The Research Findings Discussions

B. The Research Findings Discussions

1. Common Response of the Problem

In the research, the problem is “How does Password Game increase the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary especially in reading skill at the eighth

grade semester II of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur ?” The common response in the research is Password Game increases the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in reading descriptive text especially in describing things by implementing the procedures of Password Game in teaching vocabulary in descriptive text especially in describing thing.

The research was done in two cycles. In Cycle I, the average of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in reading descriptive text especially in describing things was 53.33 and in Cycle II was 83.75. From the average of the students’ ability in each cycle, it can be found the increase of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in descriptive text especially in describing things. Even, the average of the students value showed that they had passed on Minimum Competence Criterion.

Therefore, the researcher concluded that Password Game increased the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary in descriptive text especially in describing things.

2. Analysis and Interpretation of the Research Findings

The interpretation of the research finding based on the result of the observation sheets and evaluation sheets are explained in this part. The researcher did the research in two cycles. In Cycle I the researcher started teaching and learning process by explaining the material and also the procedure of Password Game.

At the first meeting, the researcher did not had time to apply all the procedure of Password Game, also to detail the material to the students. So that, the first meeting of Cycle I did not show any increase of the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary. At the second meeting, the researcher continued the process of teaching- learning process by conducting the material from the previous meeting. The researcher evaluated the students by using Multiple-Choice test. Moreover, the higher score that the students got in Cycle I was 95 and the lower score was 10. While the

average of the students’ score was 53.33. and the result of the test was not quite successful, it was not satisfying because most of the students still failed.

The researcher continued the research in Cycle II. The researcher started from planning again and to the next step. At the first meeting, the researcher focused on teaching the material and applying the Password Game. At the second meeting, the researcher reviewed the material again. Then, the researcher evaluated the students. As the result of the second meeting of Cycle II, the average of the students is higher of MCC was 65 score, where the higher score that the students got was 100 and the lowest score was 70, while the average of the students’ score was 83.75. So, the

students were successful. In other words, the research was successful too. As the interpretation of research findings, the ability of the students’ in mastering vocabulary

especially the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur by using Password Game was increased. Based on the result of the research, the problems that had been identified were solved. So, the students were able to differentiate the part of speech. the students were able to pronounce the words. The students were able to identify the generic structure. The students were able to know some of vocabulary. The students especially the eighth grade of SMP Negeri 1 Lahewa Timur by using Password Game was increased. Based on the result of the research, the problems that had been identified were solved. So, the students were able to differentiate the part of speech. the students were able to pronounce the words. The students were able to identify the generic structure. The students were able to know some of vocabulary. The students

3. The Research Findings Versus the Latest Related Research

Makher (2013) searched about “The Effectiveness of Using Password Game toward Student’s Reading ability in Descriptive Text in the 7 th Grade students Junior

High School of Jogyakarta”. The differences of the latest research and the researcher’s research are the location of the research, the steps of the research, and the subject of the research. The latest research was done through Quantitative research. He presented and analyzed the data through two kinds of tests, they were pre-test and post-test. The pretest was gave before being taught by applying Password Game and post-test was gave after had been taught by applying Password Game. The pre-test was followed by 31 students of the experimental group. There were distinction steps toward Makher when applying Password Game, such as; The researcher divided students into pairs ( one student faced board, the other faced opposite way), students 1 gave student 2 clues for each vocabulary word based on concepts and ideas. Then, student 2 has to guess what vocabulary word was described by student 1.

Furthermore, the researcher allotted 40 minutes for conducting the pre-test. Based on the calculation result of the students score before being taught using Password Game, the mean score achieved by the students was 72.13, the mode score was 75, the median score was 74, and the standard deviation was 8.01. While, based on the calculation result of the students score after taught using Password Game, the Furthermore, the researcher allotted 40 minutes for conducting the pre-test. Based on the calculation result of the students score before being taught using Password Game, the mean score achieved by the students was 72.13, the mode score was 75, the median score was 74, and the standard deviation was 8.01. While, based on the calculation result of the students score after taught using Password Game, the

students’ ability in mastering vocabulary could increase.

4. The Research Findings Versus Theory

The finding of the research showed that the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary increased by using Password Game increased the students’ ability in

mastering vocabulary at the eighth grade of SMP N 1 Lahewa Timur. It is advocated by theory, Binggeli et al. (2009:75) stated, “Password game is

a game that helps the students develop vocabulary awareness and connects the words into the concepts”. This expert’s opinion stated that Password Game is a way to help

the students to increase their ability in mastering vocabulary. One of the theories of Butler (2003:242) about the advantages to the step of Password Game namely; to make the students develop their low intermediate and tobe active in their vocabulary in reading skill. While in the research finding from Cycle I until Cycle II, the students were not able to describe by Password Game in the oral and improve their learning ways in mastering vocabulary. In conducting the research, the researcher did not only focused on reading because the researcher also the students to increase their ability in mastering vocabulary. One of the theories of Butler (2003:242) about the advantages to the step of Password Game namely; to make the students develop their low intermediate and tobe active in their vocabulary in reading skill. While in the research finding from Cycle I until Cycle II, the students were not able to describe by Password Game in the oral and improve their learning ways in mastering vocabulary. In conducting the research, the researcher did not only focused on reading because the researcher also

The theory said to express many vocabulary words, it was helped the students’ to be active in mastering vocabulary. In fact, the students very crowd in applying the

game, some of the students did not active. Then, it was only suitable to the students’ ability in mastering vocabulary also need the longer time to guess the word to develop their vocabulary in reading skill.

On the other hand, the theories expected the researcher to teach the students by achieving the advantages of the step of Password Game in mastering vocabulary. The theories was not proven by the researcher, but in the research search the students in mastering vocabulary. However, it does not mean as a contradiction, but the researcher hopes that theory applied by the next researcher of his/her research in the next time.

5. The Research Findings Implication

After getting the result of the research, the researcher stated some implication of the research, as follows.

a) The researcher, as a report of the research and evidence that the game was successful applied in the school.

b) The students, as the stimulation to increase their willing to learn English in mastering vocabulary and a training tool to learn vocabulary to the next time.

c) The students could pass on MCC, before the researcher conducted the research, the students could not pass on MCC. But after the researcher conducted the research, the students could pass on MCC.

d) The students could indentify the generic structure and the students could describe how the characteristic of thing.

e) The English teacher knew one alternative to teach vocabulary to the students.

f) The readers, as the information and the motivation to make them more interest to learn English.

6. The Analysis of the Research Findings Limitation

In conducting the research, the researcher had some limitations that research finding as follows: (1) The researcher could not controll the students individually when applying the

game. (2) The students were interfere by others students in out class (the impact around environs). (3) The students were very crowd and made them did not concentrate in studying. (4) The availability of media in the school such as LCD Digital, so that the

researcher presented the material through copied sheets that took much time. (5) The lack of the students’ seriousness to do the test that is given by the researcher. So, the result of the research was not a constant result.