Focus Group Interview 1 Classroom Observation

Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

3.3.5 Focus Group Interview

The last source of the data in this study was interview. Interview is as a set of questions directly pointed to participants to get the required information Alwasilah, 2009. According to Mills 2007, the interview is a useful tool to collect data about the participants from their perspective. The interview is also said as a classic way in research to conduct a conversation that explores the focus area Burns, 2004. In this research, the researcher used a focus group interview. The main purpose of conducting focus group interview is to gather responses which are richer and more informative than questionnaire data Koshy, 2005. It was employed to elaborate those data from classroom observation and questionnaire. This is because when a researcher conducts an interview, the researcher will have a chance to paraphrase the questions that might be not comprehensible. Moreover, a researcher is able to propose follow-up questions. In conducting the focus group interview, the researcher used guided or semi- structured interview as suggested by Burns 2004. Regarding this, Merriam 1998 says that the use of semi-structured interview is more flexible since it has a big possibility to get deep information by using less structured questions. The guided or semi structured interview was conducted by the researcher at the end of the study. Ten semi-structured questions designed to evaluate the implementation of GBA in teaching writing and students’ attitudes toward the implementation of GBA to the teaching descriptive text writing. The interview questions were somewhat similar to the questions in the questionnaire in terms of the topics, i.e. writing, teaching writing and implementation of GBA. The interview with the students lasted 20 minutes. In this case, nine students were selected for the focus group interview based on their writing results, three high achievers, three middle achievers, and three low achievers. They were interviewed together. This wa s done to reduce students’ nervousness and to promote the students’ expression Alwasilah, 2002. The interview was conducted in Indonesian language to allow participants express their ideas in a more elaborated way. In the interview, the researcher used a recorder with the Efrita Marthalena BR. Saragih Sumbayak, 2014 Implementation Of Genre-Based Approach In The Teaching Of Descriptive Text Writing Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | | agreement of the students to avoid the loss of the data and enable the researcher to transcribe it later. Tape-recording also makes it possible for the researcher to give full attention to the context of the interview Koshy, 2005. Thus, it was enabled the researcher to analyze the data in depth Silverman, 2005.

3.4 Data Analysis