Language use Language attitude

4.3 Muthuvan questionnaire results and analysis

4.3.1 Language use

The results of the language use questionnaire are summarised in table 14. All 33 subjects responded to each of the questions. Table 14. Domains of Muthuvan language use Qn Domains MT Both LWC LWC and Tamil Tamil Their language 2a With parents 33 100 - - - - - 2b With their children 31 94 2 6 - - - - 2c With village friends 27 82 6 18 - - - - 2d With outsiders 1 3 - 18 55 10 32 - 4 12 2e Private prayer 27 84 2 a 6 1 3 - 2 6 - 3c By children while playing 31 94 2 6 - - - - a One subject mentioned both MT and Tamil At least 82 of Muthuvan subjects responded that they usually use their mother tongue in each domain they were asked about, with the exception of speaking with outsiders. It is unlikely that many outsiders know the Muthuvan language. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Muthuvan usually use Malayalam or Tamil with outsiders. The overall results show that the mother tongue is often used among the Muthuvan people for communication amongst themselves and that they depend on either Malayalam or Tamil whenever they want to communicate with outsiders.

4.3.2 Language attitude Attitude towards mother tongue compared with LWC Qn.5. Which is your favourite language? MT Malayalam Both MT and Tamil Tamil 17 52 8 24 5 15 1 3 2 6 Half of the subjects expressed that they like their mother tongue better than any other language. Another 18 of the subjects stated that they equally like both their mother tongue and another language either Malayalam or Tamil. Qn.7. What language do your people young people like to speak when they go out? MT Malayalam Both 17 52 9 27 7 21 The objective of this question was to investigate perceptions regarding the attitudes of young people about their mother tongue. Half of the subjects believe that youth speak their mother tongue amongst themselves when they go out. Nine subjects 27 reported the use of the LWC, five of whom are young subjects themselves. Seven other subjects 21 reported that the young people speak both Muthuvan and Malayalam when they go outside of their settlement. Most of the 16 subjects that claimed that young people like to speak Malayalam or both Muthuvan and Malayalam, while outside their village, were young educated people. The results may indicate that young Muthuvan people have a generally positive attitude towards their mother tongue. However, it seems that those that are educated are more likely to use Malayalam either exclusively or in conjunction with Muthuvan while they travel from their village. Qn.8. Would your old people be happy if young people spoke MalayalamTamil in the home? Yes No Indifferent answer Other responses 19 58 7 21 4 12 3 9 The objective of this question was to learn about perceptions of the attitudes of old people towards the use of Malayalam and Tamil. Many subjects reported that old people are not troubled by the use of Malayalam or Tamil in the home. Nearly half of the 17 older subjects reported that they are not bothered by the use of these LWCs in the home. The majority of the subjects, including older people, believe that older Muthuvan people have an open mind towards the use of LWCs in the home. Qn.13. Do you feel that the Muthuvan language is as good as MalayalamTamil? Yes No 31 97 1 3 This question was asked to compare the disposition of subjects towards their mother tongue with their feelings about LWCs. Nearly every subject said that they feel that their language is as good as the LWCs of their area. Attitude for continuing their mother tongue Qn.6. Do young people in your community feel good about your language? Yes No Other responses 29 88 1 3 3 9 The rationale for this question was to learn about the attitudes of the younger generation towards their mother tongue. A majority of the subjects 88 reported that young people feel good about their language. This attitude may help ensure that their mother tongue will continue to be spoken in the coming years. Qn.9. What language should a Muthuvan woman use with her young child? MT Malayalam Both 31 94 1 3 1 3 This question was asked to see if Muthuvan mothers prefer to pass on their language to the next generation. Almost all subjects expressed that they believe Muthuvan women should speak to their young children in her mother tongue. The responses clearly indicate that the Muthuvan people have the desire to pass their language on to succeeding generations. Qn.10. Would you be happy if your child only spoke MalayalamTamil? Yes No Happy and unhappy Neutral feelings Other responses 12 37 11 33 2 6 6 18 2 6 This question was asked to know how the Muthuvan people might feel if coming generations were to stop speaking their mother tongue in favour of an LWC. A number of subjects seemed to find it difficult to give a clear-cut answer to this question. Strictly speaking, it can be said that only 37 of the subjects directly said that they would feel happy if their children chose to only speak Malayalam or Tamil. Attitude towards varieties of their mother tongue Qn.12a. In which settlement is the Muthuvan language spoken most purely? All are same Tamil Muthuvan Malayalam Muthuvan Don’t know Nowhere 11 34 13 41 4 13 3 9 1 3 The objective of this question was to find which Muthuvan speech variety is best accepted by the subjects. This may help to assess the attitude that subjects have towards their local variety, as well as towards other varieties of Muthuvan. A number of subjects said that the purest Muthuvan variety is spoken in their own area. Many Tamil Muthuvan and Malayalam Muthuvan subjects reported that their own variety is the purest. However, two Malayalam Muthuvan subjects reported that Marayoor a Tamil Muthuvan village is the best place to hear their language spoken purely. None of the Tamil Muthuvan subjects mentioned Malayalam Muthuvan settlements. Eleven subjects 34, all of whom were from Tamil Muthuvan villages, reported that all the varieties are the same. It should be noted that a majority of the questionnaire subjects were from Tamil Muthuvan settlements. Qn.12b. Why do you say that it is pure? Only 11 subjects were asked this question. Many different answers were given. The reasons that people gave for why they like the variety spoken in their area were: they can understand it easily; they like the style in which it is spoken; and because there is no mixing with other languages. The two Malayalam subjects who preferred the way their language is spoken in a Tamil Muthuvan village said they like it because it is mixed with Tamil. A few other Malayalam Muthuvan people on the other hand mentioned that they like their own variety because other people mix their language with Tamil. Qn.12c. In which settlement is the next purest Muthuvan language spoken? Only a few subjects were asked this question. Their responses were similar to those they gave for question 12a discussed above. Both Tamil Muthuvan and Malayalam Muthuvan subjects referred to other settlements in their respective areas.

4.3.3 Language vitality