency description in accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

Closing (Post teaching-learning process)

a. The researcher asks the students to study at home.

17 Minutes

b. The researcher greets the students to close the teaching learning process.

Meeting II

Time No

Teaching activity

Allocation Opening (Pre-teaching-learning processes)

1 a. The researcher greets the students.

10 Minutes

b. The researcher checks the students’ present list.

a. The researcher reminds the students about expression of love.

b. The researcher asks the students background knowladge about exspression of love.

c. The researcher reminds the students about the definition of

55 Minutes exspression love.

d. The researcher reminds the students about the examples of exspression love.

e. The researcher gives posttest to the students in group.

f. The researcher records the students’ speaking in posttest.

Closing (Post teaching-learning process)

a. The researcher motivates the students.

3 b. The researcher closes the teaching-learning process

18 Minutes

c. The researcher greets the students to close the teaching learning process.

I. Teaching-Learning Media : Laptop, Board Marker, Whiteboard, Eraser, Textbook, Whiteboard, Manila paper. J. Sources of learning

: Buku Bahasa Inggris Menengah Pertama Kelas VII edisi 4

(Buku sekolah elektronik - BSE).

K. Assesment : Hughes, Arthur, 1941 :111-113 (Adams and Frith 1979:35-8)Testing for language teachers



1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.

2. Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.

3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar and vocabulary.

4. Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding.

5. No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be taken for a native speaker.

6. Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent.”



1. Grammar almost entirely inaccurate phrases.

2. Constant errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.

3. Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.

4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causes misunderstanding.

5. Few errors, with no patterns of failure.

6. No more than two errors during the interview.



1. Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation.

2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc).

3. Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics.

4. Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interests; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions.

5. Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations.

6. Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker.



1. Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible.

2. Speech is very slow and uneven expect for short or routine sentences.

3. Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left uncompleted.

4. Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and groping for words.

5. Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speech and evenness.

6. Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s.



1. Understands too little for the simplest type of conversation.

2. Understands only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic topics; requires constant repetition and rephrasing.

3. Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue, but may require considerable repetition and rephrasing.


4. Understands quite well normal educated speech when engaged in a dialogue, but requires occasional repetition and rephrasing.

5. Understands everything in normal educated conversation expect for very colloquial or low-frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.

6. Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated of an educated native speaker.




Appendix 5a 92


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: First group


: (Sports)

Members of group :

a) Erni Hidayanti Zega

b) Juniman Kasih Gea

c) Desri Valentina Zega

d) Meiman Sartika Sari Zega

e) Sevi Sri Adiliah Harefa

Erni : Our semester exam will soon be implemented,

Juniman : and after that extracurricular will be implemented as well.

Desri : It means we are ready to form a team for the type of sports that will be on duel later.

Sevi : I love football, I love it.

Meiman : I like to run 100 meters, I love it.

Erni : Then please select your friends to form a team.

Juniman : Okay, we will convey to other friends.

Desri : I like table tennis, I'll find my friend one team

Sevi : Well, thank you for the information.

Meiman : Good luck.

93 Appendix 5b


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Second group


: (Gifts for My Mom)

Members of group :

a) Desman Kristiawan Zega

b) Gantiniat Zega

c) Jernih Siang Rohani Zega

d) Oktini Hendra Yanti Zega

e) Yuslinda Sari Zega

Oktini : Good morning all, how are you?

All : Good morning also Tini, we are all good news.

Oktini : What are you talking about?

Desman : Because today is Mother's Day, so we talk about our gifts for our

mother, what you have prepared for your mom ?

Gantiniat : I prepared a special gift for my mother, because this Day mother my

mother would feel very happy.

Yuslinda : I'm very fond of my mother, she always loved me, lovingly without

Reply. Today I want to give my mother a favorite doll as gifts.

Jernih : I also, I will give my mother a doll. My mom is the best mom, each what she is saying to me I will always follow. I love you mom. Oktini

: Well, my friends our mother is the greatest mother, so let us appreciate, cherish, love our mother with love, let us friends. Agrees friends? All

: Yess ... !!!!!

Desman : Well, let's go home, and meeting our Mother now and give mom prize happy. All

: Come on guys.

94 Appendix 5c


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Third group


: (My favorite colours)

Members of group :

a) Cornelius Berkat Zega

b) Julisama Zega

c) Krisna Rahmat Suryani

d) Lince Restina Gea

e) Yusniar Ratna Sari Zega

Julisama : The classroom we are very lovely.

