Aktivitas Pembelajaran LatihanKasusTugas MODUL.INGGRIS.KKC.1.LIA

Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 79 C. Lynn is going to play the song Yesterday by Paul McCartney for her piano solo. 19. A. His favorite classic novel is Moby Dick by Melville. B. His favorite classic novel is Moby Dick by Melville. C. His favorite classic novel is Moby Dick byMelville. 20. A. Our class is studying John Keats poem Ode ona Grecian Urn. B. Our class is studying John Keats poem Ode ona Grecian Um. C. Our class is studying John Keats poem, Ode ona Grecian Um.

E. Select the sentence that uses commas, colons, andsemi-colons correctly.

21. A. Murray missed work again on Monday, Tuesday he was fired. B. Murray missed work again on Monday: Tuesday he was fired. C. Murray missed work again onMonday; Tuesday he was fired. 22. A. Iam making three desserts for the party:eclairs, strawberry tarts, and chocolate cake. B. Iam making three desserts for the party,eclairs, strawberry tarts, and chocolate cake. C.Iam making three desserts for the party; eclairs, strawberry tarts, and chocolate cake. 23. A. Caroline has never, as you know; been interested in sports. B. Caroline has never; as you know, been interested in sports. C. Caroline has never, as you know, been interested in sports. 24. A. The three winners of the contest were Ann,Lee,and Carlotta. B. The three winners of the contest were:Ann,Lee,and Carlotta. C. The three winners of the contest were;Ann,Lee,and Carlotta. 80 Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 25. A. Ahnh as always given one person credit for her success:,her father. B. Ahnh as always given one person credit for her success; her father. C. Ahnh as always given one person credit for her success, her father. F. Select the correct punctuation mark for each situation listed. Someanswers maybe used more than once. A. Period B. Commas C. Quotation marks D. Italicsunderlining E. Colon F.Semicolon G. Hyphen H.Exclamation Point 26. __ Used to join two sentences when acoordination conjunction is not used. 27. __ Used for the title of a short story or poem. 28. __ Used after words or sentences expressing strong feeling. 29. __ Used to enclose the exact words of a speaker. 30. __ Used for the name of a newspaper or magazine. 31. __ Used for the name of a work of art. 32. __ Used to separate the part so fan address from each other and from the sentence. 33. __ Used between two words that act as one description. 34. __ Used between a complete sentence and a list that follows or complete sit. 35. __ Used to indicate a song title. Modul Guru Pembelajar Bahasa Inggris Kelompok Kompetensi Profesional C 81

F. Rangkuman

Punctuation merupakan tanda baca. English punctuation tanda baca dalam bahasa Inggris yang paling sering digunakan antara lain: full stop titik, comma koma, ellipsis titik-titik, colon titik dua, semicolon titik koma, question mark tanda tanya, exclamation mark tanda seru, quotation marks tanda kutip, hyphen tanda sambung, slash garis miring, parentheses kurung, dan apostrophe.

G. Umpan Balik dan Tindak Lanjut

Pada bagian ini, Anda akan melakukan refleksi terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari pada Kegiatan Pembelajaran 4. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut: 1. Materi apa yang telah Anda kuasai setelah mempelajari Modul ini? 2. Bagian manakah yang menurut Anda paling menarik ATAU sulit untuk dipelajari. Beri alasan singkat. H. Kunci Jawaban Latihan B No Jawaban No Jawaban 1 B 5 C 2 C 6 A 3 C 7 B 4 B 8 A Latihan C No Jawaban 9 B 10 B 11 A