Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 63 Due to the rising production costs over the past year, it is with deep regret that we announce an increase in our rates. Beginning in March 1, the monthly subscription rate will be raised to Rp. 127.000 for readers in Greater Jakarta covering Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi and Rp.132.000 for readers in other parts of Indonesia. The retail price will be Rp. 6.500 per copy. Subscriber will continue to get the benefit of the monthly publications of The Weekender and Youths peak as part of the package. We realize that these increases come at a very inopportune time, but they are inevitable in order for the The Jakarta Post not only to maintain but also to strengthen our overall services, including our editorial content. We thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty and support of the newspaper 5. When will the tender probably be held? A. During March B. 3 March 2009 C. 26 February 2009 D. After March 3, 2009 E. 26 February 2009 up to 3 March 6. The following works are needed in the tender, except A. providing personnel B. providing equipment C. providing services D. requiring a contractor E. 300 km 2D onshore geophysics surveys 7. Where can the contractors, who are interested in the program, get the detail information about the tender? A. At Tender Committee B. At Non-SMPll Company Cooperative C. At Eni Office, Atrium Mulia 3 rd Floor. D. At 2D Onshore Seismic Survey Services. E. At Production Sharing Contractor of BPMIGAS Text 3 64 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 8. What does the announce ment tell us about? A. The understanding of the Jakarta Post subscribers. B. The increasing price of the Jakarta Post subscription C. The price of subscribing The Jakarta Post in Greater Jakarta. D. The subscribing price of the Jakarta Post will be Rp. 6.500 per month. E. The reducing price of subscribing the Jakarta Post from Rp. 132.000 to 127.000 in Greater Jakarta. 9. … they are inevitable in order for The Jakarta Post not only to maintain but also to strengthen our overall services, including our editorial content The underlined world is the same meaning as …. A. understandable B. unavoidable C. perceivable D. noticeable E. detectable 10. Why does the management rise the price? A. To rise production costs B. To satisfy the subscribers C. To benefit The Weekender and Youths. D. To cover the increasing production price E. To increase the number of the subscribers. Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 65 INTEL Pt Panggung electriccitrabuana JOINT STATEMENT Intel Corporation and PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana previously PT Panggung Electric Corporation are pleased to announce that the trade mark dispute involving the INTEL trade mark has been amicably resolved. Intel Corporation is the world leader in silicon innovation and develops technologies, products, and initiate to continually advance how people work and live. PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana is an integrated manufacturer of electrical and electronic products spanning Audio Products, VideoVisual Products, Media, plastic Injection and Electronic Furniture Products. Legal Representative Suryomurcitro Co. Suite 702 WiSMP Pondok Indah 2 Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda V-TA Pondok Indah Jakarta 12310 Tel: +62 21 769 7333 Text 4 11. What is the purpose of presenting the text to the readers? A. To promote Intel Corporation and PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana B. To announce that the trade mark disagreement has been overcome. C. To announce that Intel Corporation is the world leader in silicon innovation. D. To announce about the dispute between Intel Corporation and PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana E. To announce that PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana is an integrated manufacturer 12. PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana is an integrated manufacturer. The opposite of the underlined word is … A. equitable B. included C. combined D. separated E. incorporated 66 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C ANNOUNCEMENT ASSET RELEASE IN FORM OF SHARES Board of Directors of PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo “Company”, domiciled in Jakarta, hereby announces that the Company has sold and divested all of its shares in PT Jatis Solutions Ecom “Ecom” to Isaac SjahrirDjauhariJenie and JefriNedi. All transactions related to the sale and divestment of shares in Ecom had been completed as of the end of December 2008 and along with this announcement, the Company states officially that Ecom is not subsidiary or affiliates of the Company and no longer being a part of Jatis Group. The company further informs that all warrant, guarantees, and business Clients references given by the Company and or its subsidiary to Ecom shall become null and void; and that Ecom shall ceased to use the name, brand and trademark of “Jatis” by the end of March 2009 Any party who may concern and needs to have further information of such sale and divestment of shares may contact us in written to PT. Jati Piranti Solunsindo Sona Topas Tower Lt.5 Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav.26 Jakarta 12920 Attn. Corporate Communication nurina.saraswatijatis .com This announcement is made in order to fulfill the stipulation under Article 133 2 Law of Republic Indonesia Number 40 year 2007 regarding Company Law. Jakarta, 19 January 2009 Board of Director PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo 13. How do they overcome their idea differences? A. cruelly B. cordially C. sarcastically D. unsuccessfully E. in unfriendly manner Text 5 14. What is the announcement about? A. The sale of shares of PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo B. The sale and divestment Jatis Solutions Ecom C. Law of Republic Indonesia Number 40 year 2007 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 67 D. The changes of name PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo into PT Jatis Solutions Ecom. E. The changes of name PT. Jatis Solutions Ecom into PT Jati PirantiSolusindo 15. Who isare the buyers of the shares? A. Clients B. PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo C. PT Jatis Solutions Ecom D. Attn.Corporate Communication E. Isaac SjahrirDjauhariJenie and JefriNedi. 16. The following are the effects of this shares release, except… A. The Company is no longer part of Jatis Group B. Ecom does not affiliate of PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo C. Ecom is not subsidiary of PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo. D. All warrant, guarantees, and business to Ecom are cancelled and revoked. E. PT Jatis Solutions will be responsible for all information about the share release. 17. When will Ecom use new name? A. April 1, 2009. B. 19 January 2009 C. by the end of March 2009 D. the end of December 2008 E. Soon after this announcement published 18. If there is any group would like to get information about the shares release, who will be responsible to answer? A. PT. Jati PirantiSolusindo B. PT Jatis Solutions Ecom C. Attn.Corporate Communication 68 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C D. Clients and Business References. E. Isaac SjahrirDjauhariJenie and JefriNedi.

