Political Aspects Social Historical Aspects 1. Social Aspect

I soon added a job at a w at ch repair shop, w here I w orked about 20 hours a w eek for 10, 25 t akehome pay TLB:159. It can be concluded t hat David lived in hard t ime w it h difficul economy condit ion. The t ime w hen t he books w ere w rit t en w as at recession t ime. The book also ment ioned about great depression.

3. Political Aspects

The Unit ed St at es is a federal const it ut ional republic in w hich t he President , Congress, and judiciary share pow ers reserved t o t he nat ional government , and t he federal government shares sovereignt y w it h t he st ate government s. Polit ic can be divided int o t w o namely domest ic policy and foreign policy. Domest ically, American policy is broken dow n int o t hree: legislat ive, execut ive, and judiciary. Legislat ive pow er is vested in t he t w o chambers of Congress, t he Senat e and t he House of Represent at ives. The execut ive branch is headed by t he President and is independent of t he legislat ure. The judiciary branch, composed of t he Supreme Court . The judiciary’s funct ion is t o int erpret t he Unit ed St at es Const it ut ion and federal law s and regulat ions. This includes resolving disput es bet w een t he execut ive and legislat ive branches. There are major differences bet w een t he polit ical syst em of t he Unit ed St at es and t hat of most ot her developed democracies. These include great er pow er in t he upper house of t he legislat ure, a w ider scope of pow er held by t he Supreme Court , t he separat ion of pow ers bet w een t he legislat ure and t he execut ive, and t he dominance of only t w o main part ies. The t w o polit ical part ies, t he Democrat ic Part y and t he Republican Part y, have dominat ed American polit ics since t he American Civil War. These t w o part ies have w on every Unit ed St at es president ial elect ion since 1852 and have cont rolled t he Unit ed St at es Congress since at least 1856. Among t he t w o major part ies, t he Democrat ic Part y generally posit ions it self as left - of-cent er in American polit ics and support s a modern liberal plat form , w hile t he Republican Part y generally posit ions it self as right -of-cent er and support s a conservat ive plat form. Ideology held by t he U.S. is capit alism and met hod of t he dist ribut ion is imperialism, and t his is t he U.S. foreign policy. In dealing w it h ot her count ries, t he Unit ed St at es use t he mission of offering cooperat ion, friendship and assist ance. The cooperat ion, friendship, and assist ance w ere in a variet y aspect such as in educat ion or cult ure. Ot herw ise, America w ill send it s t roops and int elligence t o know how t he pot ent ial, st rengt h, w eakness, and an import ant part of a count ry. No doubt , America w ill also deploy American m ilit ary reinforcement s t o dest roy anyt hing. How ever, American foreign policy is illust rat ed in t he book A M an Nam ed Dave . The book A Child Called it and The Lost Boy do not ment ion polit ical aspect . The polit ical aspect ment ioned is only foreign policy not domest ic policy. It is st at ed about Saddam Husein’s invasion t o Kuw ait in w hich America involved in t his w ar. America supposed t o help t he w orld t o solve t he cont rovercial. The Invasion of Kuw ait w as a major conflict bet w een t he Republic of Iraq and t he St at e of Kuw ait . Kuw ait w as a close ally of Iraq during t he Iraq- Iran w ar. In 1990, Iraq accused Kuw ait of st ealing Iraqi pet roleum t hrough slant drilling. In addit ion, t he w ar w as caused by Kuw ait reject ion t o get a rid of Iraq’s debt . The invasion st art ed on 2 August 1990, and w it hin t w o days of int ense combat . The invasion of Kuw ait w as w on by Iraq. Kuw ait became t he 19t h province of Iraq by t he name of Al-M it la Saddamiyat on August 28, 1990. Aft erw ards, Kuw ait asked America help and t hen it lead t o Gulf War. In helping Kuw ait , t he Unit ed St at es sent t roops t o Saudi Arabia. David as one of American t roops sw ept aw ay his problems in marriage and concent rat ed t o his t ask involving int o t he w ar. David received count less briefings, varying from chemical w arfare defense t o his t ask of refueling t he St ealt h Fight ers. In August 1990, Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuw ait shifted my priorities. AM ND: 216 David had import ant role in flying his plane. The various fight er aircraft could not fly t o t heir t argets w it hout David’s plane’s fuel. David’s life w as also skat e. The possibilit y t o die w as big because t he Boeing t anker David flied had t he makings of a prime t arget. It cont ained gas w hich be easily exploded if it got a hit . Because it w as a flying gas st at ion in t he sky, if enem y aircraft hit David’s plane, he w ould be vaporized from t he explosion AM ND: 216. Wit h many problems he facing, David never gave up. He w ould concent rat e t o do his t ask and t ry his best . He w ould complet e his t ask and convicing himself t o come back home safely. He would gat her w it h his family again. I had t o set aside m y m ixed em ot ions about my m arriage and focus on doing m y part and com ing hom e alive AM ND: 217. How ever, David felt difficult t o leave his son. He ensured St ephen his son t hat he w ould be back. The enemy w ould not be able t o make him die. They w on’t shoot us dow n, St ephen. If t hey do, w e w on’t blow up. I’ll use m y parachut e. Once on t he ground, I’ll evade. They’ll never t ake m e prisoner. If t hey do, I’ll escape. If I can’t escape, I’ll be fine. I’ll com e back. No m at t er what happens, I’ll com e back. AM ND: 217 David sent t o Arab Saudi in 1991. America fight ed t ow ard Iraq w it h t he coalit ion had st ronger air st rengt h t han Iraq’s. Therefore, t he mission of coalision t o at t ack Iraq became rounit e. As it t urned out , t hough, aft er t he first couple of w eeks, t he coalit ion m aint ained air superiorit y over Iraq, and t he missions becam e routine AM ND: 218. David involved int o Gulf War is reflect ed in t his book. His mind w as full of St ephen. He w as afraid of St ephen being hurt ed. He couldn’t sleep soundly during t he w ar. Aft er that m orning, and on ot hers t o follow , I never slept as soundly as I did w hen I served in t he gulf w ar AM ND: 218. On February 27, 1991, Coalit ion forces succeeded in liberat ing Kuw ait from Iraq and President Bush declared t he w ar over. David came back from Arab Saudi in M arch 1991. I ret urned from Saudi Arabia in M arch 1991 AM ND: 218. The realit y bet w een America and it s people can be draw n as w hat David had experienced w it h t he mot her w ho could force David t o do everyt hing she ever w ant ed. The mot her is symbolized as America w ho can force someone and David is as t he people w ho is forced t o obey rules.

4. Religious Aspects

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