Sample Integration Modules Creating a Custom SP Integration Engine

Integrating with Third-Party Identity and Access Management Modules 10-25 ■ Set engine as the Web Context of the authentication engine ■ Set domainintegration.jsp as the Login Relative Path of the SP integration engine ■ Select the authentication mechanism to use if a local authentication procedure needs to occur during the assertion processing this can happen when Federated Identities are used to map the assertion to a user record, if the Federation record does not exist: in this case, the user will need to be locally authenticated in order to perform the one-time operation that will create the record 5. Save your changes. Implementation of domainapplication.jsp page buffer=5 autoFlush=true session=false page language=java, java.util. response.setHeaderCache-Control, no-cache; response.setHeaderPragma, no-cache; response.setHeaderExpires, Thu, 29 Oct 1969 17:04:19 GMT; Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies; String userid = null; Date timeout = null; forint i = 0, size = cookies = null ? cookies.length : 0; i size; i++ { String name = cookies[i].getName; if spintegrationcookie.equalsname{ String value = cookies[i].getValue; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizervalue, ; userid = st.nextToken; timeout = new DateLong.parseLongst.nextToken; break; } } if userid == null || userid.length == 0 {, TEST_ENGINE_ID;, Boolean.TRUE;, enginedomainapplication.jsp; request.getSession.getServletContext.getContextfed.getRequestDispatcher spstartsso.forwardrequest, response; return; } Welcome =userid. You are logged until =timeout Implementation of domainintegration.jsp page buffer=5 autoFlush=true session=false page language=java import=java.util. response.setHeaderCache-Control, no-cache; response.setHeaderPragma, no-cache; response.setHeaderExpires, Thu, 29 Oct 1969 17:04:19 GMT; String userid =; String targetURL = See Also: Section 5.16, Configuring SP Integration Modules