Krisna : Yes, beautiful and comfortable to learn.

Yusniar : It’s comfortable because the color looks very calm. I like the color, the color white.

Cornelius : Yes, the white color also my favorite color, I really like white colour.

Julisama : But to the classroom is suitably laundered color.

Krisna : Yeah, so it is like in heaven, all white.

Yusniar : Well, let’s we keep the cleanliness of our class friends. Let classrooms are still beautiful

Cornrlius : Yeah that's true friends.

95 Appendix 5d


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Fourth group


: (Film Passion)

Members of group :

1. Jitu Wartawan S H Zendrato

2. Piusteven T Zega

3. Jerlinius Zega

4. George Nolan Zaro Zega

5. Febri Pribudi Zega

Jitu : Friends, you already watch movies Tukang Bubur Naik Haji last night?

Piusteven : I have not, because our home electricity outages.

Jerlinius : I have, but only half. Because electrical outages. In fact it is my favorite movie, I love the movie.

Nolan : I also, the movie I really like Haji Muhidin especially my loyal fans.

Febri : Yeah, Haji Muhidin its role is sometimes funny, because he likes a sulk.

Jitu : But a good film, right?

Piusteven : Yes, every night I watch himr, I love the story of the film.

Jerlinius : And the characters, too, are well known. I was a fan of them.

Nolan : Wah, then the film Tukang Bubur Naik Haji have a lot of fans, a lot of love.


: Well, let’s we continue to watch the episode tonight.

96 Appendix 5e


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Fifth group


: (Loving Parents)

Members of group :

a) Borisman Zega

b) Omar Juentri Zega

c) Sri Putra Setia Harefa

d) Hasrat Selamat Gea

e) Prima Harlit Zega

Borisman : Good afternoon everyone.

All : Good afternoon, too.

Sri Putra : Why you are come late Boris? our discussion have been stared.

Borisman : I have a job with my mother, to buy vegetables and also Coffee for Dad.

Hasrat : Wow, you are a diligently person, and always pleasing parents.

Borisman : They are the best thing in my life. Anything which they say is for my brightly feature.

Omar : I'm glad to hear it, they are compassionate and never ask without rewards and compassionate without lamented. I love you dad and mom.

Prima : So, let us be a well man for our parents.

All : Agreed !!!!

97 Appendix 5f


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: First group


: (My Favorite Colours)

Members of group :

a) Erni Hidayanti Zega

b) Juniman Kasih Gea

c) Desri Valentina Zega

d) Meiman Sartika Sari Zega

e) Sevi Sri Adiliah Harefa

Erni : Hello my friends, sorry I come late. What are you talking about?

Desri : We're talking about the colors of our clothes.

Juniman : I have idea. Let’ us buy clothes according to our favorite colors.

Erni : That is a good idea my favorite color is yellow. I love it, I love yellow.

Sevi : Okay. I will choose a blue color. I really like and love the color.

Meiman : The red one is my favorite. I like it.

Desri : Wow, So, when we use the clothes we will full of colors. I will take the Orange, because that is my favorite. I love it

Juniman : Hahaha,..Yeah, but it’s very good.

Meiman : Yeah, So, when we will buy it?

Sevi : How about tomorrow?

Erni : Okay, let us buy it tomorrow.

98 Appendix 5g


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Second group


: (My Hobby)

Members of group :

a) Desman Kristiawan Zega

b) Gantiniat Zega

c) Jernih Siang Rohani Zega

d) Oktini Hendra Yanti Zega

e) Yuslinda Sari Zega

Jernih : Hello my friends,

Semua : Hay.

Yuslinda : friends, tomorrow let us play badminton?

Jernih : Okay. But, I cannot play badminton well, because my hobby is Swimming, I very love to swim.

Gantiniat : I can play badminton, I love it. I want to be like Susi Susanti.

Oktini : Wow. It’s amazing. Friends, I think we have a different hobby

Yuslinda : Yeah, So, what we will do?

Desman : My hobby is badminton. So, I can play with Yuslinda and Gantiniat.

Oktini : well. Tomorrow, you, Gantiniat and desman play badminton. While me and Other watches you because we have a different hobby. My hobby is Singing, I really love it.

Gantiniat : Kkay, I agreed

Desman : Yeah, See you tomorrow.