F. Rangkuman

Notice adalah teks fungsional pendek short functional text yang berfungsi untuk memberikan larangan, peringatan, panduan instruksi, informasi serta ajakan kepada publik agar mentaati dan mengikutinya. Notice dapat berupa tanda symbol atau tulisan yang bermakna peringatan atau pengumuman. Ada beberapa contoh notice yang sering kita temukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari antara lain prohibition larangan, caution peringatan, dan informational notice pemberitahuan. Announcement pengumuman merupakan suatu pernyataan yang berisi informasi tentang suatu acara atau peristiwa. Announcement terdiri dari 2 jenis, spoken announcement pengumuman lisan dan written announcement pengumuman tertulis. Keduanya, baik lisan maupun tulisan yang ditujukan untuk memberikan informasi tertentu kepada orang banyak.

G. Umpan Balik

Setelah membaca modul pada bagian ini Anda diminta untuk memberi umpan balik dengan menjawab beberapapertanyaan berikut ini. 1. Materi apa saja yang telah anda kuasai pada bagian ini? 2. Kegiatan bagian manakah yang menurut Anda menarik untuk dipelajari? Berilah alas an singkat. Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 69 3. Apakah Anda menemukan kesulitan dalam memahami isi materi ini? Jika Ya, Bagaimana cara Anda mencari pemecahan masalahnya?

H. Kunci Jawaban

I. Essay 1. Any suitable answer is accepted 2. Any suitable answer is accepted II. Multiple Choice 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. D 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. A 15. E 16. E 17. A 18. A Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 71 KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 4 PUNCTUATION AND CAPITALIZATION

A. Tujuan

Pada akhir pembelajaran peserta mampu menguasai materi, struktur, konsep, dan pola piker keilmuan terkait penggunaan tanda baca dan ejaan dalam teks Notice dan Announcement.

B. Indikator Pencapakaian Kompetensi

Menggunakan tanda baca dan ejaan dalam teks fungsional pendek dengan benar .

C. Uraian Materi Pengertian dan Macam Punctuation Tanda Baca

1. Pengertian Punctuation

Punctuation merupakan tanda baca yang harus diperhatikan dalam menyusin teks fungsional pendek berbentuk notice, letter maupun announcement. Punctuation terbagi menjadi 2, punctuation marks dan capital letters. English punctuation tanda baca dalam bahasa Inggris yang paling sering digunakan antara lain: full stop titik, comma koma, ellipsis titik-titik, colon titik dua, semicolon titik koma, question mark tanda tanya, exclamation mark tanda seru, quotation marks tanda kutip, hyphen tanda sambung, slash garis miring, parentheses kurung, dan apostrophe .

2. Penjelasan dan Contoh Macam-Macam Punctuation

Beberapa macam punctuation beserta penjelasan singkat dan contohnya adalah sebagai berikut. 72 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C Punctuation Penjelasan dan Contoh Full Stop . Full stop digunakan untuk mengakhiri kalimat yang berupa pernyataan, digunakan dengan abbreviation singkatan, dan indirect question pertanyaan tak langsung. 1. Contoh Penggunaan: That woman is only about 5 ft. tall. Wanita itu hanya setinggi 5 kaki. Comma , Punctuation ini digunakan untuk memisahkan tigalebih item berurutan, memisahkan non-essential relative clause dari main clause, memisahkan adverbial conjunction di dalam kalimat, dsb. 2. Contoh Penggunaan: Tita invited her best friend, Lia, Esti and me, to her graduation ceremony. Tita mengundang sahabat-sahabatnya, Lia, Esti, dan saya ke wisudanya. Ellipsis … Punctuation ini berguna untuk menunjukkan adanya bagian yang hilang pada direct quotation kutipan langsung dan untuk memutus suatu quot speech kutipan perkataan. 3. Contoh Penggunaan: “Nobody can imagine…”, Lia said. “Tak seorangpun dapat membayangkan…”, Kata Lia. Colon : Colon berguna untuk memisahkan general statement pernyataan umum dengan following specifics rincian. 4. Contoh Penggunaan: To make the delicious meatball, we need food ingredients as follow: meat, flour, water, garlic, salt, and pepper. Untuk membuat bakso lezat tsb, kita butuh bahan- bahan makanan sebagai berikut: daging, tepung, air,