Click Apply. Configuring Oracle Identity Federation

Security 8-5 1. Log in to Fusion Middleware Control and navigate to the Oracle Identity Federation instance.

2. Navigate to Administration, then Server Properties.

3. In the Outbound Connections section under SSL Settings, enter the values of these two properties: ■ WebLogic Server Identity Keystore Password - the password of the identity keystore you entered in the Oracle WebLogic Server configuration. ■ WebLogic Server Trust Keystore Password - the password of the trust keystore you entered in the Oracle WebLogic Server configuration. If this property is left empty, the trust keystore will be opened without a password. Alternative Way to Configure Oracle Identity Federation as SSL Client

If you do not wish to enter identity and trust keystore information in the Oracle WebLogic Server configuration, there is an alternate way to configure Oracle Identity Federation as an SSL Client when connecting to remote SSL servers. With this approach, you will need to use the Oracle Identity Federation WLST commands or MBeans to set certain configuration properties. You will also need to enter the keystore passwords in the credential store. Setting properties in Oracle Identity Federation configuration

You will need to set these five serverconfig properties to the following values: ■ usewlssslconfig - false ■ clientsslkeystoreloc - the path and filename of the identity keystore. The path can be absolute or relative to the domain home. ■ clientsslkeystoretype – the identity keystore type. If no type is specified, the type is assumed to be JKS. ■ clientssltruststoreloc – the path and filename of the trust keystore. The path can be absolute or relative to the domain home. ■ clientssltruststoretype – the trust keystore type. If no type is specified, the type is assumed to be JKS. Example: Using the WLST commands setConfigPropertyserverconfig, usewlssslconfig, false, BOOLEAN setConfigPropertyserverconfig, clientsslkeystoreloc, usrlocalsslkeystore, STRING setConfigPropertyserverconfig, clientsslkeystoretype, JKS, STRING setConfigPropertyserverconfig, clientssltruststoreloc, usrlocalssltruststore, STRING setConfigPropertyserverconfig, clientssltruststoretype, JKS, STRING See Chapter 9, Oracle Identity Federation Command-Line Tools for details about WLST command usage. Example: Using the MBeans In the ConfigMXBean with name serverconfig, invoke the putProperty operation five times with the following arguments: Property Name Property Value Property Type usewlssslconfig false BOOLEAN