99 Appendix 5h


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Third group


: (Study English)

Members of group :

a) Cornelius Berkat Zega

b) Julisama Zega

c) Krisna Rahmat Suryani

d) Lince Restina Gea

e) Yusniar Ratna Sari Zega

Cornelius : Heiiii... Why are you doing?

Lince : Prepare my book to study English

Julisama : You love English?

Lince : Yes, I love to study English

I prepare anything to study about it.

Yusniar : Wow,, It’s amazing, I love it.

Cornelius : Yeah I think it’s amazing

Julisama : If like that, I want to study English.

Yusniar : Yeah, let us prepare anything.

100 Appendix 5i


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Fourth group


: (My Activities)

Members of group :

a) Jitu Wartawan S H Zendrato

b) Piusteven T Zega

c) Jerlinius Zega

d) George Nolan Zaro Zega

e) Febri Pribudi Zega

Nolan : Good morning all.

All : Good morning too Nolan.

Piusteven : What is that in your bag Nolan?

Nollan : That is a book, I borrow it from library. Because I like to read a book before I sleep.

Febri : Wow, I love it, it’s really amazing

Jerlin : Yeah, but, before I sleep I really like to listen music not reading.

I really love it.

Piusteven : I like to read a book But in the morning, not at night I really love it.

Febri : I like to read a book when there are some pictures inside. The picture are draw my attention to read. Really I love it.

Jerlin : Owh. It’s interesting

Nolan : Yeah. I think it’s really interesting.

Piusteven : So, my friends. If you like to read and listen a music, let’s do. Because it’s our activity

101 Appendix 5j


Work in group, try to comprehend, share and get the information about the topic below.

1. Expressions of love. Group

: Fifth group


: (My activities in the Morning)

Members of group :

a) Borisman Zega

b) Omar Juentri Zega

c) Sri Putra Setia Harefa

d) Hasrat Selamat Gea

e) Prima Harlit Zega

Sri Putra : Good morning my friends...

Omar : Good morning too Putra. What is it on your hand?

Hasrat : It is something that can we eat?

Sri Putra : Yes, This is Pop Mie. I really like to eat this, Pop Mie is my favorite Food I love it.

Prima : Owh,... But, I don’t like Pop Mie. Ifu Mie is my favorite food to eat.

I love it

Boris : Yeah,,.Ifu Mie is my favorite food to eat also.

I like to eat that in the morning, It’s really delicious

Hasrat : In the morning I like to drink not to eat. Drink a cup of tea that is my favorite.

I like it.

Prima : Owh,. So, we have a different appetite.

Omar : Yeah

I think it’s true Because I myself also, like to drink a glass of coffee in the morning.

















Appendix 8 118


Day / Date nd : Friday, 22 April 2016 Cycle / Meeting

: I/I


: Give a sign () at appropriate column.


1 The researcher greets the students.

2 The researcher introduces hisself for the

 students.

3 The researcher checks the students’ present

 list. The researcher prepares the interesting

 Based Model.

material to students related with Theme  -

5 The researcher divides the students into

 groups.

6 The researcher introduces the material about

 expression love.

The researcher asks the students experience

 about expression of love.

The students in group are invited to fulfil and

8 get the information about the material based

 on the theme that has been choosen by the

students. The students in group are invited to share the information about kinds of the expression that

9 will be used based on the theme and compare

 it with their friends in group after they get the

information about the theme. The researcher asks the students to make a

conversation by using some expressions  - based on the theme provided by them.























































Chrysman Jaya Mendrofa was born in Lasara Tanose’o on Mei 22 nd 1995. He is the third child from

Mr. Yasoziduhu Mendrofa A.Ma.Pd (Father) and Mrs. Mariani Lahagu (Mother). He has two brother, Cornelis Verdinan Mendrofa, Amd. Kep (old brother), Johan Erwin Mendrofa (young brother) and one sister Tuty Marnita Mendrofa Amd. Keb.

His education started from elementary school in SDN No.075020 Madula Fadoroyou in 2001 and graduated in 2006. Then, entering the Junior High School in SMP Negeri 1 Hiliduho and graduated in 2009. After graduated, he thought that he had to continue to the High School and entered SMA Negeri 1 Hiliduho and graduated in 2012.

Therefore he decided to continue his study in Institute of Teacher Training and Education of Gunungsitoli (IKIP). He chose English Education Department. He completed him study and also him thesis in 2016.

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